Tag: hospitals
Congress Should Act to Save Health Care Costs
As a mother of a young family, escalating health care costs and their impact on our budget are always at the top of my mind. Families like mine across the country continue to struggle as prices for health services are...
CA Lawmakers Targeting Kids and Working Classes for Mandatory COVID Vaccines
“Dr. Richard Pan Introduces Measure to Keep Schools Open and Safe,” reads the headline on Sen. Richard Pan’s official Senate website. And then the truth comes next: “Bill Would Close Personal Exemption Loophole for COVID-19 School Vaccinations, Builds on Success...
Don’t Disregard Our COVID-19 Sacrifices by Raising Taxes on Disinfectants
During this past year, my fellow nurses and I have been on the front lines helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Like so many other frontline workers, we have all made huge personal sacrifices. As some nurses have traveled across the...
You Shouldn’t Need to be a Private Investigator to Determine Healthcare Prices
After the COVID-19 pandemic ends, the epidemic of high and hidden healthcare prices plaguing ordinary Americans will remain. Though it rarely makes it to the top of the 24-hour news cycle, fixing the U.S. healthcare system, which is devouring the...
Sacramento Sets the Rules, Now They Own the Outcome
Has shuttering businesses and crushing livelihoods worked to control the virus, in California? Obviously not. If businesses aren’t spreading the virus, what is? Dr. Ghaly, the head of the California’s Health and Human Service Agency, response to where people are...
Californians Trying to Get Back to Work Have Been Criminalized by Governor
‘The First Amendment is my permit’ When the California Legislature reconvenes after being recessed for 7-8 weeks during the statewide COVID-19 lockdown, expect to see a complete political meltdown. And finger pointing. And overreactions. And an ongoing lack of...