Tag: Inside safe failure
Los Angeles Homeless Count Falls By 2.2% According To Latest Homeless Count
A new study released by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Friday found that the number of homeless in the City of Los Angeles fell by 2.2% from last year. The overall number in Los Angeles County went down by...
LA City Council Approves Evaluation of Creating a Department Of Homelessness
The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously 13-0 to begin evaluating the creation of a Department of Homelessness on Tuesday, to better centralize overseeing homeless initiatives in the city. In recent years, the homeless situation in LA and LA County...
LA Mayor Bass’ Newly Touted Homeless Measures Face Backlash
Backlash against Mayor Karen Bass’ Monday State of the City Address continued on Wednesday, with many residents and analysts charging that her new plans to alleviate homelessness would only result in more failure. Bass’s series of failed homeless initiatives dates...
2024 Los Angeles Official Homeless Count Begins
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) began their 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. The count is expected to not just show if the number of homeless people increased in both Los Angeles County and the city of L.A....
Homeless In Karen Bass’ Los Angeles
This week, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass celebrated her first year in office, and highlighted the “success” of her Inside Safe project. However, as the Globe and other outlets have pointed out, her program has been far from a success,...
LA Mayor Karen Bass Celebrates One Year In Office Despite Homeless Program Failures
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass celebrated one year in office on Tuesday, with many Angelinos reflecting negatively because of her failure to improve the growing homeless problem in the city. In November 2022, Bass narrowly defeated developer Rick Caruso and...