Tag: Judges
How Do You Solve a Problem Like CEQA?
The following was a three part series on the impact of the California Environmental Quality Act on development in California and ways to potentially improve the law. It is written in response to hearings conducted over the past three months...
How Do You Solve a Problem Like CEQA? Part Two
This is the second of a three part series on the impact of the California Environmental Quality Act on development in California and ways to potentially improve the law. It is written in response to hearings conducted over the past...
How Do You Solve a Problem Like CEQA? Part One
Part One – How CEQA Has Made California Unaffordable The following is the first of a three part series on the impact of the California Environmental Quality Act on development in California and ways to potentially improve the law. It...
Required Financial Disclosure of California Public Officials
As part of California’s conflict of interest laws, certain disclosure must be made. They are contained in Government Code Title 9, Chapter 7, Article 2, which contains Sections 87200 to 97210. Section 87200 provides that Article 2 is applicable to...
Unique Aspects of California’s Electoral System
In California stated government, there are nine constitutional offices elected statewide, as well as 120 legislative seats. Constitutional officers are limited to serving two four-year terms in each office. Having to run statewide is a major cost driver in fundraising...