Tag: Rebecca Friedrichs
Gov. Newsom Destroys Parents’ Rights; Elon Musk Announces Move of SpaceX from CA
By Rebecca Friedrichs and Roger Ruvolo What would inspire Elon Musk to post: “This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ...
From the Cheap Seats: Meltdown in California Continues
Tuesday, July 16 was another big day in state politics, as the ongoing meltdown in California was met with a sharp response from Elon Musk. Musk announced his intention to move the headquarters of both X (formerly Twitter) and SpaceX...
Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Dangerous Parent Secrecy Bill AB 1955
Is California slated to become Gov. Gavin Newsom’s gender transition sanctuary state? Gov. Newsom just signed Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), the bill to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” or...
The Curious Case of CA Schools Superintendent Tony Thurmond and Daniel Lee
In 2021 (or thereabouts), California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond had an idea – let’s form an Office of Equity in the California Department of Education, or CDE. Thurmond also knew the perfect person to run said office...
SacBee Calls Parents ‘Angry, Violent, Toxic’ While Touting City’s New Community Organizer Hire
The Sacramento Bee recently published a news article calling angry and frustrated California parents “violent” and “toxic extremists.” Within days the Bee published another article touting Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s latest hire: a former Community organizer to run Sacramento’s new...
School Walkout: ‘Government Is Not A Co-Parent’ rally At State Capitol Monday
The “Government Is Not A Co-Parent” rally At California’s State Capitol Monday was vast. The “Statewide School Walkout” rally was exactly what it professed it would be: moms, dads, children, grandparents, teachers, and concerned citizens, showed up en masse at...