As the end of the year approaches, many businesses across California have begun planning finances for next year due to a drastic minimum wage raise that stands to hurt many small businesses struggling in the wake of COVID-19 economic constraints,...
On Thursday, Governor Gavin Newson signed into law a bill that would expand protected-family leave for those in small businesses to 12 months a year for companies with 5 employees or more. SB 1383 and family paid time off Senate...
On Wednesday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed 3 bills into law aimed at assisting small businesses and construction in California. Three bills signed by Gov. Newsom Senate Bill 1447, authored by Senator Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), was the first bill signed on...
On Thursday, the Senate passed a bill that would expand the number of companies who have to allow up to 12 weeks of job-protected time off for extended family leave. 12 weeks of leave for those in smaller businesses Senate...
On Monday, shortly before the Tuesday Senate Appropriations Committee meeting, a bill that would alter lease termination perimeters in the wake of the coronavirus-caused economic downturn was nearly given significant changes. Big amendment changes to SB 939 Originally, Senate Bill...
On Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom expressed how businesses damaged in the George Floyd protests and riots should be reimbursed for any accrued losses. Newsom, in Stockton Thursday, called for government assistance and philanthropic organizations to help those businesses hurt by...
If landlords and hospitality businesses aren’t able to renegotiate rent to reflect mandated reduced capacity, SB 939 allows the business to terminate the lease. On Wednesday, a new California law was proposed in the Senate that would allow all...