The Oakland City Council approved a resolution on Tuesday that, due to a shortage of officers and a rising crime rate, a fifth police academy is to open in the city to boost the number of police officers by 2022....
Vice President Kamala Harris returned to the Bay area on Wednesday, attending an event with Governor Gavin Newsom to urge people to vote no in the upcoming recall election. After flying into Oakland on Wednesday morning, Vice President Harris joined...
Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer was robbed in Oakland, CA, the notorious city ranked in the top five for in crime in the country, and number#2 in the state, and where poor citizens receive universal basic income checks. Crime is...
A bill to create drug overdose prevention programs, including providing a “place to inject drugs while trained staff are available to help if they suffer accidental overdoses,” was pulled from the Assembly Health Committee on Tuesday, with the committee instead...
NOTE TO READERS: Comments on this article have been disabled. Governor Gavin Newsom was assaulted by a 54-year-old man while in Oakland on Thursday, one of the first physical confrontations against the Governor during his term. According to law enforcement...
On Friday, financially beleaguered utility company Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) announced in a statement that they will be selling their San Francisco Headquarters for $800 million. PG&E, upon approval from the state, will move from the PG&E complex at...
It’s not often that the general public gets a peek inside modern-day academia. The Globe got that peek this week thanks to a friend who forwarded an email from the University of California, Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies, which is...