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Soros PAC Has Spent Zero on Gascon

No Benjamins for George from George?

By Thomas Buckley, July 7, 2024 2:30 am

That fluidy sound you hear in Los Angeles politics is not a tap being turned off – it’s a toilet being flushed.

The George Soros-funded California Justice and Public Safety political action committee has spent exactly zero dollars so far in this election cycle. Nothing for the re-election bid of LA DA George Gascon, let alone anything on most-likely-soon-to-be-recalled Alameda County DA Pamela Price.

Soros’ sleazy sideways effort to radically transform society by placing woke toadies – woadies, if you will – in district attorney offices around the nation seems to have come to a crashing halt, at least in California.

While he may be a Bond Villian intent on destroying Western society with his billions, Soros is not stupid.  If and when his candidates start to slip badly, he cuts and runs – he is very specifically known, in progressive circles, for not throwing good money after bad.

This may explain why the PAC has reported exactly zero in expenditures during this 2023-2024 election cycle so far.

And even the federal level Justice and Public Safety PAC seems to be rather moribund – it got about $38,000 last fall (that amount of money, by the way, for a major PAC is essentially enough to pay the accountants to file the paperwork saying that they got $38,000 in donations,) $27,000 of which came from another erstwhile Gascon donor group, Smart Justice California.

In 2020, the “four horsewomen of the woke apocalypse” who have been bankrolling a big chunk of the woke/justice reform/whatever the hell it is effort in California gave heavily to Gascon.

They gave money to various PACs – like Smart Justice –  and groups and activists and campaigns and millions of their dollars found their way into Gascon’s hands. Along with $2.2 million dollars in George Soros money, the four – Quinn Delaney, wife of a San Francisco developer (note – I’d start saving your money, Quinn), Kaitlyn Krieger, wife of the guy who co-founded Instagram, Patty Quillin, wife of the guy who started Netflix, and Elizabeth Simons, daughter of a hedge fund billionaire…you get the idea – helped make sure Gascon got the job.

This time around, so far (Smart Justice has given) only $39,000.

It should be noted that the “four horsewomen” may have an internal issue with Gascon himself because:

“Quillin is married, as noted, to Reed Hastings, who is the co-chief of Netflix along with Ted Sarandos. Sarandos is married to Ambassador Nicole Avant and Avant’s mother Jacquline – a noted philanthropist and wife of the “Godfather of  Motown” Clarence Avant – was gunned down by a parolee during a home invasion robbery in December, 2021.

Avant’s murderer, Aariel Maynor, pleaded guilty – he was found shortly thereafter after he shot himself in the foot trying to break into another Hollywood home – and was sentenced to 190 years to life, without the possibility of parole.”

While the district attorney candidate finance reports are not due for a couple of weeks, the Secretary of State’s website shows zero expenditures from the Soros Pac so far.

In 2020 for Gascon, and 2022 for Price, the total donated was about $5 million. For Gascon specifically, the Justice and Public Safety and Smart Justice PAC money (and individual donations made directly by the folks who fund those PACS) made up for about all of the massive difference in “end of the campaign” spending in his successful 2020 race against then-DA Jackie Lacey.

The required campaign finance reports (covering donations received between the March primary vote and June 30) from Gascon and November challenger Nathan Hochman are not due for a few weeks, so whether or not Gascon’s own reports will show any significant difference is not yet known.

For his part, though, Hochman announced he raised $1.3 million in that time period, a significant haul and far more than either Lacey or Gascon got during the same time frame in 2020.

“These contributions are coming from communities throughout the county, from voters from all political perspectives, who are outraged by Gascon’s pro-criminal, anti-victim policies,” Hochman said. “There is significant momentum and enthusiasm about my campaign, and this fundraising will allow me to amplify the message about how removing Gascon from office … will make L.A. County a safer place to live, work and raise our families.”

Coupled with his dismal poll numbers, Gascon being shunned by his erstwhile donors could auger doom for George in November.

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One thought on “Soros PAC Has Spent Zero on Gascon

  1. “Coupled with his dismal poll numbers, Gascon being shunned by his erstwhile donors could auger doom for George in November.”

    Just like Biden, no? When the money starts to dry up and disappear…….so does the candidate. And that money usually goes somewhere else……..but, where?

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