Home>Articles>Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: We Need to Assess What is Right in this Presidential Race

President Donald J. Trump walks across the South Lawn of the White House Sunday, March 25, 2018, returning home from a trip to New York. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: We Need to Assess What is Right in this Presidential Race

Still on the fence about voting in the 2024 Presidential Election?

By Katy Grimes, October 27, 2024 2:55 am

I’ve written quite extensively about what an atrocious and embarrassing presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris is, for myriad reasons. She’s the textbook definition of an empty suit: A person with the appearance of authority, importance, or significance, but who, in reality, is completely ineffectual, incompetent, or unremarkable.

We’ve hashed and rehashed the ways – Kamala deflects any policy discussion, she has positioned herself on both sides of the most crucial issues, she’s soulless, she is devoid of a personality, devoid of critical thinking skills, and devoid of a conscience.

And her frequent word salads show her to be an unserious politician and a  blithering idiot.

There isn’t anyone in America voting in this election who hasn’t also observed this… voters on the left just need to identify at this point if they are willing to be intellectually honest and quietly vote for the good of the country, which means voting for the good of all Americans.

Kamala’s blunders, her indiscretions and misconduct, misdeeds and wrongdoing aside, we need to assess what is right in this presidential race.

As for the damage, after four years of the Biden/Harris administration, inflation is up roughly 20%, economist Steve Moore reports. “When Jimmy Carter endorsed high tax rates, more regulation, and green energy policies, the inflation rate went to above 10%. When Reagan came into office and cut tax rates, deregulated, and went all in for American energy, the inflation rate fell by half.”

Biden/Harris gave us 20% inflation.

At a decisive time of need, as there was after four years of the Jimmy Carter administration, there is plenty of right in this presidential race.

First, ignore the hysterical leftists claiming that Trump will “destroy our democracy.” That’s just laughable hyperbole verbally vomited by buffoons calling themselves “constitutional lawyers” or members of the legacy media. Anyone that simpleminded, or that willing to lie, isn’t worthy of a law license to practice or a byline.

Political betting markets are showing a seismic shift where Trump will win the White House, and Republicans will likely win the House, and Senate.

Polymarket Election Betting Odds. (Photo: electionbettingodds.com)

Donald Trump was the 45th President, 2017-2021. We lived those four years well on our way to energy independence, with a manageable southern border, the lowest unemployment since the Reagan years, lowest black unemployment, lowest unemployment for women in 70 years, record low inflation, low gas prices, and the Trump tax cuts in which most income groups received rate reductions.

In Trump’s first three years, manufacturing jobs grew significantly – before the COVID government-ordered lockdowns.

Today, Trump wants to make his tax rate reductions permanent, continue to deregulate the economy, and encourage greater production of U.S. energy, Moore says – just as Trump started in 2017.

Biden and now Harris wants to massively raise tax rates on American businesses, increase business-killing regulations, and continue to spend hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars on faux green energy programs while simultaneously banning U.S. production of oil, gas and coal.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill to raise the death-tax estate tax rate as high as 55% to 65%, and the exemption would lower to $3.5 million – and Kamala Harris supports this.

Steve Moore blows up Kamala Harris’s lies about Trump:

Biden did NOT inherit inflation from Trump. In his last four months in office the inflation rate was

Oct. 20—1.2%
Nov. 20—1.3%
Dec. 20—1.5%
Jan. 21—1.4%

Then, 18 months later, under Biden, it was 9.1%.

Now let’s look at interest rates. The mortgage interest rate was 2.9% when Trump left office. The mortgage interest rate is now roughly 7%. That’s more than twice as high.

The higher interest rates and the inflation in rents and housing prices mean that the mortgage payment on a median value home is now TWICE as high under Biden as under Trump.

How about the interest rate on federal borrowing? During Trump’s last year in office, the 10-year Treasury bill was 0.9%. After three and a half years of Biden, the interest rate is at 4.3%.

Democrats can’t run anything and destroy everything they touch – California is the living example of the destruction of a once productive and beautiful state. It’s easy to be a leftist because you don’t have to think or reason – narcissism, feelings and emotions defy logic. And the media won’t hold Democrats accountable, largely because members of the legacy media are as incompetent and narcissistic as Democrats.

Trump will end all of the Biden/Harris economic nonsense. Don’t believe this? What did he do in his first term?

If you still need convincing, take the time to watch and listen to Joe Rogan’s 3-hour interview with Donald Trump.

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4 thoughts on “Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: We Need to Assess What is Right in this Presidential Race

  1. Well done Katy. You have laid it out wonderfully. Thank you. Freedom of speech, comparing and contrasting two potential ways of life and the quality of life. Not a hard decision!

  2. Severely hypnotized people who embrace Kamala will not be reading Katy Grimes’ article in the first place, but if they do they will likely stiffen up and react with hostility, unable to process the clear facts presented. They will continue to support Kamala and reject a vote for Trump.

    Most people are not severely hypnotized, however, and only wish to look after themselves, their children and everyone else they care about; they want a return to the sanity and order in their lives that will allow the freedom to pursue what is important to them.

    For those who typically vote Democrat and believe the lie that access to abortion will end under a Trump administration, a lie that has been trotted out with shocking success for as long as I can remember to “scare” voters to vote Democrat, please realize this is SIMPLY NOT TRUE; you’ve been duped by scare tactics.

    For those who want a better, saner, more orderly, more affordable future for themselves, their children, and everyone else they care about, and who have had an inescapable wake-up that a Harris/Walz administration will simply be incapable of providing that, but fear being ostracized by their social circle for voting differently, remember we have a secret ballot and you can vote SECRETLY for Trump. Then keep it to yourself. It’s nobody else’s business, after all.

    The Joe Rogan long-form interview that Katy Grimes posted is well worth the time. Many people may see in it a Donald Trump they had not seen before.

  3. The evil villian lurking just under the surface is the Deep State. Unelected billionaires and others with behind the scenes power to control the country recognized the threat Trump presented to their control back in 2016. That’s when all the “Hitler, fascist, dictator, end of democracy, etc.” bullshit started. Trump’s desire to keep us out of endless military conflicts is an existential threat to the Military Industrial Complex. That is why Dick Cheney vehemently opposes Trump. Cheney has his head so far up the Military Industrial Complex’s ass he can see daylight. If Trump wins I hope he does everything within his power to de-weaponize the corrupt institutions and agencies who have been attacking American citizens behind the scenes for years.

  4. Katy you have laid out a great case as to why DJT is the right choice.
    If one were to answer the question, “Are you better off than 4 years ago” one would have to say no! Shed the party politics shed the emotion based voting. Look to the facts as presented here. Take the emotion out of your vote.
    I personally want all tides to rise. I want American Citizens to come first.

    Please get out and vote, do not wait. Exercise your right to vote!

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free”. – Ronal Reagan 1961

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