Gov. Gavin Newsom glamour shot at the Great Wall of China 10/26/2023 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
CA Gov. Newsom is Banning Gas Cars, Gas Stoves, Gas Furnaces, Gas Water Heaters
Is California’s war on gas supposed to crush the state – because it will?
By Katy Grimes, December 30, 2024 2:55 am
What has very clearly become an “us versus them” issue, an issue near and dear only to leftist politicians, is about to get really messy.
They are coming for your gas-powered car, your gas stove, your gas water heater, your gas furnace, your gas dryer, your gas grille, your gas blower, your gas fireplace, and any other gas-powered appliance or vehicle you can think of.
Who is “they” besides California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Legislature imposing these policies on you?
California is set to become the first state to ban natural gas heaters, water heaters, and furnaces by 2030, a policy of the California Air Resources Board, entirely made up of appointees by the governor, I reported in 2023 in The Tangled Government Web Behind the Push to Ban Gas Stoves, where we link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain Institute, MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many Chinese studies.
And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship. They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails, when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.
A California Globe reader sent me a powerful and poignant email today about the South Coast Air Quality Management District plans to rid the region of gas heaters, asking if the members of the district have already replaced theirs :
Your upcoming plans for electric water heaters and home heating units will hurt the poorest of California residents.
Have you all already replaced all the heaters in your homes? Please share at your next meeting what was the total cost and how much your electric bills increased. I’m retired and on a fixed income and will need to know how much to save before I have to take cold showers and wear a sweatshirt in the house.
Have you required your gardeners to use electric tools when they work on your landscape?
Do you all drive only electric cars wherever you go? (Tho you might take the bus).
Are your backyard grills all electric?
Do your swimming pools use electric heaters?
Or do you live by “do as I say, not as I do” ?
Don Wagner, Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and member of the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, wrote an op ed for the OC Register addressing this. Here is what he reports:
SCAQMD intends to adopt two rules on all homeowners, multi-family residents, and businesses – more than 17 million people in all. The goal: eliminate natural gas appliances. Proposed Amended Rules 1111 and 1121 require homeowners, landlords, and businesses to replace furnaces and water heaters with costly new “zero-emission” electrical units.
He said these new rules “will seemingly do little to clean the air,” but will financially hurt many:
If implemented, these rules would impose ruinous expenses on already stretched residents and businesses, potentially cause people to lose housing, and strain an already stretched electricity grid.
We’re talking potentially tens of thousands of dollars per unit for every homeowner, landlord, and business forced to make these purchases.
Provoing my point that these Air Quality District board members don’t care, Wagner says:
You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.
Only the wealthiest of Southern California residents can afford such extravagance. Don’t even think about buying replacement units in other states and importing them. You will not be allowed to get a permit to install non-complying appliances, nor can you sell a property containing unpermitted units. You will have to comply.
Wagner says the new zero-emission water heaters and furnaces require a substantial increase in electricity usage, which we have heard before. But SCAQMD doesn’t even have a cost estimate yet to power these new electric appliances. But their orders will take place anyway. It’s another Nancy Pelosi moment: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Governor Gavin Newsom has already fallen quite short of his promise to build 3.5 million new homes in California while in office. He’s a victim of his own party’s rules and regulations, but won’t admit it. Because as Supervisor Wagner knows, the new all-electric rules run counter to building affordable homes. “They achieve minimal air quality improvements, are prohibitively expensive and ignore the region’s energy challenges,” Wagner adds.
Housing prices in California have dramatically increased since Newsom took office in 2019. And for all of his supposed efforts to streamline new housing construction, it just isn’t happening.
“Newsom promised in October 2017 amid his campaign for governor that he would help spur the construction and completion of 3.5 million new housing units by the start of 2025, according to a post the then-lieutenant governor made on Medium,” the Daily Caller reported.
“The governor took office in January 2019, when the state had around 14,235,201 housing units, and after five years at the helm, the number of units has increased to 14,824,626 as of the beginning of 2024, totaling just 589,626, according to data from the state’s Department of Finance.”
That’s only 117,925 new homes built every year in California, 2019 – 2024, while Gavin Newsom has been governor.
And Newsom has very publicly berated and sued cities that have not fulfilled his directives to build “affordable housing” – even though he can’t even meet his own home building goals. And that is about the cost to build, from multiple layers of permitting, to the state’s absurd and cumbersome regulations and requirements… like requiring all new electric appliances.
Many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents. It’s clear the politicians aren’t asking the voting people what is important to them, and instead are fulfilling policy set by higher powers… by people who not only don’t care about you, but who seem bent on harming you, and all of the people of California.
And it appears that Gavin Newsom, legislative Democrats, and his appointees are making this happen – whether it is the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the California Air Resources Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the CalEPA, the California Coastal Commission, the United Nations or the World Health Organization… behind all of it.
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why can’t someone else famous or rich step in and stop him? I’ve live in California all my life I’ve always known he sucked. he built a billion dollar leaning tower in SF a million dollar bathroom in SF that went over budget. but why can’t anyone sue him or sue the state. how is this legal? just another struggling small business owner here. I don’t understand.
by the year, 2030. new scum won’t be around then. he will have lots of lawsuits coming at him. and he will lose. what’s he going to do. go door to door taking your gas vehicle? it doesn’t work like that.
Yeah. How stupid is this Governor. He is a lunatic I’m all for gas appliances. And gas cars. Newsom better run and fast. He’s a LOOSER. !!!!! Get out of California Newsom we DO NOT WANT YOU HERE. !!!!
Katie Grimes or whatever her name is it wrote us this is not true. He actually relax that because it’s impossible to convert everybody into electrical power right now so it’s not true or he would’ve removed all gas, stoves and tops being removed from stores Her Article is incorrect and exaggerated. He did it one point say this, but he also relaxed it recently so don’t trip
Hey Rozanna Dannadanna – piss off, bootlicker…
Newsom is trying to ram the Agenda 2030 gas-warfare policies on California, and we will NOT COMPLY….
Thank you; that’s what I wanted to tell Rosanna too.
Newsom is all gas himself. He needs to be the first gas item to go.
Katie Grimes or whatever her name is it wrote us this is not true. He actually relax that because it’s impossible to convert everybody into electrical power right now so it’s not true or he would’ve removed all gas, stoves and tops being removed from stores Her Article is incorrect and exaggerated. He did it one point say this, but he also relaxed it recently so don’t trip
We have to do EVERYTHING we can to get him out of office in 2 years!!
How about we ban Gavin and the rest of his cronies, we need to stop voting for these idiot crooks
How about we ban Gavin and the rest of his cronies, we need to stop voting for these idiot crooks
Why won’t “we the people” vote him out. I just dont get it! Sad, sad State California has turned into!
We are already financially impacted by their restrictive policies regarding gas water heaters.
The models currently sold in CA are priced significantly higher than the same models sold in other states.
Geez Katy- more bad news about Crazy California politicians, but is there an opening here for an opposition politician? If implemented, this issue raises rents, because Landlords will be forced to pass on the costs of the “improvements” to tenants, and it raises the utility costs to tenants, which most tenants pay on top of the rent. Thus the true cost of renting goes up 10%- a devastating cost increase for many people on low or fixed income. In addition, housing prices will climb as sellers are forced to put in all electric appliances in order to sell, exacerbating an already dismal upward price spiral, while depressing the market for cash strapped owners unable to bear the cost of new electric appliances The result will be anger and frustration which fuel taxpayer revolt. Gray Davis was forced out on the same issue. Make Kamala run on this issue. She will be defeated.
I’m no legal scholar but could someone explain to me why the recent Chevron decision does not impact here? We have an unelected appointed board making law regarding CARB and others.
But I do understand science and i strongly feel that before anyone passes law on an anything energy related that they have to be able to prove competency in the immutable laws of thermo dynamics. It has been said that nature abhors a vacuum. More accurately nature abhors inefficiency. Hearing any fluid, whether that be air or water, with electricity is very inefficient when compared to using natural gas. Also I’ve never seen a convincing study etc. that shows that such appliances causes morebidity. However, 220v will kill you immediately! Now that’s efficient…
Bravo 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
go ahead and put your head in the sand because we don’t need you.
it is obvious you did not read the article or consider, even for a second, that you might be woefully ignorant and unable to think things through for yourself.
you emote, you do not think, your masters have trained you.
you wish ill on your fellow countrymen, this will come back to you in spades.
This garbage has to be challenged in court.
Absolutely! Chevron is dead yet it continues as the un-dead. It is time to drive a stake through it an bury it once and for all.
The Supreme Court rulings that reduced the power of federal administrative agencies to issue edicts on major issues only apply to Federal agencies.
Chevron was federal. It also dealt with deference to federal agency opinions on what statutory definitions and such actually meant, not whether or not Governor appointed bodies (at issue here) could promulgate rules based on statutes that authorized or directed them to do so. The state legislature has typically created and authorized these appointed bodies, and it’s up to them to reign them in if they need to be.
So, on the federal level, overturning of Chevron should put those rule promulgating bodies on tighter leashes to follow statutory authorizations and other language, but it does not invalidate their existence. I don’t think it does much at all at the state level.
Your line about linking to Chinese studies and the glamor shot of Newsom looking into the sun on the Great Wall of China are the telltale items in your article. Recently we have seen an uptick in Chinese spies being arrested here in California. How long to do think it takes before China “Joe Biden” and Gavin Newsom are also linked to illegal activities with the Chinese government. Newsoms line about cleaning up San Francisco “That’s true because it’s true” for the dear leaders visit to San Francisco still brings a smile to my face. The fireworks are set to go off surrounding Newsom. 2025 is going to be a year for the history books.
You a just a bit biased.
I would love to hear Newsom or any bureaucrat explain to me how manmade CO2, which is only 4% of Earth’s .03% total CO2, controls climate over 197,000,000 square miles of Earth’s surface, and more specifically, how these CA regulations impact the supposed catastrophic existential threat. They never want to discuss the facts.
If these rules are implemented statewide, I will need to spend several thousand dollars forma new electrical panel.
I wonder what percentage of Californians may have NO CLUE that this disaster is even in the wings. A good chunk of people not paying attention is of course part of what allows Gruesome and his Ghastly Gang to proceed unchecked with their fully-armed destructive agenda. And Gruesome will be long gone when this crap kicks in; ensconced in the Oval Office (he thinks). If there is another idiot Democrat politician at the helm (God forbid) we’ll be sitting here immobile and freezing in a failed state with the one long blackout that lasts forever.
But for those who are aware of what is happening, as 2030 gets closer it becomes easier to see that, as Katy Grimes has pointed out, the state will be crushed and the inevitable death of the state will have been done purposefully, which SHOULD (God willing) be highly motivating for most of the citizenry.
It remains to be seen what next year will bring, and we can only hope and pray we will be witnessing a SERIOUS level of intervention when it comes to our CA Dem Marxist clown politicians and bureaucrats and their totally INSANE, UNWORKABLE, and DESTRUCTIVE agenda. We’ll see!
The 9th Circuit threw out Berkeley’s natural gas ban. I’m sure this crap of Newsom’s will be tossed also as soon as somebody takes it to court.
Newsom doesn’t give a damn about poor people or for that matter, middle class people,!!!!
He doesn’t believe in government “”of the people,by the people and for the people ” He believes in imposing his will through Boards, appointed by him!!! Totally undemocratic!!!! Appointed boards should only have power to make suggestions to the Legislature!!! Actually there shouldn’t be any appointed boards!!!! When they are given the power to make rules (Laws) they corrupt the democratic process!!!
Outlawing gas appliances will increase homelessness,by raising housing costs even more!!!! Many of us can barely afford the utilities now!!! Eliminating gas which is a hell of a lot cheaper than electricity is a terrible idea,!!! IT will drive rents up even higher!!!!
Everything Newsom does hurts us poor people, even the ones he says are to help poor people!!!
Noisome’s war on the state and its people is going to backfire. Enough is enough!
None of this nonsense is actually going to happen, at least to the degree to which it’s currently proposed. Newsom terms out in 2026 and will be gone. He will get credit for pushing the extremes and then something more sensible will adopted and we’ll all feel good about the “compromise”. Classic politics.
EFF these tyrants…
We will NOT COMPLY….
The AQMD is a hoard of tyrants. Implementing gas bans on a population of 40 million is impossible. Hopefully this will be challenged in the courts.
Is New-scum an ignorant twat? Natural gas is clean-burning, efficient, cheap, and safe and easy to extract. What does he think will replace it? Electricity from burning coal? There’s no way wind, solar, or any other “renewable” source will ever meet the state’s needs. Take my advice, Californians: leave the state while you can.
Another green weenie pipe dream pushed by special interest groups and corporation hoping to cash in on their dystopian vision of the future. I doubt it will hold up in court since Berkeley was smacked down when they tried to ban gas stoves. Newsome is truly an idiot that fancies himself as a legitimate contender as the next POTUS. Both are pipe dreams and will not come to fruition.
“they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship” That’s the whole point and purpose of nearly everything they do, from destroying agriculture to building the train to nowhere that will never be completed and obliterating our society and culture,
and the sooner the general population realizes this the sooner the state will be taken back. Much of the fight will be against the bureaucracy, the almost one party legislature and governor would be powerless without the bureaucracy. The ballot initiative will have to be extensively used to bypass the inevitable obstruction by the entrenched political class and the bureaucracy, and hurculean effort will be needed to overcome the shenanigans of those who count the votes
Yours is the first comment I’ve read that points out the obvious remedy of using multiple ballot propositions to undo some of this mess. And to make the ballot-counting less corrupt, I suggest the establishment of a private “registry” of votes, by which voters can voluntarily record their ballot choices on an issue or office independently of the Democrat-controlled or -sympathetic county offices. Imagine the Sec of State announcing that a ballot measure got only 5,000,000 Yes votes, and then being challenged with a database of voters that shows 7,000,000 affidavit-documented Yes votes!
while CARB cannot mandate a switch to electric, they can make Natural Gaa and Gasoline more unaffordablr then they are now. Mr. Trump tear down that BOARD!
Thanks for this report Katy. You know, if I were younger I’d invest in donkeys and other pack animals. On a ranch. Like these… https://www.portugalresident.com/the-noble-humble-donkey-of-portugal/
“And they don’t care if it bankrupts you or causes you undue hardship. They don’t care if your public transit system is a hellhole on rails, when they take away your gas-powered car. They don’t care if you have to walk 5 miles to work. They don’t care. Just remember that they don’t care about you. They only care about their autocratic rules – and power.”
And the rest of the country doesn’t care about this happening to the leftists who voted for these leftists in power, over and over every election.
Does California have elections that can be audited for the veracity of the outcome?
this is not going to end well
I thought this artical would be informative about the phasing out of petroleum products and maybe dive into alternative solutions.
25 years ago I had a new ac unit put in my house which also worked as a heat pump(same price). I will say that it worked just fine.
With that said this artical is far from educational, more about disinformation and hate. Somebody has to push progress and that is never easy. As for Newsom ,I don’t agree with some of his policies and how they are implementing them but someone has to.
Wanna hate, start with big businesses price gauging and tax fraud. We all need to pay our fair share or don’t pay at all. Right now we the people pay and SCUM like Elon, Trump, Newsom , SCE, Shell, and the list goes on pay half or less from what we pay comparatively.
Anyway, good luck hating and enjoy more crappy articals
You’re the one who’s misinformed and “hateful,” Joseph. You’re misinformed because you refuse to acknowledge this article’s evidence that the environmental benefits of this change are infinitesimal and the costs are enormous, and you hate the actual people of Californial because you think that because _you_ want a change to happen, it’s OK to just force people to comply with it. That’s very old-fashioned thinking, more in line with the policies of certain political parties in Germany and Russia in the previous century. You’d fit in just fine there.
Hey Joseph – learn how to spell… it’s “article”…
And pull your head out and learn that it’s not the “big businesses price gauging (sic) and tax fraud”….
Anyone who uses “pay our fair share” is automatically discredited as a brain-dead leftist….
Who’s going to determine what anyone’s “fair share” is??? You? The (mostly corrupt) California State Legislature?
Since you threw it out there, I’ll vote for “don’t pay at all”….
Go take an Economics class, and a spelling class while you’re at it….
How about Californians instead ban leftists and WEF globalist stooges like “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the unelected bureaucrats that he installed on unaccountable agencies like CARB from issuing decrees?
What delusion world does Newsome live in?! Clearly he does not care about us … the citizens of CA. How can he have so much power to harm so many with his idealistic, irrational thinking? I am 74, living on Social Security & still working. My home is all gas. To prepare for retirement I replace all my old appliances & furnace 4 years ago with no warning of these bizarre potential edicts!!!! Because of all the new regulations my same furnace would cost double today. Time to “Newsome Proof” CA!
doesn’t seem California politicians learned anything from the presidential election.
Just this past Memorial Day California residents were asked not to charge their E.V.’s due to strain on the grid. I live in a small rural city and we loose power often. But at least we have hot water. I wished I had a gas stove so I could at least cook. Can’t Newsom see that if we can’t keep the E V.s charged we can’t support the whole state to he total electric. I really believe that our politicians need to step down off their almighty high end selves and look at reality. Majority of the people that work in California can’t afford to live here. House prices over $500,000 rent over $3000. Food and utilities are already sky rocket high. Not everyone is blessed to make $75,000 or more a year. Most barely bring home $35,000 a year. But construction on affordable housing the rent starts out at $2500 and up a month. But yet we can give illegals medical care but can’t, house the legal and natives born here. Who is he trying to impress? I feel that all of our politicians need to be taken to some of the places where what was at one time the middle class and live with what they are making and living in. Be it a house,apartment or car. Some work hard all day to call a car a home. We call them the working homeless. Then Newsom has their homes impounded. Way to government you all suck.
This guy is making it hard for us to survive, everything is banned and to much restriction why don’t he banned illigal immigration and higher taxes,gasoline price is high because of to much taxes,and the cost of living is high, not voting for Democrat too much promise that they cannot deliver, go republican
Two points:
FIRST, this is the inevitable result of not pushing back on the Global Warming Scam. The Scammers follow Dem Party thought leader, Vladimir Lenin’s principle, “A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.”
This is especially so when few people are pushing back with the truth.
SECOND, it’s worse than “they don’t care about you.” The Dem Party and leftist Climate Scammers do care. They hate our country, people, freedom, Constitution, and republic. They want to make our lives worse.
With one exception/exemption that is his Panera franchise business. Bakery requires gas oven and of course no mandatory $20 minimum pay for Panera bakery! Many restaurants will be closed without gas, then customers go to his bakery shop!
Adam Schiff just got reelected by 9 million votes, 23% of the population of California. If the state population was actually going to stop this insanity, it would’ve started last November. 77% of the state either didn’t vote or voted for someone else.
I use to like Gavin Newsom but I’m wondering how many shares he owns in the electric company? If your house has gas, if there is a power outage you can still cook some food; your heater still works and you can take a shower. If it’s cold outside you can use your gas fireplace. i hate the fact that we have to be told what we can and can’t use. I dislike electric cars. The fact Newsome is saying this is not because of “green” cause, it’s because he’s getting kick backs some where. Another way to suppress the people.
Just wondering if Gavin Newsomes new 9.1 million dollar home is 💯 percent electric and if he drives gas or electric cars. I remember during COVID he shut down churches and businesses. But he kept open strip clubs. He also said we must wear masks but Gavin got caught twice without a mask and also Nancy Pelosi going to a salon with no mask I would say they think they’re above the law. The democratic party is not the same they seem out of control with nonsense laws.
Newsom and the California legislature along with these unelected commissions are running this state like a communist country. Mandates to eliminate our choices. Having the arrogance that the resistance don’t know about its environment. Unseen taxes and fees. Trying to take our rights to determine our freedom of choice on what we can buy. allowing the CPUC to allow certain utility companies to raise electric rates 5 times in a year and get a $50 billion dollar loan from the Federal taxpayers. Not telling the resistance of California that there electrical grid cannot sustain the upcoming load and keeping the information on PG&E’s 40 year old power plant that will cost $12 billion to retrofit and only if the NRC grants a variance. unfortunately they’ve never given a variance for a 40 year old plant. Newsom just wants to keep quiet on all of those issues. When the public finally hears about it he and the legislature will raise our taxes and put more regulations on the public. Typical California politics!!!! Recall all California politicians and eliminate the power of all these unelected commissions. Californian’s need to take back the state for more common sense policies and elect politicians for the people.
Geez…no one is “coming for your gas” anything. Period. At most , sales of new gas cars and perhaps appliances (prior to this I had not heard of changes to appliance sales) would end in California. So y’all can continue to operate your gas leaf blowers, water heaters etc for years until they die.
Man this guy has a punchable face
Doesn’t the Government Newsom understand stand that most Californians don’t want EV cars or electrical appliances or anything that is electric. The California electrical grind can’t handle all that electricity, gas is more reliable and less expensive the governor is wrong for forcing this electrical thing on Californians
Good luck ,he will have to take us all to jail .Tired of these a holes running our lives and telling us what to do ,time to take our state back and fire these people.
Newscum and his personally elected CARB, COSTAL boards should consider trying this garbage in China!!!!!
We have the cleanest air we have EVER had. Surprisingly from the use of CLEAN locally produced natural gas. And they think that destroying our economy in California is going to make the air cleaner by stripping us of our personal choice to heat and cook in our own homes (that we own??)
All I see is a bunch of sociopaths that think just because they went to some of the worst colleges in the country, that it gives them the right to tell the hard working TAX PAYING California citizens what to do & how to live.
All I can say is “Sooner or later all this garbage you have tried to force down our throats will nd up on your door step!!!!!”
No wonder so many good tax paying people are leaving the state, and taking their jobs with them
Michael! Where do you think Newsom and his unlected bureaucrats are taking their marching orders from??? Yep – CHINA and the CCP and they’re taking kickbacks from the CCP-front-companies like BYD (the leading Chinese EV car manufacturer)
Newsom learned well from Auntie Nancy – pass laws that enable him and his cronies to profit handsomely from the kickbacks and bribes from the source, while hurting the constituents….
Newsom and Pelosi are strictly in politics for personal enrichment…. wake up people, you’re BEING PLAYED for fools by the Democrats….
This author is overreaching for effect. There is nothing to be found online about this “ban” after 2023. This appears to be old news that is being recycled to cause emotions to flare. Apparently she’s done a good job. You know what they say, don’t believe everything you read on the internet, always verify.
@SoCalliving, you didn’t search hard enough. You are obviously under reading for effect: Mon, May 13, 2024 at 5:58 PM PDT.
We need a ballot proposition that gas appliances and cars will be permitted in CA as long as CA consumers
wish to buy them.
“do as I say, not as I do”
All politicians should have this tattooed as a tramp-stamp.
People, Hair Gel and his cronies are not stupid or crazy. Their policies are not intended to succeed, but to collapse the current political, economic, social and technological infrastructure, in order to make way for a world-spanning Technocracy; the new feudalism. Newsom and many others in Sacramento are acolytes of the WEF cult. “You will own nothing…” Nor are they trying to hurt you. They are trying to kill you. They’ve already killed millions (the clot shots). Recall that one of this cult’s major goals is a 90% reduction in world population. It’s going to take a lot more than ballot initiatives and elections to stop them. This ends in a gunfight. Best be ready for it.
This will be extra hard on those off grid. We spent just over $100,000, half for the batteries, on solar, all electric house. The first time PG&E went out after that I broiled burgers. Lost power that night. We have to be very careful in winter when there may be 90% plus cloud cover for a week. After finding out the installer had not left a way to hook up a generator to charge the batteries, we need to isolate the system and use a generator for hot water and might cook with the range. Summer it works well and overall it produces a little more than we use on an annual basis. You need a tank, not tankless, water heater and shut it off until the next day’s sun. We can get 3 showers until hot water runs out then. With a gas/propane range and hot water heater off grid works in winter. Wood heat.
I’m moving out too many knuckle heads voting to make their lives more difficult here .