California State Senate. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
CA Senate Passes Guaranteed Basic Income Bill for ‘Homeless’ Graduating High Schoolers
The definition of ‘homeless’ is creative and includes ‘migratory children’
By Katy Grimes, May 26, 2022 4:55 pm
The California State Senate just passed Senate Bill 1341 by Sen. Dave Cortese (D-Silicon Valley), to establish a guaranteed income program to 15,000 homeless graduating high school seniors. The “California Success, Opportunity, and Academic Resilience (CalSOAR)” is now headed to the Assembly. Assemblyman Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) is the principal co-author.
Cities across California have done this already, judging by California Globe headlines from just the last two years:
LA Board of Supes Approves Guaranteed Income Pilot Program for Targeted Group
Sacramento Mayor Proposes Guaranteed Basic Income for Artists
Los Angeles City Council Passes $40 Million Universal Basic Income Pilot Program
Oakland Mayor Announces Basic Income Program, but Not For Poor White Families
Compton Announces Launch Of Privately-Funded Universal Income Program
Los Angeles, Oakland Push For Universal Income Projects
The Globe reported in March 2021 Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced a privately funded universal basic income program, to provide 600 Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) families with low-incomes an unconditional $500 per month for at least 18 months – but Schaaf said the program is only for “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Nothing for poor white or Asian peoples.
Former Stockton Mayor Michael D. Tubbs founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, and was one of the early mayors to offer guaranteed income to low income residents.
The jury is still out if guaranteed basic income programs actually “helps overcome economic instability.” The Mises Institute, which promotes the Austrian school of economics teachings, says the best ways to help alleviate poverty and unemployment, are to reduce the cost of living and create conditions favorable to plentiful employment, including making it easy to start a business, and easy to operate a new business.
The seemingly noble goal behind universal basic income is to help to alleviate poverty. However, economists have long warned that UBI creates a disincentive to work.
The other issue with UBI is that it subsidizes non-productive activities, says the Mises Institute. Rather than being encouraged to look for a job that pays enough to live on, too often people are lulled into using UBI to help fund flailing (or failing) careers as artists, actors or musicians – all very tough industries in which to make a living.
In the bill analysis (below), homeless children and youth are described and defined this way by the Federal Government:
Defines, in the federal McKinney-Vento Act Homeless Assistance Act, “homeless children and youth” as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children who are sharing the housing of other people, living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camp grounds, emergency or transitional shelters, abandoned in hospitals or awaiting foster care placement, or who are living in a place not generally used for sleeping, such as cars, parks, public places, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, and migratory children living in the circumstances above (emphasis ours).
Universal or Guaranteed basic income would also be provided to “migratory children.” Does the United States assist them in filling out the required application? Do states pay this or does the federal government?
And non-profits will be eligible to participate in fund distribution:
For purposes of the Guaranteed Income Program, defines “eligible entity” as either of the following:
a) A city, county, or city and county; b) A nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal income taxation, as provided, and that provides a letter of support for its pilot or project from any county or city and county in which the organization will operate its pilot or project. (WIC 18997(f))
Apparently non-profits are now just an arm of the government, and trusted with the distribution of government funds.
The bill “Requires an award not be considered financial aid, not be considered income for financial aid or other purposes, and not negatively impact the award recipient’s eligibility for future financial aid.”
An interesting note in the bill analysis says Sen. Cortese had a previous bill which would have provided UBI or GBI to foster youth who exited foster care at age 21. That seems a far more purposeful bill, as well as much more manageable and trackable. But it appears SB 739 was shelved by the author.
“Within California, there are over 270,000 youth experiencing homelessness, according to a 2020 report from the UCLA Center for Transformation of Schools,” said Juan Ramiro Sarmiento, Media Manager for Young Invincibles, the group which issued the press release about SB 1431. “This number has increased 48% in the past decade and has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to US Census Data, there are 15,000 homeless students in their senior year of high school, most of which will lose essential resources available within the K-12 system.”
Young Invincibles vows to “keep pushing until it reaches the Governor’s desk and gets funded. Now is the time for us to invest in the most vulnerable students and empower them to build a future free of poverty.”
Correction: The article says that SB 739 was shelved. Sen. Cortese’s office notified the Globe that SB 739 was incorporated into last year’s budget through the California Guaranteed Income Pilot Program.
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How can there be 270,000 homeless youth in California when the latest released count of homeless in California in 2020 was approximately 160,000..??? I would need to see everyone’s data to see who’s lying up their fecal spout..???
Handing out free stuff with no strings, expectations or accountability is a recipe for failure on all counts. Just look at the $40 billion dollar California “covid relief” scandal.
Whose votes does this guarantee, or is it used to CYA real heist the Democrat super-majority is pulling off they don’t want us to look at? Taxpayers no longer buy Democrat virtue-signaling for their own benefit. Low income college students get plenty of benefits and waivers already. Don’t take away their developing sense of personal accountability.
The greatest gift of all is to get them weaned off the nanny state, regardless of their rough start. Plus many “homeless” make plenty of money off the streets, so don’t pretend their children are not benefited more than those of working parents.
Proof that the drug dealers own the California legislature. Most of those tax $$dollars will end up in the cartel’s coffers.
Hand outs – without teaching how to fish – they will remain locked to the hand out.
We know they want that peasant class that keep voting for the hand-out party
What happens when the California democrats run out of other peoples money?
Excellent point…
To build a future free of poverty….get the hell out of CA public schools
the freeloader bill. these people will never be motivated to contribute to society or to simply make effort to better themselves
Another TERRIBLE idea, of course! Unless you’re looking to weaken people and get them in the habit of being dependent on government, which of course our mega-majority Dem legislature always wants to do. But let’s get it straight that this is NOT LOVE or HELP, no matter how much the Dems would like you to think it is. And they KNOW IT. Scoundrels
How is this not discriminatory and Unconstitional ?
White and Asian families have a guaranteed slam dunk Class Action suit against the CA Govt.
Example #23,760 of why I say most of what’s wrong with California originates in the bay area.
Spending taxpayer $ to make up for expensive ineffectual education also paid for by taxpayers. Standard move from the Derm playbook.
This bill is so bad you can’t even make this stuff up. Whites and Asians are excluded. I guess they don’t want to corrupt Whites and Asians with handouts. They want to keep People of Color down and dependent, not only on government handouts, but drugs, too.
I just wanna know where the water’s coming from to grow all these California “money trees”
BBT: Build Better Taxpayers!
They can get educated and then move out of California for economic opportunity and contribute to the nations well being because their is no point in staying in California!
OMG, why don’t they offer them jobs and make them independent of government subsidies. That’s their answer is to throw money at the problem and make people dependent on government. They’re buying votes.
They’re very generous with taxpayers’ money, aren’t they? We live in an idiocracy.