Governor Gavin Newsom in Beijing on 10/26/2023 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
California Chinese Americans ‘Outraged’ at Governor Newsom’s Visit To China
‘Newsom doing something so callous is mind-boggling’
By Evan Symon, October 27, 2023 4:59 pm
As Governor Gavin Newsom begins to wrap up his trip to China this week, Chinese Americans in California have become more and more critical of the Governor making the trip, as well as outraged that Newsom has not pressed harder on issues ranging from human rights to stopping illegal fentanyl coming into the U.S.
Since Monday, Newsom has been travelling throughout China on what has been called a “climate-focused tour”. So far, this has included meetings in Hong Kong at Hong Kong University addressing combatting climate change and the economy, a quick stop in Guangdong meeting with local leaders over electric vehicles and electric public transit, as well as several days in Beijing which included speaking with Chinese President Xi Jinping, more talks on climate action and trade, and a visit to the Great Wall.

While Newsom did eventually did discuss some more taboo subjects such as human rights violations, fentanyl production, and anti-democratic efforts in Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan, as well as the imprisonment of Californian Pastor David Lin, the mentions were brief with nothing major happening as a result. Other subjects, such as espionage by Communist China into Californian companies, have been avoided all together.
With Newsom avoiding most criticisms of China on his visit, Chinese Americans across California have not responded favorably to the Governor. Many told the Globe on Friday that they feel “outraged” at Newsom’s visit, with others saying that Newsom should give an honest talk about China when he gets back to save face.
“Yes, we are very upset,” said Michael Huang, a second generation Chinese American in San Jose whose uncle and aunt were both killed during the Great Leap Forward in China, and The Great Chinese Famine in the early 1960s. “We, of course, love our ancestral country, but we do not like the thugs that run it. The U.S. has always been very cautious in dealing with China and has given criticisms against them often. Newsom is just not doing that.
“He’s option to buddy up to them so that California’s clean energy goals can be worked on quicker. But this comes at the expense of working with a brutal government that is holding Californians in jail. Newsom working with an authoritarian government is despicable.”
Newsom in China
Grace Li, a coordinator of many Chinese clubs and groups in Southern California, added that “Newsom’s trip there is a disappointment. Him and his trip have come up often in the last week or so, and members from all these organizations are confused as to why he is there. He could have easily worked out deals from California and not go over there and cozy up with the communist government. But he did. Does he realize that this is the same government that is committing genocide against the Uyghur people? That has no freedom of the press? That has blocked most of the internet off? That bans Democratic images?”
“We all get that trade is important, and clean energy is important. But there are better ways to achieve it than this. Older Chinese Americans here, we’ve seen the destruction that this government has done. And younger ones, they have all heard the stories and don’t trust them either. Newsom doing something so callous is mind-boggling.”
Another, Lucas Zhang, who works as a college professor of economics, said, “China has changed a lot since the bad days of Mao Zedong, and is an economic powerhouse. It makes sense that Newsom is doing this on some level. Most Chinese people have embraced capitalism to some extent anyway, so California working closer with companies there and signing agreements of understanding is a future benefit. But Newsom needs to really stress the negatives too. He likely can’t say much negative while there or else he will look bad and these deals won’t be made there. It looks bad as a guest.”
“But once he gets back here, he needs to stress the human rights violations, the lack of freedom, and everything else. A good leader acts diplomatically. But they also need to address wrongs openly. Newsom mentioned some things in the latter but has really not gone far enough.”
“And, I know by speaking to just a few Chinese Americans here about this doesn’t really give a full scope. You know, we don’t speak for everyone. But when you ask about how others feel, it’s often pretty close. Any Chinese-American in California has had relatives who were persecuted in China at some point, especially ones that came over post WWII. That’s why we are not happy with Newsom going over. Economic ties must be maintained, but Newsom also needs to show that he knows the wrongs China has done as well. And him bringing up a few of the issues briefly there isn’t going to cut it.
“This isn’t very presidential of him, so to speak.”
Newsom is expected to be back in California soon.
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Glad to see this article, which confirms exactly what we expected to see and completely understand — the infuriated reactions of Chinese Americans to Newsom’s cozy elbow-rubbing China trip. Add to that all the neglect —- actually facilitation —- of California’s huge and numerous longstanding problems by the governor, and Gavin Newsom is obviously in even worse shape regarding his precious political ambitions than he was before, which is really saying something. And he has no one to blame but himself.
He is just like Bribery Biden who is bought and owned by the the CCP.
He is a walking talking promoter of their slave made electric vehicles and batteries.
Did ya all see him in the SUV, he wants 2!
What a clown! A dangerous clown! We do not need a Biden Jr. in the White House.
Looks like Gov Gav took a page from the Joe “Tough Guy Aviator Glasses” BuyedIn pResidential-looking school of dressing….
Just look at him, hand-on-hip, looking confidently into the future at nothing, during the waning hours of daylight…
Women swooning at his taut pectorals, peeking through his fitted European-styled, Egyptian-cotton shirt…
What a phony – you can tell they spent ten minutes trying to achieve just the right angle and look…
Not surprising under current political climate here that these Chinese Americans have to show political correctness by expressing outrage, lest they were perceived less patriotic or such. Sad state of affairs.
I’m outraged that he came back.
He had to comeback as China gave him his marching orders to help them destroy/corrupt USA from within, he will always put China first and likely following Biden footsteps for his 10%
Noisome can’t lecture Pooh Bear on human rights violations because he is conducting a systemic attack on our God given rights here.
Despite appearances ol’ Noisome is yesterdays news. He will never be president.
I’m outraged at his lack of basketball skills.
how did jerry brown keep this tone deaf clown in check?