Sexually explicit elementary school book. (Photo: Katy Grimes)
California Schools Ignoring Unsuitable, Graphic Sex Curriculum, Student Sexual Harassment
Parents fed up with California schools ‘betraying’ kids
By Katy Grimes, March 14, 2022 9:35 am
Last year, California’s public school population saw a drop by 160,000 kids. Some experts say that enrollment drop was even higher. This year, experts expect even more parents to pull their kids from public schools, for myriad reasons.
When Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered public schools to close in March 2020 for the pandemic, parents never expected the closures to last so long. But during the time at home distance learning, parents discovered more than they ever bargained for about their schools and teachers.
Lance Izumi, Senior Director of the Center for Education at the Pacific Research Institute and the author of the PRI book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies, and Possibilities said in October the COVID-19 pandemic “may have been the crack in the dam that allowed parents’ building frustration with the regular public schools to burst forth.” Izumi explained:
“Across California, state figures show that K-12 enrollment fell by 160,000 students, which was a 3-percent dip and the largest drop in enrollment in twenty years.
In the Los Angeles Unified School District, enrollment dropped by 27,000 students, which was a nearly 6 percent fall. The Los Angeles Times noted that this percentage decline ‘is three times what planners in the nation’s second-largest school district predicted.’
Even more ominous for the future of the regular public schools is the plunge in enrollment among the nation’s youngest students.”
Parents also uncovered many issues with their children’s schooling during the distance learning: sexualized curriculum, one-size-fits-all curriculum, inadequate curriculum, deficient and inconsistent teachers, among other issues.
The quarantines and learning loss, together with mask and vaccine mandates imposed by the governor and school districts as a condition of school re-openings, were a deal breaker for many families.
“Even before the pandemic, 82 percent of low-income California eighth graders failed to perform proficiently on the 2019 National Assessment for Educational Progress reading exam,” Izumi said last week. “Further, 53 percent of non-low-income eighth graders also failed to score proficiently.”
Unsurprisingly, California has the nation’s lowest literacy rate. And school lockdowns did not improve literacy or test scores. Some experts say California’s school kids’ IQ dropped by 20 points as a result of school lockdowns and distance learning.
However, in California, Izumi said a report by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics found, “Charter schools saw enrollment increases for nearly every racial and ethnic subgroup, while district public schools saw enrollment decreases for nearly every racial and ethnic subgroup. Specifically, charter schools saw particularly large increases of Asian, Filipino, Hispanic, and multi-racial students. District public schools saw a particularly large decrease in White and Black students.”
A disturbing trend in public education has also been exposed by brave parents and students: inappropriate sexual materials distributed to students, and in many cases in the scheduled, planned curriculum, teaching kids to use gender pronouns, cartoon books encouraging homosexuality and transgenderism, cartoons showing graphic sexual encounters between teen boys and trans students, and cross-dressing, among other behaviors.
Other parents report schools refuse to deal with problem students, instead threatening parents and their kids for reporting sexual and physical assaults.
The Globe has reported on many of these school issues:
- Activist teachers from the California Teacher’s Association LGBTQ training in the Spreckels Union School District, and shared how they stalked their students’ Google searches and conversations in order to recruit for their LGBTQ club. And the two teachers trained other staff in how to evade parents.
- The Salinas Union School District is using Critical Race Theory teachings, which is purposely political and dispenses with the idea of rights because it blames all inequalities of outcome on what its adherents say is pervasive racism in the United States.
- The Globe has also covered the “creeping, social justice warrior, alt-left takeover of the Santa Barbara Unified School District,” and the significant curriculum change pushing racist, LGBT, SJW agenda on children.”
- And in 2019, before the school lockdowns, the Globe covered the huge parent rally opposing the California Department of Education’s 1000 page framework document, 2019 Health Education Curriculum Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through 12th Grade. Parents presented a 24 page summary with excerpts for K-6th grade health lessons, complete with pictures of some of the recommended supplemental materials (featured image).
This week, the Globe was contacted by parents at a Sacramento elementary school with a really disturbing story about physical harassment and abuse at the school. Parent report having problems with the school and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) child who sexually assaults the girls in the classrooms, who repeatedly grabs and touches their vaginas, and at recess, including her children. She said one of her kids has been touched the most because she was actually “best friends” with this boy.
She said the school has covered-up that being friends with this boy is actually the inherent danger as that’s when the girls get assaulted. She said the school takes the stance that the boy doesn’t know what he’s doing, that school officials don’t see him doing it, and even claims none of the kids are reporting it. She said her kids have been reporting it all year but they are told not to tattle.
Other kids have also reported the boy to the school, but are equally dismissed by the adults. And now, school officials are trying to discredit the mom rather than dealing with the problem. This is happening in first grade.
The mom made a report to the Sacramento County Sheriff about the school failing to properly act as mandatory reporters, but says she’s not sure if that’s going anywhere. She also made a complaint to CPS, which is what the school should have done as mandatory reporters, and that investigation seems to be underway. But she said, CPS has no jurisdiction over what happens at at the school and neither does the Sheriff. She discovered that the sheriff reports the incident(s) to the superintendent because the schools are allowed to fully self regulate.
The only teeth in this situation to hold the adults in charge accountable is the failure of the school personnel to act as mandated reporters.
She said the school principal had the school safety officer give her a letter last week when she dropped her kids off, which threatened her with criminal action, but was based on lies and false statements by the principal.
This is still pending. The Globe will do a follow-up report.
Los Angeles parents reported to the Globe that at their private Jewish school, with 2022-2023 tuition of $52,100, high school students were provided “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by a teacher, and told to read it for class. The moms said the kids were shocked, and the reaction by parents was even worse.
“This school is supposed to be religious,” a mom told the Globe. “We trusted them (school officials) because they are religious. But this is child porn!” She said the book is full of cartoon images of kids’ struggles with gender issues, cross-dressing and/or transitioning to a different gender, as well as graphic homosexual sex acts.
The Globe reviewed the book and noted that because it shows actual graphic sexual acts, even in cartoon form, we can’t include the pictures in this article. That the book is done in cartoon form, indicates that it is directed at kids, despite claiming it is for 18 and older readers, and the reviews on Amazon indicate this. It is a very graphic “comic” style book about one person’s sexual experiences.
Parents contacted the school principal who recommended they email the school board, but the school board won’t meet with them.
The principal claims she removed the book, but parents say she’s still pushing a weird woke agenda.
A mom said the school accepts all forms of Judaism, and the principal’s “religious affiliation is pro-Palestine and BLM.”
“A lot of parents are very traditional,” a mom said. “She does not have the best interests of the students in mind.”
She asked, “Where does it stop?”
All of the parents interviewed and quoted in this article asked for anonymity out of fear of school retaliation.
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Teachers unions and thus teachers in California (and elsewhere in the country) are pushing pornography in schools, transgenderism on students, and backwards Marxist theory, are completely removing common-sense discipline, utterly failing to teach the most basic basics of a traditional curriculum, and the list goes on. Hellishness and abuse in all its glory.
Ironic, isn’t it, that for YEARS we had to listen to these same people scream “it’s for the CHILDREN!” when they wanted property owners to pass parcel and other taxes to rehab schools, raise teacher salaries, and the like.
What’s curious is that when the whole scam has been revealed to all in the last couple of years, this stuff is being pushed more vigorously than ever, even in the face of the ONE GROUP that is actually gaining some political traction and could deep-six the whole insane system in the end: PARENTS.
Mind blowing, is it not?
Can we just go back to the days of a basic health class, with a boring slide show on anatomy, for the love of God?!
No kidding. If only!
And now some school district teachers unions are already setting strike dates! Just back to school and now teachers want higher salaries, more benefits and more help. “For the children” my behind!!
It is NOT for the children, it is for the GROOMERS and the P.P. abortion machine.
YUP. Monsters.
It’s gotten to the point that parents must home school their kids to ensure that they will not be exposed to deviant sexual propaganda?
LAST LINE: “She asked, “Where does it stop?””
WELL, MOM, it stops when and where you decide it stops. You’re waiting for the other side to stop, and that’s never going to happen; their agenda is to always move forward. Only YOU have the power to decide when it stops by taking action. You will always get the behavior you’re willing to tolerate. Had enough yet? Your ACTIONS will answer the question, not your mouth.
“where does it stop?”. When normies stop voting democrat in every single election, decade after decade.
The young boy (first grade!) who is grabbing and touching the girls genitals has clearly been groomed and sexually abused. Instead of excusing him this is the time for intensive intervention. Hopefully, CPS will act for his welfare, but it’s a broken system filled with broken people so I’m not holding my breath. School officials are complicit in his abuse and abusive behaviour when they don’t report these incidents. Good for the mom who is fighting back and demanding accountability. A group of parents pushing these issues might get some wins. Sadly, no school is exempt from this agenda, as the Jewish school demonstrates. This battle won’t end soon and will require ongoing sacrifice. Democrats and Progressives are good at the long game. Can we be that committed?
I think it’s just pictured for illustration, but my mom gave me the “What’s Happening to My Body Book for Girls” when I was a teen, and it really answered a lot of the questions I had. Good book.
When I was in high school 50 years ago, our biology teacher invited someone from the local health department to come and give a presentation on the available forms of birth control. We were not allowed into the classroom the day of the presentation unless we had in hand a permission slip signed by our parents. My, how things have changed. I’m just glad my parents are not here to see it.