Kids in a classroom. (Photo: Shutterstock/Syda Productions)
Gov. Newsom’s Blatant Dishonesty on California Public School Test Scores
‘This is just another example of Democrat mismanagement, and our kids are suffering for it’
By Katy Grimes, October 24, 2022 12:35 pm
In a brazenly political move, California Superintendent of Instruction Tony Thurmond and the California Department of Education announced they would not release statewide student test scores until after the November election, the Globe reported in September.
“If California’s state test results mirror the recent implosion in national test scores, then it is likely that the state’s scores show a catastrophic drop in student achievement with massive learning losses in math and English,” Lance Izumi, Senior Director of Education Studies at the Pacific Research Institute told the Globe.
Sunday night at 10:06pm, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a press release claiming just released educational assessment data shows that California performed better than most other states and the nation from 2019-22 on the National Assessment of Educational Progress data.
Except fewer than half of California students met the state standard in English, and only one-third of students met statewide standards for mathematics.
Newsom even claimed National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data show California students held steady in reading while the nation declined, lost less ground in math than students nationally.
Only the issue isn’t comparing California’s students against other states’ kids; the issue is that school kids in California did poorly on the state proficiency tests, and were already performing poorly in 2019 before Newsom’s lockdowns of public schools for two years.
On the National Assessment of Educational Progress results in reading and math for 4th and 8th graders nationwide, Gov. Newsom claims “California’s NAEP reading scores remained relatively steady while most other states and the national average showed declines, and math scores didn’t decline as much as most other states or the national average.”
Not so fast, Governor.
The Globe again spoke with Lance Izumi, Senior Director of Education at the Pacific Research Institute, who says the Governor is putting out a lot of balderdash. “California students already were in a low place to begin with,” Izumi said. He looked at the proficiency rates in California for 2019 8th grade math and reading tests against 2022 results.
Izumi said 8th grade really is the most important year of test scores to look at because students have been in school for many years, and it’s a solid assessment how they have done cumulatively.
Izumi said each demographic group, white, African American, and Hispanic students, had significant math proficiency decline from 2019 to 2022.
- White students dropped from 47% proficiency to 34% proficiency;
- African American students dropped from only 10% proficiency to 7% proficiency;
- Hispanic students dropped from only 15% proficiency to 11% proficiency.
Izumi said the study also looked at income levels:
- Low income students (eligible for free school lunch program) scores dropped from an already low 16% proficiency to 11%.
- Affluent students scores dropped from 50% proficiency to 41%.
That’s a huge math deficiency decline, Izumi said. “Math is more complex than reading, and the Covid shutdowns really undercut that type of learning,” he said.
Izumi said with the push for STEM education (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in California’s and the nation’s high tech economy, these scores are not good.
Izumi said reading is a different type of learning skill, and 8th grade California students didn’t do as poorly as they did in math.
- White students dropped from 45% in reading proficiency in 2019 to 39% in 2022;
- African American students increased reading proficiency from a low of 10% to 15%;
- Hispanic students were almost static, increasing slightly from 19% to 20%.
- Low income students increased slightly from 18% reading proficiency in 2019 to 20% in 2022;
- Affluent students decreased from 47% to 45%.
Note the “high scores” of 2019 in math: White students only had 47% proficiency in math; African American students only had 10% proficiency, and Hispanic students only had 15% proficiency in math.
Reading wasn’t much better in 2019: White students had only 45% in reading proficiency, African American had only 10% reading proficiency, and Hispanic students had only 19% reading proficiency.
According to the NEAP, California students performed in Reading:
- In 2019: the average score of eighth-grade students in California was 259. This was lower than the average score of 262 for students in the nation.
- In 2022, the average score of eighth-grade students in California was 259. This was not significantly different from the average score of 259 for students in the nation.
According to the NEAP, California students performed in Math:
- In 2019, the average score of eighth-grade students in California was 276. This was lower than the average score of 281 for students in the nation.
- In 2022, the average score of eighth-grade students in California was 270. This was lower than the average score of 273 for students in the nation.
The key Izumi says is to look at actual proficiency scores – California students should be proficient in reading and math. Proficient merely means they should be able or competent at reading and math.
“This is a condemnation of the policies Gov. Newsom and his sycophants were foisting on parents and children,” Izumi said. “No one is looking into the guts of these actual numbers.”
California Republican leaders also weighed in on the test score results:
“Democrat policies get an F,” said Senate Republican Leader Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita). “It is no wonder these scores were kept under lock and key. They are a clear referendum on the failed policies advocated by the governor, legislative leaders, and the state superintendent of public instruction for years – not just during the pandemic. After shuttering schools for the better part of two years, student failure is on steroids. If we continue doubling own on policies that don’t work, our kids will not be prepared for much of anything.”
“Very few Californians can afford to put their kids in private school, like the governor did. Last year, 100,000 students left the state’s public school system. With scores like these, it is no wonder parents are pulling up stakes.”
“These test scores reflect the current state of education in California. We are failing students in the most important subjects,” said Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (Yuba City). “This is just another example of Democrat mismanagement, and our kids are suffering for it.”
Reading and math proficiency don’t seem to be strong points for the governor’s press office, either.
At least we now know they were born in California.
On a positive note, they can thank God they don’t have civics proficiency tests.
There is a NAEP Civics assessment. Here is the link https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/civics/
Thank you, thank you, Katy Grimes, for calling out the dishonest Gov Newsom and partner-in-crime Supt of Instruction Tony Thurmond on student test scores. What Lance Izumi has pointed out is an old trick of our Dem politicians. I saw it done in my own school district and they would have entirely gotten away with it if a very smart school watchdog had not pointed out what was happening. As I understand it this is just like Dems boasting that they cut this year’s budget when what they actually did was NOT INCREASE it as much as they did last year.
This is very sad for both young people and parents, as the students are less capable, less mature, less able to handle stress, and less like.y to be successful in years to come. Only a select few will overcome this, and in years to come we will identify failure with some reference to this era.
This was all done to justify seizing control of the voting/mail-in process to ensure power stays in Democrat hands.
Very well said, Rod.
It is troubling.
I have often said — if you keep them uneducated and uninformed, it’s easier to manipulate the public. They’ll never know what their rights are, and they’ll never know they are being taken advantage of. This was all planned. They knew what they were doing. They now have entire generations wrapped around their fingers.
“Liars can figure, but figures don’t lie”
There are three kinds of liars. Liars,damn liars and statistics.
Kill The politicians , they are Globalist Traitors
Just send em packing… VOTE ON ELECTION DAY – NOT by mail, not by drop-box…
Overwhelm their early tracking systems, so that any funny business is time-compressed and more prone to being caught….
And vote straight Republican – what do you have to lose, right???
Freedom ,Liberty, income just a start
Come On! Over & Over Newsomes Orders & Democrat Policies Are DESTROYING CALIFORNIA & Everyday More Crap & Yet this Fool Still Holds Office – COME ON MAN,
End the Suffering
Restore Law & Order
No More Taxpayer
Abortions for Every
American & Illegal Alien
in the United States
Paid For With California
Free Stimulus Checks
to Illegal Aliens
BUT NOT Senior Citizens on Social Security & Disability
Nothing to Loose
Send Nancy Packing &
Take That Gavel Back
Gavin’s just trying to bring everyone down to his level of dyslexia.
What you think Gavin would know the truth if it hit him in the hair gel I live in California I live the night mare with the democrats
The Governor not only kept schools closed for way too long he forced a lot of small businesses to go bankrupt, he’s a fake, Vote for Dahle if you want change!
I don’t see why people are freaking out about the test scores. Our kids aren’t any further behind than kids in the rest of the world. It will take all of them, not just ours, a couple years to get up to speed again. They’re going to live for 70 or 80 years, for cryin’ out loud. They’ll be fine!
There is an international assessment. Here’s the link https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa/pisa2018/index.asp#/
A pattern that you will notice if you stare into this abyss long enough is that if an organization claims to exist to protect, educate, or house children, then that organization is more than likely a predator front using their stated purpose to gain total access to the most vulnerable among us. This now applies to UNICEF and the WHO, see here: https://tritorch.com/Predator