COVID-19 mask. (Photo: Wikipedia)
Latest Mask Mandates Don’t Add Up With Natural Immunity Winning, and Counties Showing Few Deaths
‘We are seeing zero cases of re-infection; Natural immunity is broad, robust and enduring’
By Katy Grimes, August 4, 2021 2:28 pm
Sacramento County, which has 2 new deaths attributed to COVID, has had a total of 1,784 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.”
San Francisco County doesn’t have any recent deaths listed attributable to COVID, has 19 hospitalizations, and has had a total of 565 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.”
Fresno County has zero recent deaths listed attributable to COVID, and has had a total of 1,744 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.”
San Diego County doesn’t have any recent deaths listed attributable to COVID, and has had a total of 3,787 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.” Of those deaths, 3,299 were over the age of 60, and 1,659 were over the age of 80.
Riverside County doesn’t list any monthly data, and has had a total of 4,667 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.”
Santa Clara County has zero recent deaths listed attributable to COVID, and has had a total of 1,709 COVID related deaths since the start of the “pandemic.” Of those deaths, 85% were over the age of 60, and 65% had co-morbidities.
Los Angeles County, which is not the easiest COVID website to navigate, claims New Deaths Reported (08/03): 20, and Total Deaths Reported: 24,704, and Current Hospitalizations (08/03): 1,138. Los Angeles County lists confirmed and suspected COVID cases.
But something isn’t adding up. While LA County, with a current population of 9.95 million and the most cases, hospitalizations and deaths of any county in the state, the other counties aren’t in dire circumstances.
Last week the Globe reported Los Angeles County Department of Public Health had just reinstated a full indoor mask mandate for everyone – no exemptions – effective Saturday. And, County Public Health Official Barbara Ferrer appears to be planning to close down/lockdown Los Angeles County schools again.
We spoke with Los Angeles physician Dr. Houman Hemmati who says the new guidance on schools says so much as a single “case” of COVID can close the entire school and force everyone into quarantine. “We are forcing asymptomatic people to get tested. If we close the schools, those kids will be out in the community, rather than in school,” Dr. Hemmati said. “There is significant data in the United States indicating COVID prevalence is no higher among high school students and teachers who returned to campus compared with community matched prevalence rates. Young children are not the primary drivers of COVID-19 transmission. In addition, children are generally not at risk of severe health consequences from COVID-19.”
Another doctor source for the Globe who requires anonymity because of where he works sent the Globe this information about the COVID Delta variant:
“As I research the delta variant, it is becoming more clear to me that the current vaccines will soon be rendered obsolete.
The delta variant has numerous mutations on the spike protein.
The spike protein is the only protein on SARS COVID 2 that the vaccines work against.
When a person gets the actual infection, they are immunized against many areas of the virus, but only one protein/area of the virus for the vaccinated. Therefore all previously infected people still recognize the delta variant as COVID whereas the immunized do not. That is why you are seeing tremendous breakthrough infections in the vaccinated.
Therefore it is increasingly unethical to force people to get the vaccines as the efficacy wanes, yet the risks remain.”
Most recently, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer sent a letter to county leaders Tuesday urging them to follow the lead of New York City and require people to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor establishments such as restaurants, gyms and theaters, MyNewsLA reported.
A Globe reader said she had contacted her LA County Supervisor with the medical immunity argument and said she expected to see from the Supervisor a vigorous and vehement objection to City Attorney Mike Feuer’s proposal.
As with many physicians who have been vocal about their concerns about public health officials ignoring the natural immunity to COVID, Dr. Kelly Victory M.D., whose Twitter page says, “The virus is real, the statistics are not! #FactsNotFear,” has been on KABC for months and has said repeatedly that her own research found that immunity from COVID is broader, stronger, and more robust, by far, than what can be derived from the vaccine.
Dr. Victory posted, “For those questioning the power of #NaturalImmunity, and how it compares to vaccine-induced immunity for #COVID19, here is an excellent comprehensive review of the science: sharylattkisson.com/2021/08/covid- Read and share widely. #FactsNotFear.”
For those questioning the power of #NaturalImmunity, and how it compares to vaccine-induced immunity for #COVID19, here is an excellent comprehensive review of the science:https://t.co/hJ7yy3fO5H
Read and share widely. #FactsNotFear— Kelly Victory MD (@DrKellyVictory) August 4, 2021
“I’ve been reporting on this daily for months,” Dr. Victory said. “We are seeing zero cases of re-infection, and you are correct, if it were happening, the MSM would be playing at 24/7. Natural immunity is broad, robust and enduring.”
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I see now that in addition to L.A. County leaders being pressured by L.A. City Atty Mike Feuer to require proof of vaccines as a passport to enter indoor venues —- of PRIVATE BUSINESSES I should add —- that San Francisco is trying it on for size too.
To me this is a line that cannot be crossed. We can hope that eventually there will be a huge enough civil law suit that will put the fear of God into these cities and counties that insist on sticking their noses into citizens’ private business and private health matters, but will a victory there end up being a moot point when everyone has become used to handing over their papers? There MUST be public blowback against these endless edicts from the city and county powers and the unelected bureaucrats such as Fake Doctor Barbara Ferrer and her doppelganger public health officers who reign in other counties in California and cannot be removed without recalling the entire County Board of Supervisors. Or, as Katy Grimes mentioned earlier, will recalling our current governor do the trick to get rid of these tyrants once and for all?
Katy Grimes’ M.D. source who said in no uncertain terms that mandating a soon-to-be-obsolete vaccine (because of its waning efficacy) is unethical is a rock solid statement when one looks at the facts, not the fantasy. I would go farther and say that it must be illegal to mandate such a risky, dicey, problematic, experimental vaccine. What’s more, natural immunity is real, and its strength surpasses the so-called vaccines limitations.
That should be the end of it, but NOoooo… The govt entities are trying to bluff their way through this to vaccinate every warm body in sight, and for what? Power they won’t relinquish in hopes of a nightmare scenario end game? Who even knows at this point? But we must speak up against this. It’s probably our last chance for “getting back to normal” — that is, the hope of a return to a free and open society.
If you live in L.A. County you will want to contact the one Supervisor, Kathryn Barger, who can likely be encouraged to raise her voice against these outrageous (and illegal) vaccine passports for private business. Here is her contact information to call her office or send an email to have your say about this extremely important matter:
Another Supervisor, Janice Hahn, can possibly also be influenced to speak up strongly if she hears from enough voters on this issue:
Katy Grimes has laid out many of the arguments for us; not least that an increasingly obsolete but still risky experimental vaccine is being forced on us in spite of our own acquired immunity from COVID and other considerations. We simply can’t have this.
Many bars and restaurants in the SF Bay Area are now requiring proof of vaccinations. If you are familiar with the Bay Area, Tony and Alba’s will only welcome you if you have taken the shots. Any business that requires proof of vaccination loses my business!
The numbers do not add up! Look at the bell curve of the California Covid dashboard, we are at the bottom! We actually have flattened the curve but that is not good enough for the tyrannical county health departments. They are forever playing a game of pong! Keep your eye on the bouncing ball!
The powers that be never want us to return to pre pandemic routines, they want to keep the boot on our necks!
CaliGirl, I am right there with you in the Bay Area and if those places ask for vaccination proof, I will not just turn around, I will NEVER give them my business again. Today I went to one of my favorite establishments for lunch without a mask and was not harassed at all. They don’t want to lose a long time frequent customer to a ridiculous mandate! They have already suffered massive loss of revenue due to Gavin’s lockdowns and ridiculous standards for us peons. I so appreciate Katy Grimes reporting/articles. However, I am fed up with the anonymity (sp?) of those who have information so useful to American citizens. It’s a shame upstanding physicians can no longer speak their minds, share their knowledge, care for their patients without fearing for loss of income via termination of employment due to freedom of speech. The very people who have spent years in college to learn to care for human beings are now being told to shut up and not look after their patients’ best interests. Our doctors have been silenced and have not even been allowed to administer therapeutic medications to treat COVID, let alone give the EUA vaccine to those who want it. Primary care physicians were eliminated from that equation. It is a shame but it is time to step around the iron curtain!
I support the AFLDS.org. They are a group of independent doctors that just want to practice independent medicine. The founder Simone Gold MD JD was fired from her position in Los Angeles because she was treating patients with HCQ and was having success. Many scientists and doctors are researching and pushing back on the single narrative that the experimental gene therapy shot is the only answer to halting the virus.
I hope physicians will find the courage to join the AFDLS.
It is quite difficult to find doctors that are not tied to corporations and non profits like Sutter Health and Kaiser in the SF Bay Area.
There are some very informative papers and videos on their wesbsite. Dr. Ryan Cole has a great talk on what the shot may be capable of and the relation to inflammation. These doctors support the Individual vs The Collective. They inform and educate.
I agree Stacy,medicine needs to come back to a patient/doctor relationship.
Great info CaliGirl, thanks.
About 10 years ago, I had a work-related injury, and the county medical doctor told me to stay away from Kaiser as they are your insurer and healthcare provider. Kaiser doctors will always protect their employer’s bottom line over your health.
I have not taken and will not take the experimental C19 mRNA “vaccine” as two people I know that took it got C19, and one is in ICU with pneumonia. We know there are toxins in those so-called “vaccines,” and the urgency for everyone to take the jab, even those with C19 immunity, makes me very suspicious. Look at Sweden that never locked down, never imposed mask mandates, and the Swedes are doing fine.
Please study Germ Theory versus Terrain Theor; you will find that information very interesting on those two theories. Here’s a one-minute YouTube video explaining how viruses are found by virologists https://bit.ly/3CnpjDC and a website What Really Makes You Sick https://bit.ly/2TXzYn4. German microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka says viruses do not exist and see his argument here https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/die-wurzel-interview-englisch.pdf
You’re right, Cali Girl, many businesses in California are already doing this, apparently believing that most of their customers desire that false sense of “safety” to be with other people indoors.
What’s different about these most recent proposals is that L.A. County, next probably the Bay Area counties, next probably the State under Newsom’s fake emergency powers, are following New York’s private business mandate that would require proof of vaccination for entrance to small business indoor venues. It would no longer be the decision of small business, whether wise or not, to require such proof. Instead they would be fined if they DID NOT do it. Customer boycotts would no longer be effective in this scenario.
This is dangerous stuff and we must do everything we can to knock it down. Contact your county leaders (e.g. supervisors), to let them know you won’t stand for this unnecessary vaccine intimidation.
Great advice ShowandTell.
It would be wise to contact your County Supervisors. They can be held accountable. It is intended to restrict your freedom of movement, the right to work.
I agree that business owners may think it protects their customers and employees. However, more evidence is coming out that breakthrough cases are on the rise, so then how do the vaccine passports really protect? It was reported the vaccinated had the same symptoms of the unvaccinated.
It is also being reported there are black market vaccine cards, so there is that.
Excellent points, Cali Girl. It seems the scientific arguments no longer matter. Our ruling class are playing games of psychological intimidation to mandate the vaccine no matter how unnecessary and they are playing for keeps. Out-maneuvering them must be our goal, however we can do it.
Thank you for that, Cali Girl, really appreciate the interview. I was negligent and thus late to check back here, that’s why the delayed reply!
If you have had COVID and recovered, your resulting state of natural immunity re all the “variants” will be —- as Kelly Victory, M.D. has said repeatedly — broader, more robust, and more enduring than anything the “vaccine” has to offer. But taking the “vaccine” could compromise that immunity.
@Showandtell: “Natural immunity” is complex. People who have survived do have immunity but claims of robustness and endurance are not supported. Different elements of an immune system can respond, and they all have different durability. Everyone’s mileage will vary. Vaccine immunity produces more consistent antibody titers.
Kelly Victory’s “comprehensive article” is full of distortions, and in many respects contrary to results published by respected and peer-reviewed medical journals. Vaccine breakthrough cases in Massachusetts and Iceland are real, but they are among vaccinated people because these are areas where most people are vaccinated. Massachusetts has about 900 cases statewide per day and had 1364 breakthrough cases in 3 weeks. 100 of those people died (WCVB.com, Aug 3). That’s still a massive disparity in favor of getting vaccinated, 900 per day times 21 days or 19,000 cases against 900 among vaccinated people over the same period. The disparity isn’t as great for people who have already survived the disease, but it is still a profound dis-service to tell people they shouldn’t get vaccinated.
Here is some more anecdotal information coming out of Israel. We cannot ignore what his happening in hospitals in Israel, UK, and Gibralter.
The mRNA was originally sold to people to prevent COVID19 not lessen the symptoms.
It may also not prevent transmissibility as seems to be the case. Israel is about a month ahead of the their shot program than we are. This very well could be happening here in the states, time will tell! Never forget this is experimental. A good honest doctor will inform you of that. This mass push to take the shot is very concerning.
According to Dr. Kobi Haviv.
95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.
“85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”
“We are opening more and more COVID wards.”
“The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”
One other source to read out of Israel.
I agree Dr. Victory has dispensed good advice during this covid crisis. She has been maligned as an anti-vaxxer, which could not be further from the truth.
Have you seen this interview?
Let’s explain what’s going on in terms of the intelligence agencies.
1. Masks: remember the stories about “facial recognition software” and then Covid hits. Coincidence? No. This was all pre-planned, and if you look at the propaganda media hysteria about fire-Masks and the deliberate Paradise and Woolsey fires (which were NOT natural), you can see the “predictive programming” about normalizing masks in regions where key Hollywood and Tech “thought leaders” live, making them more ready to think about masks as “natural” when the intelligence agencies rolled out the Corona psyop. The Power Elite controlling the intelligence agencies are laughing at everyone wearing these stupid masks because having the rabble shut up and take it is their ultimate goal. You are serfs and slaves and they eat cake. But how convenient now that masks have become normalized in society so that “crisis actors” in various domestic psyops such as BLM or Antifa who then are flown by the DHS across country to become “white supremacists” or “proud boys” or “boogaloos” or in Hong Kong as protestors or Ukraine as Neo Nazis [seriously, these are all fake] don’t get doxxed on social media via facial recognition software for changing costumes because “masks are normal.”
2. The whole vaccine passport thing has nothing to do with health or vaccinations. For the military industrial intelligence complex it’s all about harvesting Data for the creation of AI weapons, and because the US has fewer people than China, they’re imposing greater mass surveillance and restrictions to civil liberties so they can harvest more data, which really doesn’t even have anything to do with surveillance. It’s all about using you, and when they’re done, they’ll chop you up and feed you to Gavin Newsom’s twin chihuahuas at the French Laundry.
Just listened to a MOST ENLIGHTENING podcast from Dr. Keith Rose on Podbean – it’s on Episode 169 discussing the jabs and the historical background behind “Delta” variants and drug patents that go back almost a decade…
Use DuckDuckGo to search because I’m 99.7% certain that the Gigglers will have blocked access to such a search if one needs it and can’t go straight to the Podbean app…
Believe me, it’s 33:30 you WILL not regret investing and you will now refer to it as THE PLANdemic…
After listening to his reasoned and well-researched investigations & conclusions, I’m more convinced than ever that this was a planned bio-weapon/psyop (there you go, Thomas) to create a political fecal-festival to destabilize the roaring Trump economy, create headwinds for his re-election campaign and provide operational cover for the midnight “drops” across the nation when vote-counting mysteriously stopped for the first time ever….
This is a coordinated effort by the WEF-gang and the ultra-wealthy who wish to “save the planet” for themselves, enrich themselves and their partners and “thin the herd” – unfortunately, not enough people have rushed out in response to their fear-mongering and the reports of the early deaths and disabilities associated with the runaway spike-proteins are now causing them to panic & demand acceleration of the jabs to continue unrestricted living…
Things are heating up quickly, on a number of fronts…. enjoy that podcast!
“Deaths attributed to COVID”. Therein lies the heart of the fraud. As I have posted a number of times, the second “Covid victim” in my county was a 96-year-old woman who was already in Hospice. She wasn’t in Hospice because of Covid. She was 96 and dying of old age. The third Covid victim was a 77-year-old man who had a massive heart attack and died on the emergency room table. That’s all a reasonable person needs to know the fix is in. “Positive” cases have been grossly exaggerated, as have the deaths attributed to this BS. I know hundreds of people; friends, acquittances, work associates and more. I know one person who tested positive. He was moderately sick for three days and that was it. He’s in his late thirties and doing fine. This is not a pandemic. It’s something more evil. Bubonic plague, polio, smallpox and Spanish flu were real pandemics. Malaria is an ongoing pandemic that is killing people worldwide. AIDS was a pandemic. It has subsided but still a threat. Covid and it’s never ending variants is BS and a different kind of man-made evil.
Your claims don’t add up. If deaths were due to other causes as you claim, the overall rate of deaths in the US would not have changed in 2020, but it did go way up. Life expectancy would have stayed the same, but it fell by a year overall, and by 3 years for many minorities where Covid inflicted heavy losses.
Losing a year (or three years) of life is a big, big deal. I hope you’ll think about what that means.
Covid-19 deaths 8/4-8/13
Sac Co : 31
Fresno Co: 9
Santa Clara Co: 89
Los Angeles Co: 183
San Diego Co: 23
Riverside Co: 24
*The VERY vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 are among unvaccinated people.
*The Delta variant is 60% more contagious than the Alpha variant was.
*4 teachers in one school district died from Covid-19 with 24 hours of each other. All were unvaccinated.
*It is unfathomable how fully formed adults are STILL not grasping the fact that this virus, especially the new variant, isn’t a joke. It’s not “the flu” or anything we should allow to spread freely anywhere in this country.
*Complaining that “‘healthy’ people are being quarantined” just because they were exposed to someone who had Covid completely misses the entire point of a quarantine. It’s been a known fact for over a year that asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic people can and do spread this virus.
* That there are still people in this country screeching that mask mandates, quarantines, etc., during a surging pandemic caused by a highly infectious disease that has mutated into a new, even MORE infectious disease, are a violation their “freedom” is perhaps the most depressing, pathetic and embarrassing fact in the U.S. I’ve ever seen.