Home>Articles>California Republicans Block Gov. Newsom’s and Democrats’ $50M Attempt to ‘Trump-Proof’ California

California State Assembly Chamber. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

California Republicans Block Gov. Newsom’s and Democrats’ $50M Attempt to ‘Trump-Proof’ California

Could this be the Trump effect?

By Katy Grimes, January 30, 2025 2:20 pm

California Republicans blocked today’s vote in the Assembly to “Trump-proof” the state. Democrats tried to pass $50 million to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, among other issues.

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced in early December, his plan to “Trump-proof” the state against President Donald Trump’s anticipated policies. Newsom called the special session of the Legislature to grab another $50 million that the state doesn’t have so Attorney General Rob Bonta can spend more time and taxpayer money to file lawsuits against the Trump administration, litigate and “defend” California’s problematic policies, regulations and laws.

However, his stunt has gotten meh reviews.

Since then, Newsom’s ratings have plummeted following the Pacific Palisades and Los Angeles fires, and the gross incompetence by elected and public officials, who not only mishandled water and fire prevention practices ahead of the fires, but the empty Palisades reservoir and empty fire hydrants during the fires.

The other issue Newsom is loathe to acknowledge, is that that millions more Californians rejected his and Democrats’ dangerous Anti-American agenda, the Globe suggested following the November election. Yes, even California is not nearly as blue as it once was, thanks to Gavin Newsom.

As Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) reported Thursday, “Assembly Republicans were prepared to force a vote to block funds for criminal illegal immigrants. Rather than going on record they are delaying the vote to another day.”

Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher issued a statement after Republicans shut down a vote to approve Democrats’ $50 million slush fund to sue the federal government and protect gang members and felons from deportation:

“Shutting down today’s vote is a big victory for Republicans, but Assembly Democrats need to end this farce of a special session for good. The only thing being advanced by this stunt is Gavin Newsom’s political career. Assembly Democrats should stop protecting their boss’s presidential ambitions and start protecting Californians from wildfire, crime and inflation.”

Assemblyman Carl DeMaio (R-San Diego) had an active role in the event:

“Democrats are so rattled by my amendment to bar funding for illegal immigrant criminals and politicians who protect them that they called an emergency meeting to plot a response! This is what happens when GOP fights in CA on a winning issue!!”

He added:

BREAKING: WE DID IT – for now!! CA Democrats were so rattled by my amendment to bar funding for illegal immigrant criminals and politicians who protect them that they CANCELLED their vote on their reckless $50m Trump Proof bill today! This is what happens when GOP fights in CA on a winning issue!!

Earlier in January, DeMaio issued a statement asking President Donald Trump to order a Federal Investigation of Gross Negligence by CA Politicians in the Los Angeles fires. “Without a full federal investigation into the LA fires, California politicians will cover-up their failings and the public will continue to suffer from their incompetence and negligence,” Assemblyman DeMaio said.

From his statement, DeMaio outlined the details:

“A number of alarming revelations indicate gross negligence by California state and local officials contributed to the severity of this disaster – and we simply cannot trust California politicians to do a proper investigation and provide honest answers to the public,” warns DeMaio.

While the ATF is looking into the cause of the fires, in his letter to President Trump, DeMaio outlines a larger federal investigation involving multiple federal agencies to look at a variety of examples of gross negligence including:

  • Regulations Prohibiting Proper Brush Management: California politicians have enacted insane regulations that make it hard for property owners to clear defensible space around their homes – and both state and local agencies have utterly failed to adequately clear brush on public lands. (Suggested Lead: Department of Interior – Wildland Fire Program)
  • Inadequate Water for Firefighting: The nearest reservoir to the Pacific Palisades fire was kept bone dry and fire hydrants ran out of water for firefighting. (Suggested Lead: Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  • Failure to Provide Adequate Insurance: Many fire victims have inadequate fire insurance coverage because of recent policy cancellations. With the losses mounting from these fires, California’s insurance industry could now be pushed into financial collapse. While state politicians blame “climate change” for the insurance problems, industry experts say state government policies – including rampant inflation in California and high cost of housing repairs – are the real drivers. (Suggested Lead: Department of Treasury – Federal Insurance Office)
  • Failure to Shut Off Power Utilities: Even though strong winds were predicted days in advance of the fire, the government-run utility department failed to shut off power and video captured power lines sparking fires hours after the emergency began. (Suggested Lead: Department of Energy – Office of Inspector General)
  • Failure to Properly Staff Fire Department: Local politicians have chronically underfunded and understaffed their fire departments – while terminating firefighters over vaccine mandates and diverting mission-oriented training resources to wasteful Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs. (Suggested Lead: Federal Emergency Management Agency)

In the letter DeMaio says a federal investigation is needed because “Newsom has dismissed criticisms – and worse, he has a pattern of being disingenuous and dishonest with the public on a wide-range of failings of his administration.”

DeMaio is also requesting that the US Senate and US House of Representatives hold public hearings into the LA fires.

KCRA’s Ashley Zavala reported:

“California lawmakers in the Assembly on Thursday delayed its vote on legislation to bolster the state’s legal defenses and immigration services to fight the Trump administration because Democratic leaders are now considering changes to the immigration-related proposal.

Two sources close to the situation told KCRA 3 Gov. Gavin Newsom now wants small changes to the immigration bill to make it clear that none of the funds can be used to provide immigration-related legal services to criminals.”

Zavala said, “After delaying special vote for Trump-proofing proposals, not a single member of CA Assembly’s Dem leadership would speak w/ reporters after floor session. Majority leader Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar Curry walked by and said info was ‘confidential’ ‘Democrat leaders aren’t talking and reporters were handed this written statement from Speaker’s office.'”

Could this be the Trump effect?

Californians are exhausted from Newsom’s headline-grabbing exploits and state overreach, while ignoring legitimate issues impacting 39 million California residents including the high cost of living, highest-in-the-country gas prices, high income taxes, high electricity costs, high food costs, crappy public schools, high unemployment, unfunded pension debt, water restrictions, negligible forest management, and budget deficits in nearly every city and county, as well as the state budget.

We wonder if members of the Legislature realize that Democrat leadership and the governor are prioritizing illegal aliens and criminal illegal aliens over the legal residents of the state.

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22 thoughts on “California Republicans Block Gov. Newsom’s and Democrats’ $50M Attempt to ‘Trump-Proof’ California

  1. Trump does all the heavy lifting and suddenly the cowardly Californian Republicans find their spine. Better late than never I suppose. Keep at it because we will not overlook anymore of games you play pretending to be conservatives while allowing Democrats to burn the state to the ground.

  2. This sounds like a good start, and I know I’m not the only one who looks forward to continued drumbeat pressure by Repubs on these clueless Dems.

    I just don’t see how this ridiculous Democrat supermajority legislature can possibly sustain itself in this new and quite different era of an increasingly awakened, educated, and trending-conservative state populace. These Dems might as well be operating on Mars, they are that off-topic and irrelevant to the concerns of Californians. What they are focused on, now more than ever, is in NO WAY reflective of what the people of this state are going through now and want to have happen. Their problems are the end result of a corruption-driven pile-up of unaddressed problems without end. Going up against Trump? Why on earth? Do you all even have sense enough that you can’t beg for federal funds with one hand and stab President Trump in the back with the other with your stupid lawsuits?

    This weird obliviousness is especially glaring in light of Newsom’s real and obvious responsibility for the recent disastrous fires in Pacific Palisades and Altadena/Pasadena. Are the CA Dem legislators even aware of this? That NEWSOM’S policies and neglect over the years have led to these infernos; that HE is the one who can be pointed to as most responsible for them? Dem legislators want to hitch their wagon to THIS “star”? Really? Why?

    Newsom’s usual trick of showing up and doing his “what the hell is going on here?” – “who me?” act, as though he just landed from another planet and sees the firestorms and the rubble and new class of refugee homeowners and their families and their pain and trauma visited upon them THROUGH NO FAULT OFF THEIR OWN as if he is a mere tourist and not the governor of the state, for God’s sake —- is simply not working for Californians this time around, not after years and years of his horrendous and repeated sadistic abuse. If these Dem legislative politicians want to survive they need to recognize this new reality and adapt to it ASAP.

  3. Newsom continues to wrongfully believe, that like gender, he can conveniently select non-citizens and desolve the remainder in an invisible set of categories, which defacto give immunity from justice.

  4. Is the pendulum finally swinging back to sanity in this state?
    The awakening must continue. We as a citizenry must take action and speak out, whether it be in a forum like this, social media or in public.
    All of this nonsense had been in the making for decades.
    Let’s take back our state and I hope more Republicans grow a pair and continue to push back, Californians must insist on election integrity!
    As yourself what is your task and what is purpose?
    If that answer is to save this state then this state will be saved. 😉 (wink, wink @SKB)
    Carl De Maio just might be the guy to shake things up! Yay!

    1. Yes… Action, Action, Action.
      • GOP leadership needs to be replaced. They still have the mindset of Ronna McDaniel.
      • Open primaries are a disaster and elections can’t be trusted.
      • Winning candidates need to emerge with name recognition other than a dim baseball star.
      • Charlie Kirk could schedule events with SKB, TC, VDH, . Start in Fresno.

      1. Mayday, you succinctly laid out a winning strategy. Now if only we had a CAGOP that would follow this strategy. It is as if they purposely put forth a losing strategy.
        Jessica Milan must resign, accepting defeat time and again with a smile is simply, BAD.

        Action, Action, Action!
        The time is now.

        1. One Fed Up Cali Girl – We need a Turning Point movement in California. The CAGOP is essentially useless. Who is capable and electable to run against ideologues of TDS, victimology and identity entitlement? Party affiliation has become irrelevant with the Top Two rank primary system (2010 Prop 14).
          In a state of 40 million people. . . January 5, 2024:
          26,649,323 eligible voters – 22, 077,412 registered
          D 10,323,214 47%
          R 5,332,858. 24%
          N 4,845,113 22% (No Party)
          O. 1,576,227 7% (Other)
          In 2022 Gavin Newsom won a total of 6,470,099 votes. Brian Dahle received 4,845,113
          After this term and Trump’s significant win in 2024, a change in the RIGHT direction could be accomplished. Besides Charlie Kirk, Scott Presler could have an impact far more than the current CAGOP.
          ACTION – ACTION – ACTION !

  5. You know the TV series “Shameless”? The Democrats are the political version. The only logical way to explain the actions of California Democrats in going all in (against 65% of the public nationally) is that there are many more illegals here than we thought. and that they have a significant effect on electoral results and state revenues. No one is buying “Trump is mean” anymore, and 40% of the state voted for him. Keep the pressure on.

  6. I am thinking the same thing Cali Girl.
    I am reminded of something I said to my mother a few months before the election.
    I told her that Trump and RFK jr needed to take Robby’s supporters by the hand and gently bring them over to line if they were going to vote for ‘the Devil’, especially in California.
    And, sure enough, next thing they did was have the excellent, all inclusive Rescue the Republic event in DC.
    It worked beautifully.
    So here in California, we need to be able to seperate the 2 party politics from these issues.
    We need to help Dems who lost their homes to realize that they are not going to the ‘dark side’ if they criticize our elected officials.
    Help them realize that they are just Californians who lost their homes.
    They are just Californians that might never be able to rebuild because of a lack of wildfire insurance.
    So, what I will do is talk to them without blaming them for having voted Democratic for decades, because that will not get us where we all need to be- safe and free to live our lives in the Golden state , like we have always done .

    1. All excellent points, Mary.
      Californians are now living through the real results of progressivism. Many of California’s democrat voters believed they were helping the underserved and protecting their environment but that was never the case. They were fooled by con artists, with Newsom being the biggest one of them all!

      Each of us can be redeemed. They must insist on voter integrity and vote for the complete opposite of what they have done in the past.
      The results speak for themselves. California is literally a disaster zone from top to bottom.

      1. Yes, that is exactly what I did last election.
        I was disappointed, but not surprised, that we did not hear more news stories about the big shift from blue to red in so many counties.
        Mainstream media is so obvious, once your eyes have been opened.
        So grateful for this site and all of the commentors here that help me keep the wool out of my eyes.

  7. Newsom wants to spend your hard-earned tax money to “Trump-proof” California, but when wildfires devastate the fire-prone areas of California, he’s gonna ask Trump for federal emergency relief and possibly invite him to come to California (like he did a few weeks ago) to see the damage done? LMAO

    You had a chance to recall him a few years ago. A lot of you didn’t take it. He’s a clown and he’ll never become the POTUS should he run after he’s termed out.

  8. There’s plenty to say about the attempt to “Trump proof” the state. Is there something different about how special sessions are conducted, or did the “Rs” inexplicably but suddenly grow a pair? I believe that in regular legislative sessions Republicans are quite outnumered by Democrats and are easily ignored by them. Getting back to the Eaton fire: I’m quite sure the video clip submitted as evidence of a flash on the far tower will be extensively combed through for tampering. I’m not shilling for SCE, I have had my own issues with that corporation, but this is not the time or place for that. I would like to see some daylight pictures of the tower and conductors where the flash is said to have occured showing any damage to the structure or conductors. This is what is puzzling me: air is an insulator and no matter how hard the wind blows the structure would have been engineered to maintain a sufficient air gap between the conductors and the tower. Beyond that, judging the direction of the transmission corridor it’s my guess that they terminate at Vincent 500kv substation south of Palmdale and various other substations south of the San Gabriels to feed the metropolitan area, but it’s a guess. As far as the circuits in question at this time of year, they probably could have been switched out if those were the only circuits to be in a fire hazardous area, but face it: I believe every possible transmission route to feed the SCE territory in the greater Los Angeles area from the Pacific Ocean to Palm Springs, San Fernando to the San Diego county line passes through one fire hazardous area or another, and I don’t believe there is enough generation capacity in the sub-region to make it self sufficient if all the transmission lines were switched out. So, southern California would be in the dark, opening up another giant economic and public safety can of worms. As well, for those who clamor for all power company circuits to be placed underground, there’s not enough money in the whole universe to fund that. In a future CG article I would like for the aforementioned video clip and any photographs of the tower said to be the source of the Eaton fire be included. A note to the torch and pitchfork crowd – there are any number of politicians, bureaucrats, environmental groups and their lawyers who need to be beaten with the same stick as would be used on the power company, they are the ones who blocked necessary brush and forest maintenence and created the artificial water shortage. Those are people who need to be bankrupted and jailed for their willful malfeasance.

  9. As important as all of this is I want to see where our money went, both federal and state. There are dozens of alphabet charities getting both state and federal grants. For all we know they are partying on our money.
    The next change needs to be cleaning up voter rolls, and requiring realistic “chain of custody” rules for absentee ballots so we can have confidence in our ballot harvesting system.

    1. Years ago I worked for a well known, multi billion dollar corporation that forced its management and supervision to donate to the United Way (“That’s a really nice job you have there…). This was to bolster the image that the business was a good, caring corporate citizen of the community. I don’t clearly remember the particulars, but a scandel enveloped the United Way that if I remember right, the top executives were living like sultans, most of the money went to administrative costs and promotion of the entity, and very little came out the other end to perform the charitable work United Way said it was doing. So, it bears some investigation of wherever you send your charitable donations, and that doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be fooled.

      1. There are grifters everywhere a “free lunch” or a money conduit is found. Probably most of them start out with the best of intentions, but the rot eventually creeps in. Look at all the billions of dollars the feds shovel out to NGOs, which dollars become repurposed to undermine the nation. For instance, I believe it was $50 mil tossed out to provide condoms to gaza. Outside of the senselessnes of it, how many condoms does $50 mil buy, or was it cash sent with the misleading notion that hamas would actually buy condoms instead of munitions? Would Hamas use condoms to make inprovised weapons? (I know, the jokes write themselves with that one, but I’m hearing they do make some sort of bomb utilizing condoms in the process). Is it in the financial interest of Department of Social Services employees to stamp out any societal need to dispense welfare benefits? How did all that California taxpayer money earmarked for the “unhoused” disappear like a magician’s trick, and no one knows where it went? And, one a little closer to my ideological house: it’s my firm conviction that the Tea Party was a good thing, I think now that it exists only so that those at the top can write their own payroll checks.

  10. I am frustrated with the California voters. I supported the recall Newscum and the election of several Republican candidates in the past. If we had Larry Elder as governor and Rick Caruso as mayor, we would not be in this fix. It seems like efforts to change California are futile. A bright spot is the election of DeMaio from San Diego. We have these two horrific senators, Schiff and a hispanic guy who are making complete fools of themselves at the confirmation hearings. How the voters don’t see past Newscum’s smoke and mirrors is beyond me

  11. I, like everyone who commented before me, am skeptical that the Dems will try to sneak their agenda in either in a different format or maybe a bit later when it’s not being watched so closely. That $50 million bill was beyond disgusting and so like them to just ignore what the majority of what our state wants. I’m still amazed that there are enough ignorant or uninformed people to vote these people into office.

  12. Thankfully we have common sense Republicans like Assemblymen Bill Essayli, Carl DeMaio, and Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher who are fighting to stop Gov. “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the criminal Democrat mafia in the legislature who are prioritizing illegal aliens and criminal illegal aliens over the legal residents of California.

  13. Cheers to the CA Republicans for blocking the power-crazed Democrats. Newsom is a disgusting example of a “leader.” Please, let’s get rid of him!

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