Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Gavin Goes to Gaza – But No one Asked Him to
Newsom travels to China and Israel, but all roads lead back to California…
By Katy Grimes, October 23, 2023 2:30 am
Why are the taxpayers of California funding Gov. Gavin Newsom’s pre-presidential campaign? Why are the taxpayers paying for his world travels – to China, but first with a stop in Israel where he was able to orchestrate some tender photo ops?
Explain how Newsom’s trip benefits the people of California… or how this improves the quality of life for people in the Golden State… or how it will end hunger, homelessness and drug addiction in California… or how it will help us out the $30 billion State Budget deficit… or how Newsom’s trip will cut California’s highest-in-the-nation taxes… or end the state’s crime spike… The list is serious and quite long.
Newsom’s trip to China with the stopover in Israel is clearly a campaign stunt, and should be funded as one – by his campaign.
Newsom’s office said California is also sending medical supplies to the region, including provisions intended for the Gaza Strip, but that could have been done from the State Capitol. Newsom didn’t personally deliver and unload the medical supplies in the Gaza Strip himself. But in his wanton mind, this justifies the people of California funding the bill.
Yesterday, I listened to the grief and terror in a mother’s voice as she spoke about her son — a Californian right now being held hostage in Gaza — whose arm was blown off by a terrorist’s grenade.⁰
No one deserves to live in the kind of fear and terror that the Israeli people… pic.twitter.com/hFKbVYPmW8— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) October 21, 2023
No one in the world required Gavin Newsom to tell then of the horrors in Israel after the Hamas attack.
Newsom was ravaged on Twitter for his tone deaf campaign stunt, called out for promoting himself in the face of human tragedy.
“How about sending some relief to this war torn region in San Francisco” one Tweet said:
How about sending some relief to this war torn region in San Francisco pic.twitter.com/YDvVxD6c7g
— Broken Arrow (@bri35341840) October 22, 2023
Here’s the photo from that Tweet – this is San Francisco – Gavin Newsom’s San Francisco:
The rest of the country wants no part of Newsom’s San Francisco to come to their states.
Most of the Twitter comments reflected Californians’ anger and fear of living with the stunning rise in violent crime, the spike in drug-addicted homeless taking over California cities, the feces, urine and discarded used needles on city streets: “You do realize Californian’s live in fear daily, right?” one Tweet asked.
Some focused on Gavin Newsom’s 10-year plan to eradicate homelessness in San Francisco – from 14 years ago:
in 2008 Gavin Newsom vowed to fix the homeless problem, fast forward 2022.
The homeless problem in California has grown much worse under his leadership.
Now Newsom wants to run for President, America what do you say, can our country survive under him? https://t.co/FjXZHXj97n
— Rose Stafford (@RoseStaff2012) September 23, 2022
“Newsom takes his backup presidential campaign to Israel,” the Washington Examiner reported. “Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is visiting Israel en route to China even though no one really asked him to. So what is the point, exactly?”
“No one asked Newsom to go to Israel, nor did anyone ask him to go to China thinking he could magically make the Chinese Communist Party care about the climate. That leaves two potential explanations. The first is that Newsom and his inflated ego think he should be front and center in every issue not just in the U.S. but globally. The second is that his trip to Israel and his trip to China are a cynical presidential election play for Newsom as he undoubtedly prepares to run in 2028 (or even 2024, with President Joe Biden’s age and cratering poll numbers).”
Then there was this interview with Gov. Newsom blaming climate change on the U.S. and China as the biggest polluters. No one in his right mind would compare the U.S. with China over polluting levels.
— TXIndep1836 (@TXNFirst1836) October 21, 2023
Here is a screen shot of that Twitter account post:
This interview shows once again how tone deaf Gavin Newsom is to real human suffering, and will say anything for photo ops and campaign sound bites. No one is suffering over Climate Change (except maybe Greta Thunberg), but there are plenty of suffering Californians. What about the suffering Californians? Newsom doesn’t even meet with California’s victims of violent crime – victims because of his own soft-on-crime policies. Let’s at least agree that letting 76,000 felons out of prison didn’t improve crime statistics in California.
Can you imagine voters’ responses in other states to Newsom’s claim that climate change is the most important issue in the country?
“Why don’t you figure out how to keep the lights on in California first, or maybe drug addicts off your streets! And, no one will vote for you for President!” a Tweet post replied.
As the Globe reported, “Even before landing, Newsom’s visit was divisive. Many saw his Israeli trip as important, as humanitarian, and as a way to show Israel support from the U.S. and California. However, others charged it as being nothing more as a publicity stunt and unnecessary as he isn’t a head of state, with President Joe Biden visiting the country earlier this week.”
Remember that people are fleeing California because cities have become unlivable, businesses are closing and also fleeing, parents are pulling their children out of public schools because the state is pushing “Gender affirmation” on “transitioning” kids, and Downtown San Francisco is about to lose its 7th Walgreens since 2021.

We are watching decay before our eyes in California under Governor Gavin Newsom. It is not only so sad, it was so preventable. But frigid politicians like Gavin Newsom can’t be bothered to care. It’s more satisfying for Newsom to jet around the world impersonating a world leader, spreading beneficence to the hurt and suffering, feigning benevolence.
When Gavin Newsom shows actual concern for the people of California, maybe then, and only then, could he be considered a decent human – or politician. After locking down California for three years, mandating vaccines and ordering masking under his COVID policies, and signing laws allowing the state authority over children instead of parents, he doesn’t even qualify as an enlightened despot at this point. Voters need to remember this.
I notice when Newsom went for his taxpayer funded jaunt, straws began to appear at the vending machines again… Yes, Gav, one more unenforced law on the books to entrap an enemy. I broke the law. I felt free for once.
Another “Hit and Run” by Mr. “I’m tired of ruining California, I wanna go big!” Newsom.
Chuckiechan: You’re absolutely right to call this guy “Mr. ‘I’m tired of ruining California, I wanna go big!’ Newsom.”
Having continually slapped Californians in the face throughout his political career, too many times to even count, Gavin Newsom is bored now, ready to move on to his idea of the Bigger and the Better. Probably even he is disgusted by the stinking, smoldering sewage pit he has almost single-handedly made of the state in the last several years and would like to leave it behind ASAP. He is not at all interested in regretting what he has done, reforming himself or his devastating policies, or seriously addressing what has been leveled and ruined in his own home state, the one he supposedly loves so much. ACTUALLY helping Californians and doing right by them is not on his agenda and never has been.
We’ll have many many more slaps in the face, and this latest globe-trotting escapade of his as a fake, maudlin head-of-state has been just one more slap. But at least we can widely publicize what a destructive and blindly arrogant horse’s ass he has consistently been in California to put the country on alert.
Katy Grimes is right: “….[Gavin Newsom] doesn’t even qualify as an enlightened despot at this point.” Imagine that —- Californians are in the position, because of this Worst Governor Ever, where we would consider an “enlightened despot” a step up.
“When Gavin shows actual concern for the people of California..”
My reply is too late he had his opportunity to show his decency ! He cares more about salmon and smelt than he will ever care about Californians struggling with high gas prices ,lack of water, lack of safety, lack of electricity…..
If he looks in the mirror he will see the phony, sad sack of a human he is!
A story was shared about a kind church going woman who said this following prayer out loud.
“I pray that our governor’s soul will be saved today and taken home tomorrow!”
Just wait until he goes national and someone says “Did you actually sign a law allowing judges to allow minors to engage in gender change tourism without contacting their parents before surgery?”
On September 30, 2022 California governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that would make California a sanctuary state for under age children to engage in gender change tourism without notification of their parents. Costs are presumably picked up by the state.
I’m sure he got all the “likes” and fawning news coverage but overturned or not I can’t wait until he tries to explain that in a small town hall!
In the picture above of the Walgreens store, Walgreens might want to remove their sign ASAP so as not to give any passers-by a negative impression of their company standards.
Newsom’s deep-state globalist masters probably ordered him to meet up with fellow WEF globalist Netanyahu in Israel before making deals with the CCP like he did previously with that billion mask deal that benefited him and his Democrat cronies?
Wait, what?! Mr. Climate Change hops on a plane and travels thousands of miles for an unnecessary trip. I wonder what the carbon footprint of that endeavor is. Oh, I forgot. It only applies to us citizens getting punished for breathing into the wrong direction, not to King Gavin of CA.
Hairgel Hitler went to China to pick up his check and renew his contract with BYD (“Build Your Dreams”), the same company he signed a no-compete contract with for PPE in the early days of the plandemic…
As others said, he’s probably been ordered by his globalist paymasters to “run the lap” for PR purposes in his “Really, I’m NOT running for President” Presidential campaign…
Whether it’s chaos on the streets of California, America, Gaza makes no difference as societal breakdowns, desecration of cultures, currencies and borders all with the intent of making the masses needy and captive to the state and NWO all that matters. Newson’s destruction of the most populous state in America has won him a reigning position among the global elites; he has done the job with vigor and alacrity.
While the subject charade occurring Schumer, McConnell and the balance of democrats and republicans dragging American into another set of wars planned as the final blow to America as we knew it.
Look at the numbers folks; the interest on the already amassed debt we are being forced to endure is now the single largest budget line item expenditure; larger the SS and the defense appropriations yet they want to now finance two more wars?
America’s death knell before us and we do nothing to save ourselves; and notice the Donald is going down for the final count so while we’re distracted all chances for our survival have been dashed…