Governor Newsom announces signing of $15 billion climate change, wildfire funding packages in Sequoia National Park on 9/23/21. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gov. Newsom So Afraid Trump Will Win, He’s Doubling Down on… Climate Change?
Politico reports climate change policy most important to Newsom – the people, not so much
By Katy Grimes, March 29, 2024 7:50 am
Governor Gavin Newsom is preparing an army of bureaucrats to protect California’s climate policies against a second Trump administration. You read that right. With California’s visible melt-down, the elitist governor is focused on climate change.
In “California is preparing to defend itself — and the nation — against Trump 2.0.,” Politico reported:
Newsom administration officials are keenly aware that deep-blue California is a prime target for former President Donald Trump’s political diatribes and policy rollbacks — and they fully expect he’ll resume his attacks on the Golden State if he wins in November.
This is the governor’s concern – “the state’s nation-leading climate policies” – even as California has a $77 billion budget deficit, ranks dead last in the nation on job growth, and has 200,000 homeless zombies taking over cities.
Politico claims:
“California officials are dusting off the playbook that made them a bulwark against former President Donald Trump from 2016-2020.”
From the elite leftist media to elite leftist politicians, Democrats openly show their contempt for the people and the working class.
Politico continues:
Trump campaign officials openly acknowledge that they plan to attack California policies, confirming to POLITICO this week that the state’s electric vehicle programs would be a top target.
Trump campaign officials address California’s draconian, worst-in-the-nation climate change regulations, costing taxpayers billions, and amount to nothing more than climate woo-woo conferences and round table discussions – and state funding funneled to connected elitist and also leftist NGOs and non-profits.
“Under President Donald J. Trump’s leadership, the United States became the number one producer of oil and natural gas on earth, achieving American energy independence and delivering historically low costs for oil, gas, diesel, and electricity to consumers and businesses,” Trump says.
What is Newsom afraid of?
“President Trump will unleash the production of domestic energy resources, reduce the soaring price of gasoline, diesel and natural gas, promote energy security for our friends around the world, eliminate the socialist Green New Deal and ensure the United States is never again at the mercy of a foreign supplier of energy.”
During Trump’s presidency, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a lawsuit opposing President Trump for revoking California’s ability to set their own car emissions standards.
But because Gov. Newsom and the state’s Democrat lawmakers have no idea how to effectively address the state’s record budget deficit, or homeless zombie apocalypse, or lousy service economy – nor do they really care – Climate change is a preferable issue to focus on – it makes them appear to be doing something.
Gov. Newsom’s actions demonstrate that he doesn’t care about the people or workers of California, but excitedly rolled out the red carpet for China’s Xi Jinping and cleaned up San Francisco, removing the homeless vagrants, their public toilets and street camps. Newsom did this for the Communist Chinese – not for the people who live in the city and pay the taxes. Within days following the China delegation’s departure, tents and poop were once again dominating San Francisco’s streets.
The people of California are leaving the state at about 400,000 per year now – if they can. They are moving to free states because of the outrageous policies Gov. Newsom has imposed, as well as the state’s staggering economy.
The Associated Press, Fox News and Orange County Register reported that California is cooking the books on job creation:
“California suffers largest job-growth drop in US – 54% cut in job creation between 2015-19 and 2019-23.”
“California’s job-creation shortfall ranks as the largest among the states, as the Golden State fell from No. 1 for new jobs in 2015-19 to No. 3 in 2019-23,” the Orange County Register reported.
It was in state government jobs that were created – not private sector jobs.
The OCR presented the receipts:
“Look at the chill in the state’s largest job markets …
Los Angeles County: 195,500 slower job growth – 79,000 hires in 2019-23 vs. 274,500 added staff for 2015-19. That’s a 71% cooling vs. the pre-pandemic pace.
San Francisco: 113,800 short – 26,300 past four years vs. 140,100 for 2015-19. That’s off 81%.
Orange County: 88,900 short – 39,000 past four years vs. 127,900 for 2015-19. That’s off 70%.
Oakland-Berkeley: 81,300 short – 11,400 past four years vs. 92,800 for 2015-19. That’s off 88%.
Inland Empire: 70,500 short – 128,400 past four years vs. 198,900 for 2015-19. That’s off 35%.
San Jose-Santa Clara: 63,600 short – 36,500 past four years vs. 100,100 for 2015-19. That’s off 64%.
San Diego County: 48,300 short – 69,900 past four years vs. 118,200 for 2015-19. That’s off 41%.
Sacramento: 36,900 short – 67,600 past four years vs. 104,500 for 2015-19. That’s off 35%.”
Gov. Newsom is lying to the people, and cooking the books to make it look like his policies are working. And that is because Newsom puts government over what’s best for the people. And he puts himself over everything else.
Newsom was even warned about how disastrous the $20 fast food minimum wage would be by his billionaire Panera Bread owner friend. But he signed the bill into law anyway, and ahead of the April 1st start date, fast food restaurants are already laying off employees. And now he’s chosen his favorites in the fast food industry by exempting high-cost locations: airports, hotels, event centers, casinos, while ignoring the small franchise owners who will be forced to pay the $20 minimum wage.
It’s a clear attack on the middle class, not only harming these small business owners, but preventing new owners from entering the franchise market.
These are issues that Gov. Newsom could address and reverse. But instead he blathers about climate change.
And Politico reports this as a good thing: “You can count on California to be a stable partner and a strong partner on climate change, for all the prevailing winds that shift in Washington, D.C.,” Newsom said on an October trip to China where he signed five climate agreements with local governments and national agencies.”
They can’t get enough of Gavin, even as he openly bilks Californians with “agreements to meet about adaptation strategies to plans to exchange monitoring methods for emissions — with little in the way of details, specific goals or targets. (They’re also nonbinding, like the Paris Agreement and other international climate pacts.)”
Newsom agreed with China “to refine cap-and-trade markets, decarbonize industry, promote biodiversity and transition to zero-emission vehicles.”
We must ask ourselves why Gov. Newsom cut deals with the Communist Chinese.
But he’s right to be afraid of another Trump administration.
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- Shocking 16,000 Jobs Lost Due to California’s $20 Fast Food Wage Hike - March 8, 2025
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“….We’re definitely trying to future-proof California in every way, shape or form.” Never thought I would agree with you Gavy, but yes, it is abundantly clear your policies are designed to kill any chance for a bright future for California.
If it sounds like a communist, acts like a communist and smells like a communist, then it’s a Democrat. This is Governor Climate Change through and through. Global warming, climate change, climate crisis or whatever they are calling it this week is less believable than Mother Goose and Grimm. I will show this article to my liberal cousin at Easter Dinner. Thank you Katy! TRUMP 2024!
Happy Easter Day John! (wish I could be a fly on the wall at your family dinner) 🙂
Happy Easter to you too Showandtell! I will also be wearing my TRUMP shirt and MAGA hat just to stir it up some more!
Love it 🙂
“If it sounds like a communist, acts like a communist and smells like a communist, then it’s a Democrat.”
Excellent! I’ll have to remember this one.
Is it sodium pentothal that makes a person tell the truth whether they want to or not? If so, Gavin should be on an IV drip of the stuff with the compelling results broadcast live on all streaming platforms.
Besides, didn’t “climate change” come in dead last in every poll for years and years as an actual concern of the American people, even in spite of Gavin’s “cooking the books” efforts? Wouldn’t you think someone as narcissistic as Newsom would be afraid of becoming completely irrelevant by harping on a topic as ice cold as this one?
But maybe he and his cronies see promise in what was outlined in Katy Grimes companion article and the hope is to raise truckloads of cash for Dem/Marxists through phony environmental PACs headed up by bored billionaires, all of them under cover of contrived “environmental” legislation to add legitimacy:
Plus, this is all the Dem/Marxists and people like Newsom have, right? “Climate change,” which has been more-than-fully debunked thousands —- if not millions —- of times in the last 20 years at least. Well, that’s all they have except for their horror-show “All-Abortions-All-the-Time” plank as well as their “Transgender Industrial Complex” and “Transgender Sanctuary State” planks.
Good luck!
To anyone born after 1975,
Definition of Climate:
Oxford Dictionary-
Climate (noun)
the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place:
History has shown Climate over time can have changes. Imagine that! The Climate Change Cult leaders would like you to think it is a new phenomenon driven by carbon excretion. Carbon feeds plants, carbon produces life.
Happy Easter All.
God is good. Trust in God not Gavin😉
Hair-gel Hitler Newsom is preparing an army of unelected bureaucrats to protect the climate baloney policies of his paymasters like the World Economic Forum globalists, the CCP, the cartels, multinational corporations like BlackRock and central bankers? Being that he’s highly unpopular and considering that he was installed with Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines, he should be more concerned about an uprising by struggling Californians whose living standards continue to plummet as crime continues to increase?
Climate change (rebranded global warming) is just a ploy for government to micro manage every aspect of people’s lives.
If you want to truth, watch this must see move, “Climate The Movie The Cold Truth”.
Yes indeed, Protect Freedom. When government controls the means of production, government controls every aspect of an individual’s life. This is a great documentary – it should be required viewing in every school. Summary can be found here: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/new-documentary-features-scientists-who-risked-challenging-climate-crisis
“But because Gov. Newsom and the state’s Democrat lawmakers have no idea how to effectively address the state’s record budget deficit, or homeless zombie apocalypse, or lousy service economy – nor do they really care – Climate change is a preferable issue to focus on – it makes them appear to be doing something.”
This is the core concept of this FANTASTIC article…
Democrat Don Quixotes prefer to fight made up issues that are UNCONTROLLABLE by humans because it provides them POLITICAL COVER to create laws and policies that ENABLE CONTROL over people’s lives (which feeds their pathological narcissism) AND also enables PERSONAL FINANCIAL GAIN as they cut shady deals with goods and service providers, or make investments in said purveyors. See Pelosi, Nancy. (Aunt of this a-hole narcissist Boy-Governor)
I realize that was a complex sentence so I’ll simplify it for you Democrats out there that failed reading comprehension : “Climate change” is a licence to steal AND control others!
Natural processes like last week’s undersea volcanic eruption and others above ground release FAR MORE carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than first world industry, with developing nation’s industries following far behind. But corrupt first-world fascist dictators like California Governor Gavin Newsom cut contract deals with Chinese industry companies like BYD and others to provide electric buses and solar panels to achieve all their “mandates”…
Why do you think Newsom made that trip to China recently? To check in with his Chinese paymaster!!!
Happy Easter to the commenting regulars and writers of this fine site! true words from the earlier poster stating Trust God, not Democrats…
A very Happy Easter to you, too, CD9. 🙂
The climate scam is orchestrated by a few clever and evil people. It benefits from a planet full of useful idiots who buy into the scam. One discipline in Anthropology is the study of religions in different cultures. Anthropology generally does not pass judgement on different religions. It merely tries to understand what constitutes religious behavior in different cultures. There are a set of attributes (human beliefs and behavior) that characterize religion. Fervent believers who buy into the apocalyptic nature of the climate scam are clearly practicing religion from an anthropological perspective. Unfortunately, few anthropology professors will acknowledge this publicly because the high priests of the climate cult would subject them to a brutal Inquisition.
For several years now, I’ve wondered who is going to pay for all the repairs and upgrades to highways and streets after the oil industry and and ICE vehicles have been decimated. Pedestrians don’t contribute anything. Bicyclists don’t contribute anything. Literally, the federal and state excise taxes pay for the highways and streets, multiple GHG and CO2 taxes and fees pay for the move to clean energy, and oil and gas company “obscene” profits pay a huge amount of taxes into the state coffers. Once they’re gone, where is the money going to come from.
Really good point.
Our taxes and numerous “fees”…