Gov. Gavin Newsom, high-paying career pathways. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Haughty Gov. Gavin Newsom Takes Credit for ‘Recent Crack Down on Retail Theft’
Voters are responsible for passage of Proposition 36 in Nov. to reverse the state’s perverse lax theft laws
By Katy Grimes, December 28, 2024 11:25 am
The recent news stories of actual arrests for blatant crime and serial theft rings in California is thanks to voter’s overwhelming passage in November of Proposition 36 to reverse the state’s perverse lax theft laws.
Most people are celebrating that California is making crime illegal again and one of the biggest political revolutions since Proposition 13 – and a repudiation of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who openly campaigned against the anti-crime initiative.
It’s been a long 10+ years under Assembly Bill 109, Assembly Bill 1050, Proposition 47, Proposition 57, Senate Bill 620, Senate Bill 1391, Senate Bill 1437, all of which undermined California’s “Three Strikes law” which successfully dealt with recidivist criminals (details here and here).
California leads the nation in fentanyl deaths, drug-addicted homeless vagrants living on the streets, and retail theft thanks to Proposition 47 resulting in California’s once tough-on-crime laws systematically undermined and destroyed with these horrific policies.
Democrats in the Legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom attempted to derail Prop. 36, despite its important legal fixes to California’s staggering crime problems.
California’s 10+ year crime crisis spared no one, except high ranking politicians and Hollywood elite who have private security. Crime and rampant retail theft throughout California cities caused thousands of small business to go under, and chain store closures. Escalating fentanyl overdoses have been killing young Californians at a stunning rate. And that is why voters passed Proposition 36.
However, the state’s haughty governor Gavin Newsom, isn’t having any of it. He claims that he is responsible for the theft arrests – just like he is “responsible” for having the brilliant foresight to create his own DOGE in California – “we’ve been working since before DOGE was DOGE, updating job descriptions for years,” he claimed. Wow. Monumental progress.
“Gov. Gavin Newsom doubled down Friday on his opposition to Proposition 36, the newly enacted statewide anti-crime initiative, and claimed that recent progress cracking down on retail theft can be attributed to his creation of a statewide California Highway Patrol anti-organized retail theft task force,” SacBee.com reported.
Only a pretentious, ambitious politician from California could be this dense.
The Bee reports that Newsom said Prop. 36, which passed overwhelmingly last month, primarily addressed “’nonviolent drug possession’ and did not allow for multiple law enforcement agencies to work together, unlike the CHP task force he has touted as a major facet of his statewide anti-retail theft strategy. The task force has been in existence since 2019, when Newsom first took office.”
If Newsom has had his anti-organized retail theft task force since 2019, why didn’t the imperious governor unleash it on California’s crime-laden cities sooner and prevent business closures, theft of millions of dollars worth of products, violence and drug rings?
What a hypocrite. Newsom only announces a move like his anti-organized retail theft task force, at a time which will benefit him politically. He doesn’t care about the damage and harm to the people of California since he took office in 2019… when he supposedly created his anti-organized retail theft task force.
And where has California’s media been during these 10 years of chaos?
The Sanctuary Press has been covering for the cavalier Sanctuary State Governor.
As the Globe reported in April 2024, Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig gave the details and brought the receipts of the damage Prop. 47 has caused:
“Homelessness has increased 51% in CA since Prop 47 passed and essentially decriminalized hard drugs like fentanyl and meth in 2014. Meanwhile, homelessness decreased 11% in the rest of the country combined. A recent audit found: “California spent $24 billion to tackle homelessness over a five-year period but didn’t consistently track the outcomes or effectiveness of its programs, according to state audit released Tuesday.”
DA Reisig also dropped this factoid and the photo with the Capitol in the background:
Fentanyl is openly sold on the streets near California’s Capitol for $1.50/pill. Same scene in SF, LA, SD & more. CA leads the nation in fentanyl deaths, homelessness and retail theft. Ignoring the connections is malpractice.

This is photographic evidence of the aftermath of Gavin Newsom’s California.
Newsom claimed:
“Prop. 36 never included organized retail theft, it never addressed that issue,” Newsom told reporters from a CHP facility in Oakland. “It never addressed the issue of vehicle crimes. Never addressed the issue of multijurisdictional prosecutions.”
Except that The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act specifically goes after serial thieves and drug crimes, and would elevate the third time someone commits retail theft to a felony charge.
As the Globe has reported, and according to experts involved in writing the initiative, December 20th, the day the initiative went into effect, a thief caught a third time, with any prior theft charges on his adult record, can be charged with a felony. And if he is caught stealing a fourth time, he is eligible for prison.
The discretion will remain with the District Attorneys and Judges, but the law has been restored to allow increased penalties with increased thefts.
As the Globe reported in Governor Gavin Newsom: Coulda, Woulda Shoulda earlier this week, the city of Vallejo has been begging the Governor’s office for CHP help with the city’s dangerous escalating crime. It’s been crickets from the governor’s office, despite daily and weekly requests.
“The CHP is already providing a little assistance, not their surge teams like they are in Oakland, but occasional street patrols when they’re coming off the freeways,” said Vallejo City Manager Andrew Murray, KTVU recently reported.
Where is Newsom’s anti-organized retail theft task force? Why isn’t he talking with Vallejo officials?
Gov. Newsom and Democrat legislators could have thrown support behind the Fix 47, Prop. 36 ballot initiative if they really believe in “bipartisan” agreements – many of the state’s Democrat Mayors supported the initiative. But this is more about Democrats controlling the process than it is fixing a problem.
As haughty Governor Gavin Newsom said in the Bee article, “I applaud any effort to address the issue of retail theft. I’ve been applauding that for years and years, and I’m very grateful to the work of the California Highway Patrol continuum of advancing those efforts.”
Yeah, right. It shows.

Proposition 47, was passed by tragically misinformed voters in 2014, and flagrantly titled “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” by then Attorney General Kamala Harris, which reduced a host of serious felonies to misdemeanors, including drug crimes, date rape, and all thefts under $950, even for repeat offenders who steal every day. Prop. 47 also decriminalized drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances, as well as removing judges’ ability to order drug rehabilitation programs rather than incarceration.
This guy’s arrogance is boundless.
If newsome (note small case) had 1/2 a brain, he’d be a ….. half wit.
All retailers in the state should sue him for all their losses prior to prop 36. Make him take credit for that.
Newsom is an pathological lair and a soulless narcissist who needs to be hauled before a tribunal and be held accountable for his many grievous crimes against humanity.
Worst Governor Ever, Gavin Newsom, is incapable of changing and doing the right thing —- EVER —- and what’s more, he obviously really enjoys being a jerk, so there’s that, too. His response to criticism from Californians is to rev up the Destructo-Mode even more. Negative attention doesn’t bother him because at least it’s attention! Out-of-control toddlers mid-tantrum have more maturity and are more reasonable than Gavin. But the good news in this admittedly very bad situation for which Newsom is responsible is that, because of the CA Globe’s leadership on reporting about this disaster of a governor, virtually everyone in California and beyond now KNOWS what a lying, arrogant, obnoxious, narcissistic a-hole Newsom is. There’s a lot of power in that and it looks like we are on the road to harnessing it.
(Knock wood, fingers crossed.)
Yes Showandtell, it’s all about attention for Newsom. That is a classic symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Yup, Fed Up, he checks every box, doesn’t he.
Newsom is the new Biden, claiming successes for things he opposed and blatantly lying about disastrous policies obvious to everyone else. This is only possible because of the Sacramento Bee, LA Times, and SF Chronicle, along with the MSM. As the shift away from traditional news continues, Newsom’s tenuous hold on the public should fade. None of Newsom’s tactics around DOGE, immigration or Trump proofing California are going to work with a huge deficit and fewer goodies to hand out. Watch Newsom fade in the shadow of the Era of President Trump.
Stay in his face Katy!
Where are the rebuttals? What? No gaslighting from his supporters?
Facts are easy to defend.
Keep up the good work.
Once again “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom is trying to gaslight Californians? Most of us with common sense aren’t buying it? The era of control by evil WEF globalist stooges and Draco Reptilians has ended.
I totally agree with your sentiments about Katy! It’s refreshing to see a journalist take a different fork in the road and confront the problems before us and taking on these arrogant politicians. The billions spent on issues they created with results that they ignore and is supported by a press that is just an extension of a corrupt political system.
Agree 100%!
Spot on! Yes spending us into insolvency for issues and problems they created. And using our hard earned money to make the issues worse. And constantly hiding behind their phony climate change scam to further destroy our once great state.
Spot on! Yes spending us into insolvency for issues and problems they created. And using our hard earned money to make the issues worse. And constantly hiding behind their phony climate change scam to further destroy our once great state.
Apologies, as this is sort of off-topic (but not entirely):
As much as I intensely dislike posting anything from the often sketchy “news” outlet Calmatters, I thought this was interesting. Check out the CYA from A.G. Rob Bonta, which sure as heck makes it look as though he is running for the hills at the first sign of a challenge to “sanctuary cities” (and sanctuary state, etc.) designation from proxies of the incoming presidential administration:
“Trump allies warn CA leaders they could go to prison over sanctuary city laws”
I think AG Bonta would look awesome in a sporting orange jumpsuit!
He and sleaze ball Newsom could share a cover on the hot new magazine D-Bag Mag!
No kidding, Cali Girl. Might as well make lemonade out of lemons!
Maybe they can use the glamour photographer Newsom took with him when he went to China?
Ha, ha yes hire that photag! Only the best for Glamour Boy.
Orange is the new black as they once said in Hollywood.
Newsom let out one third of all of the prisoners in California prisons, and now we have to round them all up again.
This bozo governor has done nothing right. Loser.
I love the sign Newsom has on his podium. “Pathways to high paying, great careers.”
While the rest of the country created 7.3 million private sector jobs in two and a half years through June 2024, California only created 5400. Yes, that’s it, only 5400. So it appears the pathway Newsom is referring to is to move out of state.
Welcome to clown show.
what about the big debt, high crime,homelessness, drug problem, lack of prosecution, past criminals, over million people moved out, many business have left. and let’s not forget SF, Ca. The downtown business 30 percent vacancy rate. also, Fox news and governor of Florida step over your face on the debate. You can see the upset grin on his face.
I wholeheartedly agree with this article, but it only scratches the surface. The failures of Newsom and the California Democrats to govern responsibly is legendary. As discussed in the article, a consequence of their false concern about treating criminals fairly, as embodied in Prop 47, raised the crime rate to very high levels, prompting Newsom and his legislative henchman to pass an 11% excise tax on firearms and ammunition to “fund anti-gun crime efforts”. The 11% excise tax “infringes” on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms making the tax unconstitutional. Further, Newsom, AG Banta, and their legislative henchmen proudly proclaim California as a “sanctuary state”, even in state law and written policies. But, by doing so, they are willfully and publicly violating federal immigration law. One example of this is Title 8, US Code, Section 1324. This statute states, in part, that providing aid and comfort to illegal immigrants/aliens and hiding them from federal authorities are both felonies. The penalties for violating these provisions of 8 USC 1324 are fines and/or prison time. With an estimated 2.85 million illegal immigrants in the state, that is 2.85 million counts against them for each infraction of federal immigration law. (I wonder how the courts would calculate prison time with the counts so high.) This also means that the incoming ICE Director, Tom Homan, should arrive in Sacramento shortly after 20 Jan 25 with arrest warrants, indictments and federal marshals to take California’s “sanctuary state advocates” into custody. This includes the mayors and city council members of San Francisco, Oakland, LA, San Diego and any other California city’s governing body if they are so inclined. I could go on, but I’ll just throw one more example in the mix which is the $2.3 TRILLION that a very recent Forbes magazine article concluded was California’s real debt. This extraordinarily high debt level is the consequence of the state government’s fiduciary malfeasance regrading the proper collection and use of taxpayer dollars. According to one state senator I spoke with a number of years ago, the California legislature spends money yet cannot accurately track where it goes. Case in point: Newsom reportedly spent $24 billion to “cure” homelessness. No one knows where the money went and the homeless situation remains unchanged. It is long past time to do a thorough audit of the state’s books and make such an audit an annual requirement prescribed by law. Perhaps we should also go back to part time legislators which is what we had pre-1970 or so. I believe Texas does this – 140 days every other year – so that the legislators cannot get into mischief, but only focus on necessary state activities.
If I recall correctly, Prop 47 was the way out of federal oversight on prison overcrowding.
Newsom gets credit, alright…. for making our lives so miserable that the public had to take matters into their own hands because the legislature and governor wouldn’t.
The Evil & Vicious California Governor, “Gavin”, had begun killing Californians back when he of the Mayor of San Francisco~! He oversaw the Murder of Kate Steinle on July Forth as she was walking with her father on Fishermans Wharf~! She was murdered by a 4-time-deported Illegal Alien, who “Gavin” beloved, as Mayor of a Sanctuary City, San Francisco~! Since then there are untold thousands of Californians whose rapes, deaths & murders have been approvingly overseen by “Gavin”, as he has been an accomplice to those rapes, crimes & murders of Californians since then~!
“Gavin” has also purposefully destroyed over one Million acres of CA Farms, Ranches, Orchards & Vineyards, our Food-Creators~! Read The CA Water For Food and People Movement on FB~! Therein, “Gavin’s” water crimes against Our Food Creators is Documented Very Clearly~!
Please read this mentioned blog that explicitly tells how The DWR has cut water to the Farmer/Ranchers AND all of the property owners in CA. How a huge % of the water from the Sierras has been sent to the ocean. Part of the real issue, is the Bay area, with SF specifically cleaning out their sewage. Their sewers are decades old, but Newsome lost the money he sent to the Homeless, instead of helping to clean up the BAY area. Now onward with more taxes.