President Trump to Gov. Newsom: We’re Putting People over Fish
‘Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California’
By Katy Grimes, January 22, 2025 3:15 am

Gavin Newsom has seen the light! He’s cutting the state’s business-killing, business-prevention regulations. Hallelujah!
“Goodbye red tape. Goodbye bureaucratic nonsense. We’re taking urgent action to speed up debris removal and prevent any further damage to communities that have been impacted by LA fires,” California Governor Gavin Newsom posted to X Tuesday.
It’s an interesting choice of words by the Governor, because if “red tape and bureaucratic nonsense” can be so easily rescinded for fire recovery, it’s pretty obvious to everyone these regulations were never necessary, and in fact are a very expensive pediment to getting anything done in California.
The next obvious thought is if the “red tape and bureaucratic nonsense” regulations can so easily be chucked out the door, then why wouldn’t Newsom toss the “red tape and bureaucratic nonsense” eternally?
That move would not only radically improve just about any development or infrastructure project in California, everything would cost less.
The hypocrisy of Governor Newsom is not lost on most Californians, as he is the Bureaucrat-in-Chief who has continued to support all of the “red tape and bureaucratic nonsense” until his legacy and presidential future is threatened, and then attempts to claim hero-status for removing it.
Newsom’s deceit and dishonesty is just cruel.
One of the Executive Actions signed by President Trump: “Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California” is a thumb in Gov. Newsom’s eye, and should be an embarrassment if he had any humility.
Trump’s Executive Order: Putting People Over Fish
January 20, 2025
Putting People over Fish: Stopping Radical
Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern
I hereby direct the Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the heads of other departments and agencies of the United States as necessary, to immediately restart the work from my first Administration by the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and other agencies to route more water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to other parts of the state for use by the people there who desperately need a reliable water supply.
During my first term, the State of California, at the direction of its Governor, filed a lawsuit to stop my Administration from implementing improvements to California’s water infrastructure. My Administration’s plan would have allowed enormous amounts of water to flow from the snow melt and rainwater in rivers in Northern California to beneficial use in the Central Valley and Southern California. This catastrophic halt was allegedly in protection of the Delta smelt and other species of fish. Today, this enormous water supply flows wastefully into the Pacific Ocean.
The recent deadly and historically destructive wildfires in Southern California underscore why the State of California needs a reliable water supply and sound vegetation management practices in order to provide water desperately needed there, and why this plan must immediately be reimplemented.
Within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, the Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of the Interior shall report to me regarding the progress made in implementing the policies in this memorandum and provide any recommendations regarding future implementation.
In 2021, I wrote an article at the Globe asking, “Why Do Californians Have to Choose Between Food, Agriculture, and Fish?”
Following a very wet winter, “Reservoirs were full to the top in 2019, with enough water to supply to all users for at least five years of drought, but no longer.”
California’s water crisis is created by politicians and state government which allows the unelected, appointed and permanent bureaucrats at the State Water Resources Control Board to fulfill state water policy so politicians’ fingerprints aren’t on it. And, politicians and officials who adhere to radical environmental policies, have been killing off California agriculture lands by denying water, sending 80% of California’s water to the ocean in unimpaired flows for “environmental” purposes, resulting in entire Central Valley towns without water, farms drying up, and threats of rationing to urban water users.
California’s drought conditions are actually historically normal, and just as California’s last drought was billed as the “driest period in the state’s recorded rainfall history,” droughts are now called Rare Mega-Droughts.”
So why did Gov. Newsom authorize the break up of clean energy hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River? Why does he continue to let much-needed water rush to the sea for Delta Smelt and Coho salmon instead? …unless turning California into a wasteland is the goal, as California Globe reported.
The ongoing Pacific Palisades and Los Angeles fires continue to burn because fire hydrants ran dry and were emptied. The Santa Ynez reservoir in Pacific Palisades, built to provide additional water supply and for firefighting purposes on the south slope of the Santa Monica mountains was empty, drained for a year for repairs to the cover.
This is unmitigated incompetence. This is horrific “leadership.”
Yet Gov. Newsom doubled-down on stupid with this tweet:
As I replied on X:
Propagandist Politifact? Seriously? What about the empty Santa Ynez reservoir in Pacific Palisades, built to provide additional water supply and for firefighting purposes on the south slope of the Santa Monica mountains?
As California Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) just announced:
Today I introduced a wildfire legislative package which will cut bureaucratic red tape to help FIREPROOF our state. These are 3 common sense proposals that will protect our communities and the environment from future wildfires.
There will be a legislative committee hearing Wednesday morning to discuss Democrats’ latest budget proposal on fire. This should be interesting. Given that Gov. Newsom and legislative Democrats have already allocated $50 million that the state doesn’t have on “Trump-proofing” California, any additional money for fire prevention is a delusion.
Let’s never forget that California farms and businesses are starved of water year after year. Household water users are ordered to conserve, despite that it’s only 4.5% of total water use in the state. Lawmakers and federal environmental regulators have annually authorized billion gallons of water to flow out to the ocean, instead of being used for human consumption.
This is environmental extremism at its worst, and it is killing California agriculture.
And Gavin is trying to save his flailing political career… he’s epitomizes everything wrong with California.
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Would Newsom please elaborate on which red tape and bureaucratic nonsense, that way in the future we call it out when they attempt to reimpose it.
“…“Goodbye red tape. Goodbye bureaucratic nonsense….”
Newsom is panicking. He is trying to give the “impression” he is doing something rather than actually doing something. The fires aren’t out. The winds haven’t stopped. The water supply hasn’t increased. No one has been fired or resigned in disgrace. In fact no one has taken any responsibility for the disaster, but instead Newsom keeps proclaiming the State did nothing wrong. Time will tell, but I don’t think this “recovery by pronouncement” strategy will work.
In today’s LA Times there’s an article about the fire that destroyed a good portion of Santa Rosa a few years ago and it references the Paradise fire also. Nowhere does it mention that the State “cut red tape or bureaucracy” to facilitate rebuilding. Why now?
Because Palisades is heavy with Hollywood elite (Democrat campaign donors).
Yes, indeed Jimmy.
Whenever I look at Gavin Newsom I am reminded of Oscar Wilde’s 1891 classic gothic horror novel “A Picture of Dorian Gray.” The character Dorian was depicted as a narcissist obsessed with his own beauty. He lived a life of hedonistic excess at the expense of everyone around him. In the novel, Dorian becomes concerned about his mortality and the effects of age on his sense of self beauty. In order to avoid growing old Dorian sells his soul and has an artist create a portrait that will age instead of Dorian himself. He hides the portrait and stops aging. However, every time Dorian commits some evil deed the likeness on the portrait becomes more grotesque.
I am convinced Gavin Newsom has a similar portrait hidden deep in some closet. The portrait depicts the true Gavin Newsom covered in boils and pockmarks that represent his endless lies, narcissism and hedonistic nature.
And soiled trousers. “…Gavin Newsom covered in boils and pockmarks that represent his endless lies, narcissism and hedonistic nature…”
It appears that the water supply in this state has been coopted for the benefit of one couple, the Resnick’s. They own a controlling interest in a large percentage of our water and they fund the UC system to produce whatever water study they need to enlarge their water empire. I wonder how much they fund Noisome and his merry band of crayon grasping, puppy hugging, candlelight vigil Dems?
Mr. Ring can probably explain how California water rights work, CW. I don’t think that someone can “own” the water and prevent others from having access. Even if someone drills a well on their land and installs a pump, the only thing they would own would be the pump and casing, I believe. That said, the Resnick’s are big-time contributors to Newscum.
I’m not really fond of PolitiFact but, you make allegations that I have just not seen in my 70 years here in California. I have seen creeping Environmental nonsense that seeks to de-industrialize and De-humanize the State using Marxist philosophy as a guide.: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2025/jan/14/more-perfect-union/does-a-billionaire-couple-own-almost-all-the-water/
Trump has Newsom backpedaling. Trump will keep on moving forward which will continue force Newsom to keep backpedaling. I have said this before and continue to believe that Newsom’s days as governor are numbered. and the number is not that big. Now is the time for Californians to pray for the state and to humbly ask God to forgive us of our wrongdoings and to move California into “the golden age” with the rest of the nation. It will happen and now is they time to prepare for it. What a time to be alive!
And yet the corrupt legacy media are currently salivating all over themselves about what a wonderful governor Kamala Harris would be.
But do the Republicans have a candidate that can break the Dems hold on California? That is the question, otherwise nothing will change.
Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom is a deep-state WEF globalist stooge who is desperately trying to save his flailing political career as Katy Grimes pointed out and he epitomizes everything wrong with the criminal Democrat mafia that has destroyed the once great state of California. Their time in power is over.
So interesting most of the posts seem to offer personal attacks on Newsom and ignore anything approaching evidence — like Katy’s graph (which doesn’t include a source. Tsk. Tsk. That really is journalism 101, Katy.). An actual research source will tell you “On average, communities use 10%, agriculture uses 40% of water statewide, and the environment uses 50%” In other words, agriculture uses 80% of the water consumed while contributing only 2% to state GDP. Source: https://www.ppic.org/publication/water-use-in-california/
In reality, California’s agriculture economic impact is further amplified when considering related industries and job creation, which together add about $82 billion in value to the state’s economy. Just think how much more California’s agriculture and other industries could contribute to California’s economy if Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the rest of your criminal Democrat mafia thug masters who control the state instead allowed the water to be used productively instead of allowing half of it to flow out to the Pacific Ocean? How much does the 50% of the water that flows out to ocean contribute to California’s economy? ZERO!
Meanwhile, results show that that LA’s air quality has been drastically lowered to toxic levels after the LA fires that were due to the intentional maleficence of Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom, dingbat Mayor Karen Bass, and the rest of the criminal Democrat mafia that controls LA. With over 15,000 structures gone up in smoke, plumes of toxic ash was sent into the air that included lead, asbestos, and many other chemicals. According to the New York Times, the neurotoxin lead reached 100 times “average levels even miles from the flames,” while levels of chlorine reached 40 times the average.
TJ, Great comments with more Ag production comes opportunities to export products which benefits everybody. I look to see more exports to Europe in the near future.
Mr. OldCalifornianWithCommonsense,
Your commonsense should have led you to click the bold print that leads you to Katy’s source.
Data Source: Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
I see you gathered information there as well. You used the same source.
Katy does her home work. I think it is disingenuous of you to accuse her of being sloppy.
And as far as the criticism of Gov Gav, well he earned that all on his own!
I know what was and what now is, there has been tremendous damage done to California from the deranged left over the last 30 years. I’m going to keep it short: Newsom needs to be politically and socially pummeled profusely about the head and shoulders. Being tarred and feathered then rode on a very narrow rail all the way from Santa Monica clear to the prison west of Blythe with citizens hurling rotten produce and putrid, dead animals at him along the entire slow way would be too good for him. Ditto for slime balls like Scott Wiener, et all.
If this true Donald not what we thought him to be.
Trump didn’t say anything about
From the article, Trump said “I’m going to help a lot through emergency declarations,” he said. “Because we have an emergency and we need a lot of help. We need energy generation and they will build their own.” He said Stargate will build the infrastructure to power the “next generation of AI and this will include data centers. Massive facilities…These are big beautiful buildings.” He said a team is already scouting the nation for sites on which to build new data centers.”
It was Larry Ellison who talked about combining the forces of AI and mRNA gene therapy to create a “cancer vaccine.” He and other WEF globalist stooges like him need to be put on a tight leash?
We’re judged by our friends and associates and this not Trump’s first vax endorsement.
Trump did not endorse the toxic AI mRNA gene therapy that Larry Ellison is trying to sell and he never mandated any vax unlike Biden and the rest of your criminal Democrat mafia thug masters did.
Bottom line it’s coming apparently and Trump clearly is not going to prevent it.
Less than a week since returned to office and already the agendas of control and contrition introduced as a given.
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all,” read a statement from the former president. “I hope everyone remembers!”
Donald Trump
@Eyeinthesky, the mRNA vaccine issue and mandates were discussed and debated extensively on this forum during the Wuhan Virus crisis created by China. You were obviously not on this forum to participate at that time. Some people voluntarily chose to be vaccinated (like Mr. Trump) and others did not. It came down to a personal choice. What the majority were against were the MANDATES – like the ones that NEWSCUM and the other LEFTIST GOVERNORS imposed. Those articles are still available and I am sure that KG can provide the links.
Donald was to survey the fire related destruction here in Cali this week however it appears the issues related to our servitude, surveillance and contrition Trump all pun intended.
You can continue in your servitude to Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the rest of your criminal Democrat mafia thug masters?
Meanwhile, President Trump announced that on Friday he’ll first visit the forgotten hurricane victims in North Carolina and then visit the forgotten victims of the LA fires.
President Trump unleashes his “Revolution Of Common Sense” on the WEF Globalists in Davos in a virtual appearance:
I have read that it has been around 8 years since the delta smelt has been seen in the wild. I have little doubt the un-natural flooding of the delta with fresh water is to blame. Normally the delta has salt water in time of low stream and river flow. If Dems actually care about the smelt then breed them by the millions like trout in fish farms.
Thanks Katy, for this article. As many of you know I am running for Oakland Mayor in the special 2025 election. This is a time to rally our forces wih President Trump and rebuild our state, nation and world. Below is my latest release on this subject.
For Immediate Release
Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland Mayor 2025
January 22, 2025
President Donald J.Trump Cares About California!
On Friday, January 24, 2025 President Donald J. Trump will visit the horrible and devastating fires in the Los Angeles Area of California. Unlike his predecessor, former President Joe Biden and former President of Vice, Kamala Harris, who did not bother to come to California as the fires began and raged out of control, I welcome Trump’s trip to California .
President Donald J. Trump warned Governor Newscum at the time of the Paradise Fires that major changes were needed to prevent these disasters. Did Newscum listen, NO!
INSTEAD, Newcum and others made no new improvements in water management, no brush control and MADE CUTS in fire departments and other necessary equipment. In fact, Newscum lied about the brush management he claimed was done!
I welcome President Donald J. Trump to California, especially I welcome him to Oakland. We have much to discuss and much to do. I call on all leaders and citizens of Oakland and everyone who wants to rebuild our great state and enjoy the great freedoms of living in a productive sovereign nation to join me in this invitation.
As the preamble of our U.S. Constitution says:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”.
This is why I am running to become Oakland’s Mayor. It is time to put aside party questions and ideologies. If Oakland is going to become safe and productive again, we need to return to the principles and policies that founded both our great nation and California. Otherwise, hold yourself accountable for the further destruction of our Oakland. I am running not for myself, I am running for you and our future children.
Media Contact:
Gerald Pechenuk
FPPC # 1477156
Gavin Newscum, our hero, and he’s humble too.
With good hair and perfect teeth, top qualifications to be governor.