Beautiful California agriculture. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
Which is it California – a Flood Emergency or a Drought Emergency?
Media climate pimps hype California ‘weather’ – Again
By Katy Grimes, June 2, 2023 9:11 am
“Meteorologists forecast that June will bring above-normal temperatures to California, which could worsen the state’s remaining drought,” the Sacramento Bee reports today.
Ah. This is from the same meteorologists who could not or would not forecast the record rain and snowpack we had this past winter – statewide snowpack averages came in at 237% of average.
“According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there’s a 33% to 50% chance weather in California will be hotter than usual for this time of the year.”
Well, that would fit in with their climate change propaganda goals. May 31st – two days ago, the Bee reported:
Temperatures in Northern California this week will begin to warm up and some areas will even see isolated showers. The Sacramento area has seen “cooler than average temperatures” over the last two weeks, said Sara Purdue, a National Weather Service meteorologist. But temperatures will warm up this weekend.
It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s raining. It’s dry. Nowhere does The Sacramento Bee ever say that it’s normal.
Rep. Kevin Kiley had it right in January when he said:
“California finds itself in a flood emergency and a drought emergency at the same time. This absurdity results from a fundamental failure of governance.”
California finds itself in a flood emergency and a drought emergency at the same time. This absurdity results from a fundamental failure of governance. pic.twitter.com/LgXGHCoBOz
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) January 11, 2023
Note that it’s the Biden administration which appointed the political team to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Washington Post reported in 2021. They even admit Under Biden, NOAA’s profile is set to rise as climate change takes center stage.
NOAA is who the Bee uses as their climate experts:
“NOAA outlooks show ‘equal’ chances of above-normal, near-normal or below-normal rainfall for June. Meaning, according to the National Weather Service, there’s no clear indication of how much rain the state could receive. One thing is for certain: parts of California will scorch this summer.”
Oh no! Not another scorching summer in California!
“According to previous Bee reporting, Northern California could see more intense heat waves this summer. ‘Heat can exacerbate drought, and hot, dry conditions can, in turn, create wildfire conditions,’ the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions wrote on its website. The heightened risk of fires this season is in lower-elevation grasslands, as moisture from winter storms is drying up faster than in the mountains, which saw record snow this year. More vegetation in these areas can be fuel for flames.”
The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, which appears to be another Climate Change hustler “Accelerating the US Net-Zero Transition,” also says, “We believe that climate solutions must be equitable to be effective and durable. We believe that climate justice means ensuring the benefits of the transition to a net-zero-emissions economy are shared and that marginalized and vulnerable populations—who suffer the brunt of a changing climate—have the resources and access to advocate effectively for their priorities.”
Another “climate change” expert. Equity and justice are crucial when discussing the weather.
“Through our research and dialogues, we answer pressing questions, identify roadblocks to progress, and forge new solutions.”
But they don’t say how they are able to produce “climate solutions.”
There’s the real crux of the Bee article:
In Sacramento, according to the National Weather Service, temperatures will reach a high of 92 degrees on Saturday and 93 degrees on Sunday. The weather is predicted to settle into the mid-to-low 80s early next week.
IS CALIFORNIA STILL IN A DROUGHT? According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, California is roughly 95% drought-free after a winter of record-breaking rain and snow. The state is free of “severe,” “extreme,” and “exceptional” drought conditions for more than seven weeks in a row.
The left is trying to keep the drought conversation and fear mongering front and center.
In April, the Globe reported:
Snowpack levels are expected to top out now at more than 160%, before dropping significantly down to under 50% by April 1st like previous years. Weather experts predicted that while the drought would be eased somewhat in the Spring, that California would still be at mega-drought levels.
Interesting. Here’s why: 50% of California’s water supply goes to environmental uses right off the top. Of the remaining 50%, urban use is only 10% and agriculture uses 40%. State officials allow that first 50% to run out the Pacific Ocean for salmon, and for other environmental uses.
However, those projections have been radically altered by the near constant storms that have hit California since January. That month, snowpack levels in the mountains were at 174% the average amount. In early March, levels were above 200%. Based on measurements Thursday, the average snowpack level statewide was at 227%. In the Southern Sierra Range, a main feeder for both the Central Valley and the Los Angeles area, levels were approaching 300%, with snowpack at 283%. So much has fallen that many ski areas have extended ski season until early July due to the sheer amount of snow. Along with snowpack, reservoir levels across the state have been rapidly approaching full levels as well.
The Bee reported Friday:
Roughly 29% of the state remains abnormally dry for the second week in a row.
Oh no!
In September the Sacramento Bee published an article hyping the heat and fear mongering:
How can Sacramento heat turn fatal? What to know with temps headed to 110 degrees
The Bee claimed the fall weather was a “recording-breaking heat wave,” and “forced many residents indoors this holiday weekend (Labor Day).”
We challenged the Bee:
“It’s not record-breaking, and I saw a street fair outdoors yesterday when temps reached 105 degrees.
KCRA even has an “Excessive Heat Warning” on their news website, and offers tips on how to “be safe.”
Ironically, Californians were also asked “to conserve power amid brutal heat wave,” which really means, don’t use your air conditioner because it will tax the fragile California electricity grid which the state can’t power with renewable energy.
The U.S. National Weather Service in Sacramento also warned in September of “Dangerous Heat” and told us to “Practice heat safety!”
The hysteria is non-stop by the climate change pimps. A few months ago the Bee was screeching “Floods!” Now they are screeching “Drought!”
As we repeatedly note, California’s drought conditions are actually historically normal. So are our occasional heavy wet winters. It’s not hard to plan for this – if politicians were honest. Our water projects were built and designed to provide a steady 5-7 year supply of water for the entire state, even in drought years.
This is Sacramento weather in 1972 – notice the 114 degrees on July 14, 1972:
In 1973, the hottest temperature in Sacramento was 107 degrees. By 1975, it was back up to 113 degrees. In fact, between 1972 and 1992, over 20 years, every summer in Sacramento was in the triple digits, and there were four summers hotter than 110 degrees.
In 1996, it was 110 degrees in Sacramento. In 2002, it was 110 degrees. In 2006, it was 111 degrees. In 2017 it was 110 degrees. In 2020 it was 112 degrees in Sacramento. Last summer in Sacramento, temperatures reached 109 degrees. The point is, every summer in the Sacramento region, temperatures are hot – 104 up to 113 degrees. The standard appears to be 104 to 108 degrees – really hot.
The dimbulbs at the Sacramento Bee conflate hot weather with drought. But the point is, this is weather, i.e. atmospheric conditions. According to NASA, “Most people think of weather in terms of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, brightness, visibility, wind, and atmospheric pressure, as in high and low pressure.”
Last Fall the so-called experts predicted warmer temperatures and less than normal precipitation over the Winter. This Spring experts are predicting a hotter than normal Summer. Based on their track record I’m betting it will be raining on the 4th of July.
Who bothers reading the nonsense manufactured by Democrat controlled propaganda outlets like the Sacramento Bee? Californians with common sense know that Newsom and Democrats use “climate doom” fear mongering while creating water and power scarcity to control Californians.
NOAA/UN/WHO/WEF…………”Control peoples perceptions, control their behavior” (David Icke). Control the weather, control the world. This is whats going on, even earthquakes!
They use 5g, HAARp and the relentless “seeding” of our skies with powdered metals to create any weather they want to. This is the agenda of insane psychopaths. They have been working on this since the 1940’s . Now all the technologies to control the world seem to be here. A few thousand sick criminals and their co-conspiratorslike the online “fact checkers- are attempting to implement world control right this minute.
So what can we do about it today?
“We have to attack their greatest weakness using our greatest strength” Dr.Rima E. Laibow Our greatest strength is that we outnumber them.
We (“the left/the right”) have a common enemy who wants us to be split up and distracted by fighting against each other so we are not joining forces-as they pull all of our strings from above.
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary
Climate Change Debunked
Unequivocal Evidence of Our Ability to Weaponize Earthquakes
Ohhhh Nooooo….
Hot weather in California valleys! How can that be? That never happens.
Also, why have I never been told that with much snowfall a melt will come?
When has the summer sun ever provided warmth and light.
We should get down on our hands and knees and praise the Sacramento Bee for preparing us for a California armageddon!
Maybe the great climate warrior, John Kerry will swoop down in his private jet and come to our rescue!
I can only hope Gaia has mercy on her brothers and sisters.
Thank you again and always, Katy Grimes, for everlastingly banging away at this outrage, and all of the others in our Once-Golden state, of course.
Leave it to the commies to politicize —- for decades —- the WEATHER, for crying out loud. We’ve almost become accustomed to the abuse it’s been going on for so long. Doesn’t mean we believe it, I know, BUT….
When-oh-when will we finally have had ENOUGH of it?
If there was ONE silver lining from the Covid Con Job, it was that it shone a bright light on who everyone was, who your “nice” neighbors were, who your doctor was, who your politicians and bureaucrats were, and it also revealed that sensible people were NOT ALONE and not helpless products to be used, abused, and ground up by the Left. No matter how we were locked up, shut up, bullied, isolated, censored and mocked, we managed, nevertheless, to get valuable information out in the ether that bolstered us and even saved lives. Meanwhile, NOT ONE of these diabolical tyrants on the Left will EVER apologize for the devastation they have caused. So don’t expect it.
Hey, if .000000000001% of the U.S. population (that would be the trans activist scoundrels) can manage to blanket the lovely month of June with aggressive parody faux-rainbows stolen from the Bible of the fake and barely supported PRIDE movement, surely the majority American population who are actually sensible and actually righteous can blanket the country with their loud voices and common sense to squelch ALL of this leftist nonsense. Right?
The good news is that this storm of sensible protest DOES seem to be gathering serious steam now. Fingers crossed.
it’s not an emergency on either end. it should be a balance to be able to adjust to varying conditions.
Who knew that the ten feet of snow I got this winter was actually drought? It takes someone a lot more edumacated than me to make such a monumental discovery. Thankfully Sacramento is full of “scientists” so much wiser than I.
This one made me spit Diet Coke outta my nose, I laughed so hard…
“We believe that climate solutions must be equitable to be effective and durable. We believe that climate justice means ensuring the benefits of the transition to a net-zero-emissions economy are shared and that marginalized and vulnerable populations—who suffer the brunt of a changing climate—have the resources and access to advocate effectively for their priorities.”
We BELIEVE??? What kind of CULT is this???
H.L. Mencken had this completely figured out almost 100 years ago
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
It’s a fear mongering satanic globalist cult that is dividing people on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender to foist their one world government on humanity. They’re evil and most of the Democrat party belongs to the cult.
It’s a fear mongering satanic globalist cult that is dividing people on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender to foist their one world government on humanity. They’re evil and most of the Democrat party belongs to the cult.