Auditions for California Governor Are Officially Open
There aren’t just 2.0 million California voters willing to sign a recall petition, there are at least twice that many
By Edward Ring, June 27, 2020 2:09 am
By supporting the recall campaign there is a chance for establishment GOP officeholders, professional operatives, and major donors to reestablish a relationship of trust and partnership with their own GOP grassroots.
With little fanfare, the third attempt to recall Governor Newsom got underway on June 10th. Proponents have until November 17th to gather 2.0 million signed petitions, in order for 1.4 million of them to withstand verification and qualify the recall for a special election in early 2021.
There isn’t a seasoned political professional anywhere who takes this effort seriously, because without millions of dollars to pay signature gatherers, state ballot initiatives never qualify. But this season could be different.
Skeptics should consider just two questions: Are there more than 2.0 million California voters who would sign a recall petition, and if so, can the recall campaign find 2.0 million voters in California willing and able to sign a recall petition?
The answer to the first question is undoubtedly yes. There aren’t just 2.0 million California voters willing to sign a recall petition, there are at least twice that many. So why can’t they be found? To this, the answer is unequivocal. They can. And it doesn’t require millions of dollars any more. It requires a grassroots army, a technology platform to facilitate signature gathering, and publicity. And the grassroots army is already formed.
Behind this latest effort to recall Newsom there is an organization with tens of thousands of volunteer activists spread all over the state, with most of them already trained from the earlier recall efforts. The lead proponent, Orrin Heatlie, is a retired police sergeant who has, with extraordinary determination, built a good management team around him and is fully committed to the goal of qualifying a recall.
The online resource the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign has built is user friendly and offers a comprehensive array of tools including pages to download a petition, circulate petitions, meet county coordinators, volunteer, schedule events, and locate places to sign petitions. It is a state-of-the art resource, and heralds a revolution in citizen government.
The reasons to recall Gavin Newsom don’t have to be explained during a signature gathering campaign. Any one of California’s nearly 5 million citizens who voted for Trump in 2016 are more than likely to support a Newsom recall, as are millions of others who have been put off by Newsom’s performance since taking office. And over the next few months, millions more are going to reject Newsom as the economic fallout from the COVID pandemic triggers massive government service cuts and tax hikes.
California’s voters are realizing that until the cost-of-living is lowered through regulatory reform, and the schools are improved by standing up to the teachers unions, their lives are just going to get harder.
A more pertinent argument against this recall effort is why bother qualifying a recall for a special election, if the general electorate won’t turn Newsom out of office? This is a good question, since it causes many potential supporters to not want to waste their time. But beyond the sheer disruptive value of making Newsom fight to stay in office, there is the chance that someone famous will jump into the race to be the new governor, a great candidate, someone with the common sense and courage to finish what Schwarzenegger started back in 2002.
Conservatives tend to condemn Schwarzenegger for his pivot back in 2006, but they conveniently forget some of the reasons for Schwarzenegger’s defection. When Schwarzenegger took office in 2003, he took aim straight at the public sector unions that even back then were running California’s state and local governments into the ground. He declared total war on these unions in 2005, putting four initiatives onto the state ballot: delayed teacher tenure (Prop. 74), paycheck protection (Prop. 75), spending caps (Prop. 76), and non-partisan redistricting (Prop. 77). His consultants talked him out of a fifth initiative, pension reform. And then what happened?
Where were the GOP members of the assembly and senate? Were they rising with one voice, putting their careers on the line to support a wholesale overhaul of California’s political landscape? Where were the big donors? Where were the consultants? Where were the grassroots? With rare exceptions, they didn’t show up. And the ones who did show up, underfunded, fought without passion. In a campaign that could have made history, Schwarzenegger was abandoned. His defection a year later must be understood in that context. But what he did represents a chance that does not have to be missed a second time.
Meanwhile, here in the present, any aspirant to becoming governor of California may see a powerful synergy between this grassroots army, turning in hundreds of thousands of signatures every week, and putting their own influence and endorsement behind the recall. Who is waiting in the wings? Who would like to seize this opportunity to save California, and by extension, possibly realign politics across the nation?
This is the wild card, the tantalizing possibility, that gives greater life not only to an attempt to qualify the recall for the ballot, but to prevail in the special election, and send Gavin Newsom into an early and ignominious retirement.
There is another potential synergy at work in this recall. By supporting the recall campaign there is a chance for establishment GOP officeholders, professional operatives, and major donors to reestablish a relationship of trust and partnership with their own GOP grassroots. Go find a candidate who, like Schwarzenegger, has the charisma to win the special election and the courage to try to transform the entire state with one comprehensive slate of ballot initiatives, and this time, don’t turn your back on them.
California is ready for change. California’s voters are realizing that until the cost-of-living is lowered through regulatory reform, and the schools are improved by standing up to the teachers unions, their lives are just going to get harder. Newsom is just the latest embodiment of the party that got Californians into this struggle to survive.
This recall campaign is a chance for California’s GOP to be relevant again, and a chance for all Californians to realize that Democrats are not making their lives better, no matter how many BLM bromides they utter, or statues they topple.
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Keep promoting this effort and please keep the heat on Newsom, Ed & Katy
You two can be leaders of the effort to reclaim California from the Communist takeover & lead the REAL reconquista….
Wanna know were you can find 10 million .. Head to the unemployment line that that AB 5 created and other laws that his communist legislature passed. Go to gun stores, beaches, private schools were parents had to pull their kids from public schools to stop the kids from communist indoctrination etc Small business that th A-hole almost destroyed with the fake virus crap.. It can be done. You just can’t sit on a street corner or in front of a market.. With his asinine edicts and blowing 1 freaking BILLION $$$ from China on masks that are highly questionable. It will require tons of volunteers, but it can be done. We can’t sit back and watch this crap continue and the lives of families are destroyed and businesses that have taken years to build destroyed so Air Head can destroy the economy to try to hurt Trumps re-election.. he’s actually creating an army of Pro Trump voters and we can take advantage of the democrap party’s march to full blown communism.
Recall this idiot
Let’s do this. There are great side benefits if nothing else.
The recallgabin2020.com website is easy enough for a non-techy guy like me to download and print 2,000 Petitions right here at my local Staples. That’s 10,000 signatures to start. Going for 100,000
Devin Nunes for Governor!
^^^^ for One Fed Up Cali Girl — YES, DEVIN NUNES FOR CA GOV!!!
Gag, rather vote for his cow.
Yes, Devin Nunes is our best choice for Governor!!!!
I just signed a the recall. Get MOTIVATED. I am with One Fed Up Cali Girl…Devin Nunes should be our next Governor!
We need to all sign the recall for Gavin Newsum…
He will, keep destroying this beautiful State !!!!!
He is the worker of satan , his heart is to destroy not life up . Get rid of him , I never will trust him ..
What good will recalling Newsom do? It’s all fixed now, isn’t it? It goes way back to Governor Jerry Brown, Sr.; he was part of a communist cabal…”Dynasty of Communism” https://eagleforumofcalifornia.org/pages/ .
We now have massive free covid testing that everyone wanted, and per the Whitehouse press secretary we are seeing a predicted “surge” in cases, (but not deaths) and now Newsom wants to use this information to shut us down again. We need to find away to protect ourselves! What can we do?
Nothing to be done this Covid understands human nature……and it ain’t good.
End the Tyranny today, sign the “Recall Petition” better yet download the petition and go collect signatures! Let’s take California back! Power to the Peoples Recall!
Yes Debra! I have done just that. I have given myself a goal of 10 signatures. I challenge all to do the same. I hope to go way beyond that????
Let’s work to retire Newsom.
i want to sign the recall petition of gabin newson.
I voted for you, Governor Newsom. You are NOT protecting our children from UNTESTED, potentially carcinogenic TOXIC vaccines that have not been studied to see if they cause mutations and sterilization. What is wrong with you? Robert F. Kennedy Jr should be your ALLY! We, the citizens of California, deserve TRANSPARENCY and the right to CHOOSE what medical procedures we want and don’t want. I am ashamed of my vote for you. I trusted you and you betrayed us. You kept your winery open while shutting down multiple counties. How convenient for you. That officially makes you a greedy crook in my book. Bye
I’ll get Space Aliens in Arizona in the Secret Government Facility to sign. They are akready on the Voter Rolls in California for Absentee Ballots. They’ve been setting up a Base Camp under the Legislature in Sacramento. If You look really hard You can see the disguised door on the side of the Building. I know about 10,000 of the Aliens are able to shape shift & look like Republicans to gather signatures. Just takes a pair of cheap sunglasses & stupid looking red cap. This will be fun … Can I be a Leader of Your Recall Effort. I like Very Serious Stuff & this is bigger time than I’ve seen since the Parade marking Statehood in California.
That’s cute, Jimmy. Ridicule will get you everywhere. But on the day a serious contender steps up and decides to use this recall effort to run for governor two years early, any and all laughing will stop.