Brett Kavanaugh Or Brett Kava-no?
Protestors Rally Against President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee
By Sean Brown, August 27, 2018 10:00 pm

Hundreds of people who oppose the latest nominee to the Supreme Court held a rally yesterday in downtown San Francisco, arguing that Brett Kavanaugh represents a threat to the rights of women and much more. The show of force, held in the City’s downtown Civic Center plaza, was one of numerous protests that took place across the country to object President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Signs such as “Kava-no”, “protect Roe”, “Save SCOTUS” and many more could be seen as the demonstrators’ voices bellowed throughout the center.
Many local Democrats consider it imperative that their call to action extends all the way to November and past the midterm elections. Several prominent political figures attended the rally including Congresswomen Barbara Lee (D-CD13) and State Senator Scott Wiener (D-SD11). “Brett Kavanaugh will be a rubber stamp for the Trump agenda,” said Congresswoman Lee, adding “We must stay woke.” She explained, “We are part of a national movement and what we do here in the bay area ripples throughout the country.”
Just a few days ago at the Republican National Lawyers Association gathering, Vice President Mike Pence defended nominee Kavanaugh during his speech arguing that he is a well oriented family man with an outstanding resume and is being dishonestly covered by the media. “Some have gone after Judge Kavanaugh for literally just doing his job while he worked in a prior administration,” said Pence.
Clearly the biggest issue organizers of the protest have with Trump’s nomination has to do with the possibility of a potential overturn of the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion throughout the United States. “This is a nomination that will be up to determine what the courts will be valuing and doing with our civil liberties for the next generation,” said Amy Everitt, event organizer (via KPIX SF Bay Area). Since being nominated to the Supreme Court in early July, the jurist has often repeated that he will interpret each case through the eyes of the Constitution, notwithstanding any political preferences. Furthermore, according to CNN, Susan Collins (R-ME) says Kavanaugh told her Roe v. Wade is settled law.
Despite any assurance that Kavanaugh will not overturn Roe v Wade, California Senator Scott Wiener still stresses that the nomination should wait until after the midterm elections, saying “Donald Trump is so out of control that we need to slow this down; let the elections happen in November and take it up then.”
While 50 votes are needed in the senate to approve a nominee, most Republicans senators have quickly lined up behind Kavanaugh and it would require all 49 Democratic members to oppose Kavanaugh and for one Republican to break ranks. Obviously the hope for the Democrats is that they will be able to regain a majority in the Senate so they are able to block Kavanaugh’s nomination, however as of now it looks as if the odds are in favor of confirming Brett Kavanaugh.
Though the vote is expected to take place sometime in mid September, there is no official date set yet.
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