California State Capitol. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California Reparations Task Force Refuses To Give Recommended Restitution Amount
Task Force says amount is up to politicians following economic consultants giving a $800 billion figure
By Evan Symon, March 30, 2023 2:30 am
The California Reparations Task Force announced on Wednesday they would not be giving a recommended amount for reparations, saying instead that politicians should decide that amount if and when reparations legislation goes to the state legislature.
Since the Task Force was first put together in late 2020 following Gov. Gavin Newsom signing AB 3121 by then-assemblywoman Shirley Weber (D-San Diego), they have looked for what possible reparations, monetary or otherwise, to recommend to give to African-Americans living in California for discriminatory practices and slavery of the past, despite that California was never a slave state. While initially encompassing all people of African descent, the group of those qualified to receive reparations was significantly narrowed in March 2022 when the task force voted to limit the possible reparations only to those who are an African American descendant of an enslaved person or free Black person living in the US prior to the end of the 19th century.
In June 2022 the Task Force’s first report came out, giving a recommendation of reparations, likely in the form of home buying assistance, free college tuition, and business grants. However, one of the many criticisms against the report was that no estimated monetary figure was attached, with many worried about how high it could be. In early December, an estimate of $569 billion was provided by the state, leading to uproar and the threat of lawsuits if the number holds. Later that month, compensation compensation and eligibility requirements were discussed.
With the $569 billion figure being essentially laughed out of the room, the Task Force has looked for a possible figure in the past several months. Another estimate released this week by economists and policy officials for a total of $800 billion dollars, or roughly 2 and a half times the current state budget, met a similar reaction of disbelief, and pressured the Task Force even further to take a stand.
However, rather than give a recommended amount on Wednesday, despite monetary recommendations being a major part of the proposal, the Task Force said that the final cost will be solely in the hands of politicians.
“The task force is pretty much done regarding the compensation component. Our task was to create a methodology for calculation for various forms of compensation that correspond with our findings,” said Task Force Chairwoman Kamilah Moore on Wednesday. “It’s up to the state Legislature to ascribe a restitution amount based on the methodology economists recommended.”
Task Force refuses to give proposed reparations amount
However, the announcement that no amount will be recommended has worried many, worsening the chances for any passable reparations bill to be formed in the coming years.
“The Task Force has really done this in,” legal adviser Richard Weaver told the Globe Wednesday. “I mean, a big part of their recommendation will be payments on lost housing loans due to redlining. Skipping over all the legal issues there, not many black people in California were alive when they were on the books, yet they go to everyone. More money going to aggressive policing can be easily dismissed in court.”
“If you really want to sell such a high amount and not have legal problems, you need it to make fiscal sense and be legally sound. A big thing would be to give small business breaks or loans to African Americans. This way they get compensated, while at the same time, California immediately starts getting some of that money back through loans. Same with paying inmates more for work and giving them more accredited education opportunities for college or for a trade. This way, the money goes right back into communities and they have a stronger second chance after prison.”
“Giving money right off the bat or giving big housing loans, well, they need to prove how it benefits people, and again, they need to make it legally sound. I know I keep saying this, but if any kind of reparation legislation is passed, and that is a big if, it will be dragged through the courts for years and will probably not see the light of day. Reparations are, on average, a very unpopular policy. The fact that the Task Force isn’t even trying to give a figure now is kind of showing that now.”
The Task Force is due to give their final findings on July 1st.
I have an idea to check-mate this attempted shakedown by race hustlers.
How about a Proposition that goes something like this..
“As the Democratic Party was founded to protect slavery, was the party of Secession and the Confederacy, was the party of Jim Crow and Racial Segregation, and is the party of racial identity politics., and as the State of California never had legal slavery, if any law is passed by city, county or by the state in California that institutes any sort of repartitions or payments of any kind for the reason of claimed past wrongs based on race not proven in a court of law , that only registered Democratic voters residing in the state at the time of passing of such laws and no others residing in the state should be assessed for their financial liability as part of any repetitions.
No public funds may be used to pay any such restitution payments.”
If Democratic Party politicians want “Reparations” to buy off the rapidly dwindling black voters in the state then make registered Democratic Party voters in the state pay for it.
Then stand back, break out the pop corn, and watch the Dem Party tear itself apart.
Thats how this game should be played.
Well played.
I like your thinking Tfourier!! The Democrat party should also be forced to apologize for their role in slavery and creating the terrorist group the kkk. They should also pay reparations and apologize to the Republican party who were the primary victims of the kkk since the Republican party was created to end slavery!
I want my reparations for being a descendant of an Irish slave forced to build the railroad. I am still suffering from trauma that started from that. If these people get paid for something that they weren’t even alive for while I have to work my ass to death and stay poor there’s going to be some problems. know that.
Please share with us the history in which Irishmen were kidnapped, transported to the US, and enslaved without the freedom to resist or ability to return home. I must have missed that lesson in school. Please remind us of how Irish women were raped, traded and sold, their babies ripped from their arms at birth and sold. Enlighten us on how Irish ppl were bred like dogs to make more slaves only for them to be auctioned and traded like cattle. Tell us of the Irishmen who were hunted, castrated and lynched by the thousands after attempting to run for freedom, leaving orphaned Irish children behind……. I’ll wait
They know that it doesn’t matter what number they come up with. It will be laughed at and quickly put in the trash heap. All that matters for Hairdo and the Dems is that they HAD a reparations task force so they can just say to those still stuck on their plantation: “look, we did something”.
As a person of both American Indian and Irish ancestry perhaps I am owed a whole bunch?
I would Never take a single dime from my fellow citizens who are guilty of nothing. If their distant ancestors were responsible then God will bring justice. “Justice” via government taxation and confiscation is simply another form of Oppression.
Please share with us the history in which Irishmen were kidnapped, transported to the US, and enslaved without the freedom to resist or ability to return home. I must have missed that lesson in school. Please remind us of how Irish women were raped, traded and sold, their babies ripped from their arms at birth and sold. Enlighten us on how Irish ppl were bred like dogs to make more slaves only for them to be auctioned and traded like cattle. Tell us of the Irishmen who were hunted, castrated and lynched by the thousands after attempting to run for freedom, leaving orphaned Irish children behind……. I’ll wait. Oh, by the way, I am a black woman who’s 25% Irish because my ancestors were raped by their Irish slave owners.