Kids in a classroom. (Photo: Shutterstock/Syda Productions)
California Takes Aim at Natural Law, Identity and the Family Structure
Bill must be defeated if parents want a say in public education
By Rebecca Friedrichs, June 20, 2024 2:00 pm
By Rebecca Friedrichs and Roger Ruvolo
School board members all over California are passing parental notification policies to prevent school districts from lying to parents. Since America is a free country and our schools supposedly enjoy “local control,” it makes sense that the parents and taxpayers in a community should work together with their local elected officials not only to have the right to hear the truth but also to make their voices heard.
Common sense and majoritarian values are important, right?
But a small minority of Californians — namely, union-supported legislators — are again attacking parental rights through a bill called AB 1955. They believe the following people should be denied our First Amendment right to free speech:
• Parents
• Teachers
• School board members
• School administrators
• School support staff members
• School volunteers
This majority of “We the People,” who should be reigning sovereign over our state, is instead under assault.
And these are the people assaulting us: Assembly members Sabrina Cervantes, Corey Jackson, Alex Lee, Evan Low and Rick Zbur, and state Sens. Toni Atkins, Susan Eggman, John Laird, Caroline Menjivar and Scott Wiener.
This may shock you: All of these people listed as co-authors of AB 1955 are Democrats who were put into office by teachers unions. And the union-controlled supermajority of Democrats dominating the California Legislature are also enthusiastically on board.
If passed, AB 1955 would prohibit anyone involved with the public schools from giving any truthful information to parents asking about a child’s transgender status, thus fully undermining local policies.
This subversive action, the sponsors say, is necessary because disclosures about children who want to change their gender violate their civil rights and privacy laws. Oh, and there’s a “real fear” that such children will be mistreated, possibly violently, by their disapproving parents. And the only solution for this is to suspend the rights of all parents and protectors of minors while empowering the government to exploit the children.
That is pathetic.
Had the government done something right regarding, say, education, health care, crime or immigration, then there might have been some reason to trust the government with trans issues. But it hasn’t.
The recent surge in transgenderism is not occurring because of something the Chinese put in our water. This is an ideological and cultural phenomenon pushed by communists in America, anarchists who masquerade as unions — in government, academia and the media — and take dead aim at natural law, identity and the family structure.
Unscrupulous governments criminalize honesty because they want to get away with something that is, at best, unseemly, probably unlawful and plainly immoral.
In the case of trans or queer children, this means criminalizing honesty through AB 1955 (and other policies like it) so that vulnerable children can be propagandized into communist values and groomed so that adult queers can more easily establish intimate relations with them.
Devoted parents are a threat.
Down through the millenniums, societies influenced by Judeo-Christian thought — and quite a few that were not — organized themselves in social structures where parents had a central role in raising their children. Some, as here, even passed laws holding parents to account if they didn’t do what was necessary to protect and nurture their children.
Shouldn’t we be leery of legislators seeking to intrude on the sexuality of children without the messy necessity of parents? Shouldn’t we see legislators who seek to suspend the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech as dangerous usurpers of liberty?
Silencing the natural protectors of children is another thing you do when you want to get away with something harmful and immoral. communists have done this for many years. And communists masquerading as teachers unions have duped Americans for decades while slowly chipping away at the morals of our children and seizing ever-growing government control over them.
In 1963, the 45 Goals of the Communist Party were read into the Congressional Record. Two of those goals are key to understanding the true intentions of those who keep secrets from parents. Goal 40: “Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity.” And Goal 41: “Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.”
But the zeal to usurp families and silence American values was just taking root in 1963, so most Americans ignored the warnings. And like today, those who blew the whistle on the communists were marked with vicious, deceitful labels, just like those labeled “bigots” and “homophobes” today.
Communist propaganda works, and it’s at a fever pitch now, as is the enthusiasm to separate parents and children through bills like AB 1955 — the better to groom the children for roles they may have nightmares about for the rest of their lives. All brought to us by the teachers unions and the legislators they employ.
Chilling, isn’t it?
Originally published at The Washington Times
Roger Ruvolo is a longtime newspaper editor and a contributor to For Kids & Country.
Anybody else wonder if this “gender affirmation” bandwagon is part of the global elite’s desire to depopulate the Earth to reach their stated population per the Georgia Guidestones and other globalist/eugenicist descriptions???
Make ’em neutered and messed up on hormones and other medications so they can’t procreate???
There is evil afoot in this world and it’s been at the forefront since 2020… apparently 2030 is their goal line, based upon all their “Agendas”….
Thank you for this, my Father was a domestic Cold Warrior, I was born in 1954, and was raised in Anti-Communism and as much as I hated the lectures Dad wove into almost everything it gave me a good foundation to get through the 60s/70s crazy politics with minimal damage. In the 80s I got curious about some things then as I read up I found a trove of information in books by former Communists like Ron Radosh and David Horowitz, the later had contacted my Father for information after he made his Second Thoughts awakening. As a child I asked Dad why don’t we put them all in jail and he explained our 1st Amendment to me and said we will defeat them through Education. We failed miserably and he tried desperately up until the 90s when Parkinson’s took hold. He, like you here, are correct.