Governor Gavin Newsom speaking with attendees at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
California Tax Board Prepares For Release of Golden State Stimulus II Payments
Critics say that payment release dates so close to election are to give Newsom boosted electoral support
By Evan Symon, August 25, 2021 4:01 pm
The California Franchise Tax Board updated their website on Wednesday in preparation for California’s largest stimulus program in history, the Golden State Stimulus II, to begin disbursement next week.
Golden State Stimulus II was first proposed in May when Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a $100 billion dollar spending program. Spurred largely by a $76 billion surplus (which the California Legislative Analyst’s Office has only calculated at $38 billion) and around $25 billion in federal coronavirus aid, the California Comeback Plan was signed into law in July, with the $12 billion Golden State Stimulus being one of the largest programs in the plan.
Recall supporters, as well as many others, were quickly up in arms about the plan once approved, largely due to check mailings and direct deposits of the Stimulus being scheduled for early September: less than two weeks before the recall election on September 14th. Lawmakers such as Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) even pointed out on Twitter just how suspicious that these were being given out at ‘opportune’ times.
Experts noted that Newsom’s bucked the trend of past stimulus payments by not being near a crisis or promised tax cut.
“Economic stimulus payments are a relatively new thing,” explained Cassandra Hall, an economist who has studied past stimulus payments and their effects on the economy. “The first one came out early in George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001 with checks worth between $300 and $600 being sent out. The U.S. wasn’t running on a deficit and Bush ran on tax cuts, so the stimulus was part of it. The country was also dealing with the dot com bust at the time still as well as brewing financial scandals like Enron, so it made sense to help boost it up. They became all the more important when later in the year September 11th happened and the economy went down a bit.”
“Bush had to sign another one in early 2008 to combat the Great Recession, with, again, several hundred dollars going out to each American adult depending on different factors. And then there were all of the ones we’ve had in the last few years from the federal government because of COVID-19.
“Now, this far into 2021, many states have certain types of stimulus programs. Some for teachers, others for those who were on unemployment. But California has by far the largest program, with along with the first Stimulus they gave out, covers nearly all the taxpayers in the state, only excluding certain people, most notably top tax bracket level Californians. The second stimulus alone covers over two-thirds of state taxpayers.
“But this stimulus was only given because of a surplus and no real reason. You can try and say economy, but California’s is already rebounding. You can try and say COVID-19, but lockdowns and such are no longer in place. It is sure nice to have, but there is no apparent reason for it.”
This has only helped further the belief that the Stimulus being sent out so close to election day is helping give Newsom a last boost in votes to help stave off the recall.
“Newsom was doing well when the stimulus checks were signed off on, ” added former lobbyist Harry Schultz to the Globe. “Now…not so much. What was then considered insurance, having checks and payments going out so close to the election, it’s now considered more essential for him. He needs that goodwill, and he’s not finding any with the droughts, wildfires, and dozens of other things on his plate. The Franchise Tax Board is really building up now. Those payments are going out soon.”
Golden State Stimulus II payments will begin to go out next week.
Hmmm, will the bribe work this time?
“Sometimes you don’t know if you’re Caesar about to cross the Rubicon or Captain Queeg cutting your own tow line.” — Anthony Kennedy
Newsom is no stranger to using tax money to bribe people.
He used tax money when he had to pay for the silence of his former campaign manager’s wife, after his illicit affair behind the back of his own manager.
He didn’t include senior citizens on this. I get zip, nada, the big zero. Still unemployed. I’m 64, being interviewed by managers who are 30 years than me, the others applying for the same job are 30 years younger than me. You think they will hire this old gal or that young one. I continued to pay my rent on time, saved enough to pay rent for the next three months as my unemployment ends Sept. 4th. Single income household. No breaks or stimulus check for me. So I will gladly cast my vote for the recall.
Did you pay any taxes? Did you make less that 75k adjusted gross? Did you file your state income tax return this year. If so you will get the money In September. Please be aware of what your saying. This isn’t a age discrimination stimulus stop it with the bs.
The ballot turn-in during the first week was less than 5% of the 22 million. Most of those were Democrats as expected. If the total turnout in the recall is low, say in the 40% range or less, I think Newsom is gone. Voter turnout is a measure of enthusiasm. With 3 weeks to go, next week when the checks go out, lets see how much the ballot turn-in changes and especially if Democrat ballot turn-in starts to peak.
Even he gives us GSS still i will not vote for Newsome…anyway not everybody is receiving this Golden State Stimulus!
Remember all these “giveaways” will come back to them through rising taxation.
Newsom cannot recklessly spend other people’s money to buy off his recall, because that is OUR money he is spending.
That is why Newsom is going down. He failed to keep his fingers on the pulse of real California voters who are the real California taxpayers; not just his teacher union and SEIU buddies who are the tax dollar takers..
Reported on another blog; A Californian got three (3) ballots – one to her home address; one to her postal box; and one forwarded from a former postal box.
The ways this election had already been rigged by official design is stupefying: flimsy see through ballot envelopes; flashlight back lighting through sealed envelopes exposes ballot choices, recall vote privacy exposure by envelope design, stolen ballots from mail boxes caught on camera; stolen ballots found in drug crook automobile ………… (keep adding to this list) …. and SEIU employees still control most county election offices in this when the votes finally get counted.
Our money? ….yeah and you’re complaining because he’s giving it back to the people….I swear can’t even give people their own money back without them saying some stupid crap like “we’ll pay for it later” how tf is that statement even relevant given the current situation? The state has a budget surplus they should give it back.
Budget surplus, Rachael? You’re SURE it exists? With “funny” government accounting and credible reports of up to 30 billion in lost in EDD fraud and incompetence; that Party apparatchiks don’t feel like investigating until AFTER the recall, if ever? Commissars do love the proles who believe whatever they’re told and are easily bought off with a few crumbs.
I have not received any stimulus $$ from the fed or from the state, due to my income. Soooo enjoy everybody. and YES!# and I’m sure people like me will be “paying for this later” even though I did not get a dime!!!
Stimulus checks are suppose to help those that actually need financial help including the poorest people who have been most hurt by the pandemic. But the poorest Californians are excluded from all the “Golden State Stimulus” checks including people whose only income is Supplemental Security Income-SSI, State Supplementary Payment-SSP, SS recipients, CalWORKs Recipients, Unemployment, State Disability Insurance-SDI, SSDI, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants -CAPI, and VA disability. These are the people who are hurting the most from the increases in food prices, in utility bills, etc – and a large portion of the homeless population.
If this only goes to people who have to file tax returns, what it really is a tax rebate to people who likely don’t need any cash assistance. People making up to $78k a year get a check, but people living on less than $20K a year get Nothing, Nada, Zip.
I’ll take the check without hesitation, but it certainly won’t influence my vote to recall the worst, most corrupt governor in California history. Hardly a mention from recall ads about the $30 BILLION the EDD let go to fraudulent claims. This is the most mismanaged government we’ve ever had. Too bad we can’t make a clean sweep of the legislature at the same time. And, NO, I am not a Trump supporter.
What a joke. $75K isn’t much in most of CA. Our AGI was a little more than that so we get nothing. No matter, we voted Newsom out and Elder in.