Chevron Reduced Spending in California by Hundreds of Millions of Dollars since 2022
California’s policies aren’t reducing oil production or CO2 emissions in the U.S. or around the world
By Katy Grimes, January 9, 2024 8:24 am
“Congratulations to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is succeeding at his goal of driving away fossil fuel investment and jobs, even while failing to reduce global CO2 emissions.”
Ouch. That is from the Wall Street Journal editorial board, as Chevron recently announced “that it is writing down its upstream assets in the Golden State owing to ‘continuing regulatory challenges.’”
In “Another California Gift to Texas: Chevron explains to Sacramento why the state is losing jobs and investment,” WSJ explains Chevron’s write-down acknowledges what the company has been telling California lawmakers for some time:
[Lawmakers] Their energy policies are making the state uninvestable. These include the state cap-and-trade program, low-carbon fuel standard, penalty on “excessive” refiner margins, and a 2022 law limiting new drilling within 3,200 feet of homes and schools.
California policies have made it “riskier than investing in other states, with projects being lower in quality and higher in cost,” Chevron’s Americas Products business president Andy Walz wrote last month in a filing with the California Energy Commission. “Chevron alone has reduced spending in California by hundreds of millions of dollars since 2022.”
The Globe has covered the Governor’s and California Democrats’ absurd efforts to kill off the oil and gas industry in the state.
In September, the Globe reported that California’s Attorney General and Gov. Newsom Sue 5 Oil Companies in Climate Change Shakedown, and noted, “This shakedown is one way to backfill the governor’s $31.5 billion budget deficit.”
The new law limiting new drilling within 3,200 feet of homes and schools was Senate Bill 1137, a gut-and-amend bill by Democrat Senators Lena Gonzalez and Monique Limón, which now requires 3,200-foot mandatory setbacks around California oil and gas wells.
Why now when oil production has responsibly occurred in Los Angeles County and around the state for more than 100 years?
Just in the City of Los Angeles:
- there are 26 oil and gas fields that intersect city boundaries, and 5,229 oil and gas wells, according to the CA DOGGR and verified by the City’s Petroleum Administrator.
- There are approximately 819 active, 296 idle, 3,181 plugged, and 933 buried wells.
- There are oil and gas facilities in nearly every section of the 503 square miles of the City.
- The City of Los Angeles produces 2% of California’s total production.
September 2022, Gov. Newsom signed a package of “sweeping legislation” to achieve statewide carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2045, by establishing an 85% emissions reduction target, capping oil wells, slowing oil and gas permitting, making it impossible to increase refining capacity, and entirely phasing out oil and gas starting in two years. And that’s just the start.
In addition to California’s gas taxes, state regulations create a more demanding and exacting process on oil and gas as well.
In May, Newsom blurted out that he blames California’s now-annual-wildfires on fossil fuel companies.
Wasn’t it only a couple of years ago the governor accused PG&E of causing wildfires, and placing profits over safety?
So now it’s fossil fuel companies? Governor Shapeshifter is trying to blame fossil fuel companies for a deadly crisis the government created by imposing environmental laws that have made forest management nearly impossible. And, with his oil and gas ban looming in the near future, he clearly needs a boogey man.
Newsom also conveniently bases his oil company accusation on a conveniently timed study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a “leading activist group promoting left-wing public policy approaches targeting alleged catastrophic man-made global warming,” Influence Watch reported. “The group’s websites makes extreme and apocalyptic predictions about the future of the Earth’s climate, attributing a supposed increase in ‘wildfires, flooding, [and] extreme heat and drought’ to climate change and projecting the disappearance of ‘entire island nations.’”
The new study blames “a rise in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), a measure of the atmosphere’s drying power that is significantly influenced by human-caused climate change.”
The study’s authors claim “Previous research has quantified the contribution of carbon emissions traced back to a set of 88 major fossil fuel producers and cement manufacturers to historical global mean temperature rise.”
As for the WSJ op ed:
California policies have made it “riskier than investing in other states, with projects being lower in quality and higher in cost,” Chevron’s Americas Products business president Andy Walz wrote last month in a filing with the California Energy Commission. “Chevron alone has reduced spending in California by hundreds of millions of dollars since 2022.”
“We have rejected capital projects” and canceled some “due to permitting challenges,” Mr. Walz noted, adding that California’s “arbitrary attacks on a disfavored industry . . . signal to every industry, entrepreneur, manufacturer, and employer that California is closed for business.”
As Newsom’s and Bonta’s lawsuit moves forward, the discovery phase will be delicious when they have to produce actual evidence that 5 oil companies have caused wildfires, heat waves, snow storms, flooding, wind and rain in California.
This is another case of the “the Emperor has no clothes.” The AG is suing over what he and other leftists claim is “settled science,” but real scientists call Bonta’s and Newsom’s claims pseudoscience, noting that the ever changing climate has other causes.
The Globe reported in August, a little over one year ago, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced his pompous plan for addressing “California’s hotter, drier future:”
“Hotter and drier weather conditions spurred by climate change could reduce California’s water supply by up to 10 percent by the year 2040. To replace and replenish what we will lose to thirstier soils, vegetation, and the atmosphere, Governor Gavin Newsom has announced California’s latest actions to increase water supply and adapt to more extreme weather patterns caused by climate change.”
Think about that arrogant statement – as if California politicians are going to stop hot weather. But the joke was on the governor with record rainfall and snowfall in the winter of 2023… except that didn’t stop him. Since then, we’ve been barraged with absurd radio advertisements warning us, “now that we face a hotter, dryer future…” and “let’s make conservation a way of life,” providing helpful hints about saving water.
Meanwhile, Chevron is disinvesting in California. Gov. Gavin Newsom is proving through his anti-business policies that California is not too big to fail.
- California’s Professional Political Class Caused the State’s Demise - January 20, 2025
- Gavinomics: California’s High Cost of Living is Exploding - January 18, 2025
- Why Was California State Guard Volunteer Firefighting Force Dismantled? - January 17, 2025
It’s ironic that hair-gel Hitler Newsom owes the launching of his political career from Getty oil money? As a World Economic Forum globalist stooge, no doubt he now gets payoffs to push their phony climate agenda along with payoffs from the CCP to push solar panels and windmills made in China?
100% TJ – you and I share the same sentiments all the time…
There you go again “Governor Shapeshifter”. You have knack at using the English language that makes me chuckle (I would laugh but these are tough times and California is no laughing matter). While these policies are going to create hard economic times here in California on the backside when there are adults back in power and their priority is serving the citizens of California and eliminating all of this fatuity that has been created by “Govenor Shapeshifter” we will have a nice economic rebound.
I hope you’re right, Hal, but I have my doubts…
The Dems have installed their Dominionating electronic voting machines and use every voting fraud trick in the book to get and keep political power.
That now includes importing millions of migrants worldwide, many of whom may be terrorists or sleeper-cell agents.
My fear is that California is the test case for the nation, and our World Economc Forum alumni Governor seems to be tapped by “the powers” for even more societal destruction nationwide…
From your keyboard to God’s ears and eyes…
You are correct that evil plans are meant for this state and nation in the days ahead. In many ways California has been the testing ground for policies that have been designed to destroy this state and nation. My confidence in the future comes from my faith in God and the fact that He has interceded on behalf of this nation many times. Over the last few decades our nation has strayed from our founding principles and has been corrupted at every level of this nation. Even though we have strayed, God has not ended the covenant that He made with our forefathers to be “One nation under God”. We have seen throughout our history events such as the Civil War, Great Depression and others that have been correction points for the nation. This point in time is one of those correction points. My encouragement to you is to remain cool, calm and collect and watch the destruction of the enemies of this nation. No matter the size, it is groups like this that are being equipped to bring about change. I would encourage you to look at 2nd Corinthians 5:7
I view the articles that Katy is writing as a road map of things to overturn/reverse after competent leadership comes to power. Through her boldness she is poking at them and exposing the establishment (both Democrats and Republicans) for who they are. Keep your head up and be of good cheer.
Great response and I’m with you, Hal….
It’s somehow comforting to come to this site and realize that I’m not the only one who feels the way I do, but it’s distressing that there aren’t more of us here…
We put a deposit down on a piece of land yesterday, as insurance against these asinine policies and political positions….
The weather and scenery might be beautiful, but the future that rule by these insane Democrats holds just feels hopeless, bleak and expensive….
A bugout plan might be necessary for many of us at some point? Hopefully that piece of land is out is in a different state or maybe even a different country? Someplace safe from the Democrat/RINO uniparty insanity?
It is… the weather is DEFINITELY more challenging, but the Midwest area has voted conservative (even when a Dem) for DECADES….
And a visit to California is only a 2-3 hour flight away….hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but it’s our “insurance policy”….
Far to many Californian voters are asleep at the wheel. Just doing what the national news tells them.
Newsom probably does not know this but farming is an energy intensive industry. At the rate Newsom is going , it will be too expensive to ship fertilizer into California. Lastly, harvesters can’t be powered by EV because they require so much power. BTW, How do you run a grain dryer on solar? Or refrigerate the beef in a commercial slaughterhouse?
Who gave Newsom the right to strangle California?