Democrats Tap Xavier Becerra for Spanish-language SOTU Response
California AG was once on Hillary Clinton’s list as a running mate
By Lloyd Billingsley, January 29, 2019 5:44 pm

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has sued the Trump administration a record 45 times, will give the Spanish-language response to President Trump’s February 5 State of the
Union speech.
“I’m looking forward to addressing my fellow Americans on a day when truth, candor and unity
should be the order of the day,” Becerra said in a statement. Fellow Americans across the
country may be unfamiliar with the Democrats’ chosen responder.
At Stanford, where he earned his bachelor and law degrees, Becerra was a member of MEChA,
the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano De Aztlan. MEChA calls the southwest portion of the
United States “Aztlan” and seeks to regain the territory for Mexico. The MEChA slogan is
“Entre la raza todo, fuera de la raza, nada,” and the “raza” is the Ibero-Indian raza cosmica that
Mexican education minister Jose Vasconcelos predicted would replace all others.
Becerra spent 24 years in Congress and was once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running
mate. Fellow Americans might wonder why he returned to California and accepted what
amounted to a demotion.
As head of the House Democratic Caucus, Becerra was in charge of the server accessed by the
Imran Awan, the IT man who made thousands of unauthorized accesses to computers of
Democrats on the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees. When investigators requested the server, they got only false information. That likely prompted Becerra’s flight back to the
sanctuary state of California.
Kamala Harris was moving on to the Senate and then-governor Jerry Brown picked Becerra for
Attorney General. Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, appointed by President Obama, repeatedly delayed
Awan’s hearing until after the June, 2016, primary, which Becerra duly won. The Pakistan-born
Awan, originally hired by DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz, got off easy in a plea deal.
As Attorney General, Becerra defended California’s sanctuary law and sought to punish those
who reported false-documented illegals to federal authorities. The state’s sanctuary law has
protected violent criminals such as Gustavo Perez Arriaga, who gunned down police officer
Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji, the day after Christmas.
Last year federal authorities busted 25 members of the MS-13 gang, responsible for “reign of
terror,” including 14 murders in Mendota, near Fresno. Becerra showed up for the
announcement, but made it clear that he was unconcerned with the gang members “status.”
Xavier Becerra is not the first to respond to the SOTU in Spanish. Elizabeth Guzman of the
Virginia House of Delegates gave it last year and Nevada “dreamer” Astrid Silva the year before.
Becerra’s fellow Americans who do not speak Spanish may be unaware that in 1986 a full 73.2
percent of California voters approved Proposition 63, making English the state’s official
language. In 1996, 54.5 percent of voters approved Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights
Initiative, which eliminated racial and ethnic preferences in state education, employment and
The attorney General looks like a Mafia lawyer;
the drug cartels are hiring professionals.