EDD To Send Out Additional $900 For Most Unemployed Californians
Approx. 200,000 Californians don’t meet unemployment requirements, will not receive extra funds
By Evan Symon, September 8, 2020 6:37 am
On Monday, the Employment Development Department (EDD) began sending the additional $900 in federal unemployment funds to Californians who lost their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The funding, $300 per week for three weeks for those that had received at least $100 in unemployment from the state beginning the week ending on August 1st. Approximately 3.1 million Californians will receive this extra payment, with around 1.2 million still needing to certify that their job loss was due to COVID-19. 200,000 Californians receiving unemployment will not receive the funds due to making less than $100 a week.
More than 8 million Californians have filed unemployment claims since the coronavirus pandemic started.
The funding comes from the federal government. Due to Congress being deadlocked at over how much additional federal COVID-19 unemployment payments should be per week after the $600 per week CARES Act funding ended at the end of July, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to give out $4.5 billion from it’s Lost Wage Assistance Program to state unemployment agencies. California received 10% of the divestment, which evens out to roughly $900 per qualified person on unemployment in the state.
The President said this only a one-time, lump sum as Congress is to renew debate over the federal unemployment amount in the coming weeks.
“Other states got it too,” explained Washington-based budget watchdog Paul O’Conner to the Globe. “Governor Greg Abbott in Texas was very excited and thankful about it, as were many others. But some, like Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, said it wasn’t enough. [Governor Gavin] Newsom out in California has been surprisingly middle of the road about it. He’s not thanking Trump, but he isn’t bashing him either. California simply doesn’t have the funds to give anything extra out, as Newsom himself said, and they took it without complaint.”

Governor Newsom had said in early August that a $400 a month plan by the federal government would be disastrous due to the caveat that states would pay 25% of the additional funding. Due to the recent Congressional recess this plan, along with all other unemployment plans have halted, but are expected to be brought back to the table this month.
According to the EDD, it will take a few weeks to hand out the money to everyone receiving unemployment. The department will then send out notices to those who didn’t confirm if their firings were COVID-19 related so that additional eligible people can confirm and receive the funds.
“It won’t be that long of a wait,” confirmed ‘Mary’, an EDD employee, to the Globe. “We just want to make sure everyone who can receive the additional funds will receive the additional funds. We understand a lot of people need that extra help and we’re doing everything to get it out to them as soon as possible.”
I have come to realize that for the left the purpose of these enhanced unemployment checks is to fund Antifa and BLM rioters. First put everyone out of work and then pay them to burn down cities.
ur a noob
I have a child with a disability and your remark is one sided, single minded. I would appreciate it if you had more maturity and realize that whatever the news throws at you is not what is America. Look around go outside and realize many do struggle to better their families and the money pays rent and food, plus we are educating our children at home, pulling through wildfires and heat waves. I would like to think you are on my side and support my belief in ending the virus asap(vaccine however possible) and getting back to life less couped up. Good day, Sir and or Ma’am.
Who are you talking to psycho?
Are you out of your mind?
Hey CW
It’s a PANDEMIC. COVID-19 ….no one wanted this. Unemployment isn’t a choice. That $600 helps me, yes, I am grateful. It is not, however , putting me to my normal income.
You should not assume that hard working people are online buying private jets, private islands, tropical vacation homes and mansions in Beverly Hills.
ITS $600/week not $600,000/week
A loaf of bread isn’t .05 anymore
Wow that is ignorance at its best.
you educated? critical thinking scare you?
If leftist politicians actually cared about people they would not take away their jobs.
Wow that is ignorance at its best.
I got 300 on sept 6 and nothing else
It’s set up to pay out $300 a week for the next three weeks, not all at once! It’s causing a lot of confusion!
You are correct! I was looking everywhere because I only received 600 but if they are doing it week by week that’s fine … just say so lol. I was like am I getting more later or is this an error?
All i have reci3 is 300 onbthe 6th i thought its supposed to be 900
I haven’t received even $300,just my regular benefits and it’s September 10yh,and you got yours on the 6th??!!?? Edd is SERIOUSLY LAGGING.
You are not alone. I have not received mine yet either and its already Sept. 12th!
I know I jus received my regular payout and it was the last payment of funds I have no more funds and I haven’t received anything extra what’s gonna happen
Same here
I received $600 not $900, why?
.. I received one payment of $300 last week ..
I was under the impression that they were paying extra $300 per wk starting with the month of August so I was expecting $900-$1200 and then they would resume weekly to catch up for this month of September
I received one payment of $300 I was under the impression that they were paying EXTRA $300 starting for the month of August so I was expecting $900-$1200 and then they would resume weekly for this month of September IM CONFUSED ????
Wait, so this is only $300/week dating back to July 26th, but up to $900 max? I thought we were getting $300/week? Each month is 4 weeks! So is my math wrong here? When did they put the $900 MAX up?
Yes it is only $300 extra a week, with a maximum payment of $900 or 3 weeks. Backdated to August. However if the state applies for more money from FEMA, then it could be $300 but They would have to apply every week ( State of California). I received just my weekly benefit on Monday and I am on PUA extension. Due to COVID I’m not working and stated that on my application. They were supposed to be starting to send it out on the week of September 7th. So I’m also wondering where the heck the $900 is that should be backdated because that’s the maximum you can get is 3 weeks at $300 a week.
I thought CA was approved for 5 weeks of FEMA? I received all 3 weeks Of payments but nothing more. I now heard they are a applying for 6 weeks. Do you know When they will send out payments for weeks 4,5,and 6?
Today is the 13th and I still haven’t received a payment like I don’t know what the h*** is going on
I haven’t received mine either and my funds just got exhausted with the last payment I jus received my normal weekly payout and nothing more
When will we know if we are eligible? I have a $300 weekly claim and have not received nor heard anything from edd. I have tried to call and message on the website but neither provided a response or even an answer of the call.
I have not received anything and its Sep 14th. Why does this additional $300/$900 appear to be so difficult? Crazy.
Good luck trying to get in contact with Edd Matthew, it is damn near impossible now days. It has been like that since covid has caused millions to be unemployed. They seem not to have enough resources to make sure people can get their questions answered in a timely manner or at all for that matter. No matter how many times or how early in the day you call, you won’t be able to reach them. Going back to the topic of this article though, my funds were exhausted the other day when I filed a claim. I have not recieved any of the additional 900 yet either. I applied for edd way back in mid March. That is when the company I worked for shutdown until at the very least, a year. Back then there was not an option to put that you lost your job due to covid. So I simply put the next best thing which was no work available/not enough work. Since technically that was the issue as a result of the pandemic. Is that the reason why I did not recieve it? I hope not. My sister recieved the full 900 within the last two weeks. My father also recieved a portion of the amount as well. Edd needs to get their shit together. The same with the garbage stupid administatrion currently in office. It’s so sad that hard working citizens are left to suffer because of the incompetence of politicians!!
I think the trick there when you answer their questionnaire is all No and ‘Yes’ to the question are you available to work.
lucky are those who have received the $300 (or more) assistance. I have not received any and its the 2nd week of September. =(
I think the trick there when you answer their questionnaire is all No and ‘Yes’ to the question are you available to work.
September 14th and no help for spouse, plus funds are over although he can file extension.
Do I get extra money I really need it
I havent even recieved my normal $300 every 2 weeks not to mention nothing on xtra $300 week lol
same i havent got that extrra money eiither
Are we still supposed to get 300 a week! I haven’t seeing it for about 6 weeks!!!