Gov. Gavin Newsom and Assemblywoman Shirley Weber. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Gov. Newsom Signs Order to Extend Deadlines for Presidential Primary Ballot Counting, Expand Vote-by-Mail Options
What could possibly go wrong?
By Katy Grimes, March 21, 2020 7:46 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Friday to permit vote-by-mail procedures to be used in three upcoming special elections, “protecting public health and safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.”
Newsom’s order also allows the Presidential Primary ballot counting to continue beyond the April 10 deadline, “reporting of the official canvas results remain outstanding and ongoing.”
California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced on March 3, Primary Election Day, “State law gives county elections officials up to 30 days after Election Day to complete vote counting, auditing, and certification. I will certify the statewide results on Friday, April 10th. April 10th is well before the end of the national primary schedule and well before the political parties‘ nominating conventions.”
According to his press statement and order, “the governor’s order also extends the deadlines for ballot counting, tabulation, and other responsibilities related to the official canvass of California’s Presidential Primary Election that could risk undermining social distancing measures, and suspends the timeframes for public hearings required by political subdivisions that are in the process of changing from an at-large method of election to district elections.”
A copy of the Governor’s executive order can be found here. What could possibly go wrong?
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Is it too much to ask that sensible CA voters and citizens at least RECOGNIZE now that Gavin and his Gang are ticking off the items on an agenda wish list under cover of the panic they themselves have created through propagandizing this virus? AS IF anyone in the present climate of the (purposefully overblown) CVirus panic can even remember that we recently had a primary election in this state. The people I’ve talked to recently — the ones who haven’t yet donned HazMat suits and retreated underground, anyway — say things like, “Oh yeah, the election! Seems like years ago…” (The election was March 3rd and today is March 21st — and they still haven’t counted the votes. Why not? Are there cooties on the Absentee Ballots?)
And by the way, calls for “non-partisanship” because “we’re all in this together,” etc., are, as usual, being heeded and followed by those in charge on one side of the political spectrum and totally ignored by those in charge on the other; thus the usual suspects are proceeding as usual to tick off their checklists unimpeded, unchecked, unabated, and unpunished while their victims are immobilized, distracted, worried, and powerless during the “pandemic.”
(Thanks for listening.)
Reminiscent of “voter harvesting” to overthrow those Republican winners. Evil knows no bounds.
I do Not trust Grusome at all. He may appear to be compliant & supportive of POTUS. However, I’m closely monitoring the attached demoncRat crap this Admin attaches.
Keep counting till they get it “right”.
John and Papa88: Yup and Yup. Couldn’t agree more.
Well said and I for one am sick with their misappropriation and fraudulent voter counting. He thinks were all stupid.
More like keep counting until they get it left. Bastards!
So what he’s saying is that he is dramatically expanding the Democrat vote fraud scheme of ballot harvesting.