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Guide to the Judicial Branch Published

The judiciary plays a critical role in state government

By Katy Grimes, July 29, 2024 8:30 am

California Globe contributor Chris Micheli published his newest book, “A Practical Guide to California’s Judicial Branch,” which covers most of the key aspects of the judicial branch of state government, including the powers and duties of the judiciary, how judges are chosen, and their major support agencies.

“The judicial branch of California is co-equal to the legislative and executive branches of our state government, but is often overlooked in understanding state government,” Micheli said. He explained that the purpose of his most recent practical guide is to focus attention on some of the key aspects of the judicial branch for readers to appreciate the role played by the third branch of state government. “Just like understanding the other two branches of government, the judiciary plays a critical role in state government,” according to Micheli.

The following are the contents of this book:

1                      California’s Judicial Branch                                                   1

2                      Role of the Judiciary in Lawmaking                                       6

3                      Choosing Judges in California                                                7

4                      Separation of Powers Doctrine                                               8

5                      Organization and Governance of California Courts               9

6                      Judicial Branch Support Agencies                                          17

7                      Judicial Branch Policy Making                                               19

8                      Judicial Review of Regulations                                              21

9                      Contracting by California’s Judicial Branch                          23

10                    Judicial Emergencies in California                                         25

11                    Comparing State and Federal Judiciaries                                27

12                    Judicial Branch Glossary of Terms                                         30

This book can be purchased on Amazon for $12.99.

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