President Biden speaks to the press in Sacremento, CA, Sept. 13, 2021. (Photo: Chris Allan/ Shutterstock)
How Biden Can Win… and Trump and Newsom and DeSantis, Too
California is horribly governed and has a myriad of problems and Newsom and the power structure that created him is the heart of the rot
By Thomas Buckley, November 27, 2023 2:30 am
The most recent tranche of polls has not been good for President Joe Biden.
In general, voters are worried about the economy, immigration, the entrenched bureaucracy, and crime. About Joe, specifically, they are worried about his age – actually, probably not about his age per se but his clearly diminishing physical and mental faculties.
The Biden campaign itself, too, has come under significant criticism, either for not properly getting a positive message out to the public (a tough job, unquestionably) and/or for not really knowing how to cope with Joe’s ever-growing list of health, family, financial, and political issues.
But that can change in an instant – there is still a way Biden can not only win next November but do so comfortably. All it would take is one short speech and signing a few executive orders:
“My fellow Americans: Not only is our nation divided, but it is at a crossroads. For us to continue to prosper and to hold our place as a force for good in the world, I have decided that we must put behind us those things that threaten our very national nature.
To that end, I am announcing – and signing the necessary executive orders and proposing the needed bills to ensure these are more than mere words – the following:
The immediate termination of the Attorney General and the directors of the FBI and the CIA, all to be replaced with agency outsiders to change the culture of the departments.
The abolishment of all federal DEI offices.
The ending of all funding to any university research that has been found to be fraudulent and any university that is involved with any effort to grade, modify, or censor freedom of speech.
The removal of civil service protections for any of its members that are in a policy-making position.
The end to the subsidizing of the effort to shift the nation away from fossil fuels until if and when such a change can occur without economic destruction.
The immediate closure of the border to all illegal entry.
A top down review of all federal departments with the express intent to cut their budgets by at least 15%.
An immediate shift to “zero based” budgeting.
The creation of an independent pandemic investigative committee – with subpoena powers – made up of experts from every side of the response debate.
A complete restructuring of the entire intelligence community, an immediate end to the gathering of information on American citizens, and a cessation of every and all program that could be construed as involved in the denigration of the First Amendment.
A re-institution of the ban on federal employee unions from engaging in any political activity.
An end to any and all blatantly biased federal “get out the vote” programs, projects, and practices.
A review of all federal regulations that have any impact on the nation’s economy.
The end of any federal partnership with and/or support of any law enforcement agency that does not enforce already-extant laws within its purview.
An end to any federal financial support to any experimental medical procedures.
The elimination of all funding to any and all non-governmental organizations that do not place the primacy of the interests of the nation first.
The closing of the revolving door between government agencies and the businesses they regulate and/or the private foundations and educational institutions they are involved with.
A withdrawal from the World Health Organization if and when its base treaties are modified in a manner which will directly impinge upon the sovereignty of the United States and her citizens.
And that’s just the start…
Done and done – Biden gets 60% of the vote and he would even win Texas. He could probably even say “hey, everyone, let’s let this Hunter and family money thing rest” and people might just be willing to go along.
As to the progressives that dominate and ruinate the Democratic Party, let them howl – push comes to shove they’re five percent of the vote; they’re just very loud and use your current tacit approval to push their agenda. Take that away and the public floodgates of everyone else saying they’ve had enough, too, open and where are they? Back to squabbling with one another at faculty meetings.
None of that will happen, of course – Biden is beholden to each and every group that would be put out of business, be shunted aside, be declawed by such an announcement.
And there is the issue of Biden’s temperament. He’s not an earth-shatterer, a world beater, an agent of radical change. He’s always been just a plain old DC liberal grifter whose “big ideas” were pretty much confined to trying to figure out how to become president because, well, he wanted to be important and very very different from his bankrupt dad. He’s never been “progressive,” let alone “woke” in his life so it is true that at least some of the above would be ideologically acceptable to him, but even if he wanted to his staff would never allow it.
Like the Star Trek character John Gill, Biden simply has none of the mental acuity, the physical stamina, political juice, or will remaining to stand up to the people around him who got him his dream job and say “enough is enough.” If he tried, Biden, unlike Gill, would hopefully not see his career end in such tragic circumstances as his staff would not have to be so extreme.
The interesting thing is that much of the above list applies to Donald Trump, too, the difference being that he tried and failed because had a very limited understanding of how government actually works. Being president is important, but just because you are president doesn’t mean people will do exactly what you want them to do and Trump did not understand that incredibly important fact.
If, however, Trump actually has a detailed and responsible plan to succeed with everything this time – which, remember, Biden could do right now to ensure his own win – he, too, will win overwhelmingly.
But to ensure that win, Trump has to deal with another matter: he must personally confront the pandemic elephant in the room and admit he – the ultimate dealmaker – got completely played by the bureaucracy with the fabricated stick of exaggerated threats and the false political carrot of being seen as the true national savior who would be a shoo-in in 2020.
Whether or not his ego could ever allow him to make such an admission is – as we have seen thus far – doubtful. He was wrong and he needs to say so but he appears incapable of doing so.
It is this hitch in his ego that is opening the door to Robert Kennedy, Jr. Most polls show Kennedy pulling more from Trump than Biden and the reason for that is very simple: the pandemic. Die-hard Trumpians are there for him and able to look past his colossal error, but others are not, hence Kennedy’s attraction (on the Biden side it’s because, well, of everything else) to many Trump-lite voters.
Moving beyond Biden and Trump, the pair hoping to replace them could do something similar and make earth-shattering moves that could vault them past the pair of people that most American’s say – for a variety of reasons – they do not want to see running against each other next November.
But for it to really work best for California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a time machine would have to be involved.
For DeSantis, since he’s pretty much running on the above outline already, he would have to use the machine to go back in time and hire campaign managers, consultants, and lawyers, and others that are the exact polar opposite of those he actually did hire.
For Newsom, he can still do much of the above at a state level, so his time machine jaunt would be back to the beginning of his first term when he seemed to try to think about canceling the state’s mockery of a government project called high speed rail.
Newsom hinted, Newsom was savaged by unions and bureaucrats employed by the project, Newsom caved.
California is horribly governed and has a myriad of problems and Newsom and the power structure that created him is the heart of the rot, but if Newsom had just done that one thing he would now have the credibility (sort of) to be able stand up in front of the American people and say he knows a bad government idea when he sees it and he acts.
But there are no time machines, Trump’s ego seems intact, and Biden cannot make a radical change so we can expect the current situation – barring a different kind of massive shake up – to continue. The polls will wobble this way and that, Trump’s trials will continue, Biden’s abilities will continue to decline, Americans will continue to look for hope wherever we can find it.
And may next November we will.
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