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Los Angeles City Hall (Photo: Evan Symon for the California Globe)

I Live in Pacific Palisades and I Know Who Caused the Fire

It is prima facie negligence by City leaders

By James Breslo, January 12, 2025 6:00 pm

As officials investigate what caused Los Angeles’ devasting fires, I know the answer. It was the homeless. The LA Fire Department reports that 54% of fires in 2023 were started by homeless. They responded to almost 14,000 fires that year alone related to homelessness!

Regardless of whether the Pacific Palisades fire was directly started by a homeless person, the extent of the destruction from the fire can be attributed to the homeless. A few months ago, a LA City Council person reported to me that she spends 80 percent of her time on LA’s homeless problem. Eighty percent!  That does not leave much time to focus on the basic needs of the average tax paying LA resident, such as water, power, sanitation, safety, security, roads, sidewalks, traffic, parks, beaches, schools, firefighting and fire prevention. And when the mayor feels free to jet off to Ghana for a presidential inauguration on the other side of the globe, we cannot assume the other twenty percent of time is well spent.

In addition, the Council passed a budget for this year providing $1.3 Billion for homeless-related expenses. The same budget cut spending on the fire department by $17 million! 

If the Council was focused on what it should have been, it likely would have known that the main reservoir needed to fight fires in Pacific Palisades was under repair and unavailable to provide water to fight fires in the middle of the Santa Ana winds fire season. Firefighters had access to only 3 million gallons of water which ran out on the first night of fires. The reservoir normally contains 117 million gallons of water!  None was available.  

According to the LA Times, the reservoir shut down in February for minor repairs to its cover. LA’s Department of Water and Power, did not even seek bids for the repair until April! It did not hire a contractor until November! It still is not repaired! Total cost of repair: $130K, about the cost of a new Mercedes.  

Some city officials claim that based on the size of the fire even the reservoir would have run dry. But the fire would never have gotten so big but for the reservoir being inoperable! I have proof.

My Palisades neighborhood (Castellammare) was one of the first to be hit with fire.  It turns out that it was a blessing, because firefighters had water to put out the flames. I estimate based upon my inspection that approximately 80 percent of my neighborhood’s homes were spared. But soon thereafter the water dried up, and surrounding Palisades neighborhoods lost 100 percent of their homes.

In the second largest city in America with the third most expensive homes in the wealthiest and highest taxed state in the country, there simply is no excuse for this level of destruction. Over half of the homes in the town of Pacific Palisades are estimated to have been lost. It is prima facie negligence by City leaders. 

If LA simply put the ban back in place, and enforced it, the homeless problem would go away. The problem started when a court barred LA from enforcing its no camping law.  But that decision was overturned last year by the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet, unlike most cities, LA has not put the ban back in place. Instead, all of LA is open for camping: sidewalks, parks, beaches, etc.  There is a very limited number of designated no camping locations, such as outside a kindergarten. But even those exceptions are now being debated by the council. 

Instead, the council and mayor have embarked on a plan to find permanent housing for anyone and everyone on the street, no matter where they come from.  In addition to the $1.3 Billion budgeted for homeless, a new LA County sales tax for homeless housing and services will provide another estimated $1.1 Billion. 

A recent study by the Westside Current found that LA has acquired 2,750 housing units (condos, apartments, or hotel rooms) at a cost of close to $1 Billion.  One of the buildings purchased for $36.6 million still had an active website advertising “luxury” apartment featuring “spacious, modern elegance” and “sweeping views of LA.” The units feature balconies and a rooftop deck offering “stunning views of the Hollywood sign . . . in a great neighborhood with plenty of restaurants, shops and bars within walking distance, and just minutes from Beverly Hills.”  That is double the cost of the fire department budget cut.

The plan has been in place for years but has hardly put a dent in the problem.  The word is out that LA is a good place to go if you want to live outside, so more and more come.

The LA city council consists of about two thirds’ Democrats, one third Democrat Socialists of America (DSA), and zero Republicans. It uses the homeless problem as an excuse to implement its far-left agenda, which includes rent controls, tenant eviction protections, mansion taxes, free basic income, reparations, sanctuary laws, and free housing for all.

For the City’s leaders, basic services that most Angelenos care about, like firefighting, are at the bottom of their list of priorities.

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90 thoughts on “I Live in Pacific Palisades and I Know Who Caused the Fire

  1. The Google Earth view of the Santa Ynez Reservoir is dated 4/17/2019. The Reservoir is empty in the picture.
    Has this reservoir been empty for 5 years?

    1. what i don’t understand is when even the rest of the country has rejected woke and all that bs kalifornia still votes for stupid. it’s hard to muster sympathy for such ignorance.

      1. Where are the middle-class people who lost their homes going to stay? It is like what happened in western North Carolina. is anyone helping these people? I am just wondering because I have seen no widely broadcasted efforts to help either of these places. People in our church went to help the people in North Carolina and Georgia, but I was surprised to see no fund-raising efforts. If I was in their situation and without insurance, I would be so grateful for any help.

        1. I think many will leave, their insurance either insufficient or nonexistent. Property tax revenues will plummet, a fiscal crisis like none before is going to swamp the state.

      2. True.
        But then there is this – there is no cure for stupidity.

        Carlo M. Cipolla, a former professor of economic history at the University of California, Berkeley, in the mid 1970’s developed five laws of stupidity:

        1st: Always & without variation everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

        2nd: The probability that someoneis stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.

        3rd: A stupid person is a person who causes losses to others while himself deriving no gain or loss. Too often the stupid person is not even aware of the harm he/she has done.

        4th: Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. Notably, non-stupid people frequently forget that at all times and places and under any circumstance dealing with or associating with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.

        5th: A stupid person is a dangerous person.

    2. there actually is an excuse for the fires.

      you voted for the incompetent woke politicians.
      you got what you voted for.

      made your bed, now sleep in it.

    3. Homelessnes is a BIG business. Connect the dots between the City leaders and those providing homeless benefits.

      I feel the Palisades fire was started by one of the many homelss encampments in the wooded area in every gulley and canyon in the Santa Monica Mountain. The canyons act as a venturi for the winds which in turn blew camp fire embers into the dry brush.

  2. I have a friend whose business in Van Nuys was burned down by the homeless.

    The homeless problem can be easily fixed. Make drug possession and use illegal again, including marijuana. The homeless are addicts. Give them a home in jail. That’s the way it used to be, and there was no homeless problem then. The DemolitionCrats caused this mess. The DemolitionCrats decriminalized drug possession and use. The DemolitionCrats need to be held responsible for the mass destruction and loss of life by the homeless.

    Newsom and Bass should be the first to step down from their positions.

      1. They were voted into office by the people who lost their homes. Those people should have done due dilegence instead of thinking, wow my life is great, I have a great house, I live in an area the homeless doesnt effect me, I’m a beautiful person who has it made. those are the ones who created this mess by doing nothing but voting for dems because thats what they do. Just go vote dem and enjoy yourself, dont let those republican bastards win

    1. This comment is ill-informed. As a long-time LA resident, I watched the problem grow and change. It is indeed an enormous, terrible problem, but unlike what right-wing media might say, homelessness is a complicated issue. First of all, the issue is much bigger than just drug addiction. Many people are homeless because they are mentally ill. Secondly, while drug addiction (especially meth and fentanyl, which are definitely illegal) has made the problem much worse, just making drugs illegal does little to help the situation-drug addiction is a disease not cured by a few days in jail. We can have the police spend their time arresting the homeless and sending them to jail, but they are just let out again in a few days-nothing gained but a large bill to the taxpayer. Unless of course, you are suggesting that we just house them indefinitely, in which case consider that, according to LAO (https://www.lao.ca.gov/PolicyAreas/CJ/6_cj_inmatecost), it costs about $133,110 a year to house someone in jail, with an estimated 75,000+ people experiencing homelessness in the county. And, there’s that pesky little issue of people’s basic rights in this country.
      If we can stop pointing fingers and calling names, perhaps we can work together and come up with helpful ideas

      1. No, Melisa. The mentally ill/drug addiction comparison is a useless chicken-egg conundrum. Drugs are the common denominator. As long as the addicts are addicted they will not and cannot get better. At the complete expense of common sense and decency the only thing that matters to an addict is the next fix. The addicts must be effectively separated from the drugs. Society needs to make drug dealing a a no-win offense. It is a capital offense in Singapore. There is almost no drug addiction in Singapore.

      2. It is not complicated. Only the pro-government employee unions raise this false flag and just to keep doing nothing other than pulling down their own paychecks from Homeless Inc.

        The vagrants can languish in prison, as much as in the bushes in the Pacific Palisades Temescal Gateway Park. They made their choices. Now so can we.

      3. People like you don’t *cause* the problem, Melisa, you just prevent it from being solved–by blocking any suggested efforts to solve it.

      4. Your last sentences sums up the democrats position – “let’s work together” as long as it is our way and no other opinions are considered. That is their perspective on “together”. So 100% of the council members are democrats – we should not be surprised at the current problem occurred – only that it took so long for it to happen.

      5. Some people are forced into homelessness by Court order, i.e. child support.

        A noncustodial parent; 25% of gross, federal taxes 20% of gross, state 13.5% of gross.

        If one is behind; 50% of gross + the 33.5% of gross taxes. Then there are the other taxes on fuel etc.

        Even an educated Professional can be drained down to 400 a month take home.

        Been there done that for 16 years.

        To Spite the Government, I succeeded at beating them at their own game, and retired 12 years ago.

        It was a life time of work, none of it was easy. The X is still mired in her filth, the kid is a convicted Felon, I don’t know how many times over. She taught him well.

      6. No Melisa. We need to enforce the laws for the greater good not in favor of addicts and mental illness. More than 50% of fire calls are due to the homeless, who start many fires. People won’t camp outside if they are busted for doing so. I’d offer a bus ride to their hometown or family the first time. Second time is jail. The mentally ill, if severe enough, should be hospitalized. Illegal aliens=deported.

      7. Homelessness is NOT a complicated issue. The commie/libs have made it such due to their mindless implementation of demonstrably failed big government welfare state since at least the administration of bastard FDR. With as much sympathy as is humanly able to be mustered, all that can be said to CA and the rest of the blue states is “suck failure you perverted freaks.”

      8. Melisa, the answer is to start building prisons like they did in El Salvador……the crime rate has dropped over 95% in El Salvador…….prison should be a place for punishment, a place that when you’ve served your time you never want to go back to…….

      9. Well, if the ppl using drugs are jailed, keep them there long enough to break the use of drugs so they can be clean when released and spend the money to teach them how to stay clean. Prepare them to have a skill so they can start working, gaining self respect and can be able to function in society. If they are mentally ill, hospitalize them, provide treatments for those who can be helped. Surely that would be better for the homeless, drug addicted or other as well for everyone! The cost would be far less than the climbing cost of allowing the same things of today to continue!

      10. Starting about 40 years ago, elected officials at all levels jumped on the insane bandwagon of the disastrous national fad to close the major residential mental health hospitals that treated those who truly needed residential care. Instead, in kumbaya fashion, these people wound up as permanent basket cases and drug addicts on the streets of Southern California. Those mental health professionals who tried yo stop this fiasco from happening were mocked as not being compassionate! Just the opposite was true. All this was way before the illegal alien deluge multiplied the dangers to people snd infrastructure of our cities. Yes, it matters tremendously who is elected and who is not. Add to that a George Sorios planting Marxist DAs in our cities, and you are left with urban and suburban powder kegs.

      11. Please stop calling it a “homeless problem”. The liberal left created that term to describe folks that live on the street because they refuse to live by the basic rules of the shelters. Those people suffer from drug and alcohol addiction.

        More interesting is why we have an exploding drug and alcohol addition. Why have so many people given up on life and just want their next fix to help alleviate the pain of living?

        The reason goes back to the 60’s when the hippie culture (which has now turned into the progressive left Democrat culture) wanted a revolution. A revolution in which the old rules, guidelines and plan for living (what use to be called culture and religion) were thrown out and replaced with nothing.

        Now we have multiple generation of folks that are struggling to understand the reality they live in. It is like trying to cut through the forest of life without a moral compass or societal map.

        Until we return to cultural and religion of our past, a system that worked, we will continue to have lost souls that wander purposelessly and aimlessly on the streets in the name of the progressive liberal Democrat cult.

    2. Here’s a hint: Difficult problems don’t have simple solutions. If they did, they wouldn’t be difficult problems to begin with. I know easy answers abound, particularly by those with political grievances (which goes back and fort between the right and the left, but now is very much a right-wing rally cry). Bottom line. Come up with real solutions to health care, climate change, increasing economic disparity, and whatever it is you deem to be important (perhaps other than the name of the Gulf of Mexico) and then maybe people in the middle will listen to you. Otherwise, you’re just another clanging cymbal in the band of complainers.

      1. Watch out for the professional naysayers – they are porking out on doing nothing. Simple: build the facilities and lock them up. They made their choices. So have we.

      2. The real solution to “climate change” is to acknowledge that it’s scam being used by World Economic Forum (WEF) globalists to steal from hardworking taxpayers in the U.S. while countries that are major polluters like Communist China continue to pollute without any consequences. Poster Mike Smith offered no solutions? He sounds like a dimwitted globalist stooge and a whining far left extremist?

      3. so your blaming right wing politics even though there are NO right wing office holders. makes perfect sense as to why there’s a problem.

      4. This reply makes no sense. Why would solutions be need to those things that are listed? The only reason people come together to form a community is because the sum of that interaction is greater than the individual parts. As that community grows, a group of people are selected from amongst the ranks to lead in the efforts that have been delegated. Los Angeles, and to a large extent California, has shown that those who are elected or appointed to handle the simple tasks of protecting the group are negligent and/or incompetent.
        Why continue with a compact where it was agreed that life and property would be protected where it is not? This is a total failure of the basic concept of community and governance. It amazes me that when there is no water during the dry and windy season that has existed for hundreds of years in California, infrequent management of brush(tinder), no enforcement of laws against encampments, RVs and tents, depleting of talent to fight fires, and the appointment of leaders to oversee these efforts based on gender, sexual preference, race, etc. rather than on fire-fighting skill, organization prowess, and creativity, that you would take the time to say the problem is the citizens calling this out and “complaining”. A person expects not to die and lose all of their belongings because of complete incompetence but that person is a complainer. Could you be more aloof from reality?

    3. Newsom and Bass will never step down willingly, if the people don’t stand up and remove them they will just create more chaos and destruction. Stand up LA and take action or you will regret doing nothing.

  3. The homeless use fire as revenge against one another. If I’m mad at you for something I’m going to light your cart on fire which usually has some type of accelerant in it. This is a rampant California problem. It has just been fully exposed in Los Angeles. We all know what the solutions are which is vote out this incompetent corrupt political class from top to bottom.

    1. so your blaming right wing politics even though there are NO right wing office holders. makes perfect sense as to why there’s a problem.

    2. They also routinely burn down each other’s tents or lean-to shelters, L.A, is littered with the sidewalk remains of burned tents, tarps, and (this is REALLY stupid) PLASTIC garbage cans!
      Can the City NOT provide them with easily-ignited plastic trash barrels, PLEASE?????

  4. I Live in Pacific Palisades and I Know Who Caused the Fire: TYPO
    “The reservoir normally contains 117 gallons of water! None was available.”
    Should read: The reservoir normally contains 117 MILLION gallons of water!

  5. Kick the can to Long Beach is the solution? Also, calling this guy a civil rights lawyer is hilarious. He did civil rights defense work. That’s like calling the driver on Rosa Parks’ bus a civil rights advocate.

  6. One has to question the number of Braincells of the individual that ordered the draining of the reservoir because the cover was torn? Order a new one and replace it, but don’t drain the reservoir, how much was going to evaporate while the cover was being replaced, and why wasn’t it replaced sooner? Total incompetence. But that’s how California rolls today.

    1. Santa Ynez R. Is municipal holding tank for water that has been treated and pumped to storage facilities for you to drink, as well as water your lawn and fight fires. Did you want to drink contaminated water? The repairs should’ve been made sooner. But how long do you think 117,000,000 gallons of water would’ve lasted? According to the experts maybe an hour.

      Putting your head in the in the sand and not acknowledging that there are now unfightable fires is like living on the hurricane coast and expecting to escape level five hurricanes. The lesson that we have learned from earthquakes but have not learned from the Tubbs fire, the Talent fire, ad nauseum , is that housing must be hardened. This is not a wild fire. It is an urban conflagration, such has historically happened in every country on earth. The difference is the climate is at least 1.5 -2 degrees hotter than it was when Los Angeles was founded..

    2. Santa Ynez R. Is municipal holding tank for water that has been treated and pumped to storage facilities for you to drink, as well as watering and fighting fires. Did you want to drink contaminated water? The repairs should’ve been made sooner. But how long do you think 117,000,000 gallons of water would’ve lasted? According to the experts maybe an hour.

      Putting your head in the in the sand and not acknowledging that there are now unfightable fires is like living on the hurricane coast and expecting to escape level five hurricanes. The lesson that we have learned from earthquakes but have not learned from the Tubbs fire, the Talent fire, ad nauseum , is that housing must be hardened. This is not a wild fire. It is an urban conflagration, such has historically happened in every country on earth. The difference is the climate is at least 1.5 -2 degrees hotter than it was when Los Angeles was founded..

  7. If you predicted the actual fire based on your knowledge of the cause, your negligence to act on that prediction contributed to the fire. If your prediction of an actual fire did not manifest until AFTER the actual fire, your prediction is just a rationalization. If the rationalization attributes cause to something other than the actual direct cause, it is a particularly illogical rationalization.
    It’s indicative of psychosis to trace a real harm (a fire) to an abstract cause (far-left agenda).
    If I consistently directed my efforts at a “problem” while it seemingly only worsens, I’d start to question the efficacy of my approach and my knowledge of the “problem”.

    1. You are trying to obfuscate by making it the problem of others. The real culprit in this is the decision makers, they made STUPID DECISIONS.
      You wrote:
      1) If you predicted the actual fire based on your knowledge of the cause, your negligence to act on that prediction contributed to the fire. (How’s that? If you are talking about the Decision Makers, you can make that case, but not the general public)
      2) If your prediction of an actual fire did not manifest until AFTER the actual fire, your prediction is just a rationalization. (You can only predict before the fact. But knowing the risk factors it’s not difficult to predict the outcome)
      3) If the rationalization attributes cause to something other than the actual direct cause, it is a particularly illogical rationalization. (Absolutely correct)
      4) It’s indicative of psychosis to trace a real harm (a fire) to an abstract cause (far-left agenda). (Who did that? It is sad, but ignoring a problem does not make it go away)
      5) If I consistently directed my efforts at a “problem” while it seemingly only worsens, I’d start to question the efficacy of my approach and my knowledge of the “problem”.(Could not agree more, it’s the definition of insanity.)

    2. Tysir, You forget that the people hired to handle the homeless problem, Making 6 figures a year would not have a job, if they fixed the problem.

    3. “It’s indicative of psychosis to trace a real harm (a fire) to an abstract cause (far-left agenda).” —> The “psychosis” is when the Democrats deny there’s any such thing as “cause and effect”–which is the foundation of all their policies.

  8. your writing about the Dems ‘ incompetence may be partly correct but Dumptrump’s critique of how the situation was handled by his hated “other” party certainly isl unhelpful when aid is needed. Stop putting politics into your finger pointing column.

    1. Federal aid is not needed. California voted to Trump-proof the entire state. Starting now.
      California is now failing people; not Trump.

    2. Kay MH in essence: “Yew not allowed to blame the policies of duh California Democrat party fo’ dis! We did everything absolutely perfectly! Cuts to the FD budget, starting a “Diversity Bureau” with an assistant chief at $300K/yr? Female hispanic head of DPW leaving the HUGE 117-MILLION-gallon reservoir empty for almost a year? Pffft!

  9. Then, if we discover who caused homelessness we will ultimately find out who caused the fires. Indirectly and unintensionally of course.

    1. Love your answer! The NIMBLY folks are finding out it is in fact still in their backyard, but without safety of housing.

  10. Platitudes and Wishful Thing do not solve problems. Simple Linear Logical thinking is what gets the job done.

    1. Simple Linear Logical thinking like?
      Reading the last bid submitted by the manufacturer of the reservoir cover?
      I would bet good money the designed “life” of the cover is listed. So start taking bid on the replacement at , say, 70% or 80% of the expected life of the cover?
      But I guess the people responsible were too busy focusing on climat change and gender fluidity to do their jobs.
      And then there is fire management. ANY fire can be managed if it is denied fuel. Even in high winds.
      But I guess the people responsible were too concerned about some endangered mouse or bug or minnow to eliminate excess brush etc.
      Suggestion. Elect people who have had jobs that produce some product or service people are actually willing to pay for, not community organizers, social advocates etc.

  11. SEIU demands five people get hired by taxpayers to monitor each vagrant 24/7. That is why the state’s first priority is growing more homeless. More SEIU dues paying members. Just like high birthrate illegals fund more teacher union memberships.

    SEIU and the teachers unions run this state- and this is what it looks like after 20 years of their power and money grab. How do we undo this. We know what the problem is – the government employee unions. How do we pull the plug?

    At least the new LA Times owner admitted he made a huge mistake endorsing Bass for Mayor, putting the Democrat party demands over competence or experience. That is a start.

  12. why does everyone assume this fire could have been controlled if there was more water pressure? This was not a fire that was going to be suppressed with hoses and hydrants, without air support, ground control was simply not feasible.

  13. Vagrants are not the “most vulnerable amongst us”. They are grifting, con artist prima donnas. Done with them. And the thousands of extravagantly- paid SEIU member social workers who enable them.

  14. California has been the laughing stock of America for Decades. Since the age of Gov Moonbeam. Californians created their own problems. And the rest of America knows “You can’t fix stupid “. The talk of “wishing Californicate to slide into the ocean “ shows you how much America hates you. There’s a reason for everything.

  15. Well, it’s like this. It starts with an emergency response plan for anticipated events. Was this event anticipated? If yes, what was the planned response? What resources were needed to ensure an effective response? The emergency plan becomes paramount. Budgets are made to support the plan. Taking a key element of the plan like a 100 million gallon reservoir out of service is done only if other back-up measures are put in place and outage is timed to minimize risk (duration and time of year). If there was no response plan PERIOD to deal with such an event, then the problem is bigger than city hall spending resources on the homeless.

  16. i saw a camera shot of newscum and biden both lighting the fires, they were heard saying; “don’t ever waste a crisis”

  17. What if it wasn’t homeless. What if it was a malicious neighbor-hating cloud dweller looking for a fat insurance payout. What if it was a raging moralist determined to purify sodom and gomorrah by fire. What if it was an islamist bent on shutting down the propaganda machine. What if it was a city employee looking for tens of billions in federal disaster recovery payola. Sure, blame the homeless, blame the blanketlabels round them up and put them all in camps. Its all because of the blanketlabels. Don’t think, don’t really investigate, don’t find the person responsible and hold them accountable for their actions, just blame the blanketlabels. Jews, blacks, muslims, white males, politicians, democrats, mexicans, internet journalists, lots of different blanketlabels, group blaming is easy and fun. So you should always do it really a lot of times, and stuff. Hopefully the actual perpetrator will be found or will come forward, then we can dispense with the blanketlabels. Oh, and if you want to fight homelessness then work on basic living costs in the area. Real estate and property management become an extortion racket.

  18. Even with no vegetation, if one of these houses were to catch on fire in these high winds, it would still burn everything down in this area.

    The embers from those houses would catch everything on fire because everything is so congestion; houses on top of houses.

  19. Maybe giving homeless drug addicts free needles to use more drugs ought to help create less drug addicts, less homelessness, better mental health, and fewer homeless encampments to start fires. And they deserve free pizza and rib eye steaks, because they’re under privileged compared to people whom work and make responsible life choices. As usual, the root cause of the problem is excessive taxation, which leads to misallocation of money, and an ensuing stream of grifters with their hands out, dollar signs in their eyes. Your tax dollars, hard at work. Equity!

  20. except this time, being done all at once, it shows planning and organized execution… and the fact that everyone found committing these crimes are foreign invaders illegally in the US… this is something more.

  21. “For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
    For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
    For want of a horse the rider was lost.
    For want of a rider the message was lost.
    For want of a message the battle was lost.
    For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
    And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.”
    The entire Government and Workers who caused this must all be fired and held criminally liable. The Woman with a $750,000 salary allow all of those homes, buildings and PEOPLE to burn because she was too lazy to fix the cover with fire season coming. DISGRACEFUL!

  22. Hollywood gave us a meme, “Build it and they will come,” only to watch it come back to haunt them. California, and Las Angeles in particular, has built a very inviting and welcoming welfare structure to lure the deadbeats and chaff of society to their streets and parks to enjoy the sloth and addiction in relative comfort provided by the forced extraction of taxes from the workers. Remember, anytime someone gets something for nothing, someone else must work for free.

  23. Californians will complain and rage about this largely preventable catastrophe, yet will turn right around and continue voting for the progressive, incompetent Marxists who are directly responsible for this. Their short-term memory and kung-fu grip on that insanity trumps any and all rational thinking.

    1. Santa Ynez R. Is municipal holding tank for water that has been treated and pumped to storage facilities for you to drink, as well as watering and fighting fires. Did you want to drink contaminated water? The repairs should’ve been made sooner. But how long do you think 117,000,000 gallons of water would’ve lasted? According to the experts maybe an hour.

      Putting your head in the in the sand and not acknowledging that there are now unfightable fires is like living on the hurricane coast and expecting to escape level five hurricanes. The lesson that we have learned from earthquakes but have not learned from the Tubbs fire, the Talent fire, ad nauseum , is that housing must be hardened. This is not a wild fire. It is an urban conflagration, such has historically happened in every country on earth. The difference is the climate is at least 1.5 -2 degrees hotter than it was when Los Angeles was founded..

  24. I’m saying it loud and clear. That fire was orchestrated and it was not only the fire but the weather as well. Those who are using DEWs against us CAN manipulate both. What is happening to LA is exactly what happened to Lahaina Hawaii and Napa California when fires were not typical as they both had cars burn up that were not even close to a fire. These are not Lasers, they are Maser. Lasers use light and Masers use electromagnetic microwave energy which emits no light. You won’t see beams of light coming down out of the sky, but you will see buildings quickly catch fire with an intensity that is not at all like how normal fires propagate.

    I just watched Mel Gibson being interviewed by Laura Ingraham on FOX. When they show pictures of his burned down home you see trees that stood fairly close to a portion of his home STILL GREEN AND ALIVE. That could only happen if DEWs were used, and again it was the same in Napa and Lahaina. If you see such in the LA fires then report it because IT IS THAT IMPORTANT !

    I am assuming that you heard of the Patsy they caught trying to light more fires with a blowtorch. I am assuming that he was an M.K. ULTRA patsy who was expendable. I believe that was also a PsyOpts to make people think that an idiot with a blowtorch could start all those fires. We’re not buying it. We are also assuming that this may be a land grab such as what happened in Lahaina Hawaii.

    Eric Hecker was either a Firefighter or Plumber or both stationed in Antartica was interviewed by Shawn Ryan on his show. If you want to have your mind blown about what is going on down there DO WATCH THIS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rckecs0PKI4&t=77s This can also be tied into who may be in control of the DEWs that are being used to burn down towns and cities in America. We are at war and the sooner you people out there in La La Land understand that the sooner we can address the elephant in the room. WE ARE BEING WAR UPON AND IT IS TIME TO FACE THAT FACT AND TAKE ACTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Why does California believe a lake has to have a cover over it? I get preventing evaporation losses, but that’s no excuse.

  26. Show specific proof that homeless started the fires, or shut your right-wing, screw everyone else who doesn’t have money, conservative pie hole. You are what’s wrong with this country. Period. Who’s to say that you didn’t start the fires so that you could blame the homeless? I don’t know, maybe someone should take a look into that (to use Trump’s favorite false accusatory line).

    1. You seem to be an Ignorant Imbecile Breslo Nonfan. There are videos of some Homeless and Criminal Aliens starting fires there.

  27. Agree with the majority of commentators here. One Party State Dominion elections and ballot harvesting has created a doom loop of dependency and waste, incompetent government management like leaving that reservoir empty above Pasadena, sponging off hard working people and their families, legal marijuana leading to worse drugs and mental illness and homelessness, and subsequent campfires that become destructive, at the same time the green policy push on utilities to divert funds from maintenance to converting to green energy projects, like the recent Moss Beach battery energy storage facility that exploded due to overcurrent of power, instead of clean burning gas power plants, and the codependency of mainstream media covering for the One Party State
    Thank you California Globe for bringing attention to these issues. The fires are a wake up call and toward action by the people of California to get rid of these grifters in government

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