Hospital hallway, emergency room. (Photo: VILevi, Shutterstock)
Is Healthcare a Human Right?
Is the pursuit of healthcare a human right?
By Patrick Wagner, MD, February 5, 2025 3:00 pm
Is Healthcare a Human Right?
My answer, having been a general surgeon for 45 years is hell no! My healthcare is a personal obligation, and I am 100% responsible for how I take care of myself. And that is your responsibility as well.
What I ingest, inhale, and inject into my body is up to me. How much I exercise, and my resultant physical health is also up to me. And if I have kids, their health is also my responsibility. It’s the law! So, anyone less than 18 years old must have a guardian or parent making those decisions. That includes adults who are not able-minded – for instance an elderly person with a mind like Biden, or a mentally disabled person with or without associated cerebral palsy.
And on top of that, I seek out the opinion and treatment of physicians like me and rely on them for diagnosis, medications, and surgery when I get sick and for “routine” check-ups to avoid problems like cancer and heart disease. So should you. We do so to live healthy, high-quality lives. And a big part of taking care of our health is simple common sense, right?
On January 29, 2025, during the first day of Senate committee confirmation hearings regarding Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President Trump’s candidate for health and human services secretary, Senator Bernie Sanders posed the question of Kennedy… “IS HEALTHCARE A HUMAN RIGHT?” The tone Sanders displayed was one of derision. It was loaded, loud, leading, and argumentative, as if Sanders might be affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS for short.
What got my attention was Kennedy’s slowish, well thought out and evidence backed accurate response. Kennedy said the many millions of Medicaid dollars were being spent to fatten up able-bodied and able-minded recipients of taxpayer largess and making them sicker than ever. He cited statistics indicating that America is getting fat and lazy. This gives rise to diabetes, joint problems, depression, suicide, cell phone addiction, cancer, cardiovascular disease, drug addiction, unsafe and untested pharmaceuticals, unproven vaccines, hack bariatric surgery, mental illness, and on and on. In essence, the welfare state is becoming well-fed and resistant to going to a doctor, because they are deathly afraid of what bad news that doctor might give them and how that doctor might treat them! They are neglecting “routine” check-ups because they no longer trust their doctors at the same time they are receiving free healthcare from the government. They should know better, but they can’t resist the lure of not having to work. Now that is the definition of the government taking care of American citizens. Not very good.
And then, Kennedy really pivoted, calling Sanders by his first name, and reminded “Bernie” (an outspoken advocate of socialized medicine which is the same as Obamacare) that he received massive campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Bernie lost it, not only behaviorally, but also in his one-sided attempt to kill Kennedys candidacy. Bernie lost; Kennedy won.
How would you answer the question …”Is healthcare a human right?” But let’s be a little more specific. Is healthcare affordable? Is healthcare safe?
If you think back, Obamacare is another name for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA, which President Obama signed into law March 23, 2010. President (Dr.) Obama pitched you and me a safety (patient protection) and affordability law that hasn’t lived up to his promise. Indeed, the reality is quite the opposite. Thus, we can ask the more specific questions… Is Obamahealthcare safe and affordable? Is Obamahealthcare a human right?
Now let’s go back and consider what Sanders was implying with the foolish and devilish question he posed of Kennedy. IS HEALTHCARE A HUMAN RIGHT? If you were a government worker or a worker in any industry where your health insurance costs were paid for by someone else besides you, and that includes all our retired senior citizens, you would likely answer the question, yes indeed. Healthcare is a human right. But would you be telling the truth? Bernie and Obama aren’t telling the truth. They would tell you that “the world is my oyster!” because of the endless money they are parasitizing out of you and me to keep their agenda, i.e.. Marxism alive and well.
Enter “Dark MAGA” as he calls himself, a.k.a. Elon Musk. A new syndrome is developing called Musk Derangement Syndrome, or MDS for short. The USAID (agency of international development) is a big slush fund for Bernie and Barack and Gavin and the rest). Those federal workers who are hitting the road that have had the US taxpayers footing their full healthcare insurance coverage will no longer have it. No longer will all the working stiff patriotic populists from all over the USA who are footing the bill be required to do so.
The MAGA-Dark MAGA-MAHA movement is underway. “Is Healthcare a Human Right?” needs replaced by “Is the pursuit of healthcare a human right?” The answer should be obvious because it’s just like buying food at the store or your admission into a concert. You need to earn the money to pay for the service like everybody else.
Don’t you think as we go forward that we ought to really investigate the “Bigs” like big pharma, big health insurance, big academia, big mainstream media, and any other “big” in cahoots with big government? Let’s just keep encouraging our close friends at MAGA-Dark MAGA-MAHA to find out the answers. After all, we are paying them, but they don’t need your money. I guarantee you they are working not for your money, but for your freedom! They need your support and your love.
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
I don’t entirely trust my doctor because he pushes poisonous jabs and other medications. He is a good, caring doctor but he apparently believes Everything the pharmaceutical reps tell him. Funny how he pushes what sends kickbacks to him and his employer.
Incentives to push meds need to be outlawed.
I hope someday to be able to go to a doctor that is independent of outside control and influence.
100% agree… and pharmaceuticals need to be REMOVED from advertising on mass media, as well…
The change in advertising laws that took place about 25 years ago has contributed to the MESS that the “medical / insurance industrial complex” has become is directly attributable to that policy change….
Insurance companies were quick in implementing models which raised questions about restrictions on physician discretion, regarding available diagnostic methods and treatment modes.
Add to that, hospital reorganization a la the Clinton / Minnesota mind meld, and the D,C. turf was ripe for Pelosi’s night before Christmas when all through the house…
Once its details were revealed, outcomes never reached the lofty expectations we were told was inside Obamacare. A bald faced lie by omission, until relabeled as a tax. Then it all suddenly made more sense, didn’t it?