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Larry Elder. (Photo: Larry Elder for Governor)

Larry Elder’s ‘As Goes California’

The ‘Black Face of White Supremacy’

By Roger Canfield, December 12, 2023 3:20 am

In As Goes California, Larry Elder, talk radio star and “Black Face of White Supremacy,” has written a compelling book about California’s decline, race, relations, families, crime, and homelessness. 

Running against a field of 45 mostly white candidates, the media, Hollywood and the brain-dead establishment of the Republican Party, Elder won 48.5 % of the votes to replace Gavin Newsom had he been recalled. At 9% of the vote the next candidate down the long list was Kevin Faulconer endorsed by the piddling GOP minority caucuses in the State Senate and Assembly. 

Though a remarkably quiet, calm, and kind person in private—a good listener– Larry’s public views tend to piss off not only the grifters in the black community, but also the GOP establishment. This may be why lots of ordinary folks love authentic people like Donald Trump and Larry Elder. 

With the $9.00 per vote Gavin Newsom spent against the evil and terrifying white Republicans – 24% of the California electorate – the recall failed. Larry got a lot of Democrat and Independent votes without going Democrat lite. 

Whatever you think of his views, Elder writes as he speaks with clarity and a gold mine of telling statistics not only on issues of race, but on the of state of California and of the nation. On every page one learns something new or finds a clarification of something already known. 

In California, the fatherless families of all races find themselves on a new Third World plantation, a dystopia of unaffordable housing, drug addicted and mentally ill homeless, government school illiteracy, defunded and retreating police, lawless communities, unlimited abortions (targeting blacks), manmade droughts and wildfires, taxation with bad representation, and incompetent and corrupt government. 

If you need one more reason to either leave California or to stay and fight, Elder has it. He knows who is obstructing a better California and America and has proposals on how to fix them. Elder joins the legacies of Frederick Douglass, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Clarence Thomas.  

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8 thoughts on “Larry Elder’s ‘As Goes California’

  1. interesting how many Dominioned elections end up with the Republican getting 48.5% of the vote…
    It’s almost like it’s algorithmically determined….

  2. Larry Elder had the support of many of us even though he got into the race late and ran a relatively lackluster campaign? Unfortunately, his campaign was no match against well organized Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines?

  3. Had the recall succeeded, Larry Elder would have been the “Javier Milei of California.” Our state needs transformational leadership based on common sense and the rule of law.

    1. Yep, I agree with you, Coach…
      We went to a LARGE Elder rally in the 805 and I found it difficult to believe that it turned out the way they say it did…
      Hate to sound like a broken record but search for the CA SOS website PDF on the system testing on the Dom inion voting system that Padilla signed off on before he skated off to the DC swamp…
      NUMEROUS security exploits described with weak explanations of mitigation steps that probably aren’t followed….
      The whole secretive nature of the “Trusted Build” and the proprietary code is highly suspicious, amongst several other features that would usually be called “bugs”….

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