Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis addressing the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis Faces New Recall Threats Following Call for Removing Trump from Ballot
Many vow to call to look into Kounalakis’ past, recall her in response
By Evan Symon, December 20, 2023 10:47 pm
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis faced new calls for her recall on Wednesday following her letter earlier in the day urging the state to try and find a way to keep Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot.
The calls only date back to Tuesday, when the Colorado Supreme Court announced that it had ruled 4-3 to bar Trump from the 2024 Presidential ballot because of his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters. While that ruling is going to appeal, it inspired lawmakers in other states, such as Michigan, to also attempt to ban Trump from the ballot as well. California then joined that list on Wednesday when Lt. Governor Kounalakis wrote a letter to Secretary of State Shirley Weber urging her to “explore every legal option to remove former President Trump from CA’s 2024 presidential primary ballot“.
Today I sent a letter urging @DrWeber4CA to explore every legal option to remove former President Trump from CA’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.https://t.co/NA1CnCfFYC
— Eleni Kounalakis (@EleniForCA) December 20, 2023
In an article earlier today, the Globe reported on many negative reactions to the letter and the Colorado decision, including legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and former Ambassador to Germany and Trump Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell. Many linked Kounalakis’ actions to her fledgling 2026 Gubernatorial campaign. Those reactions continued on throughout the day, progressing into calls to recall Kounalakis from many lawmakers and political candidates.
Backlash against Kounalakis
In a statement on Wednesday, David Giglio (R), a candidate for the 20th Congressional District, called for a recall against Kounalakis.
“Any politician who, absent any sound legal reasoning, endorses stripping voters of their right to vote for a candidate they support does not belong in public office and that’s why I am officially demanding the start of recall proceedings against Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis,” said Giglio on Wednesday. “President Donald Trump, nor anyone else for that matter, has been tried, charged, or convicted of engaging in an insurrection. These blatant attacks on our “democracy” are coming from the same fascists who claim Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. In America, one is not convicted of a crime through public opinion or by edict of a political party.”
“President Trump received over 1.6 million votes in California’s 2016 presidential primary and over 2.2 million in 2020. Kounalakis and the radical Left are coming to terms with the fact that President Trump is stronger than he has ever been and heading for a historic victory in 2024. Instead of trying to defeat him at the ballot box, they want to throw him off the ballot for nonsensical crimes that he did not commit.”
“These are not the actions of people who want to ‘save democracy’ but, instead, the actions of scared totalitarians who are afraid of losing their grip on power. Kounalakis’ desperate and un-American actions are reason enough to have her recalled. It’s time for Republicans to do more than talk. We must take swift and immediate action.”
Others called for a more measured response on Wednesday, saying that a recall should only be reserved if it looks like it may actually succeed in California and that instead investigations into Kounalakis should be made instead.
“Kounalakis wants to try to remove him from the ballot. Ok, but instead of sinking to their level, at least at first, why not look more into Kounalakis,” added Laura Glover, a political science professor and researcher who focuses on elections, to the Globe. “Whenever these sorts of things happen, official inquiries and investigations into the past of candidates do a lot more damage to candidates long-term. She was in San Francisco politics, like being appointed to the Port Commission Board there, and was the Ambassador to Hungary. She’s also on the board of the Regents of the University of California and has had some controversial votes there.”
“Increased scrutiny into her past would be a better place to start rather than a straight jump to recall. But overall, I don’t think Kounalakis has much of a chance to get her recalled, or have Weber find something to block it. As others pointed out, there is way more than her wanting to get him out than meets the eye.”
As of Wednesday evening, backlash against Kounalakis has continued.
It figures they have already tried Former President Trump and found him guilty. This goes to show us all just how much they DON’T care about our GOD given rights under the US Constitution. Colorado and now Commiefornia!!! This embarrasess the crap out of me, as I’m sure it does to many others who call this state home. Just because they think they can. (Kick These Useless thugs not only out of office; but put them on trial for Crimes against the citizens of California, that they have committed during their political lives.
Hmmm, how did Democrat Eleni Kounalakis become Lieutenant Governor despite not previously being elected to any political office and despite having ZERO charisma? She’s the pampered and privileged daughter of wealthy California real estate developer Angelo Tsakopoulos who has donated heavily to Newsom’s campaigns and the Democrat party. Maybe he paid off the Democrat criminal cabal to insure that Eleni Kounalakis was installed as Lieutenant Governor with the usual Democrat voter fraud and rigged voting machines? She now does whatever her deep-state globalist Democrat masters tell her to do?
I hope her tits shrivel up and fall off.
Now, now, Waiting2inhale. Let’s not get nasty and make personal attacks……but come to think of it maybe they already have?
This is just political grandstanding. Trump is not gonna win California anyway. So what is she worried about?
Joe Biden could be dead, but he’d still win California.
California the state of President Nixon – two terms; the state of Ronald Reagan – two terms. The state of genuine bi-partisan contests for governor. The state of balanced give and take Sacramento legislators. The state with a promise and with a future.
What ever on earth happened to it? Besides passing term limits, that let SEIU and the teachers unions swoop in the back door and take over as the state power brokers while keeping a tight grip on the state’s tax dollar spigot. How do we get out from under this tyranny of the virtually permanent Democrat super-majority? Every promised “election reform” only dug us into this current Uniparty morass deeper and deeper.
Fix the borders first, Ms Lt Governor and stop wasting your time on Trump-hate. You only prove how much the nation in fact needs Trump to clean these fetid Augean stables. Fix Prop 98 too, because that is mandatory welfare used to relieve Mexico from educating their own citizens; instead of providing excellent public education for our own state legal residents.
was this a SERIOUS question, or a rhetorical one?
You said: “How do we get out from under this tyranny of the virtually permanent Democrat super-majority?”
Maybe by winning an election or two? Maybe, by voting? Maybe, by showing UP instead of showing OUT?
Maybe by actually TRYING to win? Use what you have and then support it?
Leadership? Honesty? By NOT jumping from office to office? By trying to win with a PLATFORM, instead of thinking you can only win by how much you raise? By trying to bring in ALL Californian’s to your side, instead of Alienating half of the State? (ie, some of the more radically charged postings from people)
We ALL live here, except for those who left.
WE ALL, pay high prices for stuff, except the rich, who don’t care much about costs since they can afford them.
WE ALL……well, except over 50% of the public who DIDN”T Vote in the last election. Why was that, again?
2026, is when you can TRY to win this State from the morass it’s in.
I’m going to try.
Maybe, a so called, NAMED politician will jump in before me. Great, if they do. Please, DON”T be a termed out wannabe-looking for his next meal politician, touting your brilliant experiences. That smacks of political elitism.
I think people are fed up with those types. I could be wrong, but it be rather upsetting to test the theory in 2026 and LOSE again just to prove I was correct. Politics, funny thing, politics. EVERYONE cries, “we want an honest one”, ….lol, then they trip if they get one. Yyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa……………Let’s test THAT theory.
The attempt to ban President Trump from the ballot affects much more than President Trump, even if he is unlikely to “win” California. It affects ANY Republican on the same ballot, and by suppressing the turnout, jeopardizes the ability to defeat harmful tax initiatives proposed by Democrats. Polling shows he is a tremendous draw to not only new and independent voters, but also to growing numbers of Latino and Black voters who are suffering from the destruction of our economy and the poor schools under Democrat control. In recent California elections Republicans gained seats in Congress which led to a Republican majority in the House and investigations into our crooked President. Since the Democrats have few winning issues to draw voters to the polls, the strategy is clearly to suppress the vote by taking President Trump off the ballot.
Democracy is not dying in darkness, it is being murdered in broad daylight by Democrats.