Gov. Gavin Newsom. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Orwellian: Gavin Newsom’s ’10 Ways California Leads the Nation’
California may be leading the nation – off the cliff into 3rd world status
By Katy Grimes, July 19, 2024 2:45 am
Gavin Newsom claims California simply has no peers, across the spectrum.
Newsom claims in an email Thursday:
- California has a “Golden economy” despite having a record $45 to $73 billion budget deficit and more than $1.5 trillion in unfunded public employee pension debt, and owes the federal government more than $21 Billion after borrowing billions to pay unemployment benefits during the Covid flu lockdowns. And while California already has paid more than $650 million in interest on the loan, there is another $550 million due Sept. 30, 2024;
- that women have “reproductive freedom” in the abortion sanctuary state;
- that California’s gun control laws mean California is Number#1 in the nation for “gun safety;”
- that California feeds 3.2 million kids “who would not normally receive meals during the summer time;”
- that having “health care access” is providing it for free to all lower-income California residents and illegal immigrants;”
- that “California is investing” (spending) $45 billion “to tackle the climate crisis and better prepare California for a more extreme future” despite that California’s summer temperatures are normal according to NOAA’s Extreme Weather Watch.
- That California’s universities are “enhancing students’ social mobility;”
- That “California continues to lead the nation in celebrating people for who they are – being a sanctuary for people seeking gender-affirming care, reproductive health care, and seeking to enshrine LGBTQ+ equality in the state’s constitution,” prioritizing special interests. As for Newsom’s CA vs Hate initiative, hate crimes jumped 33% from 2020 to 2021 – under Gov. Gavin Newsom;
- “The nation’s first high-speed rail system cleared its final regulatory hurdle.” The $100 billion (likely double) non-high-speed train system should be called “California’s High Speed Swindle.” In February 2019, President Trump called for California to return all federal rail funding, following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state of the state address where the Governor vowed to kill High Speed Rail saying, “there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to LA.” However, Newsom flipped on his promise within the week, announcing he was allowing one odd segment of the rail project to be built in the Central Valley, which I call “the conjugal express,” going from prison to prison, Madera to Bakersfield. The goal for the strange and unnecessary rail line was so California would not have to return $3.5 billion to the federal government.
Most of this is pure drivel.
Let’s address what California actually leads the nation in. California is in a world of hurt – and not from Climate Change as Gov. Newsom would have you believe, or any future threat from it. California has high crime, high taxes (on everything), high housing costs, high college students (legalized pot), high college tuitions, high inflation, high outbound migration, high gas prices, high homeless population, high rate of State mandated secrecy of gender transitioning children from parents, high illegal alien population, high illegal alien population on state funded healthcare (Medi-Cal), high energy costs, high sex trafficking, high unemployment fraud, high abortion procedures (abortion.ca.gov), high public school teachers strikes, high porn in K-12 curriculum, high Water rationing… (and some say a high governor).
Newsom and Democrat policies have pushed out some of California’s greatest businesses.
Here is Gavin Newsom’s email lauding his policies and “10 ways California leads the nation.” Please read all of this. At the end, consider leaving your comment on this article.
“California is the tentpole of the American economy. Home to the world’s greatest higher-education system. A place where people can love who they want, access the reproductive freedom they deserve, and pursue a dream of a safe and prosperous life – their California dream. Across the spectrum, California simply has no peers.” – Governor Gavin Newsom
Golden economy
California is home to the most Fortune 500 companies – beating out Texas, Florida, and all other states. Travel spending reached an all-time high of $150.4 billion. Plus, leading the next generation, California is home to 35 of the world’s 50 leading AI companies, high-impact research and education institutions, and a quarter of the technology’s patents and conference papers. Additionally, California has one of the most equitable tax systems in the entire country, and is #1 in the nation for new business starts, #1 for access to venture capital funding, #1 for manufacturing, #1 for high-tech, and #1 for agriculture.
Reproductive freedom
Since Roe v Wade was overturned by Republican-appointed Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, Governor Newsom has signed more than 25 bills protecting and expanding access to reproductive freedom, invested more than $200 million to support patients and providers, and led the effort to pass (overwhelmingly) a state constitutional amendment protecting reproductive freedom – including abortion, contraception, and IVF. Learn more at abortion.ca.gov.
Gun safety
California is ranked as the #1 state in the nation for the strength of its gun safety laws — along with some of the lowest rates of gun deaths and gun ownership — by Giffords Law Center and Everytown for Gun Safety. In fact, If the firearm mortality rate in the rest of the United States had matched California’s between 2013-2022, there would have been nearly 140,000 fewer firearm-related deaths nationwide in that decade alone.
Feeding kids
Taking advantage of a federal program – SUN Bucks – already helping 3.2 million kids and students who would not normally receive meals during the summer time. This comes as more than 13 Republican Governors rejectedthis opportunity.
Health care access
California has expanded access to low-cost, high-quality health care for all lower-income California residents – regardless of age or immigration status – recognizing that providing preventative and continuous health care is more cost efficient, leading to Californians having among the highest life expectancies in the nation.
Climate action
California is investing $45 billion to tackle the climate crisis and better prepare California for a more extreme future. The state is already seeing these investments payoff – earlier this year clean electricity production exceeded California’s electricity demand during 91 of 102 days (as of June 16) – and has 10,000 megawatts of battery energy storage capacity online to enhance grid reliability. Learn more about California’s nation-leading climate action here.
Except, as Susan Shelley exposes, “when the clock strikes midnight California’s renewable energy dream turns back into reliable natural gas. It’s all a fairy tale. Except your electricity bill. That’s a horror story.”
Higher education institutions
California is home to 3 of the top universities in the world – Stanford, University of California, Berkeley, and the University of California, Los Angeles. When it comes to enhancing students’ social mobility, California is home to 12 of the top 20 universities – including the top 2 and 4 of the top 5: California State University Los Angeles (1), University of California Merced (2), Fresno Pacific University (4), and California State University – Northridge (5).
Research and development
The University of California system is the highest ranking research institution when it comes to the most number of patents earned in the world.
Belonging and unity
California continues to lead the nation in celebrating people for who they are – being a sanctuary for people seeking gender-affirming care, reproductive health care, and seeking to enshrine LGBTQ+ equality in the state’s constitution this November. Earlier this year, Governor Newsom released the Golden State Plan to Counter Antisemitism to address increasing attacks on California’s Jewish communities, and wrote a letter to California’s Muslim, Palestinian American, and Arab American communities. And the state launched CA vs Hate initiative to help individuals and communities targeted by hate.
California is working on the nation’s first high-speed rail system, which recently cleared its final regulatory hurdle. This critical mode of transportation will connect Los Angeles and San Francisco with plans to connect further to the south to San Diego and through the central valley up to Sacramento. The Golden State is full steam ahead!
Leave your thoughts and comments – as we said above, most of Newsom’s list is pure drivel. California may be leading the nation – off the cliff into 3rd world status.
- Gov. Newsom Hands Out Another $76M ‘Safeguarding Californians From Hate-Motivated Incidents’ - March 25, 2025
- San Francisco Assemblyman Proposes Tax Breaks for ‘Dying’ California Cannabis Industry - March 24, 2025
- Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor? - March 24, 2025
Speaking of “Social Mobility”…
From the New York Post:
“California’s $20 fast food minimum wage could be hiked again: ‘definition of stupidity'”
(Published July 18, 2024, 4:18 p.m. ET)
California officials plan to ask for another hike to the state’s controversial $20 minimum wage for fast food workers – despite the new law being blamed for higher menu prices and restaurant closings since it went into effect in April.
Members of the California Food Council, which lobbied successfully for the pay hike, are planning to seek an additional 3.5% raise when they meet at the end of the month, according to Restaurant Business.
The council was created by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose name has been floated as a possible replacement for Joe Biden if the aging president drops his bid for reelection.”
Newsom is bragging about a “golden economy” that actually has to feed 3.2 million kids..?? If his economy is so golden, the government wouldn’t have to feed so many kids..!!!
Great piece Katy. Newsom is the master of misdirection. The reason California’s economy is anywhere near a success – it really isn’t unless you’re wealthy – is the weather and natural beauty, which Newsom and his compatriots cannot screw up. So many businesses and people would leave but for those characteristics. This is all detailed in my book, The Newsom Nightmare, available on Amazon. Proceeds go to the Rescue California Education Foundation which is dedicated to educating voters about the problems in California and a solution that will put voters back in charge and take the power away from the special interests and lobbyists ruining this great state.
Long before Newsom came along, CA created many great things: a business climate free of burdensome regulations that created opportunities to start small and large business; educational institutions that graduated people skilled in tech, engineering, and science; Silicon Valley and Hollywood; and more. Newsom thinks he created all those things when in fact he is, like a trust fund baby, the beneficiary of these previous successes and preens while he pees it all away.
Newsom lies and lies.
Newsom and his lies. They never end. And they are not delusions, either. He KNOWS it’s bull. If you think even HE believes all of that horse$%@#, the stuff he repeatedly and shamelessly trots out every single time he shows up, you really need to think again and get straight who Gavin Newsom is. But most Californians know this already.
What a STARK contrast from what has been offered by a former and (God willing) future president, who sincerely seeks to serve and has a solid record of it, who loves this country and wants to save it from further descent into a brutal, crime-ridden, drug-ridden, economically devastated, lawless, border-less, depressed and depressing pit of a smoldering hellhole, just like the one in California that Gavin Newsom has almost single-handedly created and burdened its people with for years and years and would like to see imported to the entire nation.
Once you know — or even suspect, based on the evidence we have — that Gavin Newsom would like to gather up, for example, as many of the children of L.A. Unified School District as possible, whose district population is by now surely majority children of illegal aliens, and feed them into the monstrous transgender and abortion and God-only-knows-what-else GRINDER of HORRORS he champions, then you know who our governor really is. Does anyone really need to know anything more than that?
The horrible truth is that by donning the mask of “celebrating people for who they are” and all of the rest of that bilge; the phony claims and assertions he spews about what was once our beautiful and functioning state, he has consistently attempted to hide, without success, the reptilian evil underneath.
Regarding the claim that “California is ranked as the #1 state in the nation for the strength of its gun safety laws” I have one word for our Bloviator in Chief:
YUP Fed Up.
While Newsom continues to puff himself up to someday be President (it will never happen). Californians need to prepare for life after Newsom which will eventually become a reality. What do we want this state to look like how should state government serve us? Our current group of leaders believe that we serve them. If we fail to plan and articulate a plan/vision of what can be we might miss an opportunity to turn this state around. We have heard talk of how Newsom and the gang want to be a thorn to Trump should he become the next President. We need to come up with a plan to stop that from happening. Overwhelming civic engagement is what is required at this moment in time.
“Across the spectrum, California simply has no peers.” – Governor Gavin Newsom”
What, the AUTISTIC spectrum???
What a complete load of horse manure statements – all lies, all twisted, none founded in truth….
He’s a pathological, narcissistic LIAR (and CHEAT) of the highest order….
Kalifornia is certainly a leader in driving its citizens out to other states. The state motto should be revised to – Ut esse illum ut qui.
Golden economy- Any company still standing in California is doing so ‘in spite of’ CA’s unfriendly business environment.
Reproductive freedom- Newsom has chosen to double down on this one.
Gun safety- Newsom says this while surrounded by an ARMED security detail. Does he see the irony and hypocrisy?
Feeding kids- If the economy is so ‘golden’ , why do we need to Feed Kids? Shouldn’t the financially thriving average Californian be able to feed their own children?
Health care access- In 2025 the income limit to qualify for Med-i-Cal will be eliminated.
Climate action- Yes, cutting the budget to CA’s forrestry management programs has caused a lot of actionable wild fires in Californias climate.
The list goes on…..
Most of the items on his list are all BIG HUGE MONEY GRABS. Just look at the largest line items for CA’s budget and remember to never let a good crisis go to waste.
Such good points, Mary.
Thank you, Show. I am so grateful to have found this website a few years ago.
It is one of the few sites with an open comment section for each article that we all can respond to.
Censorship abounds and our ‘selected’ officials could care less.
How easily things could change if the elites would do one little thing- LISTEN to the Amirican people.
But they have so much disdain for us.
If you have not already seen Winston Marshall debate Nancy Pelosi at the Oxford Union on ‘Populism being a threat to Democracy’, it is fantastic. I will include a link.
There’s Newsom and his lies again. U.C. Berkeley and U.C.L.A. are not in the top three universities in the world. US News barely ranks Stanford as third. The U.C. schools have been slipping for years. They spend too much time on woke, and not enough on education.