Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen endorses Nathan Hickman. (Photo: https://www.jeffrosen.org)
Reformer Rosen Says Gascon Has to Go: Santa Clara DA Endorses Hochman
‘You’re not advancing change if you’re not keeping people safe’
By Thomas Buckley, June 14, 2024 2:55 am
When is a progressive district attorney actually regressive?
It’s when the DA in question in question is Los Angeles County’s George Gascon, says Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen.
This week, Rosen endorsed Nathan Hochman in his effort to unseat Gascon in November.

This particular endorsement must sting for Gascon – in his decade-plus in office, Rosen has established himself as a “reform” district attorney. While he endorsed former DA Jackie Lacey in 2020, he also backed Proposition 47 which changed the definition of many crimes in the state.
But now Rosen not only sees Gascon as a failed administrator and a public safety disaster, but also as a rather specific detriment to the cause of criminal justice reform in general.
“The way you make change is as important as the change you make,” said Rosen. “You cannot condescend and dictate to people.”
Said Rosen concerning Gascon’s infamous “day one” dictates regarding sentencing and gun use enhancements, a DA must “listen, listen, talk, and then listen” and that “blanket policies are not a good way to run a DA’s office.”
Rosen was in Los Angeles in front of the Hall of Justice Wednesday afternoon to announce he was backing Hochman.
“Fairness and safety are intertwined values. So, anyone who thinks criminal justice reform is more important than public safety does not understand the meaning of reform, because reform only works if it promotes both justice and a safer community,” Rosen said. “I am here today to endorse Nathan Hochman as an exceptionally qualified candidate to implement reform in the D.A.’s Office that will bring both fairness and accountability.”
By failing at the most basic job of the district attorney – keeping the public safe – Gascon, while seemingly ideologically closer, has failed not only the community but set back the cause of criminal justice reform.
“You’re not advancing change if you’re not keeping people safe,” Rosen said. “Especially if people don’t even feel safe.”
Hochman was chuffed by the endorsement.
“Jeff has done an exceptional job finding a meaningful balance that keeps the public safe without returning to mass incarceration,” Hochman said. “He has instituted innovative reforms that have cut the footprint of the criminal justice system in his county in half, without seeing the increase in crime that we have here in Los Angeles County. I am honored that he traveled to Los Angeles to stand by my side and advocate for the change that is so desperately needed here.”
Rosen and Hochman were not alone at today’s event – the executive director of COFEM, an immigrants rights group, the co-founder of The Last Mile Project – a groups that works to reduce recidivism – and other local leaders attendee.
Peter Kwong, a prominent Chinatown business owner, said: “The situation in Chinatown since Gascon took office, it’s like night and day. Before Gascon, people felt safe visiting Chinatown and patronizing the local businesses. Each year that Gascon has been DA, things have gone from bad to worse. There are burglaries, shoplifting, robberies, and violent crime. People don’t feel safe anymore and business is down. None of this is really a surprise – criminals know they rarely go to jail for committing a crime. When there’s no consequences, there’s nothing stopping them.”
As for the future of “progressive” district attorney? Rosen said no one is using that term anymore when it comes to getting elected.
‘Progressive? That’s not a word used anymore,” said Rosen.
Hence the idea of regression – as with San Francisco and Cheda Boudin, Oakland (soon) and Pamela Price, and LA’s George Gascon (presumably, looking at the polls) almost every woke/whatever prosecutor has seen their communities – unlike Santa Clara – fall into disarray.
If one supports “criminal justice reform,” no matter what form that takes, then one cannot support George Gascon for re-election.
He’s simply damaged the brand too much.
And, considering that George Soros’ funds do not continue to back people seen as losers (really,) even if the Four Women of the Apocalypse try to ride to Gascon’s rescue it may not be enough.
If you recall, there are four women who have been bankrolling a big chunk of the woke/justice reform/whatever the hell it is effort in California: The very progressive Smart Justice PAC and the very very rich women behind it – Quinn Delaney, wife of a San Francisco developer (note – I’d start saving your money, Quinn), Kaitlyn Krieger, wife of the guy who co-founded Instagram, Patty Quillin, wife of the guy who started Netflix, and Elizabeth Simons, daughter of a hedge fund billionaire…
I wish I could marry money and therefore automatically be taken seriously…at least to my face.
And that’s why today’s endorsement is so important. And why Gascon should be so afraid.
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I don’t think that an endorsement from D.A. Jeff Rosen is the gold standard. He is not the crime fighter that he claims to be. I am being prosecuted by his office after reporting the sexual abuse of my kids. The intention was to discredit me because a well connected attorney is involved. If that wasn’t enough, I am being assaulted in an attempt to force me to take certain action in said proceedings. This is completely wrong. Our courts are meant to resolve issues and disputes in a civil manner. To allow physical assaults during a legal proceeding is barbaric. You can read more about what I am going through here: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/272/404/301/district-attorney-jeffrey-rosen-please-stop-sex-trafficking-my-kids/
There is new article that indicates that George Soros has funded Mr. Rosen’s election. Mr. Soros has also backed Gascon, Chesa Boudin, and many other lenient prosecutors.
I believe that Mr. Rosen is even more lenient than many of the District Attorneys who appear on the list above. He sanctions violent crimes against parents, as well as the sexual abuse of children. I can say this because he did this to me and my children.
You can’t say the same for Gascon. I don’t believe that he would have done the same, so I am not sure why Mr. Hochman would tout an endorsement for D.A. Rosen, as Hochman is running on the platform of being tough on crime.
We have laws that are meant to prevent the infliction of harm. We count on District Attorney Jeff Rosen to enforce these laws. Instead, Rosen is enforcing laws only when selective people violate them. He doesn’t seem to care that victims continue to suffer because of this approach.
I could understand selective enforcement if it involved minor crimes, but Mr. Rosen is abusing his discretion with more serious crimes.
Even the State Bar of California says that it is Jeff Rosen’s responsibility to take action if an attorney is violent and sex trafficking children. I gave the State Bar social media posts that I was directed to view. Many were admissions of guilt.
For instance, “Pedophilia is not a crime… it’s a part of gender identity” and also many posts showing positive views on child rape, as well as many death threats.
Jeff Rosen has all of these posts.
Here is the State Bar Complaint:
Here is the State Bar’s response:
Now this attorney (Valerie Houghton) is free to harm more parents and more children.
There was a statement by Rosen today on espn.com.
“This defendant decided to become judge, jury, and executioner. His actions endangered innocent bystanders, including young children and their parents who could have been injured or killed as he shot at his intended victim,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. “We have excellent law enforcement in this county. Let them do their jobs.”
It’s everyone else that is endangering children and parents. D.A. Rosen is the excellent law enforcement officer
who lets my kids get molested and lets an unhinged sex trafficker physically assault me.
“Fairness and safety are intertwined values.”
District Attorney Rosen makes it sound like he cares about that these things.
Watch me once tell him about the sexual abuse of my kids. When I mention that my son confirmed that he had been anally raped, Mr. Rosen started eating. I thought that he might get sick to his stomach, but he just kept eating.
This is what Jeff Rosen does to people. He files charges against someone so he can use the proceedings to absolve his friends and associates of their crimes.
I didn’t even commit a crime. The whole goal was to bring the matter to competency proceedings. The involved attorney promised to tamper with any evaluation. Said attorney was demanding that I retain an attorney so that there could be an instruction to raise a doubt for competency to stand trial.
When I refused to get an attorney, I was repeatedly assaulted. D.A. Rosen kept the proceedings going and refused to do anything to protect me. Knowing full well that my kids were in danger, he had someone from the D.A.’s Office raise the doubt.
I then refused to undergo an evaluation. Although I never met or spoke to a psychologist, a report was submitted anyhow. It was stated in the report that the D.A.’s Office supplied all the info.
The report completely absolved the attorney of any crime.
Read an excerpt for yourself.
We have laws so we know what we can and can’t do.
With Jeff Rosen, you never know what you are going to get.
Will you be prosecuted for wanting to protect your children?
Will a prosecutor be fired for not wanting your children to raped?
Will Jeff Rosen allow someone to physically assault you and cause great bodily harm?
Instead of providing law and order, Rosen is making Santa Clara County walk on eggshells.
Here is Jeff Rosen’s latest quote:
“It’s not like the law turns on or turns off the amount of crime that happens.”
He is absolute correct. The law in itself does not alter the rate of crime. It is the enforcement of laws that does.
If you allow child molesters and murderers to act without recourse, then there will never be a change in the number of those crimes. There is also a deterrence affect. People might think twice before committing those crimes if they were to hear that there would likely be a consequence.
District Attorney Rosen just doesn’t get it. That’s why he is failing at reducing crime.