Capistrano Unified School District. (Photo: www.capousd.org/District/Community/Get-Involved/index.html)
Unions Have Hijacked Our Schools – This Election Can Change That
Elect school board candidates with the courage to uproot union corruption
By Rebecca Friedrichs, November 1, 2024 11:30 am
School board meetings across California resemble bar fights in the Old West — only worse. Belligerent union activists are unhinged. I’ve personally witnessed unions controlling board meetings with chaotic antics while drowning out parents, taxpayers, loving teachers, and board members who refuse to cave to the union agenda.
I’ve been struggling to find a metaphor to describe the vulgar, slanderous, pompous, intolerant, and domineering actions of union-inspired activists.
I would label them rabid animals, but that would be an insult to animals.
The only word that comes close to describing their twisted abuse of our educational system is “Machiavellian.” Brittanica.com offers this definition: “…Machiavellianism is also used…to characterize the view that politics is amoral and that ordinarily unscrupulous actions involving deceit, treachery, and violence are thus permissible as effective means of acquiring and maintaining political power…Machiavellian signifies egregiously immoral behaviour that serves one person or group’s self-interest rather than the greater good of a community or country…”
Here’s an example.
Recently, Capistrano Unified school board member Lisa Davis dared to challenge the unions. She championed a parental rights policy. These have become popular because union activists are indoctrinating school children into the transgender lifestyle without the knowledge or approval of parents. Davis’s policy would have ensured that parents are notified when their child is making major life decisions at school, such as changing his or her gender identity.
Though the community overwhelmingly supported Davis, the unions defeated Davis’s policy in a 5-2 vote. To this day union activists are harassing Davis, and Trustee Judy Bullockus who voted with Davis, and the community which dares to reject the use of our schools for political agendas.
The five union-controlled board members who voted against parental rights are Krista Castellanos, Michael Parham, Amy Hanacek, Gila Jones, and Gary Pritchard. They can make all sorts of excuses for why they voted against parents and the protection of children, but the truth is that they voted the unions’ preference, so they must be voted out.
We’ve been through this ad infinitum in California, where poseurs contending they want “what’s best for children” have ushered in blatantly political curricula that sexualize the very youngest children, and push left-wing notions about racism, culture and class onto them as well.
Unions mean to exclude parents, and they mean to get ugly about it if parents insist on parenting their children.
When perturbed parents in Virginia challenged board members about Marxist curricula, the unions raised their National School Boards Association big guns to teach them a lesson.
Suddenly, U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, instructed the FBI to treat parents questioning board members as “domestic terrorists.” Garland further characterized parents as an “imminent threat.”
Union-controlled California Attorney General Rob Bonta took up the federal cudgel and now leads the Newsom administration’s efforts to sue Chino Valley School District for successfully passing a parental rights policy.
Bonta intoned, using longtime union messaging, that there is a parent who they believe will mistreat a student after learning the student wants to change genders. Nobody wants any child to be mistreated, but denying the rights of all parents “just in case,” is ludicrous.
There are hundreds of other reasons why we should always vote against teacher union-supported candidates. No matter how nice they appear, they serve Machiavellian unions at the expense of families.
Parents who dare attend Capistrano Unified board meetings can attest to this. The only chance we have to ferret out the corruption and flatly ideological malarkey being pushed onto our children, is to defeat the unions.
Thankfully, right now, we can re-elect Davis, block her union-funded challenger, and vote out three of the five union-backed board members. This would flip the board to a parental rights majority.
Lisa Davis is running alongside three strong candidates – Lisa Zollinger, Jennifer Adnams, and Sonia Terwiske. Together, their top issues are parental rights, school safety, academic excellence and fiscal responsibility.
Lisa Zollinger is up against board vice president Michael Parham. Jennifer Adnams is challenging board clerk Amy Hanacek, and Sonia Terwiske is challenging board president Krista Castellanos.
The union-funded candidates may have good intentions, but we’d be wise to remember that the Scriptures say, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.”
May voters select candidates with the courage not to keep company with union activists and to help us uproot union corruption.
May Davis, Zollinger, Adnams and Terwiske prevail.
The state should only be involved with establishing educational competency standards that should not be changed that often. With standards only being established, the State Department of Education can be gutted, and the power can be transferred back to local school boards (no more excuses that our hands are tied by the State). Without a huge education cabal in Sacramento the State budget can be cut and committees eliminated. Funding can be set at minimum standards and be funded by property taxes. If the local voters want to do more, they can vote for additional taxes on property. By pushing things down to the local level, the unions will not be able to cover the 940 separate school districts here in California. It pushes control of the schools back to the local school boards who in turn are accountable to the local voter. By the way this is loosely how California schools operated back in the early 1970’s
I admire Lisa Davis for her efforts to implement pro parent policies, but long term I’m not sure there is any strategy other than to pull your child from the school district to attend a parochial school. The teachers union pays too much money to politicians to expect any immediate change. As attendance drops, and teachers are laid off they may see the wisdom of supporting parents.