San Diego. (Photo: Sandiego.gov)
Enough is Enough, Governor
Gov. Newsom has moved the goal posts again, putting forth a new criteria that isn’t attainable
By Jim Desmond, May 8, 2020 9:23 am
Unemployment and closed businesses are also facts.
On March 4th, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a State of Emergency for California. The announcement was made for two reasons. One, to slow the spread of coronavirus, to protect our vulnerable population. The second was to maintain hospital capacity, to ensure a sufficient supply of beds for those who need them. A key element of the state of emergency was the closure of all but “essential” businesses.
The Governor is now beginning to open some businesses. This is a small, but good step. But much more needs to be done.
Yesterday, Newsom announced his intent to begin phase two, allowing some retail including, clothing stores, florists, bookstores, sporting goods, manufacturing and flower shops open with curbside pickup.
Earlier in the week, the Governor mentioned that some Counties may be able to move past phase two, should they meet specified criteria. We were hopeful with San Diego Counties success to date, we could safely allow even more businesses to open. We learned yesterday, though, that Governor Newsome has established criteria that are almost certainly unachievable anytime in the near future.
San Diego County has a population of 3.3 million. Under the new guidelines, San Diego County would need to have fewer than 330 new cases over 14 days, and also be able to administer 5,000 tests per day. With a countywide population of 3.3 million people, that means if only .01% of the county’s population tests positive, businesses such as restaurants and fitness centers would not be able to open.
Throughout this public health crisis, I have been determined to be guided by the facts. And the facts of a public health threat of the novel coronavirus is very real and has been deadly. The steps we have taken have made a difference, and reduced the spread of the disease and provided our health care professionals the tools and facilities they need to combat the virus.
But, there are other important facts that we have learned. For example, in the past seven weeks, 4.1 million Californians have filed for unemployment benefits. In San Diego County, businesses are closing and our unemployment rate is now 26%. And that number does not include the many self-employed, facing dramatically declining income, who have not yet filed. An unemployment rate of 26% is a staggering number. The last time our nation has seen such a number was during the Great Depression of the 1930’s.
Unemployment and closed businesses are also facts.
As we work to control and eradicate this virus, each person must evaluate the level of risk they will accept. Indeed, we must do that each time we get into our car, or fly in an airplane or even walk on the sidewalk. There is always some small amount of risk in everything we do.
For anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable to go outside, or go back to work, they shouldn’t. We should support those who believe they must stay quarantined for the time being and protect those most vulnerable, such as group homes. But we should also recognize that many San Diegans know they must be able to re-open their businesses or else they will never financially recover.
The goal at the beginning of this crisis was to reduce our hospital surge, protect our most vulnerable and flatten the curve. Thanks to our county health officials, and the prudent citizens of San Diego County, we’ve done that.
Now, though, Governor Newsom has moved the goal posts again, putting forth a new criteria that isn’t attainable. San Diegans have shown their willingness to follow rules and are eager to get back to work. Restaurants need to open before they’re gone forever. Small businesses which are the heart and soul of this country, are falling by the wayside. While the politicians in Sacramento engage in gamesmanship, I will be fighting to get San Diegans back to work, with a careful adherence to the public health rules that prevent the spread of this virus.
We’ve continued to abide by all rules, but enough is enough. We must begin to look at the steps many other Counties in this state have done defying the Governor’s orders.
As we move forward, I’m calling for all restaurants to open, safely on May 21st and other businesses who are willing to follow the safety protocols to do the same. The citizens of San Diego are hardworking, taxpaying resident, who must be treated like adults.
Let’s move forward and get our County open.
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As long as the Governor and/or state/bureaucrats define what is or is not “essential,” the citizens and business owners in CA will not enjoy the freedoms GUARANTEED by Article 1 of the Bill of Rights.
We the People must assert ourselves; we are essential.
I noticed Gavin’s hair was nicely groomed I want to know where he is getting his hair cut and dyed..That goes for all politicians in the state of California….I also want to know if the state of California and all retail businesses requiring healthy people to wear masks will be responsible if I get sick while wearing a mask…….I’m making a call to our sheriff today and demanding he make a statement…..I’ve had enough.
So Mr Desmond likes to be guided by facts! What facts? There are many theories and very little science. Choose from two known facts: 1) Selection of data in to intentionally shut down state for a power grab; or 2) stupid and ignorant elected leaders. You decide. Focus on hot spots: migrant dorms, prisons, jails, institutions, high rise fence housing projects. NY is NOT a model: the entire state is mismanaged. So why decisions for country made by Team Cuomo? Newsom save CA: Open US up! After all, we are a wealthy nation-state, reserve rich to weather the storm!! San Diego residents capable of personal responsibility.
As much as I would like to see every business in San Diego reopen tomorrow, the sad fact is Covid is running rampant just across the border in TJ. 20,000+ people per day come across. I guarantee you there’s a percentage of infected people coming across, spreading the misery throughout our county. Why haven’t we demanded testing at the border? It’s only going to get worse in SD. Sad…