Corona Del Mar High School. (Photo: Wikipedia)
As Teachers Unions Fight to Keep Kids Out of School, Parents Get Creative
Labor unions put political demands ahead of teaching kids – again
By Katy Grimes, August 5, 2020 2:18 am
In July the United Teachers Los Angeles union announced that Los Angeles Unified District schools effectively would not reopen unless certain conditions are met:
- privately operated publicly funded charter schools are shut down,
- police are defunded,
- Medicare-for-All government-run health care is passed,
- a statewide wealth tax is implemented,
- housing for homeless is fully funded,
- “financial Support for Undocumented Students and Families,” and
- they want a federal bailout because “the CARES and HEROES Acts provided funding for K-12, both fell far short of what would be needed to rescue districts and state and local governments.”
The source cited for this claim is the National Education Association, the largest labor union and special interest group in the United States. Since the UTLA issued their demands, many other teachers unions have followed suit.
In mid-July, the Orange County Board of Education approved recommendations for the reopening of schools in the fall. The board voted 4-1 to approve a set of guidelines, including regular temperature checks, frequent hand washing and thorough cleanings of classrooms, offices and buses.
“The Orange County Board of Education concludes that it is not acceptable to delay the opening of public schools as it is not in the best interests of our children and families. Further, it is not clear that an effective cure or a vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 infection (Covid-19) will be developed in the near future if at all.”
“Declaring this in the face of widely held misconceptions and mixed messages about Covid-19 – particularly about its lethality and contagiousness to children – requires fact-finding and courage, as we move through these uncertainties together.
The American Academy of Pediatrics reported the following in late June 1 : “Although many questions remain, the preponderance of evidence indicates that children and adolescents are less likely to be symptomatic and less likely to have severe disease resulting from Covid-19 infection. In addition, children may be less likely to become infected and to spread infection. Policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 within schools must be balanced with the known harms to children, adolescents, families, and the community by keeping children at home.”
“We recognize that this conclusion is dramatically and significantly different from some common misconceptions about the disease. It was a conclusion that our panelists – and many in the medical community – reached long before the AAP released its recommendations. For that reason, we asked these experts to attend a special June 2020 special community forum at the Orange County Department of Education’s Costa Mesa office. Each board member had the opportunity to place an expert of choice on the panel, and the board approved the resulting expert panel at its regular board meeting.”
Notably, the board made the decision to not require masks or social distancing, in fact advising against it.
Despite the board’s recommendation, some of the largest school districts in Orange County, say they will not follow their board of education’s recommendation to return students and teachers to the classroom, CNN reported.
The OC Board addressed the decision to close the schools in March 2020 in order to meet what state officials said was the short-term goal of “flattening the curve,” to slow the spread of Covid-19. “But continuing the shutdown despite new science and data, our experts said, has been a mistake with disastrous implications for children, their families and community. It hardly goes without saying that poorer families with fewer options, and families with special-needs children, have suffered most from the shutdown.”
Parents take charge
Kirsten Daffron, a parent of high school kids in Newport Beach, notified the Globe of her concerns, and offered a solution:
“I have two boys at Corona Del Mar High School in Newport Beach, CA. The majority of our community really wants our kids to go back to school at the intended start date and in-person (safely of course). I started this petition and it has gained a lot of traction. I also included a list of current COVID cases in Orange County. I’ve never done this before and quite frankly, was shocked (happily) when I saw all the signatures start coming in! It is still going strong.”
Kirsten’s petition already has 3,172 signatures, and more are coming.
Let OC Schools Open By District, NOT By County:
Governor Newsom has announced that schools will be virtual ONLY next month until the districts can show a 14 consecutive day decrease in Covid cases. This will be nearly impossible for Orange County, California because of cities like Santa Ana and Anaheim who have high percentages of positive cases.
Districts like Tustin, Newport-Mesa, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach have much lower cases and could start safe, in person schooling much sooner, possibly next month.
The re-opening of schools should be per cases per cities, NOT per county. Please sign this petition so we can get Newsom’s attention as soon as possible! Help us get our kids back to school!
The American Academy of Pediatrics specifically recommended:
“The AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”
The AAP put their recommendation in perspective: “policy makers should acknowledge that COVID-19 policies are intended to mitigate, not eliminate, risk.”
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How bizarre is it that in August of 2020 we would see a California headline that says, in part, “As Teachers’ Unions Fight to Keep Kids Out of School…” and it would be TRUE?
Teachers’ unions are fighting to keep kids out of school! For no good reason.
A million thanks to Katy Grimes and the California Globe for the great coverage of this completely crazy era we are living in. It’s a good thing The Globe has archives, especially regarding the COVID mess from the beginning of March 2020 to now. I went through them a couple of weeks ago by going to the “Governor” category and starting in March before the massive lockdowns and hysteria. Tracing that path again was very illuminating to see what has happened, when it happened, and why.
Keeping kids out of government schools like LAUSD sounds like an excellent idea to me, their product is largely a disgrace. When looking at the diverse membership of Antifa, for instance, one can see one thing in common – they all went to American (and probably government) schools. These are places of left-wing indoctrination, not useful learning and they should have been banned years ago. Thank God they are now cancelling themselves!
There are plenty of superior, and inexpensive, distributed educational opportunities available to kids and parents that are willing to investigate. Get busy and walk away.
Let’s call this what it is- a teacher’s Strike.
Do we really need public school teachers? Of course the answer is yes but not the ones we have now. As it stands now public schools are child abuse. Poisoning young minds is their sole purpose.
I’m with you, CW, that today’s public schools are child abuse. I followed my district’s school board for years and when you see what is NOT done for students, when so much COULD be done by simply stripping everything down to the basics and then copying a decent model that has been shown to work, it will keep you up at night. But the bureaucracy in place is immovable.
Thomas Jefferson warned: a poorly educated society will not remain free. Sadly, monopolies such as our K-12 schooling produce lower quality at higher cost than free market competition.
Ah, the shocking irony! When I was a young student, I was taught that the way to support democracy and keep a country free was to have an educated populace. The argument was that an educated population had the ability to protect themselves from being hoodwinked by having the cognitive skills to do their own fact finding and be able to sift out truth from untruths. We were told that that was why public education was so crucial. So, the most bitter pill of all is that it was that same public education that was the conduit that peddled the very propaganda that is now threatening our freedom, liberty and the continuation of our great republic.
Parents will figure this out…that teachers do not care about their kids. They will take the bull by the horns and ride, creating new kinds of learning settings, joining in pods, micro schools, private schools, independent learning and non-union charter schools. The old public school campus’ will grow weeds, collect spiderwebs and eventually be torn down, as they will be obsolete, like a buggy whip, a phone booth and a shopping mall.
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
Government schools are indoctrination prisons. They abuse children. You’re a bad parent if you send kids there. Period.
Any excuse you have can go to hell, you’re just lying to yourself.