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Congressman John Garamendi (Photo: Garamendi.house.gov)

Bay Area Rep. John Garamendi Announces Cancer Diagnosis

Questions over Garamendi’s future in Congress begin despite Garamendi currently being in treatment

By Evan Symon, July 9, 2024 12:21 pm

In an announcement on X on Monday, Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA), who represents the 8th Congressional District covering parts of Solano County and Contra Costa County in the Bay Area, announced that he has multiple myeloma cancer, and is currently undergoing treatment.

Born in 1945, Garamendi graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor’s degree, served in the U.S. Peace Corps from 1966 to 1968, then proceeded to get his MBA from Harvard. His political career began shortly after that in 1974, when he was elected to a single term in the California Assembly, which he then followed up as a long stint as a state Senator from 1976 to 1990. During that period he failed to break into higher offices, as he lost the Democratic Gubernatorial primary in 1982 to then Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley 61% to 25%, and then lost the state Controller race to then Assemblyman Gray Davis in 1986.

Garamendi finally won higher office in 1990 when he was elected in as the state’s first Insurance commissioner, during which time he lost the Gubernatorial primary once again in 1994. He served until 1995 when President Bill Clinton selected him as the Deputy Secretary of the Interior. In 2002 he was elected as Insurance Commissioner once again. The next year he ran for Governor during the recall election, but dropped out shortly after his announcement, resulting in a third failed bid for Governor. In 2007, Garamendi served for two years as Lt. Governor before finally being elected into Congress in 2009 – a position he has held ever since.

During his time in Washington, he has proven himself to be a fairly liberal member of Congress. According to the latest voting records, Garamendi has sided with Biden 100% of the time on issues. He also has a long history of voting against military funding, often times being the sole ‘non’ vote in trying to stop funding. In addition, Garamendi tried multiple times to end the Afghanistan War during the Obama administration even as threats there continued.

While Garamendi has served the Northeastern Bay Area in Congress since the late 2000’s, he has not tried for higher office since being elected in the first time around. Even more, Garamendi has been a virtual lock on the seat, with Democrats never really bringing forward a viable candidate against him the primaries and Republicans only cracking the 45% mark in elections only a few times against him. Despite this, his political career going forward may now be in Jeopardy because of his announcement on Monday.

“Like 1.9 million Americans each year, I recently received the dreaded call from my doctor informing me that I had cancer,” said Garamendi on X on Monday.

He specifically noted that he has a rare type of blood cancer and is undergoing treatment, which includes chemotherapy. Treatments are due to last a few months, during which time he will limit travelling to Washington and also limit events, as him immune system will be weaker during treatments.

“With the benefit of early detection and excellent doctors, the love and support of Patti and my entire family, the help of my extraordinary staff and colleagues in Congress, I know that I’ll get through this while continuing to serve my extraordinary constituents and advance the American democracy. I’m grateful our President initiated the Cancer Moonshot and that California’s efforts in stem cell research and taxing cigarettes in the 1980s for cancer research have advanced therapies benefiting not only me, but every family dealing with cancer.

“I am confident that the treatments will be effective, allowing me to continue serving impacted families and my constituents in Congress for years to come.”

However, what wasn’t said was how much longer the 79-year-old would stay in Congress. While he is undergoing treatment, health scares have hurt many lawmakers in recent years at the polls. Most recently, President Joe Biden’s advanced age and questions over his health have led to calls for him to step aside in the 2024 election. While Garamendi has not said publicly what his plans are later into the 2020’s, Bay Area political watchers have noted that many in the district would likely spring forward a Congressional campaign should he announce his retirement.

“An open Congressional seat in an area that is a Democratic lock and incumbent heavy is very rare,” explained Northern California pollster Lucia Martinez to the Globe on Tuesday. “Garamendi is trying to be reassuring now, but this is a major health issue, and one that naturally concerns voters. [Assemblywoman] Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) for one seems like the most natural replacement, but any primary there would be crowded.

“But that’s getting ahead. Right now Garamendi has some goodwill following his diagnosis, but after this coming election, 2026 will be a big question for him. Remember, he’s only two years younger than Biden.”

More on Garamendi’s diagnosis is due out soon.

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Evan Symon
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One thought on “Bay Area Rep. John Garamendi Announces Cancer Diagnosis

  1. Considering he’s 74 years of age and has been a Democrat politician since 1974, maybe Congressman John Garamendi should consider retirement and take care of his health? No doubt he’s become a very wealthy like most Democrat politicians? No doubt he can afford to retire unlike many Americans who will need to work until they finally drop?

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