California State Capitol. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California New Laws 2024: You Shall Comply
California braces for universal healthcare, ‘reproductive justice’ and abortion rights, tenants and workers’ benefits
By Katy Grimes, January 2, 2024 8:22 am
The California Legislature passes thousands of bills every year. We don’t really need more laws – at all. However, here are some of the new laws the 40 million California residents will be facing in 2024.
The California Legislative Women’s Caucus & Future of Abortion Council introduced a lengthy package of 17 bills earlier in 2023 on “Reproductive Justice & Abortion Rights.” These are the 10 bills signed into law by Gov. Newsom:
- AB 254 (Bauer-Kahan) Adds CMIA/HIPAA protections for data collected by menstrual, fertility, and sexual health apps and websites.
- AB 352 (Bauer-Kahan) Enhances privacy protections for medical records related to abortion, pregnancy loss, and other sensitive services through electronic health record sharing and health information exchanges.
- AB 571 (Petrie-Norris) Ensures that medical malpractice insurance includes coverage for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.
- AB 1194 (Carrillo) Ensures that California Privacy Rights Act protections always extend to accessing, procuring, or searching for services regarding contraception, pregnancy care, and perinatal care, including abortion services.
- AB 1481 (Boerner-Horvath) Clarifies Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Individuals (currently called PE4PW) coverage policies and ensures PE4PW patients can access abortion services regardless of other health coverage.
- AB 1646 (Nguyen) Expands access to abortion and gender-affirming care by allowing out-of-state medical school graduates to practice in California for up 90 days.
- AB 1707 (Pacheco) Provider Protections
- SB 345 (Skinner) Provides legal protections for medication abortions and gender-affirming care.
- SB 385 (Atkins) Seeks to extend many of the updated training rules from SB 1375 last year to additional providers (i.e. physician assistants, etc.)
- SB 487 (Atkins) Provides additional safeguards for California abortion providers and other entities and individuals that serve and support abortion patients that reside in states with hostile abortion laws.
A few other notable bills:
- Assembly Bill 12 limits the amount landlords can charge for a security deposit to just one month’s rent.
- Senate Bill 4 removes certain barriers to allow churches, religious organizations and colleges to build “affordable housing” on land they own.
- Senate Bill 567 will require property owners or their family members to move into the property within 90 days and live there for at least 12 months when landlords make tenants move out so they can move in (April 1, 2024 bill goes into effect).
- Assembly Bill 1309 requires nursing homes to offer residents copies of any information that explains why they’re being discharged, transferred or evicted within 48 hours.
Gov. Newsom published a list of his clear favorites:
AB 352 requires companies that manage electronic health records to protect all Californians’ and visitors’ electronic medical records related to abortion, gender-affirming care, pregnancy loss, and other sensitive services.
SB 345 protects providers and people from enforcement action in California of other states’ laws that criminalize or limit reproductive and gender-affirming health care services.
(‘Reproductive and gender-affirming health care services’ – abortion and sex change transitions and surgeries)
SB 616, which expands the number of sick days available to workers from 3 to 5.
SBX1-2 grants the California Energy Commission new authority to penalize refineries and set a maximum gross gasoline refining margin if necessary to help combat price gouging. It also creates a new independent state watchdog to investigate market or price manipulation.
Gov. Newsom signed a package of “sweeping legislation” in September to achieve statewide carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2045, by establishing an 85% emissions reduction target, capping oil wells, slowing oil and gas permitting, making it impossible to increase refining capacity, and entirely phasing out oil and gas starting in two years. And that’s just the start.
SB 4, known as the “Yes in God’s Backyard” bill, allows housing to be developed on property owned by religious or independent higher education institutions.
There was one good and terribly important bill – Sen. Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) authored Senate Bill 14, to once again make sex trafficking a felony. It was signed into law by Governor Newsom in September. But it was no easy feat to get this bill passed… it took some shaming… SB 14 was blocked in the Assembly Public Safety Committee by Democrats in July, after passing unanimously in the Senate. Eventually two days later, the committee was pressured by the public and lawmakers to reconsider their vote, and passed SB 14.
SB 14 to steepen penalties for human trafficking of minors in California. The law designates human trafficking of a minor for purposes of a commercial sex act as a serious felony.
Expect to see lawsuits over many of these dubious bills.
The Globe also just reported that notably, California is now the only state in the country to fund health care for illegal immigrants.
Gov. Newsom’s final expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal went into effect Monday, January 1, 2024, making more than 700,000 illegal immigrants residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full health care coverage – closing the remaining gap of those not already insured – at a very precarious time with his $68 billion budget deficit.
In October, Gov. Newsom signed SB 770 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) “to force all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) plans – and into a new untested government-run system, with no ability to opt out or choose private coverage instead,” the Globe reported.
SB 770 braces California for universal healthcare – most notably – as a single-payer system that leftists have been agitating for on their march toward fully socialized, government-run health care.
I did not see a bill passed that requires all elementary school children to say Sieg Heil 50 to 100 times per day.
Maybe next year?
They do require it only they changed the wording to him/her/they/them!!
Why does the Dem Party have such religious-like fervor for killing babies?
Most legislative Demoncrats are spirit cooking satanists who are pedos and guzzle adrenochrome?
Because being children of Satan hatred of life is a requirement.
Just say NO to hairgel Hitler Newsom and the globalist Democrat/RINO uniparty criminal gang, we will not comply!
This new law for 2024 (Californians pay a 5, 10, or 25 cent California Redemption Value (CRV) deposit on newly added wine and liquor containers and redeem deposits at recyclers or obligated retailers) as well as the current law on plastic bottles, glass, and aluminum cans are DISCRIMINATORY to consumers who live in cities that collect recyclables from BLUE BARRELS. Such as the City of Los Angeles. All residences and businesses in the city have blue barrels for recycling all of the above. These cities should be EXEMPTED from collecting the CRV. We are being taxed and fee-ed to bankruptcy in this state as it is. Maybe it’s time for a class action lawsuit to get CRV reimbursement from cities that make money off the contents of their blue barrels.
Do you have to use the blue barrell for those that have CA CRV?
Is there no recycle place to give back $$$ because of blue barrels
I use a separate garbage or container(s) for plastic, glass, HDPE#2, and cans
Awesome. SB 770 forces forces all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare…. Does that mean I get back the hundreds of thousands of dollars I paid into Medicare over the last 47 years of working?
I’m old enough to remember when voters passed *California Proposition 187, Prohibit Persons in Violation of Immigration Law from Using Public Healthcare, Schools, and Social Services Initiative (1994)* and then the court said it was “unconstitutional”
None of these laws benefit the greater good. Every law seems to be aimed at a sliver of society that barely exists beyond the headlines.
The idea of preventing additional refining capacity is simply an assault on the working class. Newsom is throwing down a marker: “No more growth”. The longer range goal appears to be designed to reverse California’s growth trajectory and shrink or eliminate lower middle class growth, thereby cutting down on crowded attractions, pollution, CO2, gasoline, cars, water use, etc, and then subsidize “small footprint” foreign labor to serve those who are left.
In simple terms, Newsom is tipping his hand as to who he wants to live in California as he drives the population down. Everyone else is welcome to take their stinky cars and move.
Lastly, it is time to see who the next ballot harvesters are lining up for ” Newsom 2.0″ in 2024. That fight needs to start today.
Bloomberg published an infographic recently in the form of colored bubbles entitled “Who’s Donating to Whom”.
The working class is being systematically stomped out in America by the professional and managerial classes. The politics are crystal clear – the donor graphic illustrates what is going on. The servants to concentrated money and power are destroying the only class of humans in American society with the leverage and proclivity to stop the totalitarian system being assembled before our eyes.
I am of the opinion that the working classes in America and small business owners are best served eliminating air conditioning and reliable cell phone service from their oppressors as the least expensive, least risky, means of collapsing the power base of their oppressors.
Please provide more info on how this effects Medicare for seniors in California.
These new laws that California has enacted, along with the higher taxes Californians will be forced to pay will only exacerbate the exodus of Californians to other areas of the country where sane, and reasonable governance is enacted.
So, are we to believe that our politicians will be forced to utilize this new “health care”? Social security takes hundreds of dollars out of my monthly social security to cover (help) my Medicare. I do not understand how all of this can or will work. How are the medical providers supposed to work with this financially? It appears to be totally not thought through, like ever other bill that pedophile Wiener has authored. Thanks Nancy Pelosi for importing this gruesome individual from the east coast to serve as your instrument in our CA government.