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California State Assembly
California State Assembly. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

California Republican Lawmaker Attacked by Speaker and Colleagues, Gets Booted From Committee. Again.

This is Democrats’ payback to Republican Assemblyman Bill Essayli for supporting parental rights and exposing their creepy agenda

By Katy Grimes, June 3, 2024 3:20 pm

Last Friday the Globe reported that Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas just removed Assemblyman Bill Essayli, a former federal prosecutor, from the Assembly Judiciary Committee Thursday following a vote in the Assembly to end sanctuary state protections for pedophiles.

The Globe attended the floor session and covered the controversial reaction by Democrats to Essayli’s important bill to end sanctuary protections for illegal aliens convicted of sex crimes against minors – Democrats refused to hear his bill – in committee and on the Assembly Floor.

Last week following the Assembly vote to essentially kill his bill, Essayli said:

“It is disgusting that Assembly Democrats just voted to protect illegal immigrant pedophiles. But they are now all on record that they care more about protecting illegal immigrants — even those who rape an innocent child — more than protecting American children. Today is a sad, shameful day in the California State Capitol.”

Predictably, The Sacramento Bee reported that it was Essayli’s fault: “California Republican lawmaker attacks colleagues, gets booted from committee. Again.”

At issue is the abuse and overreach by the political supermajority party in power.

For his statement, he paid a price. Yet Assemblyman Essayli’s statement is far more mainstream than what the Democrats are doing in the Assembly and Senate – namely protecting illegal immigrant pedophiles from deportation – a point The Sacramento Bee misses. Assemblyman Essayli is actually doing his job and trying to get his colleagues to wake up from their dangerous “wokeism.”

Why do Democrats feel compelled to protect the most vile of human predators? That’s a question The Sacramento Bee failed to ask on their way to blaming Assemblyman Essayli for “attacking his colleagues.”

When the California Senate pulled a fast one last week and voted to pull Assemblyman Chris Ward’s AB 1955 to prohibit schools from allowing parental notification regarding their child’s “changing” gender identity, from the Senate Health Committee and send it straight to the Appropriations Committee, Assemblyman Essayli responded. 

Essayli also said:

This is “democracy” under the Democrat control. Suppress opposition. Break procedural rules designed to allow for transparency and debate. Rush rush rush before the public finds out what they’re up to.

In one Tweet, Assemblyman Bill Essayli exposed what the Democrats are up to. And he paid a price. Again.

After the testimony earlier in the week, it was obvious that Democrats trying to shove Assemblyman Ward’s anti-parental rights bill through were trying to maintain control of the narrative via the media. They needed to make haste and move the bill into the no-fail Appropriations Committee, avoiding the Senate Health Committee and a voluminous showing from parents, medical professionals, and mental health experts.

This is shameless manipulation of the public committee process. But we’ve been witnessing this for years from Democrats – who ironically claim that Democracy is in peril when Republicans are elected, and then suspend the actual Democratic process whenever they need to, lest their creepy bills die naturally.

Assemblyman Essayli exposed Democrats’ creepy agenda.

And that is the real story.

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10 thoughts on “California Republican Lawmaker Attacked by Speaker and Colleagues, Gets Booted From Committee. Again.

  1. Creepy is. correct!
    The Supermajority could care less about our rights as they keep demonstrating with these type of actions!
    The MSM or should I say Pravda promotes and protects these stalinists!
    We need more people like Assembly member Bill Essayli to step and run of office at all levels of government.
    Robert Rivas runs the assembly like a tyrant, all dissenters will be publicly punished!
    I guess marxist Dems are correct Democracy is dead and the Democrats hold the murder weapon!

  2. Re the Sacramento Bee getting everything back-asswards —- as usual —- sneaky legislators shoving through in-a-hurry absolutely outrageous bills that legitimize traumatizing children and put in stone their crazy removal of parental rights (every time I see that I STILL can’t believe it), Asm Bill Essayli shows up and quietly fights. He simply does his job, he simply does what he is supposed to do as a legislator. And boy oh boy, what a THREAT that is to the Dem/Marxists and their creepy awfulness. They act like the most ridiculously ineffective parent ever, they get so self-righteous and “go to your room without supper” about it. What? It’s disgusting, pathetic, and comical all at once.
    As expected the Sacramento Bee missed the story — again! Grateful to Katy Grimes for covering the real story. Again. 🙂

  3. The Sacramento Bee is a worthless propaganda outlet for the Democrat party. Hardly anyone reads it anymore and it’s become irrelevant.

    1. Same as the LA Slimes…
      Democrat propaganda paper, and the new owner’s daughter’s plaything….
      irrelevant, but an important historical artifact…

      1. And then the Sacramento Pravda and Los Angeles End Times hold their dirty hands out seeking financial assistance to fund “professional journalism.” “Horse-pucky!” as Col. Sherman Potter used to exclaim. The once proud newspapers’ blatant one-sided coverage has chased their long loyal readers away, and both “news” outlets will soon spiral out of business. The public desires objective journalism, not merely the reproduction of Democrat Party media releases.

  4. Wow… having been born, raised, educated and lived in coastal towns from Long Beach to Carmel-by-the-Sea, sold my Carmel property in 2021 and moved to the free state of West Virginia, I now view the affairs of the failed state and realize it won’t change in my generations’ time. Thirty million plus people and twenty million that are dumber than a bag full of bear shit. They really did manage to stuff five pounds of shit into a three pound bag. fuk me runnin….

    1. Don’t screw up West Virginia. Unfortunately, too many coasties from California and the northeast have
      turned the once red state of Colorado into Kommierado.

  5. I try to post some of the globe’s articles on Nextdoor.com to let my democrat neighbors know how their party is destroying this state. I make no comments, I just post the article. This local social media pulls my posts for violations to guidelines for issues that are not pertinent to the neighborhood. Free speech, transparency and the truth no longer exist here in cali-4-nia as long as the Gestapo runs the state and the press.

    1. The Nextdoor in my neighborhood does the same. People I don’t even know were posting some of my articles on local Sacramento issues. The ND administrators pulled them down “for violations to guidelines” also, chastised the “neighbor” and then kicked me off of the site – I didn’t even post the articles.
      It’s just as well – they are Bolsheviks who are terrified by diversity of thought. – Katy

  6. Outrageous and sad. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was right about Democracy’s being a poor means of governing. The electorate is just as vile as those they elect. Fatherless children, now entitled adults, impious hedonists, angry malcontents, low-IQ immigrants, and people bereft of a moral compass will keep returning these cultural Marxists to office. If the people in red states hope to preserve what’s left of a great nation, they needs must ponder secession and surgically remove themselves from the growing stink and contamination.

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