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Close up of High-speed train in the Pacheco Pass. (Photo: her.ca.gov)

California’s High Speed Swindle

High speed rail has been bilking the taxpayers since 2008, and we still don’t have a train

By Katy Grimes, July 25, 2023 2:50 am

“If it is built, California’s High-Speed Rail would be the largest public works project in state history. That fact alone appears to be intoxicating to state officials, in a perpetual quest to have California be the first state to do anything,” I reported in 2011. That’s how long California’s High Speed Rail has served only as a jobs program and a really bad joke on California voters and taxpayers.

“Even though high-speed rail has become nothing more than a pipeline project for grabbing big money and a big lie, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the rail bill Wednesday, sealing California’s economic fate. Because of the illegitimacy of the project’s intent, California taxpayers will be left holding the bill.”

I wrote that in 2012. Since then, the only thing that has changed is California Governor Gavin Newsom is now responsible for this High Speed Swindle.

The bill Brown signed in 2012 authorized $5.8 billion to start construction of only one high-speed rail line in the Central Valley, and included $2.6 billion in state rail bond funds, along with $3.2 billion in federal funds.

“But California will have to borrow every dime of that state money to build the high-speed boondoggle.”

“And that’s the only federal funding the state will receive for the entire $68-$135 billion project. The newest revised business plan claims to have reduced the cost  of the project to $68 billion from $98.6 billion by expanding the 130-mile line from Fresno to Bakersfield, to Merced to San Fernando Valley, for a 300-mile segment. But many economists and rail experts project that the project could cost as much as $135 billion.”

This could have been written today but it wasn’t – this also is from 2012.

“Voters were deceived by the original ballot summary and language in Proposition 1A from 2008, but the state’s lawmakers seem to find that fact inconvenient. And, the entire project is lacking in private, public and debt funding to complete even the most minor operating segment.”

And in 2012, only 4 years after passage of Proposition 1A which authorized HSR, polls showed that voters wanted a re-do, and would have voted to kill high-speed rail if given the chance.

As I explained in 2012, the governor, legislators and the High Speed Rail Authority were (and still are) violating the law:

Prop. 1A states, “The high-speed train system shall be planned and constructed in a manner that minimizes urban sprawl and impacts on the natural environment.”  But the impact of the rail system may actually create suburban communities around train stations within reasonable distances from urban areas and higher employment areas.

The train system will dissect both urban and rural communities which will be problematic, as well as a serious violation of the “natural environment.” The trains will travel through densely populated cities, but also through sensitive agricultural and natural areas in the state.

Other areas of the high-speed rail law are being violated as well:

* The California High-Speed Rail Authority must have all of the the funding ahead of time, before any construction starts on a new segment.

* The high-speed train system must operate on its own entirely, and in the black. That means operating profitably, and includes caveats of no government subsidy. The plan relies heavily on a projection of 100 million users by 2030, a notion that was created with manipulated data, and is absurd.

* Prop. 1A stipulates 11 requirements that must be met before funds can be released for the construction of a “corridor” or “usable segment.”  Specifically, some of these requirements include actual high-speed train service, ridership, revenue projections and planned passenger service.

* The success of any legitimate transportation system must be based on connectivity. “For each corridor described in subdivision (b), passengers shall have the capability of traveling from any station on that corridor to any other station on that corridor without being required to change trains,” the law states. “Stations shall be located in areas with good access to local mass transit or other modes of transportation.”  This means that, unless there are extensive connecting rail systems already in place in the high-speed rail destinations, cab companies, limo services and car rental companies should be lining up to rent space in the train stations. Commuters will not have the necessary train and bus systems to transfer to with the existing plan.

The law also calls for certified EIR’s for each segment of the system. Instead of dealing with the environmental issues, Brown tried to suspend the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines for the project. But that move brought about several lawsuits, which have held up important parts of the entire project.

In 2013, I reported U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum, won the first phase construction contract for California’s high-speed rail.

In February 2019, President Trump called for California to return all federal rail funding, following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state of the state address where the Governor vowed to kill High Speed Rail saying, “there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to LA.” However, Newsom flipped on his promise within the week, announcing he was allowing one odd segment of the rail project to be built in the Central Valley, which I call “the conjugal express,” going from prison to prison, Madera to Bakersfield.  The goal for the strange and unnecessary rail line was so California would not have to return $3.5 billion to the federal government.

Globe contributor Thomas Buckley tells us “the California High Speed Rail Authority now has a sustainability consultant” with Arup.  “Arup announced a three-year, $11.7 million contract earlier this month (it is also working on Central Valley station construction) and is tasked with handling ‘renewable energy modeling and procurement, climate change adaptation and resilience, setting sustainable design criteria, managing greenhouse gas and air quality emissions, carbon offsetting, and sustainability reporting.’”

If you thought the high speed rail swindle was going nowhere after 15 years of taxpayer funding without an operational train, this latest boondoggle contract must be payola – it really serves no other purpose other than to provide jobs and salaries to green totalitarians, courtesy of the California taxpayers.

What a swindle.

In “California’s Electric High Speed Rail: No Power, No Money, No ‘High Speed,’” we speculated if the high-speed trains will be powered by windmills, solar panels, cooking oil and algae since California’s electricity grid can’t even power the state on a hot day reliably without asking electric car owners to please refrain from plugging in.


What Voters Approved in 2008

California voters approved Proposition 1A in 2008, the “Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century.” Here are some details:

* $33.5 billion cost. They approved a total cost of $33.5 billion for a high-speed rail system. The $33.5 billion was to be made up of a combination of 1/3 federal funds, 1/3 state funds and 1/3 private funds. Importantly, the investment from California taxpayers was limited to a $9.95 billion bond.

* S.F. to L.A. Voters approved a system connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles, with a trip time of two hours and 40 minutes, at a cost of $55 per ticket. But the plan has veered sharply inland from San Francisco to Los Angeles, over to the Central Valley, with a leg from Fresno to Bakersfield. And the cost of the trip jumped to $105.

* Ridership: 95 million. Even ridership numbers have been toyed with. Voters were told that there would be a ridership of 95 million passengers by 2030. Ridership estimates have decreased nearly three times since 2008, and they are still absurdly inflated. In the new report, they’re estimated to be as high as 36 million passengers by 2060 (page 5-17). That’s about a third of the Prop. 1A promise.

* Bond repayment. Repaying high-speed rail bonds will cost the state’s General Fund $647 million per year for 30 years, or approximately $20 billion for the $9.95 billion bond.


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63 thoughts on “California’s High Speed Swindle

  1. So to avoid returning money to the federal government they ritually put on an orange vest turn over a shovel full of dirt to prove they are still working on it.
    Sometimes the jokes write themselves…

  2. Perhaps if the federal government gave more funding to the project it could get built faster. Also I find it interesting that you people complain about the cost of this project when the US spends $70 billion a year on just the interstate highway system. All so we can get in our metal cubes with wheels to drive and then scream when we inevitably sit in traffic for hours on end. Whatever the cost may be let’s get that high speed train built so we can actually have infrastructure to be proud of. An efficient HSR will cut the amount of required flights between Nocal and Socal, since people will realize it’s actually faster to take a train than go to the airport and wait around to get on a flight. Oh but wait, the people who frequent this website probably wish to defend the airlines because of course you do. You people need to get real.

    1. Awkward question: How much water was stolen from Central Valley farms for all of those o-so-valuable HSR concrete structures? I bet it was millions of acre-feet.
      “All so we can get in our metal cubes with wheels to drive and then scream when we inevitably sit in traffic for hours on end.” Navigation apps (developed by the private sector) can help driver of cars (private sector) choose efficient paths to avoid traffic jams. Thank you private sector!
      “..since people will realize it’s actually faster to take a train than go to the airport and wait around to get on a flight.” Prove it with facts and data. Cite your source, while you’re at it.
      “An efficient HSR will cut the amount of required flights between Nocal and Socal…” HSR is an overpriced solution that caters to people too indecisive to choose between san fran and Socal. Oops, sorry – I forgot that people in frisco dislike the term san fran.
      “Oh but wait, the people who frequent this website probably wish to defend the airlines because of course you do.” No, we value individual personal responsibility as opposed to seeking government-run programs to handle personal decisions.

    2. Joe – it’s NOT a high speed rail!! The democrats removed the high speed requirement years ago. It’s no different than your basic Amtrak line. And if the Democrats really cared about the environment or traffic, which they don’t, they would have just run the line along Interstate 5 where there is already space and land. Instead they chose a different route to increase the costs, make sure it never gets built and pocket billions from taxpayers. You may be gullible enough to believe the Democrat propaganda but fortunately most of us here can see right through it!!

  3. By comparison the Golden Gate Bridge was built ahead of schedule and under budget. But that was when most Californians were able to fart and walk at the same time.

    1. Fed Up , funny but , the toll for the Golden Gate bridge was supposed to be temporary wasn’t it! Only until the cost of the bridge was covered. Where are we now close to $10?

  4. Great article and such sharply stinging flashbacks. Ouch! Katy Grimes certainly manages to refresh us on this 15 YEAR OLD government obscenity. Sounds like fiction but it’s TRUE. So glad she can pull up the stuff she wrote 12 YEARS AGO, during what seemed like Halcyon Days compared to now; articles that are just as FRESH as if they were written yesterday. A good place to start digging up anew this criminal enterprise of the High Speed Rail to Nowhere union slush fund boondoggle. Without those decade-plus articles, and the subsequent Globe coverage of this illegal money-making mess, Californians might have forgotten all about it, especially considering the bombardment of nightmare crises that have been brought to us since then by the Usual Dem/Marxist Politicians and Govt Suspects.

    So much dirty money, so much lawlessness, and nothing, NOTHING of value produced.
    Did these crooks ever even INTEND to build high-speed rail in the first place or was it a purposeful con-job from the start?

    A lot of people, politicians and bureaucrats and the rest of ’em, should be locked away NOW for what they have done. Instead, one is the governor of California and another is lolling away his retirement years on lovely northern California ranch acreage without a care. And by the way, if anyone still wonders how Richard Blum and his wife Dianne Feinstein became so wealthy, they can start to understand it by reading this article.

    What a disgusting clique of elites they all are, our Ruling Class. And for what? Every last one of them inevitably grows old and feeble and infirm and brain-damaged as we all do and they certainly don’t live forever —- have you noticed? It will happen to the most puffed-up, arrogant, and narcissistic of them and there is no escaping it.

  5. 1. What ever happened to the billions state voters agreed to pour into “stem cell” research. Any benefits yet?

    2. What ever happened to the billions of tax dollars state voters agreed to pour into the Mental Health Services Act. Any benefits yet?

    3. What ever happened to the billions of dollars state voters agreed to pour into First Five preschooling. Any benefits yet?

    Is any California voter initiative not just one ore more Democrat party slush fund?
    Check that cash flow.

    1. Another question is how about those 5 initiatives CA voted on around 2008-2015 for WATER STORAGE?!! it did nothing but raise taxes and fees

      1. Uh oh, Orwellianism, you and Jaye have really opened up a can of worms now!
        $$Billions$$ thrown for years and years at homeless/vagrancy for the sole purpose of feeding the increasingly ravenous Homeless Industrial Complex monster?
        Half the state budget automatically dumped into the public schools, just so that CA can achieve #49 of the list of 50 WORST states in education outcomes? That’s a lot of money to insure illiteracy. (But as an amusing friend once said, “at least they won’t be able to read the LGBTQ books.”) Never mind that, as everyone here knows, the current ambition of CA state “leadership” for the public schools, if they are not there already, is to become indoctrination centers to force-feed kids racism, gender hogwash, and pornography of every imaginable type? Apparently in hopes of confusing them and ruining their lives forever?

        1. ShowAndTell — “at least they won’t be able to read the LGBTQ books.”
          — Democrats solved that by allowing those books to have ILLUSTRATIONS in the form of how-to’s

          1. You’re so right, Orwellianism. I thought of that AFTER I commented. 🙂
            Now they don’t NEED to read! Ugh

          2. What happened to the laws against exposing children to sexually explicit materials? There used to be state and federal laws protecting children. The people allowing these books in school libraries are guilty of these laws. The school boards are accomplices. Where is the FBI or local law enforcement? They are supposed to arrest the perverts grooming our children.

        2. Where is the lottery money going? Our parks and schools certainly haven’t benefited from lottery sales. Where are the taxes on recreational marijuana sales going? The billions in revenues disappear year after year.
          Climate Change sucks up billions, but the climate is not changing. I’ve been a resident of the San Joaquin Valley for most of my 54 years on this earth. The summers aren’t hotter or dryer. The winters are the same except there are fewer foggy days. Proof of the past climate history is easily found online in newspaper archives. They say each summer is hotter than the last. Here are facts proving otherwise:
          1. The record high temperature in the city I live in is 115°F, set in1933.
          2. The highest temperature so far this summer is recorded at 105°F. They lie to us about temperatures in real time and we believe them.
          3. Tulare Lake has reappeared in the 1950s, 1960s, for 3 years in the 1980s and in the 1990s.
          4. In 1906 there were 53 consecutive days with temperatures of 100°F or more.
          5. In the 1960s, the National Guard and the Army Reserves were called into service to sandbag in the Sacramento River Delta and other flooding rivers throughout the valley. They also rescued many from the flooding and helped people evacuate.
          A little time and a few clicks prove the lies. The corrupt California Government has no shame when bilking tax payer money.

    1. LOL!
      So progress takes 15 years with nothing to show for it ! All the while ripping families from their homes! Sure that is progress! By what standards?
      All the while those who are considered conservatives would actually like to conserve the land, conserve water resources, conserve family homes, conserve farms.
      I guess that would be considered too dangerous by the so called progressives.
      After another 15 billion more dollars spent maybe we will get that “high speed” train that goes from Bakersfield to Modesto !
      After all that is a big corporate commute area (eye roll)😏 that is in high demand!

      1. Correction.
        It will now only get as far north as Madera. That is progress.
        By any other name it would be called a boondoggle!

  6. Thank you so much for bringing into attention again this joke of High Speed Rail. My home is in the “right of way” area to be taken from me for the rail to nowhere, along with countless other homes and businesses. We received several notices of taking our homes starting this year 2023. It’s unbelievable to me that California can actually do this, just another cash cow for the elites of this joke of a state.

  7. This project no longer even closely resembles what voters approved back in 2008. It MUST be put to a vote again as a “new” project. Knowing there is no firm completion date, no reliable final cost estimate or a funding source, put it to a vote again. If it’s approved, build it.

  8. Terrible state management. unreal what Mr newsome has done to the Valley. older couple I know died pushed out of their home from yrs. and guess what state calls the back year later see if they wanted to buy back. state decided a different direction to go!!!!!!!!!!! UNREAL SERIOUS WHOS DOING THE CHECK BOOK? Sick of this..BAD MANAGEMENT..WANT TO MOVE!!!!!

  9. It only took 8 years to put a man on the moon after JFK announced the moon landing program. The transcontinental railroad took 7 years. Amazing what can be accomplished when you actually plan on finishing what you start.

    1. Quite right CW. And that is why California’s high speed rail really is nothing more than a cash cow transfer of “wealth” from taxpayers to HSRA consultants, contractors and other government grifters.

      1. This article is such a great example of misleading with the facts. To wit, you talk about environmental and social impacts of rail while neglecting to mention the environmental and climate degradation of cars, highways and the industrial-automotive complex. Ever drive between LA and San Francisco recently? France is banning domestic air travel. Most of Europe has a high speed rail network that makes it far more feasible to travel between cities by rail than fly or drive. We are one of the few industrialized nations on earth where it can take longer travel 200 miles today than it did 100 years ago. Infrastructure-wise, California (and most of the rest of the US) resembles developing nations like Peru more than any country in Europe or East Asia.

  10. It’s a shame so many people want to stand in the way of progress. If we listened to the luddites like you we wouldn’t have: Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge or BART. We’d still be riding horses around. It’s time for America to move into the 21st century.

    1. Your description of progress baffles me!
      I repeat:
      So progress takes 15 years with nothing to show for it ! All the while ripping families from their homes! Sure that is progress! By what standards?
      All the while those who are considered (luddites) conservatives would actually like to conserve the land, conserve water resources, conserve family homes, conserve farms.
      I guess that would be considered too dangerous by the so called progressives.
      After another 15 billion more dollars spent maybe we will get that “high speed” train that goes from Bakersfield to Modesto !
      It would be laughable if it were not for all the money wasted. Think what could be done with the wasted billions. Maybe solve a problem the state is actually struggling with. Funny you use the term luddites, those who were against cost saving machines😂 This has been a real cost saver!

  11. Now that the HSR has pretty much been approved to Las Vegas with a price tag under 30B, and is being paid for with private funds, it will be interesting to see how long it takes to get built. My guess is under 5 years

  12. the schools, the train, the illegals, the homeless, the fishery, the taxes, the regulations, the fees, the roadways, the housing, the crime, these are just a few things that are out of control. Who can we point a finger at? Democrats. Who’s to blame? Democrats. Who votes for these people? Democrats.
    Obviously a one party state is not the answer. Obviously Democrats are the problem. If this hurts your Democrat mentality. too bad. I have lived here my whole life. I have watched these liars take the best state in this country and turn it into a cess pool. The Elections are rigged, they have to be. There can’t be that many idiots here.
    Remember the Delta Smelt?
    Extinct in the Delta. The same thing will happen to the salmon, stripers, steelhead, and sturgeon. All because of Democrats. If you are proud to be a Democrat, you are mentally ill.
    Oh yeah. the state is closing prisons. I wonder why?

  13. High speed rail was never a thing. It was created to create a fund from which other government agencies could borrow without ever returning the money. Honesty is such a lonely word.

  14. As a railfan of the San Joaquin Valley south of Bakersfield, I’ve spent years combing the Tehachapi Mountains photographing the Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, and Union Pacific trains and I can’t help but think about the engineering nightmare of building a ROW into the Antelope Valley and into the LA Basin. There’d be very little that’s high speed to market to the public that’s thinking they’re going to get to their destination quickly. Building under the Ridge Route isn’t an option either.

    I’m usually pretty optimistic, but on this topic I just don’t see it happening.

  15. This project is incredibly important for the future of our state. In case you hadn’t noticed, we have had some of the most extreme and destructive weather in history over the last year. The science doesn’t lie: global warming is real and it’s here. Transportation is the number one source of carbon emissions in the USA, and this project is crucial to getting rid of that source of emissions. This project is the sort of infrastructure that our descendants will be thanking us for for hundreds of years.

    It is absolutely true that the cost has ballooned. The original estimates were just ridiculous, but the high speed rail authority has done the work to come up with much more accurate estimates, and the project is firmly rooted in reality. As for the requirement that the system be profitable, I think that entirely misses the point. Coming from a small government libertarian point of view, it makes sense to want the system to be profitable, but if you think of it as a public service (like roads, fire services, police) then it really doesn’t need to be profitable. It will almost certainly need an operating subsidy, but the positive externalities of the project outweigh the any subsidy by far.

    I understand why gov. Brown wanted to exempt the project from CEQA. It is very expensive and time-consuming to produce the extremely detailed EIR’s that CEQA requires. Despite the fact that the project was denied exemption, nearly the entire system is environmentally cleared as of now, and I think its a good thing that the project went through that process. On the other hand, it is undeniably that the modifications that had to be made to the project have been a large source of the cost increases.

    You have pointed to the recent contract that the hsr authority signed with Arup as a sign of the corruption in the project, but I don’t think that is correct. It is tempting to look at corporate speak like “renewable energy modeling and procurement, climate change adaptation and resilience, setting sustainable design criteria, managing greenhouse gas and air quality emissions, carbon offsetting, and sustainability reporting,” and assume corruption, but this is a real issue that the project needs to deal with. Specifically, they need to generate their own power to run the trains. They are hiring experts to find the best way to do this with the least environmental impact possible, and I think that’s admirable. If the trains just drew power off the grid, we would just be shifting emissions from transportation to electricity generation, and that does no good.

  16. CA HSR is an excellent and complicated project. As a California taxpayer FAR removed from the service lines envisioned I’m fully supportive. Let’s see what public and environmental good we could do with 10% of the roads budget allocated to rail.

  17. Consider the cost and maintenance of alternative travel over time. jets, fuel, airports, roads, environmental costs. Who profits from the failure of the high speed rail program.
    Recall the elimination of rails in favor of cars, roads, tires, fuel…. all torn out in the 50s. Who profited? It was not the people of California.

  18. What should have been built is a line THROUGH the mountains, not around and over them.
    One tunnel should have been constructed from 2 miles west of the Edmonton pumping plant through the mountains to Castaic Creek about 2 miles north of Castaic Lake.
    With several additional tunnels it could have connected the line with Saugus. Here the train could have followed the old Southern Pacific line to LA.
    This would have allowed travelers to catch a train in the Bay Area and travel via either the old Southern Pacific or Santa Fe lines to Bakersfield. There passengers could have transferred to a high speed train to fly through the mountains to LA.
    Over time, other segments of high speed rail could have been built to provide faster travel between the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
    Over the many years since the original proposition was first presented, I have yet to see a viable simulation of how a high speed line train could get from San Francisco to LA via the proposed route in under 6 hours.

  19. The posts above in support of Newsom’s and the Democrat’s lame brain “train to no-where” boondoggle are no doubt from consultants and other money grabbing stooges who have unfairly profited at the expense of California taxpayers? Trains are like so 19th century? No one with common sense and who values their safety would want to ride a stinking train with all the crime and homelessness that Democrats have allowed in California?

  20. It took several years to cross a river and a highway in Fresno. Millions upon millions spent to make changes to Highways 99 and 180 as well as replacing downtown rail overpasses. Years of construction in 1 city and far away from any completion date. The cost for this nightmare will continue to mount and it’s probable that the billions alloted will be gone before they finish a section from Madera to South Fresno.
    The tax dollars have been a boon for Frrsno County and HSR insiders but not for anyone else in this state. You are being ripped off and it’s hard to imagine the naivety of anyone who actually thinks a train will be a viable option to travel from Fresno to Bakersfield when thatvsextuon is done 10 to 15 years from now. It’s a 2 hour drive max with no stops and about 30 dollars in fuel tops. If you actually support this scam then you obviously have a hand in the cookie jar.

  21. If you drive down I-5 you can see what kind of large-scale engineering used to be able to be built (California Aqueduct, part of the State Water Project). It serves millions of customers and is truly a public service. You travel down Highway 99, you can see the disjointed hodge-podge that is the (High Speed) Rail to nowhere. One Gov. Brown brought water resources to the population, another Gov. Brown brought wasted resources.

  22. do the math. just to pay the bonds at 6 57 million per year would require that each of 10,000 riders per day pay $175. the price of a ticket to afford this boondoggle is so high that it will never happen

  23. From the article and the comments I read it appears Americans have lost all faith in ourselves. We are no longer that bright eyed can do nation. The vast majority think we are incapable buildinh or can’t afford to build what Mexico will be inaugurating this fall a highspeed inter city train. Our infrastructure has fallen behind our neighbor to the south.

    1. As corrupt as Mexico is, the corruption does not even come close to the rampant corruption that exists in California under Democrats who only want to enrich themselves and their cronies at the expense of taxpayers? They don’t care if high speed rail ever gets built as long as they profit? If crime and homelessness in Mexico gets as bad as it is in California, Mexicans won’t want to ride their trains either?

    2. It is the people behind the infrastructure . The imbedded overpaid bureaucrats that are good at collecting federal tax grants but ten just cannot execute.
      What has fallen is the faith in government institutions.
      Where is the transparency? Where is the public debate? Where is the money going?? 133 billion dollars and counting!
      Where is the train that was originally promoted as a commuter train from Los Angeles to San Francisco?
      Where is the common sense?
      Cut it up however you want, this is still a boondoggle.
      Mexico ‘s train is for a highly populated area with a specific purpose. The California train is not in a highly trafficked commuter area. Madera to Bakersfield? Just add car rails for cattle and agriculture , oh wait we already know how to transport those commodities.

  24. think Florida turned down that federal money 1st. saw it was a boondoggle. now we have the bright line built for peanuts

  25. Everyone we have a War, nobody asks us, hey can we have a few Hundred Billion dollars for the War overseas??

  26. You know it’s bad when even the LA Times publishes OP Eds against this project. Boondoggle isn’t strong enough of a word to describe it. I love the idea of High Speed Rail but this is nothing close to being High Speed Rail in either the actual speed of the trains or the routes chosen.

  27. I was born in the Golden State in 1953. Now l live in the Rusty State 70 years later. Anything in California ran by Democrats turns to dog poop. Democrat is another term for “NO COMMON SENSE.” Nothing will ever fix Ca. It’s a disease that needs to fall into the ocean. Nobody would miss Ca because it doesn’t contribute to the rest of the country. King Newsom is a political joke and l hope to God he doesn’t ever become president. People think Biden is a joke, Newsom is a man made disaster that can walk and lie in one breath.

  28. We need a civil war to clean up the country and then a national audit of everyone, dead and alive and of every single business, church, non profit, etc for every single f..ing penny. Make the audit completely open to the public and once we figure out who, what and where for every penny then let the heads roll and I’m all for genetic death for the worst violations and inherited payment plans for the least of violations.

  29. It’s very easy to criticize, especially anything to do with the government, and there is plenty to criticize. On the subject of high-speed rail, have you driven down highway 5 around Anaheim lately? I did recently and at midnight it was wall to wall traffic. that’s a new freeway with 5 Lanes. My conclusion is more freeways are unsustainable. You can keep dumping money into freeways and call that a productive use of taxpayer money or at least try to improve the rail system. In my observation most industrial countries have a much better rail system than America.

    1. Perhaps more, as well as more efficient public transit is needed in Los Angeles County; High Speed Rail will not alleviate local traffic – it’s solely designed to be used the way Southwest Airlines is – moving California travelers from the North State to the South State. And this is why the Bakersfield to Merced line is patently absurd and obviously just a way to spend federal $$$.

      1. I was not local traffic, I as well as many others were through traffic. I decided to take the train in the future. The trains are slow and recently were interrupted from mud slides which I suspect would have been fixed or prevented faster with more funding. I think it’s clinical to conclude that politicians are just trying to waste money. There is a lot of opposition to spending money on rail, as there is for renewable energy et all. Good luck for our future!

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