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2024 California Primary election ballot. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

Corrupt California Ballot Harvesting: Two More Republican Congressional Seats Lost After the Election

‘I happen to think California is one of the most corrupt states in the nation for election fraud’

By Katy Grimes, December 5, 2024 7:55 am

California’s newly elected Assembly members and Senators were sworn in Monday December 2nd… while elections officials were still counting ballots.

The first Monday in December has always been swearing-in Day for the California Legislature, from back in the day when California managed to report election results at the end of the Election Day along with all other 49 states. We are not sure how swearing in day is legal anymore…

Wednesday, Dec. 5th, one month after Election Day, California wrapped up counting votes. And once again, California lost two more Republican congressional races after the election – one month after the election. And once again, a Republican lost to the Democrat.

California Democrats never lose elections in the ongoing vote counts weeks after Election Day.

Fortunately, the entire country is talking about how corrupted California’s election manipulations are.

California has been manipulating elections since before 2010, but has done so more brazenly in recent years, the Globe reported in 2020.

Democrats passed two laws in 2016, Senate Bill 450 by Sen. Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica), and Assembly Bill 1921, by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), which allows voter ballots to be harvested and counted for 30 days following the election, among myriad of other perks.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed  both bills to legalize “ballot harvesting” or “ballot curating.” Previously, only a family member or someone living in the same household was permitted to drop off absentee ballots for a voter. Ballot harvesting allowed anyone to collect and return ballots for voters.

There should have been a legal challenge filed in 2016 to this law. The states have the discretion to run their own elections, but this was outright election tampering.

As the Globe reported in 2020, the Election Integrity Project California warned that hundreds of thousands of ballots for California’s November election were mailed to registered voters who have probably moved or died, while more than one ballot was mailed to thousands more.

Both of these bills need to be overturned. Short of that happening, the Federal Elections Commission and Congress needs to pass standardized elections laws.

What Happened?

The Rep. John Duarte/Adam Gray race in California’s 13th Congressional District will be made an example of how dodgy ballot curating is with California’s 1-month to count votes.

As the Globe reported Wednesday:

On election day, initial results  showed a surge for Duarte. He was up over Gray 56,785 to 53,596, or 51.4% to 48.6% with only about half the vote in. Like many other races, it was expected that mail-in votes would melt away some of his lead, with Gray possibly even coming out ahead the next week. But the updated results from the state on the 14th were a bit of a surprise. Duarte stood at 79,456 votes and Gray at 75,693 with a total of 73% of the vote in. This led a few news outlets to begin calling the race, and many others expected to do so at the next tally.

However, in the next week votes for Gray seemed to pour in, leading many to back off calling Duarte the victor. In late November, updates had the race grow closer grew closer, with Duarte only up 101,217 votes to 100,866, or, 50.1% to 49.9%. Then with Gray finally pulling ahead with the last mail-in votes being counted, 104,503 votes to Duarte’s 104,321 votes.

The other Republican congressional race lost was the Rep. Michelle Steel/Derek Tran race as the Globe reported Nov. 27th:

Derek Tran defeated Congresswoman Michelle Steel (R-CA) in the 45th Congressional District Race on Wednesday, narrowly unseating her by a vote of 157,960 to 157,347.

Early on, results after election day showed that Steel had all but won. On the day after election day, with 66% of the vote in, she was over 10,000 votes ahead, with 123,361 compared to Tran’s 113,225. As more votes were counted, Steel’s lead progressively narrowed. In mid-November, updated voting results from the state showed her to be only 236 votes ahead with 93% of the vote in – 152,021 votes to 151,785 votes.

New results last week had Tran go slightly ahead of Steel by 519 votes with 98% of the vote counted. While Steel had hoped for a reversal this week, it ultimately didn’t happen, with Steel conceding the race on Wednesday following the latest count showing Tran with a razor thin yet insurmountable 157,960 to 157,347 vote total, or 50.1% to 49.9%.

The Globe reported a strange incident in Steel’s congressional district on election night:

There was a robbery Election Night of a postal box in Placentia, California. Placentia Police Department confirmed this with the Globe Tuesday.

On November 5th, Election night, someone drove up to and threatened a mail carrier as he was collecting mail from a postal box. The entire contents of the box were stolen of mail and ballots.

The RNC even weighed in on California’s absurd vote curating process:

“It is absurd for California to accept ballots by mail up to 7 days after Election Day and take almost a month to count them,” said RNC Chairman Michael Whatley last week. “The RNC, alongside the California Republican Party, will continue to fight aggressively to force all states to stop accepting ballots after Election Day.”

It is evident to everyone at this point that California’s vote counting process is perverted – totally corrupted. And the state’s Democrats really don’t care. After all, they are the “by-any-means-necessary” party.

Dead Voters, Fake Voters, Illegal Voters and Non-Voters

Party registrations were changed right before the June 2016 Primary election, ensuring a Hillary Clinton win over challenger Bernie Sanders, in what was called electronic vote rigging, I reported in 2017. California was a crucial state for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, but the election was called for Clinton minutes after the polls closed, but before millions of provisional ballot votes were counted.

A 2017 study by Stanford University proved that Hillary Clinton‘s campaign pre-rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders. And it was never more apparent than in California where Bernie Sanders voters were likely robbed of a legitimate candidate.

Ahead of the 2016 election, thousands of voters in the June 7, 2016 California Primary election showed up at the polls across the state to discover their political party registrations had been changed, or dropped altogether… but only after they had received official sample ballots verifying their party registration in the mail. This only could have been done within the Secretary of State’s VoteCal system.

Making California’s elections even more dodgy, under a bill signed in 2021 by Gov. Gavin Newsom, every registered California voter now receives a ballot mailed to them ahead of elections. Ballots must be mailed at least 29 days before the election.

Former President Donald Trump speaking at the ‘Rally to Protect Our Elections’ in Phoenix, July 24, 2021. (Photo by Gage Skidmore/The Star News Network)

In my 2022 one-on-one interview with President Donald Trump, we discussed the state of the State of California. As expected, President Trump had plenty to say about the politics of our unique state.

“I happen to think California is one of the most corrupt states in the nation for election fraud,” President Donald Trump said at the outset of our meeting. “When they send out 20 million ballots… basically they don’t have any voting rules, right? They send out everything and they have no idea where they are going.”

President Trump was referencing how every registered California voter now receives a ballot mailed to them ahead of elections. He knows. Everyone knows.

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27 thoughts on “Corrupt California Ballot Harvesting: Two More Republican Congressional Seats Lost After the Election

  1. The ONLY way to change this voter corruption is by a ballot initiative!
    It must be supported by someone or some organization that has a LOT of money as the Pelosi Cartel will fight with every nickel they have.
    It must be heralded over and over and over again by McGinnis, Sullivan, and SoCal conservatives.
    Nothing will change until the people wise up,,ie: proposition 36 success.

    1. Right on, Tomorrow. If Fix California gets behind an ballot initiative it will get the required signatures. Congress will pass legislation on voter id and citizenship requirements at the federal level; and may even required paper ballots and one-day voting results.

    2. 100% agree.
      Instead of efforts going toward a recall of Newsom where the cheat keeps him in office, our efforts should be used to get a clean election integrity initiative on a future ballot. It can be done. I would support it and collect signatures.
      One day in person vote, paper ballots and post marked absentee ballots for the home bound and military only.

    3. I don’t know how successful a ballot initiative would be when it says in the Constitution that it is the purview of the states’ legislatures to establish rules for voting.

      1. JM,
        You are correct that the constitution acknowledges and encourages states rights.
        Are we not part of the state?
        Is it not part of our legislative process to put forth a citizen lead initiative when laws and processes are hurting the electorate?

  2. Excellent article. What disgusts me the most is the fact that the majority of the CA GOP (RINO) party doesn’t appear to be putting up a fight against this fraud and corruption. They are good at asking for money but actually fighting for principles they get all wobbly. Fortunately, there are Election Integrity organizations that have figured out how they steal and are attempting to make things right. The fact that President-elect Trump still keeps of referring back to the 2020 election makes me think that he has pertinent information about the steal of that election. I believe that Trump’s information comes out before his inauguration. Look out Gavin your exposure is on the way.

  3. Cure ballots BEFORE the election. Duty is on the voter to make sure all proper voting procedures were followed to ensure their ballot get counted .

    DO NOT farm this task out to SEIU government employee union members in the county election offices to “cure ballots”……….. after the fact ….and when ballot counting has already determined how many votes are still needed to win.

    1. Jaye, they are “curing” the LATE mail-in ballots that are harvested a month after the election. The whole system has to be thrown out and started over from scratch. In a blue district, I have a friend whose father died 20 years ago. They still get a ballot for him mailed to them.

      1. Hopefully there will be federal legislation to that mandates clearing out the voter rolls every year and makes people re-register.

  4. Raymond I agree with you. My wife has worked for our local Registrar for the last 17 years and I have been voluntold to help out on election day. I have watched the process devolve from a simple manual process that results were generated quickly to a complex process that relies far too much on automation and is far too slow to produce final results. It has changed from a trust but verify system to a “swear under the penalty of perjury” system. There is nothing robust (As AG Bonta puts it) about a system that only puts window dressing on intergrity.

    1. Also, someone did the economic math, and turns out all that automation not only makes all manner of holes for cheating, it also costs 18 times as much as paper ballots!! So there’s the motivation — once that money starts flowing no way will they give it up to go back to paper ballots done by midnight.

  5. Rep. John Duarte or Rep. Michelle Steel should have never conceded and they should have instead contested the stolen elections and demanded recounts? What is the RNC, CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson and CAGOP leaders doing to stop Democrats from stealing elections? Next to nothing?

    As Katy Grimes noted the voter rolls are full of dead voters, fake voters, illegal voters and non-voters. Neither Democrat Secretary of State Shirley Weber who was appointed by Gavin Newsom nor local election officials update voter lists or cross-check voter lists with state and local death records, prison records or address changes. Democrats are creating bogus mail-in ballots that are submitted without a chain of custody. Voting machines are not secure and have known backdoors that are subject to manipulation.

    The criminal Democrat mafia thugs that control this state refuse to have same day voting along with voter identification and paper ballots because they know they can’t win without cheating.

    “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” – Joseph Stalin, Communist thug

  6. We are incensed that this is happening in CA. We didn’t vote for these shoddy election practices (had there been the opportunity). And now it’s clear that the fallout is substantial from mail-in ballots for all, ballot harvesting, and the extended time period for results.
    Please – what can we do to change this?

  7. I thank the Lord for the fact that I was able to get out of one of the most politically corrupt states in the Union.

  8. Sorry GOP. California is the Only State to Constitutionally guarantee that ALL legally cast ballots be counted. See Article 2, Section 1. Even the US Constitution doesn’t guarantee a citizens right to Both cast a ballot And have it counted.

    It may take longer to actually count All legally cast ballots in California.

    We aren’t Sorry about that.

    1. “Article 2-1, SEC. 2.5.
      A voter who casts a vote in an election in accordance with the laws of this State shall have that vote counted. (Sec. 2.5 added March 5, 2002, by Prop. 43. Res.Ch. 114, 2001.)”

      Sorry @Trent. The California constitution can be modified by a vote of the people. A proposition would define “legal vote, legal voter, legal voting procedure, legal voting system…..and so forth”.

  9. With so much corruption in California, I have an increasing strong desire to move out of State I was born in 77years ago. Taxes and corruption are leading reasons.

  10. CA is so corrupt I moved to the free state of West Virginia in December 2021. I was born, raised, and schooled in CA, but after the recall failed in 2021 after scumbag Nuscum was trailing in double digits two weeks before election nught, and go on and declare himself the winner after only two hours upon poll closings, made me realize reality: CA will never change, so why put up with it.

    I controll my own destiny and it isn’t in the failed state of Kalifornican .

  11. I lived 28 years in that north Los Angeles County district that supposedly flipped blue. Nope, not without cheating. That area is so red it’s infrared; it’s where most L.A. cops live, and in my city they didn’t even bother to run a Dem candidate for mayor. No way that, or the other two (equally red) districts flipped blue, especially not in CA’s economic climate. Recount, verify each and every ballot, or expect that your district is next.

  12. I am waiting to see what the new administration is able to do about this fundamental matter, our precious, hard-fought vote. I hope it will be a priority. We desperately need (at least) “clean enough” elections in the corrupt states like ours; a corruption fed and grown by this in-your-face cheat.
    What has been done —- e.g., ballot harvesting, vote by mail, etc., has clearly been done on purpose which, by the way, many people even on “our side” seem always reluctant to strongly assert. But it’s obvious. How many legislators and state office holders and congress members and local officials SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THOSE POSITIONS?
    Also, what HASN’T been done by the corrupt Dem Marxist “leadership,” that is, returning to the fundamentals, one day voting, dumping vote by mail and ballot harvesting, return to paper ballots, voter I.D., advance registration, chain of custody for ballots that are secured at the polling place, and you know the rest, makes the situation even more obvious that the Dem Marxists are, at the very least, NOT AT ALL interested in restoring voter confidence. It has not only been “undermined” it’s been blasted out of existence. To me this is proof of monkey business. For God’s sake, L.A. County brought in an actual Venezuelan “high-tech” voting system, at a jaw-dropping cost of 350 MILLION smackers (!!!) in 2019. Local polling places were replaced by “vote centers” —- which further hid what they were up to, all in time for the 2020 presidential election. The glitches and long lines and chaos from this unnecessary and super-expensive change meant thousands of voters —- probably sensible ones —- were disenfranchised in the March 2020 primary in L.A. County.
    “In Time for 2020 Vote L.A. County Shows Off New Higher-Tech Voting Machines” – September 2019
    One way or another this extremely important issue WILL BE addressed in 2025.
    Wait and see, California election crooks.

  13. Oh you precious Californians! So many calls for ballot initiatives to correct collecting and counting of ballots. Tell me, who’s going to collect and count the ballots for the ballot initiative? I’ll wait…

    1. @GT Jones, the people counting will be the same ones who counted the SUCCESSFUL passing of Prop 36 supported by 70% of California voters, which reformed Prop 47 and made stealing a crime AGAIN. If you live in a RED state don’t judge what you don’t understand:

      “Proposition 36 Increased Sentencing for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes …See the statewide and county-level results of Proposition 36, a ballot measure that increased sentencing for certain drug and theft crimes. The measure passed with 70.4% of the votes in the 2024 presidential general election.”


  14. California CORRUPTION is ‘Alive and Well, with the corrupt Democrats who CONTROL Our Once Great State & use All those they can to aid in STEALING ELECTIONS & KEEPING CORRUPT DEMS IN OFFICE. Where are those who oppose Ca. Corruption in speaking OUT & ACTING WITH THOSE WHO WANT ‘FAIR ELECTIONS’….NOT ‘STACKING THE DECK FOR CORRUPT DEMS W/EVERY ELECTION?

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