CDC double mask illustration. (Photo: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus)
Mask Mandates Ordered Again in California’s Alternate Universe
Nowhere in the news articles or public health mandates was the efficacy of masking addressed
By Katy Grimes, November 2, 2023 9:03 am
Several counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have ordered wearing face masks again, effective Nov. 1. The media thinks it’s cute and less authoritarian of they call it, “masking up.”
“Bay Area masking up again as mandates go into effect Nov. 1 in health care settings,” the Bay Area News Group reported:
In Santa Clara County, everyone — patients, caregivers and healthcare providers — will be required to wear face masks in public patient care areas in hospitals, clinics, and long term care facilities for the “winter respiratory virus period,” starting Nov. 1 and lasting five months through the end of March.
ABC 7 reported:
“This situation right now with RSV and other viruses, respiratory viruses is basically our March 2020 — this is our pandemic,” Dr. Jackie Grupp-Phelan, division chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals said in an interview with ABC7 in November 2022.
The Santa Clara Public Health agency states:
“Regardless of vaccination status, all persons in Patient Care Areas of Health Care Delivery Facilities must wear a Face Mask during the period deemed the Designated Winter Respiratory Virus Period by the Health Officer…”
Nowhere in either news article was the efficacy of masking addressed.
In March, the Globe reported, the most recent and thoroughly extensive, comprehensive study is the Cochrane study, completed in February proved wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu‐like illness/COVID‐like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people).
The Cochrane study was widely accepted by many in medicine as the authoritative mask study.
In a Deja Vu All Over Again moment, Bay Area public health officials are also recommending COVID testing and vaccines:
“As respiratory virus season gains steam, health officials say it’s a good idea to check stocks of rapid COVID tests. Consumers might still be eligible for another delivery of free COVID tests from the federal government. The Biden administration resurrected the program as of Sep. 25, and if you haven’t yet you can request a shipment of four rapid at-home tests through the USPS site.
In California, COVID positivity rates were on the rise starting in July, and peaked in late August. In September the positivity rate started to come back down, but plateaued in mid-October at just above 6%. It has risen a little since then.”
Again, nowhere in the articles is it addressed that studies now show healthy people, teens, kids and babies do not need the COVID shots, and that more people have died as a result of injuries from the vaccines than from the COVID virus.
56% of people who got the COVID shot are or were vaccine injured in some way, a new Rasmussen poll shows.
42% want to sue, but only 75% got vaccinated, so that's a 56% injury rate which is unprecedented for a vaccine.
Details here: https://t.co/GPRldGhVzV
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) November 2, 2023
As Dr. Peter McCullough reported this week:
“If synthetic mRNA cannot be broken down by the human body, there were be no way to shut off potentially dangerous antigens such as the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, Influenzavirus hemagglutinin (HA), or any other toxin produced from the genetic code. To make matters worse, it appears that all of these proteins will be expressed on the cell surface and cause auto-immunity with any new mRNA vaccine. This alone is a show stopper for me in my practice. I am advising NO mRNA vaccines for my patients.”
Another physician responding to McCullough’s article said:
“causing the body to manufacture a non-self protein will, axiomatically, lead to our immune system attacking & killing every cell that takes part in this deathly pathway.”
“It doesn’t end there. Why pick spike protein? Any part of the alleged pathogen would suffice to raise an immune response (though any foreign protein will trigger fatal attacks on every cell responding to the “vaccine”). Picking spike made things worse, because analogous proteins are biologically active and toxic to blood, nerves and other tissues. This was well known.”
We must ask why government is still demanding compliance with irrational medical orders. How is it that never before COVID did the public have to don a mask when going to a medical facility, even during nasty strains of colds and flu.
Despite that we now have the most definitive and factual evidence that there was zero value provided by wearing masks during the pandemic – other than to dehumanize the population – the California Department of Public Health was still recommending masking in some locations, and by some populations as late as March 2023. They finally noted: “This guidance is no longer in effect and is for historical purposes only.”
Santa Clara County Public Health never really removed their masking and vaccine “guidance.” It is dated:
DATE OF ORDER: March 24, 2023
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 4, 2023
Interestingly, at the end of the Bay Area News Group’s article, they add, “Wastewater data shows medium levels of COVID in all of Santa Clara County’s sewersheds at the end of October, down from high transmission levels over the last two months.”
Dr. McCullough, a cardiologist, reported:
My clinical practice is loaded with patients who took one or two vaccines early in 2021 and realized like most of us that the the mRNA products were not safe. A common question is: “doctor when does this shot get out of my body?”
As McCullough reported in July in “COVID-19 Vaccine is the Culprit in Majority Found Dead after Injection:”
“Hulscher et al have published the largest accumulation of autopsy result in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination. From a total of 325 cases, independent review found the COVID-19 vaccine was the cause of death in 73.9%. The vast majority had the cardiovascular system as the single fatal organ system injury to the body.”
ER physician Dr. Joseph Fraiman lead the re-analysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s safety data and discovered a 1 in 800 serious adverse event rate — far higher than any other vaccine on the market, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya reported.
These examples are just the tip of the spear of available medical studies and data on COVID, masking and vaccines – none of which have been supported by public health officials in California. And Santa Clara has been the most hysterical county in the state about COVID and protocols – none of which involve therapeutics and early treatment.
In January 2022, I interviewed Dr. McCullough, who at that time who had 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID. I asked Dr. McCullough about mandatory masking, and he said, “there have been over one dozen studies of general masking which have shown it is basically not effective. I think the only people that need masks… I am a cardiologist and I wear a mask with patients.”
“Dentists, dental hygienists – and we wear them in the operating room. It’s not to prevent the spread of COVID, but it stops sneezes or coughs,” Dr. McCullough added. “But general masks don’t work.” He noted that epidemiologic curves show even with masks worn for two years, “we have more COVID now than we had before.”
And remember, Gov. Newsom is holding onto his COVID protocols to be used “for future emergencies” through his SMARTER Plan, which “will maintain California’s operational preparedness to address the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to guide the state’s work to support communities across the state,” Gov. Newsom’s plan website states. “Additionally, COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and treatment continue to be available at sites within local communities across the state.”
As we said throughout the COVID pandemic, assess your own risk, but also be aware of all of the medical information available. Ask questions – it’s still constitutionally protected.
When a population is kept in fear – they are easier to CONTROL
– said every dictatorship in history
Boom, drop the mic! Enough said!
So I guess RSV and Covid just poof disappear in March 2024?
Cali Girl they will probably disappear in November 2024 because it is an election year!
@John, the deception is astounding.
I personally will refuse and I am willing to not be seen for a future follow up appt.
If we do not say no,they will keep whipping out the virus card to muzzle us.
I canceled medical appointments for both my husband and myself, during the hoax, and will do the same thing again if masks and/or jabs are required. No masks or jabs for either of us, and we didn’t get “covid”, despite being in our 80s.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
H.L. Mencken
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it …”
H.L. Mencken
I’m wondering if this is going to be a yearly thing, especially in the large metro areas? I live in Santa Clara county and went to our Kaiser clinic in town. About 25% of the folks in the prescription line weren’t masked. Large signs and a box of masks as you entered. The main entrance had a rent-a-cop handing out masks as you entered.
I really think this will be a yearly thing for the foreseeable future.
The sheer cruelty of this mandate is staggering. Terminally ill people in hospitals will spend their last days stifled and deprived of human faces. So will old people spending their last months in nursing homes.
This is just more proof that the Bay Area has some weird mental disorder going on up there and should be walled off and separated from the rest of the more rational California populace…
Time to stand up and RESIST these globalist initiatives to strip the US of our personal liberties, under the guise of “public safety”….
Unfortunately, these lunatic legislators from this beautiful, but mentally damaged area, are the ones that attempt to create the MAJORITY of the laws that govern the rest of us….
What concerns me is the potential WHO’s worldwide pandemic treaty being passed and implemented in May of next year.The PTB want to force these vax shots on us in the future without any say in the matter.
The first line of your article is “Several counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have ordered wearing face masks again, effective Nov. 1. The media thinks it’s cute and less authoritarian of they call it, “masking up.””
DidvI miss it? The only county mentioned for the entirety of your article is Santa Clara. If you’re going to lead with the statement that several Bay Area counties are imposing mask mandates don’t you think you should mention those counties? Not just one.
So we have as heads of county health depts some guy who does “homeless medicine”, a medical services administrator, what looks like an occupational medicine guy, and some women from Stanford who for the last 5 years has been a by word for the profound stupidity of the credentialized. I would not trust her to band aid a cut.
What is common to all of them is they have zero actual long term clinical expertise in public health medicine. Like actually walking wards as previous generations of doctors would have. I’m just seeing lot of paper academic qualification, lots of fancy job titles and zero relevant medical expertise.
Hence the mask mandate. If it aint a N99 its a placebo. And any one claiming medical expertise who says otherwise can be dismissed as a total charlatan. Because seven decades plus of the published literature on the subject says so.