California State Capitol. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
State Capitol Issues Mandatory COVID 2X Weekly Testing For All Staff, Regardless of Vax Status
Capitol staffer says 75% of COVID breakthrough cases are with vaccinated employees
By Katy Grimes, August 12, 2021 4:28 pm
Two memos were sent out Thursday to all California State Capitol staff and lawmakers announcing mandatory twice-weekly COVID testing, regardless of vaccination status. Mandatory masks and social distancing is also part of the daily routine.
The Senate memo to all Senate employees, from Erika Contreras Secretary of the Senate, said:
Due to the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 recently confirmed within the Capitol, all Senate employees, regardless of vaccine status, must test this Sunday, August 15, unless they test in the Capitol Health Services clinic in the Eureka Room today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday). In order to make testing as convenient as possible, we have added an additional testing time this afternoon.
The Assembly memo to all Assembly employees, from Debra Gravert, Chief Administrative Officer, said:
Due to the number of positive cases of COVID-19 recently confirmed within the Capitol, all Assembly employees, regardless of vaccination status, coming to work in the Capitol or LOB, must test this Sunday, August 15, unless they test in the Capitol Health Services Clinic in the Eureka Room today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday). In order to make testing as convenient as possible, we have added an additional testing time this afternoon.
The Globe spoke with several Capitol staffers who said many staff are expressing everything from outrage to frustration at the mandatory twice-weekly COVID testing. One staffer said 75% of the positive COVID cases by Capitol staffers and members are with staff already vaccinated.
And those who are vaccinated are the most outraged. “Why did I get the vaccine?” is the question most often heard, according to staffers. “You were sold a bad batch vaccine,” one staffer said, adding that those who initially held out but finally gave in to the vaccine feel the most coerced by senior Capitol staff.
The remainder of the memos isn’t any better news:
Moving forward, regardless of vaccine status, all essential employees who are supporting floor session and committee hearings must resume testing twice per week through the end of session. All unvaccinated staff coming to work in the Capitol or LOB must continue to test twice per week. Vaccinated staff who wish to test are also encouraged to do so.
Employees were also told to register with Capitol Health Services:
If you have not tested with Capitol Health Services in the past month, the link to register is: https://my.primary.health/l/californiastateleg You only need to register once. After that, just drop in during testing hours, provide your name, and be tested. You will receive your results via text or email within 30 minutes. Please remember to bring your Senate ID with you when you test.
Employees said they were asked intensely personal questions on the Capitol Health Services online form including employee sexual orientation, ethnicity and gender. Don’t Capitol staffers have the same legal right to privacy as private sector employees?
Required COVID-19 Testing
Mandatory COVID-19 Testing For All Capitol and LOB Staff
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Hahaha it’s all unraveling at “warp speed”
Hmm Hmm Hmm, vaccinated or not, testing, masking, distancing. How is that vaccine working for ya? Working well for the pockets of our government!
Now the FDA wants you to start taking more COVID vaccines because the first two didn’t work! LMAO
I don’t think there is another state in the union tying itself into so many hysterical covid knots as California.
More fuel for the recall.
At this rate people are going to vote him out of office just to stop this nonsense.
This is completely ridiculous and nonsensical. Recall Gruesome.
So the vaccine doesn’t work, alrighty then. Dodged a bullet.
Dear Capitol employees,
This is a golden opportunity to end this for the entire world. Gather in large numbers today and Sunday and “simply” ask, without any anger or confrontation, ask the logical questions, ask for proof that these test swabs are not covered with EO and/or graphene oxide. Do not comply. Ask to read packaging for any masks being distributed, the tests and the injections. We walked into our own trap by acquiescence to all their demands w/out any questioning-because we were caught off guard and did not know or believe the level of deception/corruption of our so called health institutions and doctors/scientists. (Fool me once…) Now we know! People lost their lives via being murdered by this fraud. Think of them. Now we shift gears into united, peaceful NON compliance with questions that they can not answer. So how can we comply? Their bullying , unsigned notices from (weak/compromised) puppet non leaders (Gravert and Contreras) to intimidate any questions is the enemy’s strategy to put pressure on people who just want to know the truth because we know they are lying to us.
They want to instill fear into us and make us think we will be putting ourselves in harms way (job loss) if we speak the truth (“that is mis/disinformation, we cant have that!”) or ask for different opinions-based on real science that is not controlled by pharma profits (aka: pseudo science). They are the ones who need to resign.
Capitol employees can use these inhumane requests for testing as an opportunity to END THIS FOR THE WORLD, right there in Sacramento, this weekend. It will stop sometime, why not now? Their plan assumes our continued acquiescence until our death-starting with another lockdown any time. Lets show them our plan!
Ask for proof of WHAT exactly the test is testing for. Since the virus has never been proven to exist, it is not possible that “it” has a (“delta”) variant. The mask containers specifically state they do not protect one from a virus and the test inserts state they are not able to test for any disease. The once blank injection inserts now have a black box warning-no thank you! It’s all in front of our faces and time to end this for the whole world.
The entire capitol needs to get together to discuss these issues vs continuing down this road of insanity any longer. Once the “leaders” cant prove that there is any reason to be wearing masks and taking fake tests- this ends all of it. No more state of emergency. What about the people who are sick or the hospitalizations, ICU’s and deaths? We have the normal numbers of all of these instances plus the increases of these-not from Sars/covid/delta…- but from the injected victims and they will try to show that as their evidence to trick us. Once the injections are incinerated or people refuse them all those un-natural numbers will drop to the normal-as in all the previous years levels.
We outnumber them. They only have ONE script -first recited over & over in their controlled media-which the gov officials then parrot in lock step, this is all they have to argue with, the media psa’s for their reminders. They can’t remember their lies w/out it. We have the truth and endless numbers of people and ways to explain it-even with the billions being spent around the clock to censor it.
As more people learn the truth and the depth of the lies and the liars, we will stop the world from being held hostage by this criminal global organization of predators.
“Ethylene Oxide, FDA PCR Swab Recall, & Strange Black Fibers That Move”
“SHERIFF MACK & OTHER SHERIFFS SPEAK AT BATTLE MOUNTAIN WE’RE NOT DOING MASKS IN THIS COUNTY ANYMORE!” “The law enforcement powers held by the sheriff supersede those of any agent, officer, elected official or employee from any level of government when in the jurisdiction of the county,” The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA.
“FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever”
“Leading Corona researchers admit that they have no scientific proof for the existence of a virus”
“Evidence Not Fear”
“The law enforcement powers held by the sheriff supersede those of any agent, officer, elected official or employee from any level of government when in the jurisdiction of the county,” The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA.
And cue the media to start aggressively referring to the “vaccine” as the Trump Vaccine in five, four, three….
Enough is enough.
Capitol employees step up and walk out, shut down the Capitol. Your “CEO” Gov. Gav had no problem shutting down this state. By the way aren’t many of you protected by unions?
Just say no!