Governor Gavin Newsom at the site of the Palisades Fire on 1/7/2025 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
California Governor Gavin Newsom is Running from His Past With Fire Response
Newsom trying to control the narrative to save his own neck – there is no altruism in his actions
By Katy Grimes, January 13, 2025 7:20 am
California Governor Gavin Newsom who is clearly play-acting at being the governor of the largest state in the country, went on Meet the Press Sunday in an attempt to control the narrative on the devastating Pacific Palisades fires. He failed epically.
On rebuilding Pacific Palisades, he said he has a team “looking at reimagining L.A. 2.0. We’re just starting to lay out. I mean, we’re still fighting these fires, so we’re already talking to city leaders. We’re already talking to civic leaders. We’re already talking to business leaders, with nonprofits. We’re talking to labor leaders.”
When asked “does the buck stop with you?” Newsom did not say “yes” as he should have. “We’re all in this together” he claimed.
“We work together” he said.
I remember the last time he said “We’re all in this together,” and then he locked down the entire state of California for three years over a flu virus.
Gov. Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass will try to control the narrative solely to save their own necks, but the truth is far more powerful. There is no altruism in their actions.
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass attempted to do the same with a pathetic press conference in which she deflected from her responsibility as the Mayor: “Rest assured that when that is done, when we are safe, when lives have been saved and homes have been saved, we will absolutely do an evaluation to look at what worked, what didn’t work, and to correct or to hold accountable anybody, department, individual, etcetera,” Bass said. “But my focus right now is on the lives and on the homes.”
Bass cut the LA Fire Department budget by $17.6 million last year. She wanted to cut it by $23 million.
What we are watching is the most incompetent buffoonish local and state government officials patting each other on the backs for their planning, togetherness, “solutions,” and blaming technology, rather than each other. They were chosen by other incompetent buffoons for their jobs. And now we have a catastrophe of epic proportions.
I fully expect that there will be a mass of recall elections in the near future.
Now Gov. Newsom is proudly announcing he is cutting bureaucratic red tape and CEQA to facilitate rebuilding. This is an admission that California’s environmental regulations and permitting process is always the first disaster anyone who wants to build experiences.
“Just issued an Executive Order that will allow victims of the SoCal fires to not get caught up in bureaucratic red tape and quickly rebuild their homes. We are also extending key price gouging protections to help make rebuilding more affordable.”
There are no references to failures. There are only positive comments about brotherly love, and what the liberals are going to do.
There were numerous questions from the press trying to blame Donald Trump.
Bass said she’s having “Good communication with the Trump people.” Bass has pivoted to what they are going to do to be prepared.
When I heard that, I harkened back to my article last week and Newsom’s misrepresentation of the facts regarding his executive order for controlled burns and fuel breaks:
The joint CapRadio and NPR investigation unveiled in June 2021, Governor Newsom was found to have overstated the number of areas treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns by 690%, the Globe reported. Governor Newsom claimed that, due to his executive order, 35 of his priority projects had treated over 90,000 acres with wildfire prevention treatments. However, data from the state only showed 11,399 acres treated.
“The data show Cal Fire treated 64,000 acres in 2019, but only 32,000 acres in 2020 and 24,000 acres through Memorial Day this year,” CapRadio and NPR reported, explaining that the governor even “disinvested in wildfire prevention.”
They will try to control the narrative solely to save their own necks, but the truth is far more powerful. There is no altruism in their actions.
As I find myself saying far too often, “the stupid people are in charge of everything right now.” It is coming to fruition. I hope this is the precipice of a political change in California. Time will tell.
Newsom is making all the wrong moves to save his flailing career. He launched a misinformation “fact-checking” website over the weekend to control the narrative, and should you want to contribute to the recovery, Newsom had a link which sends people to the corrupt ActBlue to contribute. He really tried to politically capitalize on these fires.
The New York Post reported:
Newsom, 57, posted a link on X to californiafirefacts.com, a website set up by his campaign committee, in response to what he claimed was misinformation on the wildfires.
But the site urges users to give money to the California Fire Foundation and links them to a module from ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s fundraising platform. The ActBlue donation box says the money is being raised by Campaign for Democracy, Newsom’s super PAC.
It appears that has been replaced/removed.
We also saw in real time as he was having negative comments deleted from his Instagram account.
Gavin Newsom is deleting all Instagram comments on his official government account with the word “resign.” His COVID playbook has been resurrected to illegally censor and label any criticism as “misinformation.”
Nothing Newsom or Bass or any of the LA County officials says or excuse they make will answer “Why was the 117 million gallon water reservoir empty?”
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This same corrupt evil left democrat ideology has destroyed Oakland, we even recalled a woke DA and a woke Mayor and yet the national leader of woke ideology, Barbara Lee, is poised to walk right in to the mayoral office.
California suffers from chronic Blue State “progessive” priorities, where accessory WOKE policies obscure basic citizen health and safety needs.
Oh, I guess that mass, open migration have rendered “citizen” meaningless.
Well since Gov Gav cannot delete my comment on here….
The City of Los Angles has almost 2.14 million registered voters out of a population of 3.8 million. In order to recall Bass, the effort would require 10% of the registered voters to sign the petition in order to qualify. Today I believe that this would be an easy objective. As you stated there are more politicians than Mayor Bass to remove. School boards, other state and local officials. (Even the dog catcher if they utilize woke policies). The whole governing system is corrupt. While the fire has been devastating it is going to cleanse the government.
Noisome has revealed his agenda for the fires. Turn LA into a “smart city” hell hole where you have no freedom, have total surveillance and you are confined to a small area no more than a 15 minute walk away from your home.
I suspect “green” regulations for rebuilding are part of the package. Tiny homes?
The Santa Ana winds blow in winter every year, they knew this was coming & the officials in charge did not prepare for it. Every homeowner that could/should have been required to provide a defensible space around heir home. The LAFD should have recommended the removal of “fuel” from public lands by whatever means necessary, and the & City/County/State should have complied. There are no number of “Truths” or “Lies” that will obfuscate the fact that Newsome, Bass, and the LA board of Stuipdvisors did not do their jobs! This is hopefully a wake up call to all Californians that the Governments in this state are mostly dysfunctional.
Newsom has had 6 years as Governor and 4 as Lt. Gov to fortify wildfire protocols and preparation up and down this state!
Under his watch 9 of the most catastrophic fires have burned.
After each fire he makes false promises to “do better”. Well, has he?
If he were a serious man it would have been done! He is a FAILURE.
Recall him in 2025 before more lives and properties are decimated!
Recall Gavin Newsom 2025.
Will the voters in blue cities like LA and SF, who keep voting for the likes of Newscum at every level of government, finally begin to see the error of their ways? That is, continuously supporting and voting for these incompetent reprobates? I wonder. This article by KG and this speech by Kevin Kiley says it all:
Do the blue voters in LA have any regrets now for voting in Gruesome Newscum and Karen Ass? Will their regrets turn into action? We will see: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/la-times-owner-regrets-endorsing-karen-bass-for-mayor-competence-matters/ar-BB1roEkr.
If competence matters, voting patterns must change. MAGA, Mr. Trump. Any federal aid to fire victims must be tied to the resignation of Newscum and Ass.
So Newsom is always telling us that California is the 5th largest economy in the world and we should follow their lead in how they govern and live our lives. So why is the 5th richest economy need money from the Feds and encourages donations. Sounds like a spoiled child who spends all his allowance but wouldn’t mind a bailout from his parents. Before the Feds give them any money they should tell Newsom to use all their 37 billion dollars in their rainy day fund.
We cannot tolerate anymore of this feckless leadership. I am not paying taxes to watch it go down a rat hole.
Newsom, his lieutenant governor, attorney general and secretary of state all need to resign.
Gavin Newsom abandoned crucial infrastructure in favor of his agenda of far left policies, social justice, DEI and a WOKE agenda, he’s a climate warrior, please recall him now before he completely runs CA into the ground!!!
Gavin Newsom abandoned crucial infrastructure in favor of his agenda of far left policies, social justice, DEI and a WOKE agenda, he’s a climate warrior, please recall him now before he completely runs CA into the ground!!!
Are the criminal Democrats in charge stupid, or are they just plain evil liars who doing what their nefarious masters tell them to do? Newsom lied about wildfire prevention efforts while Mayor Bass lied claiming that cuts to the LAFD had no impact whatsoever on the city’s response to the wildfires. They both need to resign and be held accountable for their intentional negligence?
100% TJ. It’s not going to happen —- voluntarily, anyway —- with that puffed-up unrepentant destructive liar Newsom because he will cling on to power by his bare fingertips if necessary, by any means necessary, but it could happen with Bass if the pressure keeps up. Fingers crossed
This a skimpy, incomplete suggestion that we bring back goats to clear underbrush near housing. The political left killed the practice by making it too expensive to be financially practical in much the same way they’re killing independent contractors and entepreneurs. Goats are amazing creatures and can be as domesticated as any other species. They are browsers (brush eaters) rather than grazers (grass eaters) and will clear brush and tree foiliage from four to five feet off the ground. There needs to be incentivizing tax breaks for such enterprises to assist profitability for land clearing operators, which fire prevention would be much cheaper than fighting wildfires and replacing burned out housing and business districts.
Newsome said” we’re All in this together”: translated; beware of the government fire police/ law enforcement complex that has taken dominion over you with the intent of usurping your individual property rights.
Newsome is running from nothing: Why should he? He thwarted a failed, poorly executed and abismal recall effort. The majority of the California residents either receive public assistance or work for a government agency (trough rats) thus in his mind his job secure.
So successful is he in furthering the transforming agenda another $2.5 B is being tossed into the fecal hole: The fire malaise regardless it’s origin facilitates the rationale to federalize California further and especially us thus and therefore further the WEF and like agendas. Forget not what Rham Emmanuel said: “You never let a crisis go to waste”.
The assaults Newsome and his cohorts have levied on California are permanent. The optimistic future many envision for California is devoid of the critical precursors necessary to assure this.
Californians and Americans simply lack the courage and determination to protect and defend themselves. Whining, sniveling and languishing in wait and in anticipation of another compromised election cycle is amusing to observe.
Collectively we’re stupid lethargic apathetic and complacent. there’s nothing on the horizon to suggest Californians and Americans have the stones to thwart their destruction, nothing.
The Republicans complicit too. What substantive proactive and harsh approach directed at stopping the demogogues have the Republicans invoked?
Was Noisome in it with us under his Covid Tyranny? Nope he was partying like it was 1999.
He was and be advised The French Laundry eatery is “stylin”.
Only the best for the Gavin.
How are we to break the Democrats hold on power when they have the votes of 2.5 million public union members in their pockets? It’s a rigged system in our state.
Glad to be able to vent my two cents here. This guy has to go. I just read that Newsome now is enforcing buffer zones around homes. To be clear, that’s probably a good idea, but the way they go about it is the typical way: create a bunch of more bureaucracy with a bunch of people running around fining people and making them cut down their trees next to their homes. Then doing nothing about the fact that the people in the north part of California will now be paying huge insurance premiums to cover for billions of dollars in super rich people’s homes (I know not everybody down there is Rich but let’s be honest). Then as part of his rollout he names climate change and then sarcastically says “believe your own damn eyes” insinuating that people who have a little different opinion on things are stupid. In other words, more of the I’m smarter than you and more woke than you attitude. Never mind the fact that when they are not quite right about something they never admit it. For instance, they now believe, that somehow the entire us has been hoodwinked into electing this president. Or maybe they believe that somehow there’s a mass delusion or that the real facts have been kept from the people. The one thing they can’t wrap their heads around, is that maybe there are lots of people who just see things differently and don’t agree with them. But you see this can’t possibly be true in their eyes, because they’re educated and they know the truth. So let’s tell the truth, citizens living out their lives in their homes like they have for generations and generations, are not responsible for these fires and whether they are happening because of forest mismanagement, climate change, etc etc,. the federal and state government are the ones who have to ensure we have robust ways of getting insurance, paying for rebuilds etc. We are now in a place where the insurance industry is failing, the government agencies are failing, and everything is falling down. To be clear, I don’t believe this narrative and I think it is mainly due to bad leadership. But even if the narrative is true, the Buck always stops with the leaders. Quit passing the buck!