Discarded mask. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
California Mask Dictators Bringing Back Mask Mandates
Masks don’t work at all against viruses as a doctor demonstrated with seven different masks and a vape pipe
By Katy Grimes, October 10, 2024 8:24 am
Four years after the Covid flu made its way onto U.S. soil, there are still Covid hysterics and even worse, Covid mask dictators and shot pushers, usually found in public health agencies.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that mask mandates are coming back to the San Francisco Bay Area.
“As the annual cold and flu season gears up, several Bay Area counties have recently issued local health orders requiring face masks to be worn in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and other health care facilities starting Nov. 1 until either March 31 or April 30, 2025.”
Gee, I’m shocked.
In June, the San Jose Mercury News headline screamed, “Another COVID vaccine? Yes, and here’s why,” reads the headline. This headline was not from 2021 – it was reported in June…. not long after the mainstream media proclaimed no positive COVID tests were reported in May, and the CDC officially dropped five-day covid isolation guidelines in March.
Despite numerous peer-reviewed studies debunking masking, Bay Area public health doctors are ordering masking. Why:
SANTA CLARA COUNTY will require all people inside health care facilities — workers, as well as patients and visitors — to wear masks while in patient care areas from Nov. 1 to March 31, 2025. There will be an exception for children under age 2 and people with medical conditions for whom wearing a mask could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove a mask without assistance.
The issuer of this latest masking order is Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer for the County of Santa Clara and Director of the Public Health Department.
Dr. Sara Cody also is pushing the Covid shots on the official Santa Clara County Public Health website:
“Getting vaccinated against COVID protects people and their families from serious illness and hospitalization from COVID. Preventive measures like wearing a mask in crowded indoor places and staying home when you are sick continue to add layers of protection against respiratory viruses. Just like last year, the April 2023 health order will continue to require masks in all patient care areas of health care facilities starting November 1 and continuing through the winter respiratory virus period.”
And Dr. Sara Cody is pushing shots on babies:
“For the best protection during the respiratory virus season, it is also important that everyone 6 months and older receive the annual flu shot. It is safe and effective to get both the updated COVID vaccine and this year’s flu vaccine at the same time.”
Pushing the Covid shot at all should be considered felonious, particularly with all of the recent studies admitting devastating vaccine injuries, nasty side effects and people dropping dead right after a shot.
But Dr. Sara Cody has a reputation to live up to. As KTUV reported in 2020:
Dr. Cody concerned California is reopening too soon: Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody is concerned about how fast California is reopening since she led the way in coronavirus restrictions two and a half months ago.
So what does work against Covid if masks and shots don’t? Good old fashioned frequent hand washing and good hygiene helps keep viruses at bay, just as hand washing does during the annual cold and flue season. Remember, cleanliness is next to godliness, according to my grandmother.
Masks, social distancing and the covid shot all proved to be ineffective or downright useless during the Covid flu. Even the New York Times admitted this: The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?
The facts on masking are well-known:
Masks don’t work at all against viruses as this doctor demonstrated with seven different masks and a vape pipe. The doctor takes a deep drag on his vape pipe, puts the mask back on and exhales. The vape clouds go everywhere.

When people remove their mask to eat and drink, um, they are removing their mask. Is the virus not contagious while they eat?
As a medical friend told me early in the Covid flu, you can get infected through your eyes, rendering the mask mostly useless.
The most recent and thoroughly extensive, comprehensive study is the Cochrane study, completed in February 2023:
We identified 78 relevant studies. They took place in low‐, middle‐, and high‐income countries worldwide: in hospitals, schools, homes, offices, childcare centres, and communities during non‐epidemic influenza periods, the global H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, epidemic influenza seasons up to 2016, and during the COVID‐19 pandemic. We identified five ongoing, unpublished studies; two of them evaluate masks in COVID‐19. Five trials were funded by government and pharmaceutical companies, and nine trials were funded by pharmaceutical companies.
…wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu‐like illness/COVID‐like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people).
Dr. Sara Cody is the same public health doctor who caused Calvary Chapel San Jose and its pastors to be sued, and held in contempt of court and fined in 2020 and 2021 for violating state and Cody’s county pandemic limits on indoor public gatherings. California’s 6th District Court of Appeal reversed those lower court decisions, citing a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2021 that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ban on indoor worship services violated freedom of religion, CBN reported in August 2022.
Last month, this headline from the Orange County Register oozed fear porn designed to scare you into taking the shot:
California’s COVID booster rates are dismal as new shot debuts. More sickness ahead?
The subtitle is even worse:
Get the shot, epidemiologist advises: ‘You could be saving your own, or someone else’s, Nana’
The same fear porn occurred with masking, even after the 2023 authoritative Cochrane study. In March 2023, the Globe reported:
…the most recent and thoroughly extensive, comprehensive study is the Cochrane study, completed in February proved wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu‐like illness/COVID‐like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people).
The Cochrane study was widely accepted by many in medicine as the authoritative mask study.
Here are the Bay Area counties’ orders:
ALAMEDA COUNTY on Sept. 26 issued a health order that requires staff at health care facilities to wear masks from Nov. 1 to March 31.
SAN FRANCISCO has not issued a health order on masking during this winter respiratory virus season. Last year, it required health care workers to wear masks from Nov. 1 to April 30.
MARIN COUNTY does not plan to issue a seasonal mask mandate this year.
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY on Sept. 26 issued a health ordermandating health care personnel to mask from Nov. 1 to March 31, 2025.
SAN MATEO COUNTY on Oct. 1 issued a health orderrequiring workers at skilled nursing facilities to wear masks from Nov. 1 until March 31. Visitors must also wear masks. Residents do not have to.
NAPA COUNTY on Oct. 1 issued a health order requiring masking for health care workers at inpatient facilities, including hospitals and inpatient psychiatric facilities, from Nov. 1 to March 31.
SONOMA COUNTY does not plan to issue a mask-related health order this respiratory season.
SOLANO COUNTY has not issued a health order on masking.
It is disappointing that nowhere in the San Francisco Chronicle article did the reporter question the mask orders. Se we did it for them.
Just remember, you don’t need a mask or social distance if you want to riot. Or should I say peacefully protest.
Remember: The same people who mandated that businesses be closed, caused unemployment, and caused business bankruptcies, and also denied us our Constitutional rights, are now campaigning in election season to keep their jobs.
Get ready for further emergency dictatorial measures to be issued by our esteemed lightweight Govenor. They are scared over the election and are further scared that California is going to go red. Look for a big earthquake to strike the state and Newsom will seize upon this moment to implement a lockdown.
Just sit down. The Virus cannot infect you once you sit. It’s Science!
I won’t even bore you with what happened at the endodontist consultation I had yesterday morning at the crack of dawn. Except to say that as I approached the office, I blearily saw a huge stupid “Masks Required for Entry” sign on his stupid front door. What happened next wasn’t pretty, but I truly couldn’t stop myself once he said, “you need to let the medical professionals do their jobs” and “that’s your OPINION!”
At this point EVERYONE needs to (non-threateningly and non-violently) get in these people’s faces, don’t you think? Not likely you will change anyone’s mind, but there’s something about being “on the record” that is worthwhile. Still waiting, of course, for the apology owed to us from our ridiculous politicians and state and local health bureaucrats & etc. You know, the ones who eagerly helped to destroy our state? It’s way way past ENOUGH ALREADY with this crap.
Apology?! We’re way past that. There must be a reckoning, a clear demonstration that the rule of law and justice still apply to all levels of society, regardless of wealth or political connections. If that does not happen, I don’t think our country, or Western civilization for that matter, will ever recover.
Nope, not having it!
The employees need to stage a sick out! I as a patient will avoid all health facilities during this time. It is beyond ridiculous at this point. For those that cannot avoid a trip to a health provider then may I suggest letting them know this is not okay.
I will not submit.
You could just not go to the places requiring masks if it’s too much trouble to wear an additional article of clothing. I don’t see people whining and complaining about no shoes, no shirt, no service signs on businesses. People have the right to choose a business and a business reserves the right to refuse service.
Following that logic what is the next freedom that we should give up.
These dictates – including “ no shirt -no service” come from government . Not businesses! Our failing institutions, like the various health departments in most of these cases call the shots, so that’s the problem. The foundational complaint is that there is little or no science or Scientific Method behind these knee jerk mandates.
These same institutions also have a history of creating precedents so the can further ratchet up control. Here in Cali , I’m afraid the idiots run the asylum.
A simple fact check shows the no shoes, no shirt, no service rule was never a government law put into place. This was a tactic businesses put into practice in the 60’s and 70’s to keep hippies out of their businesses. The rest is just unproven speculation which lacks any [credible] foundation of support.
you’re obviously part of the reason commiefornia sucks
You’re obviously part of the reason the why this nation’s average IQ has dropped.
No-Shirt Rule: For males, no entry. For females, free beer and food.
It’s the crazy train. It’s up to us if we want to ride or not. I’m riding my horse. F’em all.
Simply people acting like despots. Have a mask that says, “This mask is USELESS”. If I must wear a mask, that’s the one I wear, and there’s nothing they can do about it.
I believe “We The People” have already become a submissive society. The political machine, media and global elites have a stronghold over the globe.
Even our children have been indoctrinated and will only believe what their told—-no critical thinking here.
If we don’t change the course of our country on November 5…😐
The health departments in mandating counties need to provide data from last year proving that their mandate reduced illness. Or provided some measurable benefit. If they can’t do that, their rules are simply superstition or control. “Masks work, so shut up.”
I agree with the comments that say just stay away from health care facilities that require masks, unless it’s a medical emergency. I remember doctors begging people to come back during the early years of covid. I never really believed it had so much to do with health as with profit. We will come if they will stop the mask nonsense. Vote with your wallet. It always gets healthcare’s attention. In fact, it’s all that ever does, these days.
Following the example of Dr Death (aka) Fauci, some of these medical bureaucrats love their moments of fame and the ability to use their positions to control others.
Evil Democrats and their unelected bureaucratic stooges are once again acting like the petty authoritarian, totalitarian dictators that they are?
Nope… the only way to show these people that we mean business is to politely but firmly say “NO, I’m not complying” and do not cave to their tyranny….
This is all a control psy-op, and it’s beyond time that we SHOW them that we’re “mad as hell and not gonna take it any more”….
VOTE accordingly…..
those people have made a medical mess of things the first time around with COVID and to keep fear going should be against the law. there putting people against each other on this mask issue. most people are so uneducated on this matter and listen to this left doctor need to really pay attention to the medical dictators of this state and all the fear their trying to start up again.don’t go to these crazy doctors. they are out there for power.wacth out California.
“…the annual cold and flue season. ” (I know it’s pumpkin-spice season, so “flue” season will be right around the corner…
(Katy & Co. – it’s in the fourth paragraph above Dr. Vapemask’s image…)
(and that mask photo is DISGUSTING…. and these yahoos want us to wear those on our mouths & noses? Nope)
The Communists are back at it again.
NO WAY!! This is out right ridiculous for a non-issue. They are still pushing the depopulation covid jab which is highly dangerous for your health. All doctors and public health officials must be fired for misinformation and lies. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Do we know if anyone’s willing to challenge Santa Clara County’s mandate in court?
All we have to do is call these tyrants and say, “As free Americans, we will not comply with unconstitutional medical or political mandates that violate our basic rights! ” Then very sternly say, “Under what authority, right DO YOU have to mandate masks and vaxes? Show me!” Under the constitution, they won’t find it! Then next the affidavit is served to them. Unfortunately, I cannot give you my name and number to get a copy of the affidavit.
As a business they cannot force you to wear a mask or require a vaccine. However as neither of those categories are a protected class, the business is well within its rights to tell you to leave, have you escorted off property, and involve law enforcement if needed, which can result in being arrested under trespassing pretenses. These mandates and why all the people opposed them never make any ground legal wise against them are because of these two acts. The Public Health Service Act and The Stafford Act which were enacted in 2018 by the Federal government. A store or medical facility can let you in without either, but doing so also makes them legally and financially liable for lawsuits if willfully doing so caused an impact to the health well-being of others. I can easily say I would not take that risk, as that is a lot harder to win a case for as opposed to refusing services to a whining and unruly customer. Remember a mandate isn’t forcing you to do what is asked. You don’t have to do either. But just as you have the freedom to choose between doing so or not. Don’t try to take that freedom from away others, which includes businesses.
spoken like a faithful communist
Replied like a religiously blind pawn.
You’re already under the control of the economy that is influenced and in part regulated by the government. The internet, the exact communications platform that we’re on right now is regulated by the FCC and the FTC to name just a couple. The public water supply is regulated by the EPA and the SDWA both government agencies, again just to name a couple that aren’t even state level bodies. Our food, for meat products, is primarily regulated by the USDA, and we’ve all heard of this one before, the FDA as an all encompassing regulatory agency on the topic of US Food and Drugs. Any of which if used to manipulate the people of our country to impose control would have far more wide spread and devastating impacts, you see it happen in crappy places like North Korea all the time. You wouldn’t even need to start small at that point. This is why no one with more than half a working brain takes anti-maskers seriously, the arguement is always the same, my “freedom” and “government control”. Far more effective methods of control that the entire populus already uses and that the government already regulates, but conspiracy nuts think masks. This is literally why conspiracy nuts never win and get shutdown everytime. If people want to live their life in fear of the government, fine go for it. Enjoy the constant paranoia and fear. Can’t wait to see what conspiracy, tool, sheep, unfounded or bias “fact” replies this’ll get. Personality types can be pretty predictable after all and I do like a good laugh. (I bet that’ll get used too.)
As if to demonstrate that the main concern and fear of these creeps is a restless, protesting common-sense populace who sees through their relentless nonsense —- and OH NO, who KNOWS what THEY, the citizenry, will do to foil our “beautiful wickedness” (they say to themselves) —- isn’t it interesting that the hordes of nasty trollish commenters always swarm, without fail, articles like this with their thin insulting stuff, apparently in hopes that their nastiness will make those who see right through them disappear in a puff of smoke? It would probably be smarter for them to keep quiet and stay under the radar if they want to have a chance of continuing their crap. But whatever, do your worst, we see through THAT, too.
This article and it’s supporting comments sure are a good show. The broken -Engrish- is top level.
Don’t comply! This is what the mask dictators fear the most.
Resistance is futile, you adapt to service us.
Het the hell out of commiefornia, it’s run by idiots and completely full of their faithful idiot followers.
Coming from the one who literally spelled the first word of their statement wrong and didn’t notice. Anyone who follows you must be a blind faithed idiot.