California State Capitol. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Only 3 Assembly Members Sign Letter Urging SOS Weber to Disregard Calls to Remove Trump from Ballot
Who didn’t sign – and Why?
By Katy Grimes, December 21, 2023 12:47 pm
California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis (D) sent a letter Wednesday “urging” California’s Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D) “to explore every legal option to remove former President Trump from CA’s 2024 presidential primary ballot,” the Globe reported, on the heels of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from next year’s presidential ballot.
Kounalakis, who announced in April she is running for California Governor, is calling for destroying Democracy by removing Donald Trump’s name from the ballot, so she and those on the left can claim to “save it” from boogeyman Trump.
Almost immediately Kounalakis faced calls for her recall.
In the California Assembly, three Republican members also sent a letter to the Secretary of State, calling on her to ignore Lt. Gov. Kounalakis’ letter, and noting that the SOS does not have the unilateral authority to remove a Candidate for the Office of the President from the California ballot.
Assemblymen Bill Essayli, Vince Fong and Joe Patterson sent the letter – but only after inviting every member of the Assembly and Senate to sign on.
Who wouldn’t sign the letter? This appears to be a straight up case of constitutional law. Even Republican leaders in the Senate and Assembly did not sign the letter.
“When the Lieutenant Governor of the largest state in the nation pressures the Secretary of State to unilaterally remove a candidate for President from our ballot, we cannot be silent. This attack on our democracy violates our Constitution and decades of case law. We are a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. The People must be free to elect the candidate of their choice without interference,” Assemblyman Essayli posted to Twitter/X.
When the Lieutenant Governor of the largest state in the nation pressures the Secretary of State to unilaterally remove a candidate for President from our ballot, we cannot be silent. This attack on our democracy violates our Constitution and decades of case law.
We are a… pic.twitter.com/SKIktUAobE
— Bill Essayli (@billessayli) December 21, 2023
Notice only three signatures – after inviting every member in the Assembly and Senate to sign on.
Sources inside of the Capitol told the Globe on condition of anonymity that the Republican “swamp” in the Capitol, as well as the “consultancy class” sabotaged the letter. And specifically, the sources produced names, saying Curtis Grima, Chief Of Staff to Republican Leader James Gallagher, and Assemblyman Health Flora (R-Ripon), orchestrated the letter’s boycott by other Republicans.
The sources said many Assembly members initially signaled that they would sign the letter – until there was a sudden change of heart – which is really odd because the issue of the Lt. Governor’s letter to the Secretary of State demanding Trump be removed from the California ballot should be unifying.
Ostensibly, at the root of the us/them divide in the Republican Caucus in the Capitol is hatred for Donald Trump by the “swamp,” which one source said is regularly used as an excuse for why elected Assembly Republicans fail to do anything – they certainly don’t challenge elected Democrats over their destructive bills and policies, but challenge other Republicans instead.
“…the real focus is power and control for many, even as they rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic,” the Globe reported in October in “California’s Capitol Has a Deep State.”
As the Globe concluded, “Republicans appear to fight harder among themselves rather than working to expose corruption and the bad policies of the Democrats. Power struggles within a caucus of 18 are patently ridiculous. Even a tiny caucus can be a force to contend with if tenacious.”
Given that many Constitutional scholars and attorneys weighed in on the The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from next year’s presidential ballot, why wouldn’t Assembly Republicans be on the same side of the law?
George Washington University Attorney Jonathan Turley said, “The Colorado decision should be unanimously overturned.” Turley said the Colorado decision to bar Donald Trump from the ballot “is wrong on the history and the language of the 14th Amendment – Dead wrong.”
“The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from next year’s presidential ballot ‘is so anti-democratic,’ constitutional expert and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Wednesday.”
“In the 60 years I’ve been practicing and teaching law, I’ve never seen a decision that’s so anti-democratic and so unconstitutional; it is absurd,” Dershowitz said. “The idea that the 14th Amendment was supposed to substitute for the impeachment provision, carefully drafted by the framers, is wrong.”
Notably, Turley and Dershowitz are Democrats, but are intellectually honest – something that is in short supply in the State Capitol, evidently. Why didn’t every Republican in the State Capitol sight this letter?
Here is the letter by Assemblymen Essayli, Fong and Patterson to the Secretary of State:
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I’m having a hard time seeing what the “swamp” would object to in the letter. Don’t these folks know that even if they disagree with Trump that they could be treated in the same manner if the SOS keeps Trump off the ballot. Totalitarianism is only your friend when you are not a threat to them. The moment you become a threat; they are out to crush you at any cost. The folks that would not sign the letter have been exposed for who they really are. You have to tip your hat to the liberals as they always start off rallying around and defending anyone in their group that is accused. If you are a conservative and are accused, they just simply turn their back. My prediction is that come reelection time that conservative voters won’t deal to kindly with the folks that didn’t sign the letter.
What the hell is going on up there? I guess Katy Grimes’ article about Sacramento’s Deep State didn’t fully permeate my thick head of long-held beliefs which are apparently a complete fantasy. This latest is especially ironic because the legislative Repubs who won’t sign this letter, and it is a NO-BRAINER to sign it, are throwing it all away and exposing their inner rot in response to what is actually a political stunt by this bored, unqualified, privileged Daddy’s Girl airhead Kounalakis. She wants to get her name out there to the nation because she wants to run for CA Gov (God help us) — and this is how she is doing it. Heck, most Californians don’t know who the heck she is. Now because of this stunt everyone in the country still won’t know who she is but will hear her name.
Legislative Repubs had better get their act together ASAP or they are going to have a super-stink on them. Do you guys NOT understand that? Even the all-Dem/Marxist Colorado Supreme Court decision had three members who thought this move was an absolute no-go. We know CA Dem/Marxist politicians are not like that and are actually A-OK with this kind of nonsense, but the Repubs? Sure Heath Flora has a soft and squishy reputation, but James Gallagher? And by the way we would expect even a Heath Flora to figure out he had better sign on to THIS one. Wake UP. Some things are not negotiable. Are you completely deaf and blind to know that this is one of those things? We’re in trouble out here and furious about it and now we are more furious than ever.
Very well said. It looks like the CAGOP will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. The party and the majority of politicians only seem to be interested in maintaining the status quo. Californians are in desperate need of strongminded conservative leadership that will lead California back to greatness once again. In my opinion one of the good things to come out of this we can now see the folks that we don’t want to be in a foxhole with when the battle is raging on.
Agree with you, Hal. The Big Reveal always makes our hearts sink but unfortunately it is necessary. Trump did that —– exposed the lightweights and backstabbers. Some of whom we had NO IDEA how they had and could betray us, or maybe I should say I had NO IDEA of it. Thought I was pretty savvy about that stuff, but NO. And by the way, as you know, this mealy-mouthed Repub incident has NOTHING to do with Trump, or it shouldn’t. Trying to get someone off the ballot is NEVER OK, and that should be the guide, certainly not an acne-ridden case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Grow UP. This COULD be your time to shine, Repubs. But you blew it. But now I’m repeating myself.
Really appreciated your comment too, Hal. Funny, I always read your comment AFTER I’ve said (spewed) my piece. Similar thoughts.
It has been painfully obvious for years that most of our elected CA GOP don’t want to do much. The country club became Democrats long ago, and they want to hang out with them. Look at the posts on X…the SF Bay Area ones are pretending none of this is happening but they sure seem interested in commenting on Israel. $7T in market cap has them trembling. It is very unpleasant to realize this mostly unspoken “power”. They seem intent on letting the Democrats destroy the America First movement. Thirty years of political disappointment. The leadership of the CA GOP needs to be swept away and replaced.
Did Jessica Millan Patterson issue a fundraising e-mail plea in response to Kounalakis’ (LOONalakis?) attention-grabbing stunt/reflexive to Colorado’s attention-grabbing stunt?
Seems like that’s all she’s good for…..
Seems like all we ever see now are attention-grabbing stunts. As you point out…
Merry Christmas, CD9.
Merry Christmas to you folks as well. Next year is going to be both engaging and entertaining.
Well, that’s one way of putting it —- an optimistic way. Let’s hope so.
Merry Christmas Hal.
The Affirmative Action leadership of California seems to think they are the ultimate ballot harvesters for everything not democrat in California, Hoovering up the all the dissenting voices in this failing state and officially taking away their votes before they are even cast.
Here is one more chance for Republicans here in California to standup. I have heard that the Colorado Republican Party has threatened to pull out of the primary and hold a caucus if Trump’s name is not on the ballot. Come to think of it this might be a way around the jungle primary for Statewide races. I do not know if this is possible or not. If it is it should be pursued quickly.
This is political grandstanding, pure and simple. Trump is not gonna win California anyway even if his name is on the California ballot. So there’s absolutely nothing your Lieutenant Governor should be worried about. Joe Biden could be brain-dead, but he’d still win California anyway.
I won’t be shocked should Texas, Florida,……. decide to kick Biden’s name off their ballots for allowing this huge illegal alien invasion to storm into their states forcing Gov. Abbott, DeSantis,…… to bus some of these illegal migrants to sanctuary cities like Chicago, NYC, Martha’s Vineyard,………..
Actually, Trump is going to campaign in California quite a bit. I’m not so sure that the folks want to keep on living the current version of the California dream.
No doubt it was Republican Minority Leader James Gallagher who was the guiding force behind the letter’s boycott by other Republicans instead of his Chief Of Staff, Curtis Grima? Rep. Gallagher has a bachelor’s degree in political science from UC Berkeley, a JD degree from UC Davis. Rep. Gallagher is an another leftist lawyer pretending to be a Republican who does not represent the political views of the majority of his constituents in California’s 3rd State Assembly district? Maybe he’s receiving payoffs from outside sources (i.e. RNC, CCP, or WEF globalists, etc.)? He’s a traitorous RINO who needs to join his crooked cronies in the Democrat party?
It’s curious as to why Assemblyman Health Flora from Ripon helped in orchestrating the letter’s boycott? Flora was a firefighter with the California Department Forestry and Fire Protection and he’s owner of Golden Valley Equipment. Maybe he’s also receiving payoffs from outside sources to go against the political wishes of the majority of his constituents? He’s proven himself to be a deep-state RINO who can’t be trusted?
Bill is my assemblyman, thank gawd! I watched the State Republican Party grab it’s ankles in 2000, they’ve done little to no outreach and real stars like Melissa Melendez loses her seat. California can be saved but caving in isn’t a winning strategy.
This kind of gutless action by the Lieutenant Governor, the California GOP leadership, as well as nearly Assembly and Senate members, Republicans and Democrats alike, is a perfect example of why people love Trump. (I really hope he campaigns here in California.)
Disgusting. Simply, disgusting.
Don’t anyone tell me, of how great certain Republicans are, in this state. Or how much they DO, for this State. What they DO for their areas. Bull crap.
This action was, a no brainer. For a party, which isn’t really a factor in our State, anyways, THIS should have been a real stand up and tell the Dem’s to ‘stick it’ over the LT Govs actions. If you don’t like the man, don’t vote for the man, it’s that simple. But, what would I know, I’m not a rich politician. I’m not, connected. I’m not, what was obviously displayed here, spineless. Lotta folks on here, have SH***t to say, but problem is, they don’t say Sh****t.
“the party needs to be rebuilt from the floor up”, HA!. And, how do you propose to do that? With our current insect population?
“The party blew it, and usually goes after themselves more then DEM’s”, gee, ya think???What was THE first clue?
I could go on, but you get the point. THIS, is what I call, irrelevant. THIS, is what I term, losers. THIS, is what I’d say is wrong with this State: it’s apathetic and indifferent.
Everyone in the Republican side, whines about DEM’s winning elections, in this state. Why?
Everyone SAYS, Republicans CAN”T WIN in California, so why bother running. Why?
EVERYONE SAYS, ” California isn’t worth it. Spending cash there is a waste of time. No one wants to really run, in California. If you don’t have the money, you can’t get elected, your message doesn’t matter. Republicans have written off, California.”
Which of YOU people commenting on here or reading these comments, fit the above descriptions??
Oh sure, EVERYONE is all in, when it comes time to run for an election!! More or less. Is the effort real? Are we just, playing at election time; encouraging people to participate, when deep down inside, you already KNOW you never really wanted to run that particular candidate in that particular race, because YOU believed it wasn’t worth the effort? Ah-huh……..Funny how that works. People get their pannies in a bunch, when they know real talk exposes them to real people. pffffffttttttttttttttt
People on here, complaining about Eleni……..what about her. She’ll be OUR next Governor. It’s in the cards and works. YOU folks, are helping her to win.
WHO will run against her? Good question, who? Kevin Mccarthy? Will HE try? lol, (gawd I hope not). When is he going to announce? What’s holding that up? (Insert excuse) pfffffttttttttttttt
You’ll never WIN an office, in this State, if you don’t ever TRY to win, an office in this State. <–fact.
I'm not a political 'no-it-all' to know THAT simple statement.
I am,. however, going to TRY. I am, going to TRY to win in California. I am, going to TRY, to win over Republicans AND Democrats, to my campaign. I AM, going to TRY, and win over some of the political elite, who'll probably laugh at my attempts, make all the little snide remarks about "who does he think HE is to try this? lol"…..yea, I know your kind and the comments you make behind peoples backs. I'm a nobody to you, until I am that somebody you want to know. Ah-huh. (Please note, I've been referred to as, brutally honest, by the public and coworkers at my former County job. (smile) I can play 'pretend' too.)
With that said, My formal statement will come out in May 2024. My CRA announcement will start near March of the same year.
CALIFORNIA, is worth saving, TO ME. It may not be for you, but that's okay too. You can stay and endure, flee, talk crap while doing nothing or find an alternative. Doing nothing, won't be in the cards. 2026. We have a chance, WE being the party. Dahle got 4.4 million votes, and reportedly spent (est) 2 million dollars. With these states, I"m looking for 10 dollar donations with the same block, giving me 44 million to work with. Even 5.00 will yield 20 million campaign fund. Will YOU help me get there? Or will this be a 'go on your own ' moment?
I hope you all had a very lovely and meaningful Christmas. I wish you all, best wishes for your New Years.
If you want change, start planning for it now. The FED election will take place, regardless.
CALIFORNIA, needs help, now. Try, something new and different for a change. TRY, to WIN in this State. TRY, to change people's minds, for our side. TRY, to honestly HELP.
Like George C Scott playing Patton said:
” Alright, now you sons of bitches? You know how I feel.”
What those corrupt individuals don’t see is if trump isn’t elected they all lose! Trump doesn’t just stand for America but he stands for justice! They have continually lied taking him to court accusing him and every time he proves his innocence! This country is so corrupt we have been on the verge of government shutdown multiple times!!!! Nothing is ever enough for them and do harm not only to those they swear an oath to serve and protect including their children but ultimately themselves